The Final Beasts From Sea and Earth. Answers In 2nd Esdras Part 8

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after the final eagle head is restored to even greater world power there is a war in heaven in revelation 12. the travailing woman always israel in scripture appears in heaven pregnant with her first fruit offering we find are the twelve thousand from each of the twelve tribes known as the hundred and forty four thousand who are redeemed from the earth pure and virgins either these never lived on earth except in the womb and they were redeemed from there the woman or 144 000 women were translated there to offer their first fruit offering an end times event of massive significance this is the fruit of their womb for a last day's purpose watch our revelation 12 videos for detail the dragon appears wishing to devour her man-child still israel the child or children are taken to yahuwah's throne room for a last day's purpose to return with messiah to sing on the mount of olives with heavenly anointing the song of the throne room of heaven which crescendos into an angel taking the message of salvation to the entire world these are not to be confused with the innumerable multitude of tribulation martyrs also mentioned and those are they that return to war beside messiah the 144 000 sing and they are children the woman is returned to her place of safety on earth whose geographical attributes appear in her description satan is then cast to the earth into the sea as are one third of the angels of heaven once they lose the war what must be a future event according to revelations writer and no war has ever occurred in heaven prior in all of scripture the dragon tries to attack the woman israel with a tsunami from that sea but the woman is protected by the land clothed in the sun as the land of the morning where the sun rises according to abundant history lupang in iran with a moon at its feet the great moon cult of islam whose allah or chief god is phubal the moon god of mecca whose wife is isis or alet the moon goddess positioned at the feet of a nation in mindanao and the largest such nation even in population at the feet of the philippines as well indonesia finally 12 stars in her crown the 12 burning isles of babu yan yep that is their name in the local language burning isles we prove these markers fit geographically on earth this wilderness is the philippines watch those videos the two wings of the great eagle the philippine eagle being the very largest on earth even rescue her and the earth opens and swallows the tsunami this is a brief recap where we do not reprove what takes seven videos to prove out watch them for evidence then a leader arises from that sea from that point in revelation 13 next to satan the great red dragon the next verse the beast rises in 13 1 [Music] no not a sea of people which requires of people to be there in the sentence and it's just not who is this beast and where does he rise from the south china sea where the great red dragon satan is cast into the area usurped by the great red dragon on earth china this is where the great red dragon satan from the south great red dragon sea south china sea will launch a tsunami and fail toward the woman israel who is protected in the wilderness desert of the philippines called lawag even meaning brightness or light from the land of the sun the first beast will leave the philippines and make war with the rest of the saints on earth including striking down the two witnesses in jerusalem where he will rule from soon after spiritual sodom and egypt where he will declare he is god in the third temple built for such purpose never ordained by yahuwah for his then a second beast many labeled a false prophet will rise out of the earth not the sea he will have two horns of a lamb falsehoods of a false lamb a false religion why two the first as we've covered is the vatican the pope the jesuits and the second is zionism as these are the powers behind this beast the final empire he is a leader though as is the first beast the empire remains the 3rd and final head of the eagle he will likely rise from rome as a pope who unites the world we already hear such language from that office today he will be the one to institute the mark of the beast and even bring the golem to life the image of the beast a mystical jewish practice of their coming messiah who is revelations beast and islam's madi and the second beast will cause the world to worship the first beast these are both in power at the same time both ruling the final head to the end government doesn't change within this symbology we can learn what type of government this will be and this tells us some of the players that will be used by the beast in the last days remember this is a worldwide government not any one nation all such nations are still a part of the eagle empire and at this point almost the entire world joins it these are all ruled by the end times prince demon gog of magog whose allies we already know have infiltrated and infused themselves into the three heads of the eagle and he is the voice from within the body who leads it this began in true worldwide power with the british empire which gave its power to the united states which we can observe in decline now as the final head consumes it and rises out of it the construct of the vatican and zionism the two horns of the false lamb and in the end yahuwah will send a fire down on magog russia the birthplace of god the demon and the isles the british isles the seat of power of gog of magog and next we will cover the rise of the lion of yehuda who will bring this all to an end once and for all but for now the two beasts rising from the sea and the earth [Music] now that's heavy a lot to take in which is why we give it to you in the intro and now we prove this out and with more detail oh yeah it's time for the beasts rising out of the sea and the earth we will wrap this up at the end of this video with a chart that fully explains this entire world empire from daniel to second estrus to revelation this will make sense and it takes all three books especially to fully understand this and we do not know everything but there are many things when we've been able to see that no one else has without second estrus much is missing and that's really the key here this is our interpretation and if you follow our research through from the beginning with solomon's gold series now that's the best place to start on this channel this is the only prophetic interpretation which is so well proven because it really began years ago most others are guesses and most have no geographical foundation and ignore parts of these scriptures even within the passages even in fact most rely on astrology as if yahuwah named his stars and organized them after his enemies the watcher fallen angels and their children a doctrine rebuked by very heavily by enoch before the flood that's not prophetic interpretation it's called kabbalah and the occult and cannot lead to understanding it's full of pharisee 11 folks no one's perfect but let's just get to the truth here again we are filling in blanks we already proved out in our revelation 12 videos in parts 12 i'm sorry 13 a through g of solomon's gold series be sure to watch them before commenting on that topic and don't attempt debate on that which you have not reviewed as that will get one muted here debating in ignorance not allowed our channel our rules some actually went back and watched those right after watching the last video as that is the progression indeed awesome those who time warp revelation backwards are simply missing the entire context where john the writer said these are future events you can't plug in messiah's birth for instance as he already ascended at that point and was born in bethlehem not in heaven one can't manufacture a war in heaven which no scripture ever says happened yet i mean it really comes from revelation 12. so you can't say it happened before it just doesn't work messiah was prophesying as well when he saw satan fall like lightning because satan was still entering heaven somehow in job and here in revelation 12. part of understanding this prophecy is keeping timelines in order because you can't have nephilim before nephilim fallen angels before they were even created on day one satan's final full fall before he even completely fell and one would have to explain why he is still able to enter heaven in job and here in revelation doesn't make sense otherwise these are events to come and we are getting closer every believer should know this according to messiah so if you believe his words you will take heed just read matthew 24. if you think you are to ignore this you are not representing scripture just saying many just want the positive things in scripture or let's just focus on our salvation and if that's you remember yahushua is with us we have the holy spirit but we better prepare especially spiritually above all understand the final end will be positive though it's time to dig into his word like never before and oh how exciting it is to restore his ways and understand who he is and how he operates this is a positive story with only a short time of disaster really for the earth but the result in culmination is the restoration of the entire earth and heaven to its original intent and even with no satan in time wow no one can say yahuwah does not love us though we will return to second estrus as well in this video this one will lean on its continuation in revelation especially as john was most certainly familiar with second estrus as it is his foundation notice though how we use daniel second estrus and revelation together estrus brought us this far in understanding and it is that restored knowledge we will be using we will focus on the first beast who rises out of the sea and then the beast that rises from the earth we'll cover the final two feathers who are attached to the final head as well and again pull this together in a chart at the end for clarity and we are not concerned with a time clock on this one sorry we are here to prove we aren't setting uh the stage here for entertainment we're setting the stage with this introduction even and even this opener so let us begin revelation 13 1 and i stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea yes john was literally standing on the beach watching the beast rise from a literal sea and we know which one that cannot be redefined by the way because the word c means well see and the word sand means sand i mean these aren't things that are allegory yes there can be allegory in scripture at times but it's not employed often and it usually tells you so when it is john was standing in the land that protected the woman the same land of the philippines certainly has beaches and is on the sea and he is watching from that shore there in the philippines basically from luag because that's where he just was at the end of chapter 12. he's looking at the south china sea watch solomon's gold series part 13 for details having seven heads in ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy another indication of the modern jewish religion who hides and has changed the name of yahuwah and this is important in ezekiel 39 he makes it clear they will never profane my name again well they profane it daily and have done so by removing it from scripture 6 800 times not just zionists but also the catholic church is complicit in that where they put baal in hebrew which is lord in english in place of it imagine that these are frauds and they are the final head now this next part though is telling and the beast which i saw was likened to a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority so the beast is not satan he has his power he is not gog of magog either nor is he a demon per se he is a man however paul defines him as the son of perdition and that according to jubilees is actually the term for the nephilim before the flood so part man but nephilim but he'll appear fully human in these accounts there's no indication otherwise some have said well perhaps his dna will be mixed in transhumanism with the lion the bear and the leopard and maybe as that is possible today but we see this symbology far more significant for it demonstrates the very government infrastructure the beast system will use let's break this down again this is our interpretation as pictured he'll have the body of a leopard but wait a minute he is a man he will appear as a man okay this is clearly he's not a leopard all right this is now symbology it's clear he's a man it says so and we'll see actually that is specifically what it calls him in latter passages he's a man okay now the body of a leopard this means that he is his foundation here okay we'll explain this the feet of a bear means this concept will be made mobile migrating to and from this area the area of the lion i mean of the leopard and then the mouth of a lion now he'll put his money where his mouth is literally watch how we see this fitting together this actually identifies the final government involved that will be employed here he will operate in satan's full world power he will receive his seat in turkey as well and have great authority but he will rule from jerusalem not turkey let's start with the leopard symbology this is germany austria in modern times they even commemorated this fact with a series of war tanks they built we find this celebrity in the coat of arms four princes in germany dalmatia and croatia even even the habsburgs use this one notice they are also obsessed with the phoenix which is the eagle according to ben franklin why does this matter germany is the birthplace of the final government being forced on the world right now in the crisis response communism whose founder was karl marx conceived and started in germany by that son of a rabbi also setting up a headquarters in london and that is no coincidence he is on record is desiring to establish russia as the first communist stronghold and that is exactly what happened the leopard body is communism speaking of russia that brings us to the bear the mobile feet of him in which communism migrated there and was established there and then migrated to china as well these are the same final world government structure preferred by the beast system so russia also communism and who installed it there well marx was dead by then check this out well the lion did this beast had the mouth of the lion communism was funded by jacob schiff a rothschild banker and family member controlled by the british empire ultimately by the rothschilds yes it is an eagle head but also known as the lion also schiff was a wall street tycoon and he sent brooklyn jews to russia to lead the bolshevik revolution and they did it's a full circle installation of evil which actually murdered over 50 million russians in the process most of which happened to be on shem's side because they stole shem's territory on the asian side why well the rothschilds schiff marx the brooklyn jews well what's the pattern here it's all gomer the bands of ashkenaz togarmah part of gog of magogs forces who are part of the first two heads and lead basically along with the vatican the final head this was actually well predicted in the dead sea scrolls as well which we will get to in this series coming soon so this beast is defined symbolically as communism in government form basically with the body being germany birthplace of communism from gog of magog's band of gomer ashkenaz this faction is the very same who claim no one can know or pronounce the name of yhwh it's forbidden only not in scripture one time and yes abraham said it many times and they are very guilty of blasphemy specifically in such arena along with many others most of their doctrines for that matter if not all those replacement names such as their god hashem or ashima in origin now go read second kings and chronicles and you'll see who ashima is oh that's a false god why are they calling their god a false god because that's their god ba'al or lord in english that's their replacement jehovah which is the god of destruction not yahuwah that's who they serve not yahuwah and from a language certainly not hebrew which has no j nor v in ancient times father rabbi i mean did messiah not tell us never to call any man such their evil is literally written all over their foreheads the feet of the bear russian where communism migrated into and out of there into china we will cover why these two specifically and all this funded by britain the lion indeed this is communism the final government form already taking hold of the world using a health crisis as the excuse the response makes no sense because it has nothing to do with curing a virus nor protecting anyone here it is on a map so you can see from germany to britain and the us to russia in installation and then into china in the meantime they also conquered israel as gog of magog was predicted to do so and they are part of it two books everyone should look into behind communism and or is it beyond communism sorry and the china mirage which tell this story very accurately the common tie here is gomer ashkenaz zionism which is in control of the final head of the eagle along with the nicolaitans the catholic church they conceived their final government in the leopard funded it as the lion and installed it in the bear this makes sense but what about russia and china they aren't the final head of the vatican and zionism are they well no they are not they are less powerful they're feathers but still involved let's go back to second estrus open your book of second estrus 2 chapter 11. last video we mentioned this and said 12 it's 11 sorry verse 21 but two shall be kept until the end two nations verse 24 then saw i also the two little feathers divided themselves from the six and remained under the head see they don't have power into themselves they're under the head which one the one that was upon the right side that's the one that devoured america this is the final hit for the four continued in their place that's the final head two feathers remain attached to it to the very end and are part of it yet used as an antithesis at times these two countries are under the full control of the final head they don't have their own power they are feathers not heads let's go to the angel's interpretation in chapter 12 first 29 and whereas you saw two feathers under the wings passing over the head that is on the right side it signifies that these are they whom the highest has kept unto their end this is the small kingdom and full of trouble as you saw small is not calling china the largest population on earth nor russia the largest nation in area as small neither are in those respects we're talking about in power see both of those nations don't actually have their own power they have what they've been set up with as a part of the communist infrastructure which began in germany and was funded by the british empire and the us the first and second heads they've been they've been set up now we're talking about in power here russia is controlled by this power of the final head and has been for more than a century and same with china ancient russians and chinese were a great people but this power decimated killing off many of those 50 million dead in russia and over 80 million in some estimates in china at the hands of those installing communism and this form of government is preferred by whom well the beast system and those super elitists at the very top even like bill gates who just the loves to disrespect life he is a human hater let's just call him what he is they think they are gods of such structure again the world would never vote in such not really this is why we needed a crisis to begin its installation worldwide and governments are falling for this in the name of protecting the people when what they are really doing is removing such protection this is a system that has no record of respecting human life whatsoever and it will reduce world population just as the likes of the elites have been saying for some time this is a system that has no record of human rights but violations yahuwah never said the world could populate to such a point the population would ever need to be reduced i mean you want to talk about a lack of faith and a slap in the face to him that definitely is that's not him this is china and russia the two feathers again they are not heads but part of the same construct of the final eagle head they will be with us to the end when they will be destroyed back to revelation and i saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered after the beast and they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast okay so they also worshiped satan and they worshiped the beast so they worshipped him too saying who is like unto the beast who is able to make war with him as we covered what a ridiculous question of an evil paradigm really yet what drives the world today well it's war i mean we fell for freedom isn't free in other words you have peace uh but in order to have peace you must have war huh the beast will be a leader who symbolically will come out of the vatican and zionist construct though this is similar to the vatican which appears to have lost its political power of emperor we do believe this will be a miracle that will appear to occur whether true or not people will buy it this will lead to worship of the beast however estrus discusses this differently regarding specifically the world powers that's where you want to you know this is a man this is a leader and the final head is a world power that's what estrus is talking about not the beast specifically thus we believe it is applicable for both actually second esther is 12 18 that after the time of that kingdom there shall arise great strivings and it shall stand in peril of falling nevertheless it shall not then fall but shall be restored again to his beginning this is the temporal power of the pope which is assumed minimal but it will be restored and soon this has always been the aim of the jesuit order or the jewish zionist order within the catholic church who many say actually runs it and likely so back to revelation 13 5 and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things mouth of the lion britain remember and blasphemes and power was given unto him to continue 40 and 2 months now that's three and a half years understand revelation 12 which we cover is the first three and a half years of the tribulation and then the beast rises for the second half the great tribulation that's the really bad time the first three and a half years our bad is in it has the war in heaven no doubt but it's not as bad on earth yet for that first three and a half years the woman israel in the first three and a half years is protected in the land of the woman haba or ha villa meaning childbirth even and that is the modern philippines we prove that the two witnesses also in revelation 11 prophesy for three and a half years but in the first half of the tribulation as well see the first half is not that bad for the world the beast then though strikes them down as he sets up rule in jerusalem let's continue and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against god elohim to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven so he will sound much like rabbis and popes do today but perhaps more direct and blatant it seems what they preach though is absolute heresy already with no biblical basis but they screw up the word on just about everything they touch which is why messiah warned us about both of those factions even in revelation in the seven ecclesiast and it was given unto him to make war with the saints he is given power remember that yes saints are still on earth for the great tribulation says the bible if your pastor is not saying that well ask him why he doesn't believe the bible and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world wow what a statement that is notice our names are written in the lamb's book of life and they are then removed if we choose not to be in relationship with yahusha yes there is only one path to the kingdom of heaven only one all religions don't lead there in fact no religion leads there period and i mean none only relationship with him does now you can learn some of that in a church even but that church is not salvation nor does it represent it those who are not written are not his and will not survive judgment day even in spirit this is a choice they will choose the beast over yahusha and they will even war with him in the end notice to messiah was since the foundation of the world just as john 1 and jubilees tells us so even when the jw's try to change that they can't paul even affirms that as well this is not a concept foreign to scripture and it can't be changed yahushua participated in creation he was there thus any gospel absent genesis is no gospel my friends if any man have an ear let him hear he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the saints because they're still there hmm is an eye for an eye still the law in the end did you read that because that is what that is another topic then there is the beast that rises from the earth let's go there the second beast rises from the earth and i beheld another beast coming out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb vatican pope jesuits one and the other zionism modern israel not all israelites those at the top that's what we're talking about here we're not talking about all of any people this has nothing to do with race nor even religion for that matter although those religions are behind this ultimately the average person attending a catholic church service or mass i guess they call it or the average person attending a synagogue they have no idea of any of this and you speak as a dragon realize the pope and rabbis always do by the way and he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him but this is a separate beast and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast that is his purpose whose deadly wound was healed he is called the false prophet who leads basically on the religious end forcing worship of the first beast kind of the john the baptist you know kind of a role here in essence but who's worse well they're equal in that sense just as the vatican and zionism are in power and evil we cover these from messiah's identification of these two powers behind the final eagle head as the nicolaitans catholic church and synagogue of satan zionism no this is not condemning catholics who follow this false church nor jews who know nothing about this let's be very clear on that this is about the powers in charge and he the second beast the false prophet doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men wow no that's not weapons it's not missiles there are channels out there that do that that is just utterly stupid that is not what this is talking about that will appear a miracle but is really witchcraft sorcery these leaders understand such dark sentences according to scripture and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live why make an image well for one this is what men have done for thousands of years for demons and nephilim that's the practice here they immortalize them in statue and worship them as gods it sounds ridiculous when you put it in such plain terms yet that is exactly what they have always done when scripture says so including the nicolaitan catholic church who includes these same images in their worship calling them mary jesus peter etc they are all demons and images of nephilim and false gods no one has a picture of yahusha but what we do know is he was a dark-skinned hebrew not a white greek dude bearing the same image of a pope's gay son whom it does look up caesarea borgia they profane everything they touch just as the beast will it's not even hard to see they are the same and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed back to the days of nebuchadnezzar right worship this image or die how pathetic is your religion if you have to kill people if they don't buy your junk that's pretty bad again this is a magic practice of jewish mysticism bringing a golem statue or image to life we still within the axe of the final head see this fits perfectly doesn't it and he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in the right hand or in their foreheads notice the terminology now folks here is the mark of the beast this government is rising now the first nor second beast have there is no mark yet cannot be not yet it's out of time it doesn't mean they won't use a delivery system similar to what we are seeing today but we are not experiencing the mark of the beast yet also this is placed on their right hand or in notice in inside their foreheads we do not know what that mark will be yet though it sounds like a sort of implant a chip perhaps and we have yet to see anyone we believe coherently covering this topic in our opinion yet i don't think anyone's nailed it doesn't mean they haven't tried doesn't mean there isn't some good information out there we just don't see anything that really pulls it together and we haven't either the beast will control the world governments economy and religion generally though he will never fully penetrate understand that and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or not just the mark by the way the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is and in the greek it reads this way six hundred three score sixty and six so it's six hundred sixty and six that's how the greek reads not six six six this is the number of the beast a man it says he's a man he's a nephilim but he's a man we do not have a track on this yet so in order to buy and sell though otherwise there is no buy and selling got that no buying no selling we can still survive however you know there are ways in barter and controlling your own food supply setting up networks within your own infrastructure of people getting completely out of debt and owning your own land and everything including getting off the grid okay going to solar or similar alternative forms of energy rather than using the utility companies who can cut your power off at any time they wish nothing in scripture ever says believers will not be here for this time instead it says the opposite we will be here however the mark appears it will be some sort of symbol which will include the rendition with his name and his number whether those are three different ones or all you know incorporated into the same so be it or maybe all of the above this is a future symbol that may not actually be predictable in fact and we should remain open to that in thinking so the second beast really serves to further entrench this entire final eagle head as did the first beast as they are part of that same system and even have elements of the same this one the two uh horns right so it's already identifying the same two of the final empire the vatican and zionism and with the beast you have the symbology there as well so let's review we discussed the statue of nebuchadnezzar's dream which daniel interpreted as well as the four beasts which tell the same story further affirmed and detailed in second estrus let's break it down daniel saw the babylonian empire which became the medo-persian empire which was overtaken by greece and that overrun by rome and he was completely perfectly accurate as daniel said rome became something else mixed with miry clay provably in 324 a.d under constantine the not so great in the new rome in turkey where the seat of satan is and the synagogue of satan and the nicolaitans originate in power as well there is a reason for that because that is the final construct in the very end wow this is ezra's eagle empire to the end this became the byzantine empire which ezra perfectly predicted as the longest lasting empire over a thousand years the very year that fell the first head awakened the british empire for almost 500 years and then handed its power to the second head the united states of america as it is falling right now as we speak the final third head is rising to power not a nation but an international powerhouse of the vatican and zionism this is the final empire to the end when we will cover next yahushua will destroy it and all of its parts then the beast rises out of the sea this is a ruler not a government not an empire but he takes control of the empire already established for him the third head of the eagle the symbology of the leopard body where communism was conceived in germany which is still gomer ashkenaz togarmah they migrate this end times philosophy into russia the feet of the bear which mobilizes it into china all paid for by the british empire and america and the first two heads in fact imagine that they have been working to this same end all along the second beast rises from the earth likely in rome as the false prophet promoting beast worship promoting or performing miracles and even identifying as practiced in judaism jewish mysticism in bringing the golem image of the beast to life he has the two horns of the vatican jesuits pope and the second zionism modern israel which is the same old pharisee-ism of old these are not new powers my friends just newly rising to world power on another scale but identified right there in revelation 2 and three and again in thirteen finally the two feathers attached to the final head who last until the end they are not heads they are feathers they are not even wings they do not have true power though they may appear to not without the final head which is the true power who rules them even from within and has since communism was installed first is russia where communism was installed known as an ally of gog of magog and so much so that a fire is brought down on it in the end and it migrates its communism its end times construct form of government to the other feather again not ahead and not in charge of the world nor will it ever be it will never actually be a super power only in appearance i mean look at what happened it's been propped up even since world war ii it was made the factory of the world because it doesn't care about its citizens it would allow pure slavery of the worst sort in order to manufacture goods at the cheapest possible rate that's what china is and it's a disgusting thing to be now these two are mostly used as antithesis opposing forces to blame but they are just pawns and puppets the puppet master is the third head to which they are subject neither are true authorities they are ruled but notable enough that ezra mentions them they will last to the end wow my head is going to explode with all this detail i get it and understandably so but we needed to get through all of this in this video this is a lot and heavy video indeed but things we all must know don't agree with a point here or there that's okay but ultimately it is time we all completely awaken and recognize who the enemy is he knows who we are and burying our head will only lead to disaster what do we do then justice messiah quoted from second estrus we allow yahusha to gather us as chicks under his wing we continue to practice especially his rest which without it in this age one will likely lose hope restore the sabbath my friends now the biggest question is this how long do we have when will all this happen i mean the signs are written all over that we are nearing this time indeed and have really entered a final age and that is because my friends we have in the next video we are going to take this to the next level no we aren't date setters we don't care to be we have never had any interest in such but we can read and interpret ezra enoch and daniel and determine a season in which we are in entering and approximately how long it will be a ballpark but it will be helpful to all messiah said no man will know the day or the hour yes that's what he said some will even mention that in comments we'll probably hear that as a mantra from psalm but then they won't bother to read the rest where he does say we will know the season of the end in the next video how much time is left and then the return of the lion watch what he says to this final empire in rebuke and how he consumes them once and for all this story has a happy ending for believers deepen your faith today pray praise worship indeed but get to know his word like never before which has a lot more topics than salvation and love get to know him and his ways the god culture and no more of this culture of the gods that permeates society today and even the modern church we hope that everyone has been able to gain at least some information from this video god bless to everyone in 400 bc the prophet ezra predicted for my son yahusha shall be revealed with those that be with him and they that remain shall rejoice within four hundred years essentially zero bc the era messiah was born and by his very name in exactness [Music] after these years shall my son messiah die and all men that have life the origin of john 3 16 [Music] and the time shall be when these things shall come to pass and the signs shall happen which i showed you before and then shall my son be declared whom you saw as a man ascending [Music] even the end times are defined long before the book of revelation the son of elohim being confessed in the world after seven days the world will be raised up mass resurrection of those who are asleep the judgment seat evil will disappear the lion of yehuda will consume the final empire consuming his enemies with fire from his mouth the lost tribes return every eye shall see him handing out crowns and giving palms the road to salvation is a narrow gate few are saved the garden of eden and the tree of life are opened in the end he is not willing that any should perish the signs of the end times and origin of matthew 24 in part these are just some of the many prophecies in the book of second estrus long before the book of revelation was conceived second ezra's written before john's revelation this is the interpretation of the dream which you saw and whereby you only are here enlightened for you have forsaken your own way and applied your diligence unto my law and sought it that's yahuwah speaking to the prophet ezra second ezra's is dated at least first century b c as it is used to interpret habakkuk and blessing of the prince of the congregation who is messiah this includes a radiocarbon dating testing as well of one fragment from 120 to 5 b c we cover this in the introduction this book includes first esdras as well which is also dated to the first century b c when one examines what is called in fraud the proto-ester fragments from the dead sea scrolls which do not remotely fit esther but are a match to first estras we cover this in the introduction of this book as well as on our youtube uh videos on esther in the original canon series second estrus was quoted by messiah according to the original authorized 1611 king james version matthew 23 37 and 38 is a direct quote from second estrus which is anchored right there in the margin note as the origin of messiah's words for estrus is second esdras which we explain in the introduction yes he quoted second estrus multiple times when accurately dated second estrus proves the origin of significant doctrine in the new testament we cover many such instances in the introduction there is a reason why these two books remain in some bible canons to this day they test as inspired scripture test them for yourself get your copy now free in ebook again this content is free if you would like it in print it is available on amazon internationally and shoppi philippines just go to to download the ebook and the links are there for your area [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The God Culture
Views: 5,606
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Keywords: book of jubilees, book of enoch, book of tobit, dead sea scrolls, extrabiblical books, pseudepigrapha, apocrypha, creation, original torah, qumran, 2nd esdras, 1st esdras, ezra, second esdras, messianic prophesies, messiah predicted, jesus birth, jesus death, jesus ascension, 2nd coming, second coming, revelation, last days, prophecy, end times, daniel's four beasts, nebuchadnezzar's dream statue, british empire, from babylon to america, the prophecy movie, school for prophets
Id: fcHj42G0s-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 26sec (3806 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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