The Ferrari Daytona SP3 Is a $2.5 Million Dream Supercar

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today's video is brought to you by cars and bids my online Enthusiast car auction site that recently sold this and this and this and this and this check it out at this is the new Ferrari Daytona sp3 and it's the coolest car Ferrari has made in years it's an extremely limited production Supercar with a V12 and a price tag deep into the millions and today I'm going to review the Daytona sp3 and show you all of its quirks and features all right time for the quirks and features of the Daytona sp3 starting with a little overview of exactly what this car is so over the last few years Ferrari has been well expanding they have an SUV now there's more model lines there's more cars they're selling more you're seeing them around more frequently and I think there's been some concern that the specialness of the Ferrari brand might start to decrease so to remedy that Ferrari has come out with a series of very special projects low production ultra rare Ultra expensive exclusive cars called the Icona series for icon in Italian now the first one was the Monza sp1 and SP2 which I already reviewed that was a tremendously special car and now we have this the Daytona sp3 the latest in Ferrari's Icona product line and just like the Monza sp1 and SP2 and presumably like future Icona Ferrari models this car is extremely limited production Ferrari claims just 599 of these will be built for the entire world you're not going to be able to get one but while Ferrari says this is one of their new Icona models to me the Daytona sp3 is a Supercar Ferrari's latest top of the line Supercar and the same level as the F40 the F50 the Enzo and the LaFerrari that came before it and I'll make my case for one thing the Daytona sp3 rides on the La Ferrari chassis literally Ferrari's last Supercar now underpins this which kinda feels like a super car same chassis as the last Supercar so you draw that conclusion then there's the price tag this car starts around 2.2 million dollars before options which to me feels like Supercar pricing territory and indeed this particular car has over a hundred thousand dollars in options and Extras which I will get to later in this video but more Supercar proof how about the fact that it's a mid-engine V12 just like the F50 the Enzo and the La Ferrari and in fact the V12 in this car is larger than the V12 in the La Ferrari LaFerrari had a 6.3 liter V12 that made 790 horsepower this car borrows its 6.5 liter V12 from the Ferrari 812 competencione and it makes about 830 horsepower in fact the Daytona sp3 has the most powerful engine that Ferrari has ever installed in any car ever which also feels very super car like now it's important to point out the LaFerrari had more total power because in in addition to its V12 it also had a hybrid system which boosted things to 950 total horsepower but for some people that will be an advantage of the Daytona sp3 because even though it's less power it also doesn't have the complicated hybrid propulsion system that the LaFerrari has which may cause some reliability issues down the line as the LaFerrari starts to age this car is just a straight up naturally aspirated V12 with no hybrid stuff and in fact this is purportedly the last V12 powered Ferrari they're going to make it's hard to believe but in this age of electrification smaller engines emission constraints apparently this V12 is going away and this car will be the end of the line not just a naturally aspirated V12 but apparently the last and on the subject of the Daytona sp3 Supercar status it's also incredibly fast 0-60 comes in 2.8 seconds which is unbelievably quick not all that surprising considering it's a dual clutch 7-speed automatic transmission so lightning quick shifts but that acceleration time is especially impressive because this car is rear-wheel drive not all-wheel drive like so many other modern powerful supercars this is a naturally aspirated V12 and rear wheel drive it feels like an old-school Ferrari Supercar and that's especially true when you look at it because the design is intended to mimic old-school Ferrari supercars now Ferrari says there are design elements from various models when it's passed in the Daytona sp3 but to me it most clearly resembles the famous P4 race car a low slung mid-engine crazy thing that raced in the late 1960s this is of a modern reinterpretation reimagination of the famous P4 and you can see the design elements in a lot of places like the tightened waistline in the middle of this car and the rising front fenders similar to the P4 but most importantly the wraparound windshield situation window line and windshield all wraps around putting the driver in a real bubble style cockpit just like the P4 it's the modern reimagination of that car now on the subject of the Daytona sp3's design I must say this car has been a bit controversial it's certainly striking but some people love it and some people hate it I personally am in the love it Camp I think this is a absolutely gorgeous design and a beautiful car incredibly striking unbelievably head turning but the lines the surfaces the curves it's amazing to me I think Ferrari's design has generally not gone in the best directions since they parted ways with pin and Farina more than 10 years ago but this car brings it back it's beautiful in my eyes completely crazy concept car like I think it's tremendously special and in my mind this is the most beautiful Ferrari they've released since the 458 first came out almost 15 years ago it is a great design so moving on from the car overview and the design overview and let's talk and features starting with the key which is this you're thinking this is just a Ferrari logo but it is the key you flip it over and you can see a leather pad with some buttons on it really just button pads one for lock and one for unlock and then at the bottom it says Daytona sp3 this is a new way of Ferrari doing Keys the Ferrari logo on one side and then this leather button pad on the other very classy very beautiful although you'll notice it doesn't have a hoop for you to stick it on your keychain and that's because this is a Ferrari it doesn't belong on the same keychain as other boring cars this is special but next you go to get in the car you can see the door is absolutely bizarre in its design the door handle is down here you got to reach all the way down here you put your hand in here lift up and then the door comes up like a super car door should no regular side opening doors here now you might be wondering why is the door handle mounted so low and that's because they have to mount it below the air intake which is positioned in the front part of the door you never really see that some supercars with an engine in the back have an air intake at the door but usually the back of the door since that's closer to the engine not here this one is in the front and this air intake actually links to a tube that connects all the way to the engine and delivers air to this engine through the intake at the front of the door so it's very odd the door handle is at the bottom in the back where the air intake usually is the air intake is Switched and by the way on the subject of the doors the Daytona sp3 you notice the giant Ferrari Shield that's printed on here that is an option and it is hand painted on this car it's not a decal it's not just stuck on there hand painted and it costs 14 300 extra to add that shield on both sides of the car a rather pricey option just for that hand-painted Shield but anyway next you open up the doors and climb inside which is actually surprisingly difficult you can see it's kind of hard for me to maneuver my body under the door get around the window and get into this car reminds me actually of old school Ferrari supercars that were much harder to get in now one of the reasons it's kind of difficult to get in this car is because the doors don't really open that far and that's because they have to stop short of hitting the exterior rear view mirrors which are mounted on the fenders you can see the door just stops right before hitting it it opens as far as it possibly can but that's not really all that far and it makes it kind of hard to get in now on the subject of those Fender mirrors when you're looking for them you really see them sitting there hanging off the fender it's pretty prominent their placement not exactly in a great way and in fact fact when I look at this car I kind of Wonder to myself as beautiful as it is how beautiful would it have been if it didn't have to have mirrors I guess that's just a pipe dream not really realistic but it's a shame they're so prominently stuck onto the fenders like that but anyway next up moving past the doors the fender the mirror situation and coming inside this car the first thing you notice is this is a serious purpose-built sports car and your first indication is the seats which are fixed in place they don't move forward backward backrest it's all fixed they don't move at all in fact you can see the seats are kind of integrated into the trim of the car into the center console trim and the floors the seats stay in place that's even true of the headrests which you can see are literally mounted to the panel behind the seats they too do not move so you're probably thinking okay well how does this work what if you get in this car and you don't fit if the seats don't move how does it work the answer is is the petals are the thing that moves this Loop in the driver's seat in the middle you pull on that and then you can push with your feet on the pedals to set them to the desired placement and you can do the same with the steering wheel it moves up down forward backwards and so rather than moving the seat to conform around the steering wheel and the dashboard you move the important other components around the seat seat stays put and this stuff moves pretty radical but next up on the subject of the steering wheel which moves it also does a lot of other stuff there's a lot to unpack here you climb inside and the engines start stop button is actually on a screen mounted below the center of the steering wheel you push that and that turns on the car forget sticking in a physical key and twisting it or pushing a big red physical button now you're tapping a screen to start a V12 and there's more interesting stuff on this steering wheel the little red switch next to this start stop button changes the drive mode you can switch between wet sport race and then two settings that turn off traction control and stability control which gets things kind of dangerous the steering wheel also has a lot of other controls you can see the wipers over on the right side on the left you have the headlights or at least the brights you also have your turn signals mounted on the steering wheel you can push them from the front or from the back whatever is easier obviously right on the right side and left on the left side and there are stereo controls on the back side of the steering wheel on the left you have a wheel that adjusts your stereo volume and on the right you have a switch that adjusts your stereo track or your music track that you're listening to but the most interesting thing about the steering wheel these screens that come off the spokes the center of the wheel these are touch screens you tap on them to control the gauge cluster which serves as the infotainment screen in this car there's no Center screen that you can touch and adjust the passenger doesn't have access to anything it's all controlled by the driver with these touch screen controls mounted on the steering wheel and there's a lot to control believe it or not the gauge cluster screen is surprisingly comprehensive this is the default view and it shows a map the music you're listening to obviously the tachometer and speed in the center on the right you have a menu that you can use to scroll through various items navigation your phone usage your music all that stuff is controlled in that gauge cluster screen by the steering wheel touch screen or if you don't want to just see that default screen view you got more options press the view Max screen button on the steering wheel and it brings up a giant full screen map if that's what you want to see or press that button again and now you have the map mixed in with the tachometer if that's what you want to see or press it another time and you go back to that default and of course you can change basically everything else on here every function you would normally find in an infotainment system in the center of a Down dashboard and a car's interior is integrated into this gauge cluster screen in the Daytona sp3 but there are more controls in here than just what you see in the gauge cluster and on the steering wheel you have two Center touch buttons screens that let you adjust some more stuff one of them is the climate controls you can see change air speed here turn on the window defroster change the temperature if you do that the readouts are in the driver gauge cluster screen so you can't really see what you're adjusting but that control is here in the center you also have another panel to the left of that which has a few other controls specifically this is where your lights are you can adjust them here it's also your axle lifter if you press this the car will lift up obviously for a little bit more ground clearance for Steep driveway angles but to me the most interesting item in this little button touch screen is the mirror adjustment so you press on the little mirror and then you're thinking where do I adjust the answer is in the driver gauge cluster screen using the touch touchscreen pad on the steering wheel you can see I adjust left right up down with that little touch screen pad when I'm in the mirror menu and take a look at the mirror it's actually adjusting corresponding to where I'm swiping my finger on this steering wheel feels very modern and futuristic in this car man next up on the subject of mirrors in this car an interesting item is the rear view mirror in the interior you can see it's a camera with a screen showing what's behind you that's not all that unusual a lot of cars are switching to camera screen rear view mirrors the funny part is what happens when you flip the switch in the center and most cars that changes it from a camera to a regular mirror but here it has no effect looking the switch doesn't actually do anything at all and that's because the Daytona sp3 doesn't have a rear window you could see behind you none at all so the supplier who makes these rear view mirror cameras has the one with the switch in the center to flip it but Ferrari probably told them we don't want that to be active because there's no point in having a mirror in this car so you can switch between screen and screen now all also in the vicinity of this rear view mirror a couple of controls up here for one some lighting controls you tap on these circles or half circles to turn on some interior lights in here and you also have a control up here for the door locks to lock or unlock the doors while you're driving in the car pretty simple stuff the other interesting item up at the top of this cabin is the roof which comes off you can remove it it's a Targa Top the Daytona sp3 to take it off you unlock these four locks at Each corner of the roof from the inside of the car you can see just flip each of them and then you pull the roof right off and then you have open air Motoring in your Daytona sp3 and you can listen to the howl of your V12 behind you which is pretty cool but anyway next up moving back inside focusing on the rest of this interior in the center below the climate controls if you look down in there you have USB ports two of them in this car USB A's where you can charge or plug in your device devices further down in the center console you have a button for your hazard lights as you can see pretty standard and switches for your windows here of course these are pretty standard left and right you can move them up or down corresponds to the window no big surprise there the most interesting thing in this center console is this other group of switches three switches here laid out to resemble an old-school gated manual shifter in a Ferrari you've seen retro exterior design in a lot of cars before well here's a retro interior group of switches intended to mimic a gated shifter like old school Ferraris would have of course this thing the manual transmission is long gone but you can still recall the look with these switches so what are they the one on the left you push it down that switches the car into reverse the one in the center you push it up for automatic mode or pull it down for manual mode if you want to do your own shifting and the one up on the right is PS which stands for power start essentially Ferrari's version of launch control so a couple of adjustments in here with a retro gated shifter look the last interesting thing in this car is climbing out of it although before I get to that let's talk door panel which is interesting because there's no storage that's not a huge surprise since the doors go up if you had storage in there anything you put in the door panel would just roll around and fall out but the interesting thing is there's no storage anywhere in this car you don't have a glove box like you do in most cars you don't even have center console storage where you can stick stuff except for this little indentation in the middle which is the only storage you get and it's sized that way so that it can fit the key you can put it there while you're driving other than that you don't get any storage or practicality in this car even as exotic supercars go this one is unusually impractical but anyway getting out to open the door you press this button a car with a door open you push that and the door electronically releases and then you manually push it open the rest of the way and you can climb out in case your electronic release fails there is a manual release right here I guess you would just pull hard on this and it would unlatch the door and you would climb out without having to push the button now also worth pointing out with the door if you get inside the car and you want to close the door you pull on this Loop this is like the door handle it's Alcantara and stitched but it is very strong you pull on that to get the door closed on the driver's door you also have two buttons in the door panel one of them obviously for fuel you push that and it opens up the fuel door which is located on the driver's side just behind the passenger compartment the other one opens up the front trunk push that and it pops open but before you get excited about the front trunk adding some practicality to an otherwise laughably impractical car just know that well it doesn't he opened the front truck and you can see there's no real storage space in here there's some but not really all that much although just enough for two personalized Daytona sp3 zippered bag so you're thinking what is in there the larger one in back contains the soft top so if you've removed the roof and now you're out driving around somewhere the roof's back at home it starts raining you can stick on a soft top that'll keep you from getting wet the smaller of these two zippered bags contains your Ferrari tool kit as is Ferrari tradition this car comes with a factory tool kit which even includes fuses and little gloves that you can use if you're trying to service this car on the side of the road which seems laughable but it's in there now if you lift up the Ferrari toolkit you will see this car's plaque that shows all of its special personalization options and also it's serial number and the model but of course it doesn't show pricing instead I have the windows sticker for that like I said this car has a 2.2 million dollar base price the total price after options and Extras is 2.33 million dollars unbelievably expensive car now surprisingly the options aren't that interesting or crazy but I do like this line which says additional costs and then gives a figure of thirty thousand eight hundred dollars it doesn't describe what those additional costs are or explain what you're getting for that money it just charges you thirty thousand eight hundred dollars extra for additional cost and you pay it because what are you gonna do not buy an sp3 and finally since I'm outside let's move on to the rest of the quirks and features of the exterior of this car starting up front with the headlight lights which are extremely thin as you can see a very narrow strip of light that's all you need in this era of LEDs to illuminate the road ahead of you and so no giant headlights in front more unusual though is the turn signals which are mounted below the headlights as you can see and also incredibly thin but the strange part is they're below this carbon fiber Fin and you can't really see them from like above the car you have to be pretty far forward or like crouching down or sitting in another car that's where they'll be most easily seen But if you're standing above you can't really see that the turn signals are on at all which is certainly some unusual design now it's also unusual back here this car has these like strikes going across the entire rear end several of them from top to bottom and that's been a controversial design element and I can certainly see that it looks a little off-putting but also kind of aggressive and cool and certainly different now a lot of people have been speculating how the brake lights will work in this car is it like the whole strikes some giant red in the back no once again very thin light strip going across the whole rear of the car that's the tail lights just on the top row of these rear strikes you have this thin lighting Element in back of course this also turns into the turn signals when you put them on as you can see here so giant rear strikes but not giant rear lights but you do have one giant thing in back and that would be the exhaust mounted right in the middle huge dual exhaust to let that V12 sing let's take a listen if Ferrari lets us rev it in part around [Music] V12 Ferrari unfortunately you can't actually access the engine to check it out this giant rear clamshell panel is stuck in place and a regular person like you or me can't simply open it with a switch or a button or a latch you got to do that at the dealership in the service department but you do have a little window that you can use to look into your V12 so you can see it just a little bit and brag about your giant engine and interestingly on the side of this panel that goes above the engine you can see little holes give a little bit more access to the engine so you can see in there and of course this is for heat dissipation so the engine can give off heat and cool down a little bit but a little bit of engine access not a lot all right driving the sp3 which is just one of the coolest damn cars that exist today this is so so exciting for me um I love the LaFerrari I think that's an amazing car but to me this is this is cooler it may not be a Ferrari supercar in Ferrari's eyes but in my eyes you get an even more powerful V12 without the hybrid stuff it's incredibly fast it looks insane production is even less than La Ferrari uh this is a really really special car now getting inside one of the first things I notice is I don't fit all that well in here my knees are right up ah against the the lower part of the dashboard under the steering wheel it is tight in here my head is right up against the ceiling if I sit up it is tight in here and the cool thing about that is that's also kind of a throwback to Old School Ferraris you almost have a sense of like of like Nostalgia I've driven so many older 70s and 80s Ferraris and it's always like this it's always like difficult to climb inside and fold yourself in and then sit here and there's never enough room but Ferraris over the years have become soft and easy to get inside not this car no no no okay so what's it like to drive well I gotta say first thing I'm looking at myself in like the Reflections in Windows is so cool this car as amazing as it is in photos it's even more amazing in person and it's even more amazing When You See It In Motion in those windows it is just so damn cool now I can't really push this like crazy obviously this is a customer car and as much as I would love to take it on the track I don't think I'm doing that in a two and a half million dollar one of 600 Ferrari but this is a very cool experience now when I drove the sp1 which was the other Icona car that I drove that was an amazing thing and the coolest part about that was like sitting in it and just having this full world view around you which was really really really neat this car feels like more like a car like it's obviously insane and it's tight in here and you have kind of this cool wraparound windshield but it's not quite as as different from like a regular Ferrari an sf90 something like that now earlier I said that in my mind Ferrari has started to lose maybe a lose a little of its specialness which is one of the reasons why they've started to come out with these Icona cars and I think that that's really true and it cars like this really do help bring back that special feel like this thing just seems insane and obviously it's massively fast and exciting and insane wow shifts are just really really fast the unusual part is just the sheer amount of torque and power just sheer power you have under your right foot like you can just I mean I'm in fourth gear cruising along here and even that oh man this thing is just fast oh that sound [Music] wow that is an amazing amazing engine note God this car is so insane sitting in here and again just looking at myself in Windows it honestly when you just kind of go by it looks like you're driving a P4 oh this thing is so cool you want to talk about an Icona an icon this car is that and I think this car has the potential to go down as one of the truly great Ferrari road cars from this era probably the single greatest maybe even more than La Ferrari because nav12 last of the v12s no hybrid component even lower production like I said and it just looks so insane to me this is an incredible car a Holy Grail Ferrari honestly one of the coolest cars that I could imagine just walking into a showroom and buying today not that you or anybody could do that of course because you have to be selected to buy this car but if you are it's just so cool this is such a special special car and sitting in it you just feel like a totally different it's alien it's alien on the road so cool and so that's the Ferrari Daytona sp3 this is the coolest car that Ferrari has made in years I think it's beautiful and it's my favorite modern Ferrari and in my mind it's on the level of great Ferrari supercars like the F50 the Enzo the LaFerrari the sp3 Daytona this is a tremendously special car and now it's time to give the Daytona a Doug score and the dog score is here 73 out of 100 which puts the sp3 here against Rivals basically above them all this car is special I want to be clear here every Ferrari is special but this car is really special Ferrari isn't calling this one of its supercars the F40 F50 Enzo LaFerrari set but it is one it's on the LaFerrari chassis it's rarer than the LaFerrari and it doesn't have the stupid hybrid stuff the Daytona sp3 is one of those once in a generation Ferraris that will be loved and adored for decades to come and I'm thrilled I had the chance to check it out it's also the very first car to ever get a perfect 50 in the weekend categories it deserves it this is the best Ferrari since the F50 [Music]
Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 1,733,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xoyPbAz2P8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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