The Fastest Way to Learn Multiplication Facts

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in this video we're gonna take a look at how at math ta we've created the fastest easiest and most efficient way for students to learn their multiplication tables so right off the bat from 1 x 1 to 12 x 12 that's a total of 144 multiplication tables that's a whole lot of things to remember however we created a method where if you just know six rules just six rules you can go from 144 down to only 24 remaining that's right from just 6 rules we go from 144 mfx down to 24 how is that possible well let's take a look so we begin with the easiest multiplication rule to remember which is multiplying anything times the number 1 anything times the number one is that number 1 times 1 is 1 2 times 1 is 2 3 times 1 is 3 etc well you also know the reverse you also know 1 times 2 1 times 3 1 times 4 so from that one simple rule you actually know 23 math facts next rule is the most applying times 10 when it comes to the rule of multiplying times 10 zero is the hero you take the number you start with and you add a zero two times ten is a two with an add a zero three times ten is three with an ad is zero etc you also know the reverse you also know 10 times 2 10 times 3 10 times 4 so now from those two simple rules you now have learned 44 multiplication tables and now you have 100 remaining here's the third easiest rule multiplying times eleven times a single-digit that digit just duplicates itself what does that mean it means two times 11 is 22 3 times 11 is 33 4 times 11 is 44 five times eleven etc you also know the reverse 11 times to 11 times 3 11 times 4 so from these three simple rules just three simple rules you've actually learned 60 multiplication tables and you only have 84 remaining from three rules and these are the easiest rules x1 is multiplying anything times the number two there are two things you can do there first thing you can do is you can double the number because 2 times 2 is the same thing as 2 plus 2 3 times 2 was the same thing as 3 plus 3 etc well if you forget some of your basic addition there's a backup method that's the skip counting method so if you take 9 times 2 or 2 times 9 what you do is you skip count by the number to 9 times so you go 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 and then you stop at 18 because that's the knife turn very easy right baby well guess what for most for rules just for rules you now know 77 math effects and you only have 67 remaining it gets better so for rule 5 we're gonna look at the number 5 and once again we're going to use skip counting because 5 is one of the easiest numbers to skip count by so when you have 7 times 5 that just means you're counting by five seven times so 7 times 5 just means you go 5 10 15 20 25 30 and on the seventh one you stop at 35 pretty simple right well now that you know 1 times 5 all the way to 12 times 5 that means you also know 5 times 1 all the way to 5 times 12 so in total you now know 92 multiplication facts from just 5 rules and there's only 52 remaining so now for our last rule which is the rule of 9 when you multiply a number times nine such as two you take that first number two and you take one less than that number two so 1 less than 2 is 1 then you say 1 plus what number equals 9 well 1 plus 8 equals 9 so 8 becomes your second number so the answer is 18 or when you have 3 times 9 1 less than 3 is 2 then you say 2 plus what number equals 9 7 so 27 so forth and so on 4 times 9 1 less than 4 is 3 3 plus what number is 9 6 so your answer is 36 and you can do that all the way up to 9 times 9 to get 81 so now that you know the answer to 2 times 9 to 9 times 9 you also know the reverse you know 9 times 2 to 9 times 8 so after just learning 6 rules you now know 103 multiplication facts that only leaves 41 remaining no those remaining 41 once we remove the duplicates I'm multiplying by 3 4 6 7 8 and 12 we only have 24 facts remaining and you can learn those remaining 24 in record time in addition to the six rules will daily practice just 10 to 15 minutes a day using any computer any tablet or phone so what are you waiting for get started now
Channel: MyMathTA
Views: 4,109,151
Rating: 4.7310634 out of 5
Keywords: fastest way to learn multiplication facts, mymathta, multiplication, learn multiplication, multiplication facts, easiest way to learn multiplication, quickest way to learn multiplication
Id: EI2qZC1vUGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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