5 Best Language Learning Apps 2020

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now you must definitely think that i'm going to talk about the app with the green owl or rosetta and the sorcerer's stone welcome to my annual top 5 language learning apps video my name is akena now i don't know if anyone is more qualified to recommend you some good old tantalizing apps than me and i'll tell you why over the last nine years i've taught myself six different languages to varying degrees and for the last three months unfortunately i've had a condition called pots which has made it pretty much impossible for me to walk for more than a minute a day which means that i've been glued to my bed which means eventually my phone started looking like this and on top of all of that for the last year i've been creating my own app which is about to come on the scene and attack like the fire nation was good but basically that means that i've been systematically dissecting every single app out there to see what is good about it and what is not good about it to be honest this is an awkward video to make because when i see every language learning app out there i see so much room for improvement hence why i'm creating my own one hence why next year's list is gonna look a little bit different than this one but for the time being there are certainly apps that kick ass and take names more than others these are their stories so i'm actually going to be recommending you some apps that are a little bit less known than others in the hopes that you'll find something that's very useful for you so app number one is called close master uh it's kind of like lingvist i'm not sure if you know lingvist but more or less it's context-based learning it's kind of like a cool game where you have to learn words in context within the context of sentences now they cover a lot of different languages it is free although they do have a premium mode and they kind of push you to join that premium mode uh quite heavily but paying is not necessary and it's an app that i honestly found pretty fun uh albeit it is more suited to intermediates i figure there's quite a lot of intermediates on my channel so i wanted to give you guys a very useful app first so please please please do not use it if if you are like a fresh fresh beginner otherwise you're probably not going to understand why sentences are formed the way that they are but if you do have knowledge of basic grammar in the language that you're studying i could definitely recommend it for you as an alternative to closed master there's also an app called lingvist i'm not sure if it would be something that interests you it's kind of the same it's this whole context-based learning you know fill in the blank uh of a sentence with whatever word that you're learning it is really cool and i think it is a more effective way to go about mass memorizing words and building your vocabulary uh lingvist is more or less like closed master without the gamification features it's a little bit more professional i feel like the example sentences are curated better and overall it's a bit more polished however because it lacks those gamification features i found it also a little bit to be a bit dry in comparison to clothes master but either choice is a great choice for context-based learning app number two is called pimsleur i know a lot of you guys have already heard it on my channel but for those of you who don't know it's amazing app for beginners so as we're closed masters for intermediates pimsleur is really really for beginners literally like the first thing you do when you touch a new language can be pimsleur and for me personally it has been literally every single language from my japanese all the way to currently spanish i studied with pimsleur as one of the first tools that i use and honestly i love them a lot i really believe in their method basically how it works is like uh each lesson each comes a little lesson is 30 minutes long at the beginning of the lesson they show you a conversation between two native speakers and you listen to that conversation and you really don't understand anything however by the end of the lesson you understand everything and it's like the coolest feeling in the world because you actually have some tangible progress that you feel for me one of the reasons why i've always used it is just that sense of of confidence um that it instills when you actually get to the end of the lesson in addition to that it's really really good for pronunciation skills and i find it's it's quite helpful to get a pretty decent sounding accent right away right from the get-go as opposed to only learning with textbooks and you you sound like you know all i can miss that so pimsleur was actually number one on last year's list the reason why i included it in this year's list is because they've also evolved a little bit they've added some new features for example there's some features to help with your reading comprehension also some features to help with your pronunciation like actually seeing feedback for it and on top of that there is like uh i think a review mini game that they've added as well so for all you beginners out there i definitely recommend it they cover a bunch of different languages they used to be super expensive they used to be like i think like 100 or 200 bucks per like course but now they have a much more affordable like monthly plan so if you do want to try it out or try out like a free lesson i have a link in the description i've been partnered with pimsleur for like three years now i absolutely love them i was the one that approached them because i've honestly used them for every single language that i that i've learned so far so i definitely can recommend them they're number two number three is an app called tandem so tandem is a pen pal making apps normally like let's say you're trying to learn japanese and you're english speaker and you wanna find japanese native to have a little language exchange with how do you go about finding that person well you can use tandem tandem uh there's definitely a few pen pal making apps out there but i feel like tandem is the most refined it is the i think best looking from my point of view i do have to give a little warning to all you girls out there i know some dudes on there be thirsty um some people like to use language exchange apps as like dating and all that stuff so uh just just a little warning but i'm sure that most people on there are actually genuinely trying to improve their languages so it is a great place to find pen pals and just to practice and another benefit is that it is free to use they do have a premium mode but it is not necessary so you can actually use it for free at number four is language transfer now my compliments to the chef uh michalis because honestly you've outdone yourself i would love to have you on a podcast with me because your course is amazing so language transfer guys if you don't know it um bro it is really really cool i feel like if you combine language transfer with my upcoming app you would have every single thing that you need to actually learn a language it's it's it's really cool so basically language transfer is this course or a series of courses created by one dude who creates the whole thing and i personally love the way he teaches and he also creates all these courses for absolutely free so the way that he teaches is kind of like this he has a student that's learning the language from scratch and he literally records himself teaching this student and he breaks down systematically breaks down the structure of like the complete structural overview of a language from like a to z so if you're learning spanish like pretty much by the end of the course it's like you know almost everything you need to know about how to form sentences in spanish or whatever language that you are taking course in and i really really like it because it explains the logic behind the grammar and why you know not just the rules about why things actually change the way that they do how they relate to other languages how they relate to english how they relate to greek or whatever honestly grammar can be very boring but i feel like he makes more fun and yeah so he has courses i believe in just reading off the list french spanish arabic greek italian swahili and a few other languages i believe so obviously he doesn't have too many languages so if your language isn't there i'm sorry but if your language is there i would highly recommend to use it it is free won't cost you anything i feel that it is an amazing wombo combo with pimsleur honestly if you did like one pencil lesson one language transfer lesson etc etc like i feel actually by the end of both courses you could be at an intermediate level it's that good so yeah i could definitely recommend lt so now the fifth app and last app is mango it's a newcomer to the scene newcomer to this list and it is uh it's a pretty cool app i think it's probably the most course like of of all the apps that i've listed they basically have courses for a bunch of different languages it takes you to the basics of the grammar of and introduces you obviously to a good amount of vocabulary a little bit of pronunciation a little bit of sentence like building and also gives you some cultural insights as well aside from that i think it's really easy on the eye it's quite visually appealing i haven't used it as much or as extensively as i've used some of the other apps on this list however when i did use it one feature really stood out to me which was their pronunciation basically they matched your like audio file of you pronouncing something uh next to like an actual native speaker of doing it and you could kind of match it up and really like hone your pronunciation skills i thought it was pretty cool now it is a premium app so you do have to pay for it i think it's a it's a monthly subscription as well uh however i think it is a great choice especially let's say if language transfer doesn't exist for your language so yeah that is the video guys i hope you found it useful aside for these uh previous five apps um honorable mentions goes to bilingual app which is a cool app for uh reading and instant pronunciation uh anki which i'm pretty sure you guys know anki but if you don't it's like a space repetition flash card app which is really really cool for helping you remember the words that you've already learned somewhere else and italki which is a great app to find language learning tutors these honorable mentions i do use quite a bit so i had to i had to mention them so i hope you guys found this video useful if you guys did find it useful subscribe like and also leave a comment let me know what is your favorite app out there um and also what does your dream app look like i could always use some more ideas for my app that i'm creating so thank you guys so much take care see you soon
Channel: Ikenna
Views: 1,154,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Language Learning Apps 2020, best language app, language apps, language learning, ikenna, language learning tips, best languages to learn, best languages, easiest languages to learn, duolingo, duolingo memes, review, pimsleur, anki, 2020, xiaomanyc, mango app, tandem, language transfer, rosetta stone, clozemaster, italki, linda botes, laoshu50500, benny lewis, olly richards, polyglot, luca lampariello, top language apps, top 5 languages to learn, learn spanish, french, 2020 apps
Id: ILZNZuhE8_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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