The FASTEST ROI Mining Rigs To Buy NOW

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if you're looking for which mining RS have the best Roi or return on investment then look no further that's exactly what this video is today we will be breaking down the best mining ranks based on their returns how much they cost how much they earn what do they mind and of course where to get them my name is vosque I've been spending a lot of time building my own personal crypto mining far we also work on the vas YouTube channel which you're watching now so subscribe and let's dig into it some people don't realize that mining is a billion doll industry and I'm not even talking about Bitcoin even beyond that there's over $2 million a day mined with Dogecoin over a million dollar a day mined with caspo wouldn't you like a piece of the pie if you say no then you just got too much money uh me personally yeah I'd love a piece of that uh actually I I I'm eating some of that cuz we've been building our farm uh today a lot of the miners we pull are going to be from Asic Marketplace we are an affiliate with Asic Marketplace but more importantly we have campaigned with them to get the absolute best coupon code possible so you can save some coin by using our code that's down in the video description below which supports you and also supports us but I'll show you some Alternatives I'll show you the manufacturer site I'm not here to just get an affiliate sale but if you do enjoy the content please support the content by using our link we do not get credit if you only punch in our code with Asic Marketplace unfortunately so number one the gold shell Al box the AL box the AL minor this thing is super controversial and it has been super profitable and the prices are coming down dramatically this thing depending on when you bought it and wear cost 12 13 11 10 grand it's already down to about 7 ,000 uh I have this device in my mining farm and in the last 24 hours it's mind about 20 coins 20 coins is about $35 this thing barely uses any juice it's about a dollar a day in electricity at a 10cent per kilowatt hour electricity rate which isn't anything all that fantastic that means that this has a about a 7mon Roi this is a small minor nearly uh you know silent it's quiet low power draw easy to deploy anywhere and some of their models even have Wi-Fi support uh so that's why I wanted to bring up the AL box first uh because it is one of the most applicable and versatile miners sure you can throw it in a mining Farm why not but you could also throw it in your guest bedroom and that is a game changer for decentralizing mining personally right so that's the data my quick two cense is I think this this is one of the riskiest miners you can buy I think there are going to be bigger better versions of uh Alf miners coming very soon uh I am actually terrified that my Miner will break even uh for the value of it when we received it it's highrisk potential High reward let's move on to the next little mini box minor uh as we move through this list some of the rois will get better uh but we will go into bigger and more expensive mining rigs which generally means a better return on your investment of course by the way it's never an investment advice I'm doing this research for my own personal mining form and just sharing it as free entertaining content here on the tube so the goldo KA box Pro we already have the KA box it's been good not great uh underperforming a bit but still a good minor this picture on their site is inaccurate they actually slapped a third pcie uh connection on there it's basically just the KA box if you're from familiar with that but more juice now or so it seems probably just higher overclocked this Minds The caspo cryptocurrency and I'll talk more about Caso mining later in this video but it's very important that you listen to what I have to say there but to keep it focused this Miner makes about six bucks a day it only costs around $2,600 before you punch in your boy code this is critical information because this is a small minor it is a quiet minor it is easy to deploy in many different places uh it is also unfortunately or fortunately depending your point of view one of the cheapest miners that we will be talking about today so this minor number two the KA box pro has a break even of about 12 months earning about $6 a day and it's going to cost you probably based on your electricity rate $1 to $2 a day to operate we could head over to Gold Shell's shop I'll link it out down below along with other links uh they've listed their Ka box and AO box on here before uh they sold out incredibly fast some people even believed that it was a fake sale publicity stunt the K box pro has not even been listed on here apparently it's just going uh in in large volume just straight to resellers and things like that we'll see gold shell is finally surprisingly maybe because of all the negative things we said about it uh reopening their affiliate program and they may be looking to do more manufacturer to Consumer uh sales but don't get too excited uh they just will mark their miners up to match whatever resellers are selling them for have you heard of box bet yet they're focused on Sports and gaming along with rewards for their users they utilize a buy and burn mechanism with their cryptocurrency token the BX BT token which makes it deflationary their emphasis is on securing all licenses they've also secured a strategic funding round learn more about the project this supported vcoin with the link out to box bet 2.0 in the video description below hello minor number three the IB link bmks Max Caspa Miner 10.5 terahash a second mining the K heavy has mining algorithm which is the caspo cryptocurrency this is a full-size Asic Miner watch our tutorial guide if you need a crash course on what a as6 minor is how to set it up do it right do it efficient do it safe but the quick breakdown is this is a purposeful machine it needs an ethernet cable for internet it has a attached power supply which only operates on 200 voltage plus right so I've got 30 amp circuits on my mining farm for on 240 voltage single phase uh so you set that up I I really like the alter mining pdu so I grabb one of those I plug the uh power cable in to the pdu which is a power distribution unit and I plug it into the power supply and we can start mining uh this in particular uses a c19 C20 cable and with a delivery in the future this thing comes in around $9,000 this is a device that earns $42 a day after electricity which is going to cost me about $8 a day to operate because it consumes 3,400 WS that means that this is about a 7mon Roi or break e even on this minor to be frank that's spectacular and uh again just so you know that I'm I'm real deal here let's go to their website watch out there's a lot of fake IB link sites we'll go to product and we'll pull up the BM KS Max it is more expensive here on their web shop here's where things get even crazier I'm still trying to verify the authenticity of this there is the Dragon Ball minor really it's it it has the specs of an IB link Miner but it actually looks like an ice River Miner including the little light that's on the power supply which matches my my new ice River ks5 L that I recently got in but the bottom line is uh they have I guess now multiple models or future orders or something it's confusing but they have this thing called a ks6 it has the exact same specifications of the bmks max 10.5 ter a second consuming 3,400 Watts similar price points so it has the exact same Roi assuming it's real and reliable please don't use this site I don't know if it's the real site I don't know if these miners are even real I just keep hearing the dragon ball intro in my mind every time I say Dragon Ball but we'll call that thing number four so let's look at the ice rer k3m I'm surprised we're still talking about this this is yet another Caspa Miner starting to see a trend here Caspa mining is incredibly profitable uh and it's just been like the go-to coin to mine over the last year or so uh this is a minor that right now it shows about $7,000 it's not in stock but the street price for these is about6 Grand or less right now that puts the ROI on this at about 9 to 10 months about 21 bucks a day after your electricity bill for me that cost about $8 my k3m has not been doing that great one of the hash boards is basically failing uh so often times I have to restart it you know every day every couple of days to get that third hash board to come back it performs a little a little bit worse and eventually crashes again the new real successor to the ks 3M I don't even know if they're going to produce the k3m anymore to be honest is going to be minor number six which is the ks5 L this minor is more profitable it is more expensive but the I think we're going to start seeing these sold around 8 to 10 12 Grand depending on the model and the performance is a 9 terahash a second version and a 12 Tash a second version which means means that this has an Roi between 9 and 12 months depending on which model and at what price point you get it these are ready and in stock so they're carrying a premium a lot of these miners with better prices have an ETA of shipping within the next one to two or even three months so yeah Not Another Teen Movie not another Cas minor answerer number seven the bitm ant Miner K7 another dedicated professional indust Ral grade Asic Miner I doubled down or really 12x down on these I added 12 of these to my mining Farm uh over the last few months uh so if you saw my video where I'm like I spent 40 Grand on miners I hope this works out uh this is what I spent 40 Grand on so I got a pretty good price on these before ckb the coin that this mines nervos Network pumped it brought the minor price uh for these machines back up even at current prices of around $6,000 these make around 25 bucks a day and they consume a little bit less power at 3, 80 Watts depending on the model uh which means that they cost $78 a day to run uh from me which at a 6K price point 25 bucks a day and $78 a day to run it's about a 12 Monon Roi just to share a quick uh screen of real time mining data my ks5 L is mining 52 is a day these change uh periodically the ks3 is M around 37 bucks the KS 3M has a hash board down so it's only mining 14 bucks right now uh you can see its performance is almost the same as a ks2 uh my my ice River miners have not held up great uh especially compared to things like bitm ant miners uh I also overclock the k3m which in retrospect was not a good idea uh because that minor has failed was it because of the overclock I don't know let me show you one of my other overclocked miners it is the ks0 Pro overclock that and that one has completely failed uh but anyway just go just showing you some data here you know how much is a k z Pro make right now about 80 cents how much does an overclocked KS Z make uh about 80 cents so let's bring it back to bitmain and talk about Minor number eight sl9 it's going to be the ks5 and the ks5 pro they are drastically cutting their future prices on these miners these have consistently been selling for around $30,000 a machine these miners have a Roi of 4 to 5 months earning 93 or $88 a day between the ks5 pro and the ks5 models respectively the ks5 pros may have the new style power supply uh they are reported to have it on this listing I'm not sure it only consumes 3,150 Watts which the old version of power supply you know very often times ran uh these are incredibly potentially expensive miners right you want one today 32 Grand you want one in August 13 Grand we go over to bitmain's site we see that they're selling futures of the ks5 pro for 15 grand and we can see they have spot which is in stock right now shipping for the ks5 model for 34 Grand if you have their coupon which is their it's kind of ridiculous it's like a coupon that you can get for numerous things like attending their their conferences and then you also have to spend millions of dollars to actually get the full coupon value uh but and that's one of the ways resellers basically get miners at a discount that we can never get for I want to just go buy one and then they price their minor somewhere between you know their actual cost obviously and then the uh full spot value uh these machines can be had for as low as $10,500 I also get hit with huge tariff bills when I order direct from bitm uh which really cuts into my Roi Break Even uh projections whereas uh when I buy miners that aren't coming out of China and Hong Kong I'm subject to different tariffs uh which are often times incredibly less or none we look at the ks5 we can see that this can be had somewhere between 24 and 30 for Grand and it'll ship within 10 days of buying it uh so yeah super profitable and I guess we look at the ks5 pricing and the future pricing on that with an August ETA is 12 Grand am's future price on this is 13 Grand for the ks5 pro uh I mean I'm taking the ks5 for 12 Grand all day over the ks5 pro for 13 uh it really just comes down to breaking down the numbers and not getting fixated on a specific model but yeah I mean this is 20 terahash at 3,000 Watts for 12 Grand that's how fast Caspa as6 mining is moving it's stressful it's scary uh but it has been lucrative uh so far so we'll have to see where where it goes sometimes buying these miners I swear feels like musical chairs but hey the data is the data uh so one thing you need to know about Caspa mining is that it effectively Hales annually and it reduces the emissions once a month every month so for example the current block reward is 110 cash cash for cryptocurrency when it's reduced on the fifth it will be reduced to 104 so so that's a significant reduction if nothing changed you will mine more Caspa and thus you will make more money mining Caspa right now as opposed to in one month the Caspa cryptocurrency needs to go up in price to compensate uh for that reduction in emissions if you hope to earn the same amount of money but you will be earning still less coin oh and don't forget that the network continues to go up in hash rate which means there's more and more competition for those same amount of coins that are reducing every month over the last year it has become about 257 times more difficult to mine Caspa all while the amount of Casa mind per day has been cut in half you know what else was cut in half Bitcoin went it half and it's been pretty rough on me I need to sit down and crunch these numbers uh for my mining Farm's sake and then I'm going to make a video about it as well uh but so I have 26 of my Bitcoin miners online on this Bitcoin mining pool and yesterday I mined about 0.002 Bitcoin basically do you know how little that is do you know how little 002 Bitcoin is that's about $140 so if I have 26 machines right and they all have electricity bills so I got 140 bucks divided by 26 I'm earning $538 per machine I can tell you on average I am spending more than $538 per machine machine per machine per machine to operate them not good not good my my Bitcoin mining Farm has to be in the red I'm not thrilled about it one thing I want to mention is looking at coins based on their emissions right and targeting the next biggest mining ecosystems like Dogecoin which is merg minded with Litecoin and and after their recent price pump of uh 11% and 11% uh they have a very they they have over $2.5 million in Daily emissions and Litecoin haved recently as well so that's not going to be going down uh bringing the mining rewards down anytime soon and Dogecoin doesn't have havs because it's a joke inflationary cryptocurrency that is a top 10 crypto because everybody loes a a dog uh so I I've been actively expanding my Doge mining Farm to help compensate this compensate for this these miners do not have the best rois compared to say Caspa miners but that's something I'm personally doing you can see you know how much Doge I'm mining per day uh here's an example how much uh L Quin I'm mining per day with about 50 gigahash which depending on you look at it is six six or so miners uh but keep in mind there is a beast of a Dogecoin Miner coming soon the bit main ant minor L9 which is reportedly going to have a 17.6 ghash and a 16.2 ghash second model uh different price points associated with that same power consumption basically as their previous generation L7 minor not quite but basically double the power uh and it's also coming in at like even even more than double uh the price a couple ice River just leaked will they have the fastest Roi I don't know yet because I haven't been able to get pricing on them but they're worth bringing up at least quickly the ks0 Altra is their new version of their mini Miner I don't see why this would be the fastest Roi but it's going to be cheap and it earns more than it burns probably going to be earning around 170 a day and at 10 cents per kilowatt hour only costing about 24 cents to operate then there is the ice River KS 5m it's 15 terahash a second of Caspa mining hash rate at only 3,400 Watts so it's basically the k5l but better uh that means it's going to command a price premium over that unit it may come out as one of the best Roi miners one of the price leaks that we've gotten is that the ultra will cost around $700 and that the k5m will cost around $177,000 so it's 17 grand versus 1112 Grand for the ks5 L uh the ks5 L is a significantly better buy the ks0 ultra is interesting at that price point uh but it's not even close to as lucrative as the previous models were when they were released I was hoping this was going to be a quick video but looking at my recording time now has become a bit long it's a lot to talk about it's a lot to break down maybe I should look at a format that rattles this off even quicker but a lot of these details I either want to talk about I want to elaborate on or there's information in addition to that that I want you to know like I could tell you that Al box is super profitable and super crazy but like do you know that it's brand it's a brand new Asic Miner uh it's the first publicly released Asic Miner or a purposeful Custom Computer machine for mining that cryptocurrency previously was fpga Min and before that was GPU mined uh and if you don't know basically that means there's going to be uh significantly better models coming sometime soonish yeah what a great answer but the point is some people think that that's out and like that's what it's going to do for a long time and it's not it's not not even goo could make a bigger and better minor yet they seem to just consistently keep making these little box Miners and not producing full-size uh miners they've been teasing a full-size Caspa Asic Miner for many months yet we've only seen a little box Miner from them and then a second box Miner uh announced and soon to be released uh from them which is you know essentially a mini mining rig and of course we've talked about the cas rewards and their reductions and looking at mining eco systems and their mission and kind of what what can these ecosystems realistically support how inflated are they I mean there's so much to this I guess that's why I make a lot of videos here on the Vasco YouTube channel so I'm I'm going to close it out we've run through the data take from it what you will if you do buy a minor please check out our video description and use our links it makes all the difference to help us continue pursuing content Creation in addition to our mining Farm Endeavor again I'm Drew Vos you're on the Vos YouTube channel but even more important than me and much cooler and cuter than me is Gonna Be Tails she is our CMO our chief mining officer Run 10 seconds and Tails and we take SE titles with the utmost importance here fos coin so thanks for watching and I hope to see you on the next video as well and and you know what I got one other thing to say I hope you're having a good day and if you're not well I hope tomorrow's a better day cuz I got some days that ain't that great and I'm like well hope tomorrow tomorrow's better and I'm still talking so goodbye [Music]
Channel: VoskCoin
Views: 17,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passive income, device to earn money, how to make money, easy side hustle, best side hustle, best money making apps, best money earning apps, trading, investing, make money, earn money, investing for beginners, mining, self employed, passive income ideas, kaspa miners, dogecoin miners, bitcoin miners, dragon ball miner, bombax miner, antminer, best roi, best roi mining rigs, best roi crypto, return on investment
Id: BVvIoev3t50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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