The Fastest Electric Car in the World for 2024

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[Music] the electric Revolution a brief history of high- performance EVS electric cars have come a long way they used to be slow they used to be boring but not anymore the journey has been thrilling it's been a race to the top and it's only getting faster it all started with Tesla they showed us electric cars could be cool the model S changed everything it was fast it was Sleek it made petrol heads sit up and take notice suddenly electric wasn't just about being green it was about performance too other brands jumped on board Porsche gave us the takan ryac brought us the concept one each new car pushed the boundaries they got faster they got more powerful the race was on to build the ultimate electric superar now in 2024 we're seeing the fruits of this electric arms race the technology has matured the batteries are better the motors are more powerful and the cars they're absolutely mindblowing we're not just matching petrol cars anymore we're leaving them in the dust the contenders who's vying for the EV speed Crown in 2024 the competition is fierce everyone wants to be the fastest Tesla's still in the game with their new Roadster it's been delayed but it's promising Ludicrous Speed ryx not backing down either their Nea is a force to be reckoned with but there are new players too lucid's been making waves with their air Sapphire it's a luxury sedan that moves like a Supercar and let's not forget about Neo their ep9 has been setting lap records left and right then there's Lotus their aija is a technological tour to force its light it's powerful and it's got the Heritage to back it up and we can't ignore pin andina their Batista is a work of art that just happens to be blindingly fast but the Dark Horse it's coming from a name you might not expect a brand that's been quietly working away perfecting their Tech honing their craft they're about to shock the world and I mean that literally meet the world's fastest electric car of 2024 ladies and gentlemen meet the aspark owl a Japanese electric hypercar maker they've created the fastest electric car in the world for 2024 it's low wide and mean it looks like it's doing 300 mph standing still the body is all carbon fiber it accelerates faster than you can blink it Corners like it's on Rails it's in another League entirely it's rewriting the rules of automotive performance and it's doing it without a drop of petrol welcome to the Future folks breaking down the Beast performance specs that defy gravity let's talk numbers the aspark owl is a monster it's got four electric motors one for each wheel together they produce 2012 horsepower in a car that weighs just over 4,000 lb 0 to 60 in 1.69 seconds in the time it takes to say aspark owl it's at highway speeds top speed 249 mph fully electric no emissions just pure speed section five under the hood the tech that makes it tick the aspark owl is a technological Marvel its heart is a custom-designed battery pack it's a 64 KW hour unit that might not sound like much but it's optimized for performance not range it can discharge massive amounts of power in short bursts the battery feeds four electric motors these aren't off-the-shelf units they're bespoke designed specifically for the owl each one is compact lightweight and Incredibly powerful together they form a symphony of electric propulsion but it's not just about raw power the owl uses a sophisticated torque vectoring system it can send different amounts of power to each wheel giving it incredible agility it can change direction faster than you can think the car's brain is equally impressive it's a state-of-the-art ECU it manages everything power distribution track action control stability it makes thousands of calculations per second all to keep you glued to the road as you blast past 200 mph section six design Mastery where form meets function the aspark owl isn't just fast it's a work of art every curve every line serves a purpose the low slung body isn't just for looks it's for aerodynamics it helps the car slice through the air with minimal resistance the massive rear wing isn't just for show either it's active it adjusts on the fly at high speeds it provides down Force keeping the car planted in braking zones it acts as an air brake helping to slow the car from ludicrous speeds inside it's all business the cockpit is driver focused everything you need is within reach the steering wheel is a high-tech command center it's got buttons and switches for every function you can adjust the car's settings without taking your hands off the wheel but it's not Spartan the interior is wrapped in premium materials carbon fiber alcanta fine leather it's a hyper car after all it needs to coddle you while it's rearranging your internal organs with its acceleration section seven pushing the limits real world testing and track performance numbers are one thing real world performance is another we took the owl to the track to see if it lives up to the hype spoiler alert it does and then some the acceleration is brutal it's violent it's like being fired out of a cannon your vision blurs your chest Titans it's addictive you want to do it again and again and the owl obliges launch after launch no cool down needed in the corners it's a different kind of thrill the grip is immense the car feels like it's magnetized to the track you can carry speeds through turns that seem impossible the torque vectoring Works its magic it rotates the car with precision and the top speed run it's not for the faint-hearted as you approach 200 mph the world outside becomes a blur the car remains stable planted but your mind struggles to process the speed it's an experience unlike any other section 8 expert opinions what the critics are saying the automotive world is buzzing about the owl Jeremy Clarkson called it a GameChanger he said it's redefining what we thought possible in a road car High Praise from a man not easily impressed top gears Rory Reid was equally abusive he described driving the owl as like piloting a land bound fighter jet he prayed its handling saying it Corners like it's on Rails even at speeds that would see lesser cars spinning into the weeds mate remac founder of remac automobile and no stranger to fast EVS tipped his hat to aspark he called the owl an engineering Masterpiece and admitted it had raised the bar for all of us in the electric hypercar space even Formula 1 World Champion Lewis Hamilton was impressed after a test drive he said the owl's acceleration was even more intense than an F1 car off the line coming from a man who's driven the fast race cars on the planet that's saying [Music] something section n a look back how far we've come in EV speed to appreciate the owl we need to look back just a decade ago the fastest production EV was the Tesla Model SP 100d it did 0 to 60 in 2.28 seconds that was mind-blowing then now the Owl makes it look pedestrian remember the ryac concept 1 it was the first electric hypercar it hit 60 in 2.5 seconds top speed 221 mph it was revolutionary but the owl leaves it in the dust even more recent Challengers pale in comparison the pin andina Batista 0 to 60 and 1.79 seconds the remac NAA 1.85 seconds both incredible machines both now playing catch up to the owl the progress has been exponential each year the benchmarks are shattered The Impossible becomes possible and then it becomes outdated the owl isn't just fast for 2024 it's setting the pace for years to [Music] come section 10 the road ahead what's next for high-speed electric vehicles the aspark owl has set a new Benchmark but in this industry records are made to be broken the question is what's next how much faster can we go the answer it seems is much faster indeed rumors are swirling about the next generation of electric hypercars there's talk of solid state batteries they promise even more power even faster charging some say they could push EVS past the 3 100 mph Mark then there's the potential of New Motors Engineers are working on designs that are even more efficient more powerful smaller and lighter too they could revolutionize electric powertrains once again but it's not just about straight line speed the future of highpe EVS is also about handling about endurance the next Frontier lasting a full lap of the nurburg ring at Full Tilt or competing in endurance races like leemon the owl is just the beginning section 11 conclusion the dawn of a new era in Automotive Excellence the aspark owl isn't just a car it's a statement it's proof that the future of high performance automobiles is electric it's silenced the doubters it's shown that EVS cannot only match petrol cars but surpass them but more than that the owl represents a shift in the automotive world it's not from a traditional Supercar maker it's not from a bigname manufacturer it's from a small dedicated team with a vision and they've beaten the Giants at their own game this is the dawn of a new era an era where electric power Reigns Supreme where the limits of performance are constantly being pushed where the impossible becomes possible with each passing year the aspark owl is the fastest electric car in the world for 2024 but it's more than that it's a glimpse into the future a future that's cleaner faster and more thrilling than we ever imagined the electric Revolution is here and it's elect
Channel: science and tech explorations
Views: 449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aspark Owl electric car, Fastest electric car, Aspark Owl 2024, Electric car speed record, Electric vehicle technology, Future of transportation, Cutting-edge electric cars, Aspark Owl top speed, Electric supercars, Aspark Owl acceleration, Electric car innovation, Aspark Owl specs, Electric car performance, Electric car industry, Aspark Owl features, Electric car revolution, Aspark Owl review, Electric car advancements, Electric car news, Electric car technology
Id: hxmPUYcnaKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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