The Fast Food Gauntlet: Breakfast Edition

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welcome to the fast food Gauntlet eras to finish a series of meals from different fast food restaurants where a roll of the dice determines your order last season in the inaugural fast food Gauntlet we raced to complete three combo meals from five possible restaurant choices but this time around it's breakfast Edition since only four fast food restaurants on this side of town serve breakfast and since hypothetically breakfast meals are a little bit smaller we decided that we'd need to eat combo meals from all four restaurants the plan was to start out by eating our first meal together at Taco Bell and then after that it's a free-for-all we also made a rule that for at least one of your four combo meals you needed to order a hot coffee as your beverage and finally once you complete your four combo meals you have to get to the finish line which for our purposes is the parking lot of a Pizza Hut and once you're there you have to chug a McDonald's Sprite because you know what you need after four fast food breakfasts at 8:00 a.m. a little radioactive soda why is it spicy allow me to introduce the competitors I'll be competing to defend my crown from the first fast food Gauntlet since then I've done the Waffle House challenge challenge the crispy cream challenge and a bunch of other dumb food related stuff I'm coming in pretty confident based on last year I feel like four breakfast meals shouldn't be that big of a deal I am a little bit worried about the Sprite at the end next up is Ryan and Ryan's hungry to prove himself he finished in third place last year on a technicality after a dnf from Brinson a lot of local elementary school kids have been giving Ryan a hard time about it I'm fighting for Pride I've had 8-year-olds and six-year-olds come up to me and tell me we can eat faster than you first off no you don't have a driver's license two most of you don't have wall it's 3 maybe you can eat one meal quick we're eating four breakfast this morning I'm ready to show up here and then we have Josh Josh faced his worst fears last year by Rolling a fileo fish at McDonald's and he still managed to pull out a convincing second place finish last time was a pretty good showing Arby's betrayed me with how dry their food was their curly fries tasted like a desert but this time I'm ready and finally there's Brinson Brinson might be the biggest wild card this time around he came in as the clear favorite last year but made some critical errors that ended with him stuck in the Arby's drive-thru and that cost him the victory listen we all know I'm coming in today with a lot to prove I was not happy with last year's finish and I will not accept another performance like that briyan Josh and Brinson are competing not only to Dethrone me but also for prizes we just had a Chick-Fil-A open in our town so the top finisher will receive $75 to Chick-fil-A plus a Waffle House prize pack I was supposed to give that to the Jonas Brothers but it's okay the second finisher will receive $50 to Chick-fil-A plus all the to I accumulated during my fast food Kids Meal video and the final finisher will receive $25 to Chick-fil-A before we got started we shared our strategy for the day out of earshot of the others so obviously we're starting at Taco Bell I'm going to go up to Wendy's first and then I'll pass McDonald's and go to Hardies and after I go through the drive-through at Hardies I think I'm going to leave my car there go to McDonald's on foot and I'll be able to go straight to the Finish Line without having to get back on the road to make that left turn I'm coming in hard today we're going to start at Taco Bell and I'm going to crush the first meal in no time then this is where I'm going to switch things up I'm going straight to Hardies then making the long trip over to Wendy's finishing at McDonald's it's closest to our Finish Line and I'll bounce right over that parking lot chug my Sprite it's over I feel out of the other guys I probably eat the most fast food breakfast I'm I'm well attuned to what our town has to offer I'm going to go with a flow of traffic the old counter clockwise through our town here so I'm going to hit Wendy's first then I'm actually going to skip over to Hardies mainly because Hardies will have really good fast food breakfast but it's going to be greasy so I don't want that to be last I want to still have some St I'm going to going into it finished with McDonald's they're the ones I trust I'm going to let them take me to Victory I have not thought at all about any strategy none at all I have a sick 2-year-old at home so I didn't get much sleep and I woke up like 5 minutes before we were supposed to be here so I am hungry for food and hungry for a victory thirdly I'm playing to avenge my wife who just broke her ankle yesterday Sam or fast food did not cause it but I'm still going to avenge her through this competition running on a full stomach is never a good idea but I I honestly feel like this is going to work I'm ready I'm excited no one has a chance this year that's all we were planning on eating together inside the Taco Bell but they told us they weren't going to open indoor dining until 10:00 a.m. so we decided to go through the drive-thru and eaten the parking lot instead all right Studio review Nation we're going through our first drive-thru all right Ryan checking in first location we got three numbered combos we can roll a one two or three to correspond with an 11 12 or 13 combo meal hi can I get the number 13 combo please what's the drink can I do an iced Cinnabon Delights coffee I one that is the combo number 11 which is a grande toasted breakfast oh gosh hello three I'm getting the three what is the three getting the 13 combo meal I tried to make a Crunch Wrap at home and let's just say the Crunch Wrap did not go well and it was the first like legit fire I've had in my house so I have kind of a LoveHate relationship with the Crunch Wrap five that's a roll we got to roll that three that's a number 13 all day here we go Josh and Brinson decided to get their hot coffee at stop number one assuming that being outside would help cool it off oh that coffee is going to be ripping hot she just finished making it at long last the time had come to start the [Music] [Applause] gauntlet Cheers Cheers round two let's do it in three two one go C so hot let it get M as hot I took a few seconds to start my watch and then show the camera how misshapen my Crunch Wrap was and by the time I had done that Brinson had already housed his crunch WP you finish that already yeah the coffee might have been a bad call Josh was up to his old tricks with some terrible noises you got stop making noises dude the coffee is so hot I crushed the food but everyone's going to go down this road Road one day or another that really do that is D I mean I'm torturing my mouth can I dump water in it from my car no I'm only adding to volume J got chill with the nois after a shaky start I ended up finishing my Taco Bell meal first so I took the camera and got out of there see you guys ah the car is locked who locked my car okay first out of the gate Bron finished the food so quickly but he got hot coffee and was just sipping on that I got to think about where I want to get my coffee I'm heading to Wendy's right now so there's nobody in the line which is great hi um I'm going to get a breakfast combo can I get a number three combo what to drink um just a regular coffee please all right I'm second one out of there oh gosh I got fruit PS coming out one of those so my problem is Josh is always making noises while he's eating and it causes like food and drink to come out of my nerves second one either uh way better than last year last year was the last one coming out of McDonald's so heading to Wendy's immediately and I hit both lights turning in and looks like Sam's the one in front of me the hot coffee ended up being a much bigger hurdle than any of us anticipated hot coffee was very hot I'm go to wends let's just go to Hardies why not to get Josh got out of there in third place which put Brinson in last okay that hot coffee slowed me down for sure I was the last one out of the lot uh I'm pulling up to Hardy's now Josh is in front of me I think what's really going to need to save me is going to have to be my eating here I'm really hoping that everyone else is similarly disadvantaged by their hot coffees cuz the hot coffee is going to come for everybody I chose to get out of the way early and move on it's still looming over Ryan and Sam seven pork chop and gravy biscuit good Lord all right all right go ahead please what was that uh can I get a number seven what got a drink can I get Sprite they handed me my coffee right away so I immediately took the lid off and let it start cooling I tried blowing on it and thought about holding it outside but ended up just rolling down all my windows got Ryan behind me in the Drive-Thru same when I were both have been in the Wendy's line for about 2 minutes we both ordered really quickly but we're waiting at the window dude it's taking a really long time but that's good news for my coffee cooling down getting pretty nervous he's sipping the coffee now he's got a head start what am I doing it's hot it's not very good I'm going to go ahead and roll I just got a four combo four is the loaded omelet this all right can I please get a number four combo they are quick oh these drinks are going to be the death of me thank you right now we're at the mercy of the hardies with their speed of service oh there's so many hash browns oh so sorry I'll get that okay that was humiliating I dropped the orange juice as she was handing it to me like have I ever used my hands before Josh is eating I'm going to pull just past him to eat hi Bron okay so I got to eat this quick the hot sounds are good they're hot oh hands are too greasy oh wait I he's got a little orange juice I've made a mistake this Sprite might do me in okay the food at Wendy's is just taking a really really long time I've been here for like 4 minutes but my coffee is cooling down which is great news so I don't want to keep altering my strategy the problem is uh I think the longer I wait to go to McDonald's the busier the drivethru is going to be can't believe how long this is taking all right let's take a look at this loaded Omelet Biscuit I don't know if there's like a small combo cuz I don't know if I can get four of these down this is going to kill me I don't I've had this much soda in the morning I'm just watching Bron drink up orange juice and I'm just so jealous we're done and I'm peeling out before Josh he's done already he's off to the next spot and all Ser though this pork chap biscuit is delicious holy cow all right I don't know where salmon are or how they're doing but I've at least gotten a little bit of an edge back on Josh here we go Sor for that W your PR oh thank you Sam just got his food oh no I'm making the long drive over now to Wendy's I better buckle up before Sam gets demonetized for unsafe activities okay I don't see Sam or Ryan in McDonalds which means I think they both went to Wendy's [Music] immediately if that's the case I'm going to vomit if that's the case then I might be moving pretty pretty healthily into second by already getting to my third spot Ryan is in the Wendy's drive-thru right now I see Sam parked at Wendy's I'm pulling in there's no line I'm going [Music] inside I had to fry the fries which I think is what took so long Bron just pulled up beside me we got a special feature Sam Reed eating his breakfast look at that guy are you going in yeah I'm going in I see no line where's the door it's the door's closed did you know that Sam Sam set me up we're hopping into the drive-thru we just lost serious time is this spot two or three three two okay I almost just left my card at Wendy's I think I've got to loop back around so I can sit in the parking lot and eat okay Sam's at spot two which I think means Ryan is to I don't know where Ryan's going kid looks absolutely lost they're having to pull back around into this spot Wendy's Park lot is always trying to fight me I'm sticking out Ryan is right beside me over here cheers oh gosh the fries are so hot we got a lot of combos here so we're rolling both di I got a six two threes bacon egg and cheese biscuit that's easy I'm pretty confident this is stop two for them unless Sam meant this is stop two after Taco Bell and he's already done McDonald's I think Brinson might be on his third Meal which is bad news I'm sitting next to Sam here he was not lying about those fries they are hot the coffee is hot this sausage is so chewy it's hard to finish I think I'm here just to have fun I got to finished but I can't I don't think I can handle a lot of soda here we go maybe I'll just go to McDonald's finish off at W's oh hello you see what happens from there Sprite I hate you okay almost done Bron still hasn't gotten his food which is good he must have gone to Hardy's second cuz they're cranking through people done you know what I could go for right now though is a meal from factor factor makes meeting your nutrition goals easier than ever by delivering chef-crafted dieti approved meals right to your doorstep they also happen to be the sponsor of this video look you may not be eating four fast food meals in a row but if you're anything like me I bet you've had moments recently where you're like probably be easier just to get takeout well factor is actually even easier and they're going to provide you with nutritious flavorful meals that fuel you it also doesn't hurt that they have over 35 weekly meal options that fit your preferences and lifestyle like this peanut Buddha bowl which was delightful I've also really been enjoying their add-ons like these fruit smoothies they've been super convenient when I'm busy it can be hard to find time to prep cook and clean up a full meal but when I have factor in the fridge it's a GameChanger having something that's ready to eat in Just 2 minutes no prep and no mess I also appreciate that you can adjust your order size or skip a week if you need to like if you're traveling over the the holidays so if you want to try factor out maybe get started on some good habits for 2024 you can head to or click the link below and use code review 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box that's Factor 75 and the code is Rev u50 okay we just got the Wendy's food and we pulled in next to Ryan I feel like the game is slipping away from me oh Ryan's eating some ripping hot fries this biscuit I'll tell you what feels 10 times drier than Hardies this coffee is going to screw me Bron hey we all had a hot coffee come on dig deep Ryan's in the coffee torture right now these fries are hot as crap I'm going to have to eat each one with some orange juice this coffee is kicking my butt small little sips but it like burns my throat as it goes down eight Combo Number Eight we'll see what that is can I get a sausage gravy biscuit number eight combo yes ma'am dang that was quick oh man I just had to slurp up a a pool of sausage Wendy's better be kind to me I might actually dnf due to uh toilet related reasons because this mixed with this look at that just soup gosh do I do I stick to the plan I don't think I could run I think I'm just going to go McDonald's person in front of me is going like a mile an hour okay I got a 10 what is a 10 bacon EG and cheese bagel good morning will you be using your mobile app today no not today we're waiting on your hash can I get you a full spot number one for me okay thank you I got the dreaded pull up dang it that is not good all right CR this OJ and I'm leaving Wendy's before Ryan guys the thing is I don't normally even drink coffee I drink coffee maybe like once a week last two sips oh spilled to myself so if I pass Josh on the road to McDonald's we're neck and neck but I'm closer to the Finish Line when I finish my meal so I think I'm in really good position and if he is still at McDonald's it's game over for all three of them cheers not too bad McDonald's drive-thru is long do I risk going inside it's it's failed once for me already I think I'm going to risk it and and go for the inside maneuver I'm watching Brinson pulling to McDonald's all right this is the power play we're going inside oh my gosh we're toast all off to Wendy's I kind of like these hitchhikers it's kind of like uh I've got souvenirs from uh every restaurant I'm just going to leave him there second place is looking mighty fine all right finished up Wendy's going to Hardies oh I'm passing Josh oh gosh I'm definitely in last place I'm in McDonald's now now it's kind of a you know confidence move Sam is still here eating McDonald's which I think is his third out of four so we're going to Hardies and then we're going to hit McDonald's and and we need a miracle 3 plus 2 is a five what's the five five is a country fried steak biscuit steak country fried combo six here at McDonald's is uh sausage egg and cheese MCG griddles now it says McGriddles and I'm worried I'm going to get two of them but you know we'll just have to see thank you so much welcome night day you too all right we got another orange juice we got just one sauce in the gdle so we're good there and we got a hash brown pron got his food already I can see him in the rearview mirror mg gridle might be the best fast food breakfast item in a last Stitch effort to slow brins and down I tried to sabotage him by putting his windshield wipers up see what this roll is it's a 10 please don't do something huge a six piece Homestyle French toast sticks I don't know how I feel about that s all we got to do now get to the Finish Line drink a Sprite unbelievable brinson's leaving McDonald's right now my only chance was to sabotage him well I got to my car Sam has has pranked Me by putting my wipers up got them good okay so it's big combo small with a high orange is that correct yes ma'am they're taking so long I think they're hand breading these French toast sticks they're definitely not just throwing the man R and hitting him up that's the Wendy's difference I think I'm going to do it I'm pulling in now to the Finish Line parking lot I see no one else here all that stands between me and Redemption is a McDonald's Sprite one of the most feared beverages in the fast food Arena that is a five so my only path to victory since Sam was pulling up to his last restaurant here is there's an accident no one's hurt but the uh the speaker systems down at the drive-thru here that's my only hope all right so a steak biscuit combo with an orange juice is that correct yes ma'am I mean brinson's done at this point right Brinson just texted a picture of him sipping on Sprite leisurely it's a race for a second at this point my fingers are too greasy for this it's a lot of food I'm getting pretty full like really full I don't hate it this is I would get this again where in parking I can see Brinson by the Pizza Hut so I'm just disappointed cuz I'm looking at my loss eating food I don't need to eat but I'm enjoying it but it hurts my tummy I just came in with a chip on my shoulder and I'll be honest there was a moment where I was nervous but like all great Champions like Michael Jordan in the flu game I had to just cast those those worries aside but here we are casually enjoying our McDonald's Sprite I can see Ryan sitting up at Hardy's I don't know why he's even still eating feeling pretty bad feel like I need to burp but I don't trust it I'm very glad I did not run like five more of these come on stomach does not feel good up the street Josh was facing a predicament of his own ah oh no what have I done well I think that about does it for me yeah I'm just going to go to the finish line now I haven't seen Josh since we left Hardies oh he's actually pulling up now I better go ahead and finish this Sprite I threw up eating uh all over your I know it's all over my lap too oh go not knowing what had happened to Josh Ryan and I continued on our respective Journeys that's four just got to make it to Pizza Hut chug a Sprite oh no there's a second car there Josh is already at the Finish Line I might have to out chug him I rushed out of my car to see if Josh had finished his Sprite yet both Brinson and Josh looked at me as I started to chug and were just like you're good you can take your time and that's when I saw Josh's pants oh my gosh dude hey this is an insult while I was finishing my Sprite Ryan pulled up after his third meal cuz he saw that the three of us were already at the Finish yeah oh my God we decided as a group that he didn't need to eat the fourth meal and that he could have third place Ryan may have gotten a dnf but Josh got a DQ That's Another Year where I probably should have gotten last place in this challenge he gets disqualified I get an automatic third gosh I cannot win but also I can't lose feeling good now I don't feel good at all I feel like I'm like very close to maybe throwing up I also feel like I need to go to the bathroom at the same time come on Sam one more sip one more sip come on what puts me over the edge you guy what wor always not B but done I made my way to the edge of the parking lot just in case the worst should happen and unfortunately the worst happened I did ask the guys if that meant I also dqd but they said I was fine since I already finished all four meals plus the Sprite all right well uh here we are this one was ugly it uh this a blood B things did not go well for anyone I would say besides britson in fourth place on account of disqualification Mr Josh Holden congratulations I had fun brgh really killed me I gave him Best Shot you went down swinging I did coming in in third place Mr Ryan Armstrong I was consistent third place again which is you know that's a Podium finish I feel like I got absolutely hamstrung by Wendy's this time around that redhead is still the bane of my existence her parking lot sucks she takes too long the real reason we're here is to present the first place prize to Mr Brenson Mullis Brenson congratulations listen and I want to say this first all credit in the world to these competitors I got good roles at every restaurant a lot of smaller sandwiches I just feel Vindicated after my loss last season to come back uh I was training a lot in the offseason and you know things just came together today can we do a 5 foot 10 and under version of this I feel like our stomachs have different sizes well I for one uh feel pretty bad so I'm going to go ahead and send it back to the desk I know this competition can seem a little wasteful so I totaled up what we spent on food that day and made an equivalent donation to a local relief organization that helps combat food insecurity in our area I also just want to say that it was never my intention for anybody to Ralph so I'm sorry you had to see that and if you're watching and struggle with your relationship with food there are some resources linked at the bottom of the description if you feel like you could use some help but that wraps it up for this episode and for season 5 of The Studio review it's been an amazing ride this season and I'm so excited for you to see season 6 when it kicks off in late January if you want to keep in touch between now and then you can follow the show on Instagram but most importantly just remember that even when it doesn't feel like it it's going to be okay I'll see you soon [Music] a
Channel: Sam Reid
Views: 159,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam reed, sam reid, studio revue, the studio review, the studio revue, sam reid youtube, fast food gauntlet, fast food guantlet, fast food challenge, fast food combo meal challenge, roll the dice, order what you roll, eating challenge, eating race, fast food breakfast, which fast food restaurant has the best breakfast?, best fast food breakfast, taco bell breakfast, hardees breakfast, wendy's breakfast, mcdonalds breakfast
Id: _1dxwyp77Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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