The Famous Hot Weiner (100 Years In Business) Review - Hanover Pa

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[Music] oh [Music] hey guys today we are in snacktown USA Hanover Pennsylvania and directly behind me is a place that's been here for a hundred years this year the famous hot wiener but the locals refer to it as the famous so we're going to head in here to the famous going to order a chili dog and a couple more items off of the menu so are you ready Bobby ready let's rock and roll let's rock and [Music] roll first walk in you have bar seating and tables back in here we're going to sit back in the [Music] corner 100 years in business t-shirts are $24 buy some of their chili and take home but here at the counter you can take home some of their famous relish for [Music] $4.90 celebrating 100 years let's take a look at the menu starting off with breakfast served 7 to 11 choices have some hot cakes breakfast sandwiches they're going to fix me one I ordered the hot dog and egg with everything on it at a hot dog place thought I would do that it sounds different aloc cart Famous Golden fries lineup of sandwiches with their famous wiener at 3.94 double cheeseburgers bacon cheeseburgers hot ham and cheese fish bacon lettuce and tomato fish and fries 939 some chicken and fries homemade soups Bobby's going to try the famous garden fresh veget vable salads we're also going to get the famous hot wiener special for 1135 bobb's going to have the hamburger I'm going to get the hot dog beverages shakes I ordered a chocolate shake prices seem pretty reasonable some sundies desserts and chili to go for 950 Bobby ordered the cup of vegetable soup for $384 Bowl was $429 that's loaded and they brought me my chocolate milkshake their shakes are vanilla ice cream with different flavoring so I got the chocolate one let's try it a little harder getting it out of there starting off so I'm just going to eat some of it even though that's flavored with chocolate Sy that still has a rich chocolate flavor to it and the price is well worth it that's why I got I love soup and today it's very cold outside so I decided to get the vegetable they make it here green beans some corn peas and carrots it's like some cabbage very good plenty of vegetables the broth is like a tomato base just the right size because I got a hamburger going to divide this up there's our famous hot wiener special you can either get two wieners or two hamburgers or one of each served with fries for $11.35 we got one of each there's the breakfast hot dog I got it with everything everything consists of mustard famous recipe chili sauce and chopped onions they get this stuff locally the meat is not frozen it is fresh the french fries are frozen the hot dogs are locally produced okay that now Bobby's hamburger is on a hot dog bun that's it back there with all the onions on it let's divide this up that's why we only got one special cuz we know we can't eat all those french fries we figured we would split them look at all these onions you should have got a hot dog Bobby but your hamburger has as many onions on there as this hot dog the homemade chili house place has been around for a 100 years it's family-owned and it's on its fourth generation of family members now something a lot of you guys might not be used to when you bite into these These are going to snap cuz they're in the casing can see that they're grilled been split in half I like the casing part that popped lot of onions on here but they're not overly hot they blend well with the chili pretty good size hot dog too so I do like this well worth getting I'm anxious to see Bobby's hamburger on a hot dog butn then I'll try the breakfast one with an egg an egg with a hot dog gave me plenty of onions I can't complain about that but I need to find that hamburger it's piled up all underneath all those there's some pickles there it is and this is local hamburger so it's fresh the hot dog bun is soft it's a very good quality bun because look at all the pickles and onions onions and like the John's has sauce on it the young lady told us that everything comes on a bun except for like the grilled chicken I had a hard time really tasting the hamburger cuz it's so thin she did tell me before I ordered it though I should order a double but I didn't so if you want more of the hamburger flavor get the [Music] double before I forget the onions are chopped fresh here daily try to pick this up without getting it all over the place probably touched on the hot dog bun holding all that most hot dog buns would have fallen apart by now just sitting here eggs with a hot dog is different for breakfast now this is not breakfast but I wanted to order something off the breakfast menu and since it was a hot dog place I thought got to get a hot dog on with chili though almost didn't put chili on it let's just see how well that goes with it Bobby you might have to start fixing me a hot dog with an egg for breakfast but the egg flavor comes through more than the chili on here so don't let the chili fool you if you don't think chili sounds good on a egg cuz it does it Blends in well again great flavor from the hot dog the hot dog is not all beef it's just has everything in it but that crunch I love the crunch I know bobb's not a big fan of the casing of these but I am you ever been to a Pink's Hot Dog that's what it reminds me of want to try one of these fries they're just Frozen dipping in some cheese you're basic crispy fries nothing special about them but they are good and they give you plenty of some advice here if you come in here with only two of you don't order two orders of fries you can split one order so I'm happy with this meal want to tell them why we picked this restaurant well we're up here to see Jane Lynch tonight I don't know if you guys know who she is but if you don't look up Jane Lynch swinging little Christmas she's an actress a comedian she's put on a Christmas show right down the road about a mile we're here to see her so we looked up would it be a good place to come and we have been here before we thought we hav't been here for a while let's just swing in and shoot a video here let's take a look at our receipt here at the famous hot wiener in Hover Pennsylvania large soft drink 230 medium shake 445 the special 1135 vegetable soup 384 the hot dog and egg breakfast $465 extra cheese a dollar grand total $29 and 25 the famouser has three locations this is not the original location this one up here is that one's downtown the one we are at is on Dart Street and there's one more and that is in York Pennsylvania so three places you can come to the reason we picked this one is because the theater is right down the road you guys heard us in our intro say we were in snack town this is one of the reasons this area is called snack town this is the home of the UTS Potato Chip Factory we are at the factory and we're going to go in the factory outlet [Music] store going back here and look at the daily deals bobb's already back here seeing what she can find what' you find back here Bobby that's potato chips for a dollar that's a big bag regular $44.79 and they're not outdated even the honey barbecue ones are what dollar and the sour creams are two 50s on this another section for $1 malt vinegar and sea salt pillows that look like potato chip bags they are $20 t-shirts are also [Music] 20 if you're in the area you can tour the UTS Factory check their website for time times and inside the outlet store you can watch it on the big screen bags of buttered popcorn for $1 and zaps 8 oz bag $150 pretty decent prices if you lift up here this will be the place to come to get your potato chip fixed Dollar on those now this is a very good deal 28 count variety box for $6 regular 18 UTS Christmas shirts there's the truck with the tree on the back deck the halls with snowballs UTS and a ugly sweater so if you're in Handover Pennsylvania come to the UTS Factory Outlet Store get you a good deal on some chips we just left the famous hot wiener in Hanover Pennsylvania celebrating 100 years of being in business this year and it's familyowned we are all about that what' you think of it Bobby it's pretty impressive being in business for a 100 years that's saying something for your food I ordered the vegetable soup in the cup but I should have got the bowl for 45 cents more but I knew I was eating the hamburger and helping you eat some of those fries definitely get that vegetable soup they filled it up with plenty of vegetables I enjoyed the broth on that I got the hamburger came on the hot dog bun that bun was pretty fresh and I told you I thought it was like a mini hogy bun cuz for all the toppings that was on it the onions and the pickles and then like your chili sauce a lot of times a bun that's a little bit thinner would be soggy but those weren't I just got the single hurger the young lady told me to order a double but I'm not always somebody that has to have a lot of meat so I was fine with it but if you come here you may not think that's enough you know Hamburger for you so get the double thought the wa was was was very friendly I enjoyed the meal and a very good price I thought it was I would get the double hamburger I did see your hamburger on her I didn't try it so for me if I was coming in here and getting that I would get a double hamburger but if you order that special you're going to get that hamburger like you got and a hot dog and all those fries and if you're by yourself and going to eat all that you don't need to order a double hamburger you're not going to finish the special so I ordered a milkshake it's just vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup in it but they did a great job of fixing it now I had two hot dogs and if you're not a fan of a casing on a hot dog you might not like these I like them they do snap and pop in your mouth when you're chewing them they're almost crunchy those are some pretty good hot dogs I know they're locally made cuz out of both sandwiches that hot dog was the king of all the toppings not the onions or the chili it was the hot dog now the hot dog with the egg and chili on there Blended well I just wanted to try that I've never had an egg egg on a hot dog and I enjoyed it the chili I couldn't taste a lot of it on either of the hot dogs I think it just kind of got washed out with the onions and the great hot dog flavor and the other one with the egg give you a lot of french fries we gave you a heads up on that order one order of that don't order two cuz there's plenty of them they're just Frozen but they're prepared well we got cheese to dip them in so with everything we ordered in there we paid $30 I thought that was a lot of food for $30 and this place is been here for a hundred years you don't need us to tell you it's good it wouldn't still be in business for 100 years if it wasn't so it's worth visiting if you're in the Gettysburg hover area we had a great time coming in here and again Bobby touched on the staff amazing staff in here and the music wasn't so loud in there that you couldn't talk to each other any more we go in places the music's so loud that we can't even hear each other talk when we're in there there's a lot of seating and there was probably about 10 or 12 I think chairs in front of that bar too it's a pretty long bar that you could sit at one more thing with desserts they have pies and cakes in there I know the pies are not made inhouse not sure about the cake we just didn't have enough room to order any of that so if you like this video give us a thumbs up and subscribe yeah so until we meet again J and B have left the [Music] building [Music] you [Music]
Channel: J & B In The Hills
Views: 86,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #hanoverpennsylvania, #foodreview, #foodvlog, #foodreviews, #hotdogs, #chilidogs, #foodies, #yahoo, #youtubers, #youtube, #Google, #hamburgers
Id: XlLp-VnHAxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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