The Fallout: Gwen Shamblin's Denial Of The Trinity c. 2000

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his faith have touched off a firestorm of controversy we're sick that this has happened that she's gotten so off track absolutely not true at all CBN News brings you the way down diet Fallout it's been the key to weight loss success but now Gwen shamblin the founder of the faith-based plan is leading her followers astray just ahead we'll have more on the disturbing controversy surrounding her since faith has rocked her Empire ask her in my own case did she think that my salvation occurred when I lost 60 pounds and she said yes I had been a Christian for 25 years absolutely not true at all the weight loss Fallout program has helped many in the Christian Community in their fight to lose weight but now its founder has come under Fire from some of those same people because of her theological beliefs here's more from Lee Webb Quinn shamblin founder of the popular way down a diet is rocking the Christian world with her controversial views on the Trinity despite her popular program that turns people from food to God the twisting of the Trinity was more than some Christians including many of her followers and employees could take CBN news reporter Wendy Griffith has the story in late August we started getting a number of phone calls uh asking for information on way down workshop and Glenn chamblin dunno is president an organization that investigates Cults and false religious movements he called shamblin to find out firsthand what she believes there was a pretty clear denial of the doctrine of the Trinity which surprised us it surprised a lot of people because shamblin's way down workshop is in more than thirty thousand churches in 60 denominations around the world Gwen's view is that God the father has a physical body that the son came into being at a point in time and she misuses Colossians 1 15 when she does that and that the holy spirit is God's will now that's much closer to Jehovah's Witness or Mormon theology than it is to biblical theology the Christian belief on the Trinity teaches that the father Son and Holy Spirit are united in one godhead that they are co-equal and co-eternal shamblin disagrees there is a teaching in the traditional Creed of the Trinity that Jesus is equal to the father and so I hold a very strong stance of Philippians 2 that Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be grasped all the New Testament writers and Jesus himself taught a Jesus that said not my will but thine be done shamblin's theology statement posted on her website once read where I differ on the teaching in the Trinity is that there is equality and power and glory of God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit rather I believe it is a clear line of authority her most recent statement reads do you believe that Jesus is equal in power and Glory the answer no the head of Christ is God she goes on to say the scriptures are teaching a scriptural line of authority not polytheism theologians say shamblin appears to be taking the scriptures out of context and that the teaching that Jesus is not a co-equal and co-eternal member of the Trinity is heretical that it's an ancient heresy which theologians call subordinationism that uh one of members of the trend is subordinate to the other and churches have split over that over the centuries but the theological consensus over centuries is that father-son and spirit are equal in substance and that they have an equal Ministry and they do have uh they are the lordship in the scripture says the godhead the godhead is one in three it's a mystery that man cannot explain and yet it's revealed in the scriptures since news of shamblin's Trinity teaching surfaced some 800 churches have dropped her program some Christian bookstores are refusing to sell her books and Thomas Nelson publishers canceled her new book it's also been reported that as many as 40 employees of the workshop based in Franklin Tennessee have either been fired or left on their own after refusing to sign on with shamblin's Theology and refusing to join a church she started called Remnant Fellowship absolutely not true at all when you happen to have a religious product well therein you'll find people that that their Consciousness will say well I like working here but you know I really can't support the product so we've had some of that go on but some say the Trinity issue pales in comparison to shamblin's teaching on God's grace Carney Hawkins had worked it way down for four years most recently as director of counseling she considered shamblin a close friend but their relationship became strained over shamblin's interpretation of God's grace she talked about Grace being a license for sin and the blood of Jesus being used inappropriately and I took her to First John 1 7 where it says that if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another in the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness I say Gwen there's never going to be a day in my life that I don't need the blood of Jesus and she said Carney that is the heresy I'm trying to stomp out if we deliberately keep on sinning he said look there's only there's only fearful expectation of judgment and Raging Fire is anyone going to quote this verse I will I'm going to warn the people I've been called to warn the people and I believe that's my job it's also been reported that shamlin told some women who went through her weight loss program that they were not saved when they were overweight I asked her in my own case did she think that my salvation occurred when I lost 60 pounds and she said yes but I had been a Christian for 25 years former volunteer coordinator Pam Sneed who appears in many of the way down videos lost 100 pounds through the program she told CBN News that she posed the same question to shamblin asking when I was 254 pounds are you telling me I wasn't a child of God Pam says shamlin replied that's right again shamblin denies ever saying it I've never done that Deanna Lewis of Virginia Beach lost 58 pounds on the way down diet and was so pleased with a program that she taught it to others in her church but over the course of several months Lewis felt shamblin's message had changed as an example she reads one of shamblin's many emails sent earlier this year she says and I quote if you are struggling with your weight you have good intentions but you do not have the desire to serve God remember the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions and so to me that was very condemning um to these strugglers and very judgmental we did love Gwen and we're sick that this has happened that she's gotten so off track we've gone to her we've pleaded with her we've taken scripture to her and she won't hear but we all still love her and pray for her and hope that she will get this turned around and that God will continue to use her since the controversy has surfaced shamblin has tried to tone down her remarks saying she's simply trying to express her concerns on the confusing teachings of the Trinity but Bible scholars warn Christians to beware of those who will twist such a fundamental and basic Doctrine without the understanding of the Trinity you can't make sense out of Christianity and you have to see Jesus as God co-equal with the spirit and with the Father the bottom line about her teachings right now is that she is in severe heresy on the nature of God the nature of man the nature of Salvation uh churches need to expose this and deal with this and I believe my Ministry has shown that there are people that have laid down bucket loads things they used to do and uh we've got more to lay down uh I hope the Christian world doesn't close my mouth before that's over Wendy Griffith CBN News several former employees are also suing Gwen schramlin they allege that they were fired for refusing to embrace her theological views and attend her church shamblin denies that charge as well
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Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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