The Tyra Banks Show Featuring Gwen Shamblin and Weigh Down

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come on up wins Tamblyn so what what based on your belief what does God want us to eat well okay now let to resurrect so to speak the hunger mechanism hunger and fullness and what you eaten so it's not putting it down here to torture you so he wants you to go by what's inside the you when we come back Gwyn is literally going to demonstrate how to eat we'll be right back so we have a table full of food here so Gwen can show us her techniques in person when you first start if you don't want to be too ravenous and like eat the whole plate and attack it if you'll just take a little bit of orange juice and then the blood sugar levels will go back up and so you won't feel so ravenous inside the shot of the orange juice what you would have done everybody is just cut you'd cut it in half okay because a restaurant serves to it or get a happy meal that a child's portion so cut it in half here's what's next is that you have to put it make every bite exactly like you want it exactly like I want it to taste yeah choreograph my every to eat this because what I would do is this is like funny bites you want to cut it let's try cutting it let's all cut up let's hear it let's do this let's cut it in little bites but I want to make them pretty do you don't like lettuce and all that alarm yeah let's throw some lettuce on it I'm choreographing this shot okay here okay I like it right yes get it right you want take a bite of that yeah this is your bye yeah okay and then uh but no what do i do just throw it in did you put enough salt okay this is hot this please yeah what am i folks going out yeah yeah now you guys sit between bites sit between bites now are you tasting it are you thankful for it are you saying here you can watch me yeah okay here we go I get a little I get the right amount of salt on it and then I you know either bite but not then we put the up you can put it back down if you want I'll put it down put one fry down okay in this step okay and then go back and start watching it down you have to the front you've had a little bit of orange juice now it takes about 20 minutes or you're shoot your blood sugar levels to rise back so that orange juice helped you've had a little bite you're gonna start nibbling on your fries but you have to write your fries and pick out your favorite and you did it automatically so you're already natural with this and third bite on the fry sip very good now look at you you slug right down I don't even know how long does it's be in the chips I hear that you're supposed to hold it up to the light what does that mean okay you hold it up if you look for it if it's shining and sparkling it's got salt on it and there's salt on there you better believe it I'll still have to salt and I'll go and I'll get a little bite and then I can get four bites out of one chip or a bite out of this chip try you do it you can do it you'll do it you don't want to count okay one okay and then you get more sauce up yep my breath is gonna be her stroke she's gonna get three that's good we're gonna network with pointer here Candace and Amy plus 55 55 pounds we have your before picture which we got a glimpse up but let's see it again that was you before and that's you now that's incredible this is about the heart changing and then hello the result is you're not focused on the food and then you lose the weight so it's arriving at the means of normal weight not too thin not interacting but the right weight by turning to God so Amy you were interesting and then you came to the way down and are cured of your anorexia yes I was sent free I could eat regular foods I didn't have to think about it or planet and eat well I bought he was calling and for the first time my life I had a relationship with God that was real all right we'll be right back when Gwen and her fellowship friends get together to eat they practice what they preach you're not sure we get the chimichanga eita meats no beans inside and we split we're gonna share they create your own with the tamales I felt hopeless I became depressed I became suicidal I was on antidepressants because I didn't know what to do I learned how to eat when I was hungry I learned how to stop when I had in high school when I had enough these ladies all credit the weigh down diet for saving their life brace it for good food good friendship probably not these ladies all have lost a lot of weight so let's check out what they looked like before they joined the church first this was Nicole and Nicole lost 80 pounds Wow all right here's what Heather looked like before she also lost 80 pounds this is Heather after and finally we have Lata Maura that's her when she was a hundred and thirty pounds heavier and there she is now all right so Connor how much weight did you lose I lost over 102 pounds head off for nine years oh my gosh and all because of the way that huggles taught yes ma'am it's not that Haagen Dazs is evil and broccoli is righteous it's volumes of food and when you are when you eat the right volumes you are going to be closer to good health than any other nutritional practice that you even come across I'm telling you for those that are struggling and they want to end this battle I'm crying out to God in any form or fashion going to God and just say God please help me to want to do what you want me to do you'll notice that even though their plates are still full the family is done with their meal it's about the heart changing and then hello the result is you're not focused on the food and then you lose the way it's about love it's about the heart and he's a jealous lover and he doesn't want you to go to this you know to grow boyfriend so to speak and so it's about a relationship with God so a lot of people maybe not gone to church or don't know God is going look you can find him in this I don't feel like that appearances is the goal but as a result like this isn't the Bible that the faces of the righteous are radiant I feel like God can guide us if we'll live in
Channel: WeighDownWorkshop
Views: 91,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gwen, Shamblin, Weigh, Down, Remnant, Fellowship, Tyra, Banks, Workshop, Faith, Based, Weight, Loss, Diet, Change, God, Christian, Jesus, Health, Overweight, Gwen Shamblin, Gwen Shamblin Tyra, Tyra Banks Show
Id: Ovv2a1wRs30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2008
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