The Fall of the Madden NFL Series

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All that we need to do is not buy the game for a year. So much of EA's revenue comes from Madden, it would fuck them sideways.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

After playing The Show for the first time ever this year, it has made me ponder the shift in Madden's quality. But quantity supercedes quality, I guess. Baseball definitely has more of a broad stats/sim nerd base than football but imagine if EA approached Madden like The Show? It would be the best sports game ever.

Then again, everyone here acts like they water Madden down for 9 year olds but 9 year olds aren't the ones with disposable incomes and the availability to play 8 hours a day year-round.

YouTube glitches, the "git gud" crowd and more than a handful of "Pros" constantly abuse and exploit this game. They'd complain if Madden went The Show route. And they're the ones who pump millions of dollars into the game. Imagine all those "Madden money play" videos that get 100k+ views shitting on the game. Those are the folks that spend the most money besides casuals.

I'm not saying The Show is beyond reproach but I feel like the grind is comparable to dropping money on microtransactions. I've built a decent team on there in a month and I've only spent an extra $20 on the game that resulted in less rewards than I got for grinding. Plus you can determine your own fate - you get XP for most everything you do on that game. Madden locks everyone in to the same path which creates the same teams, the same meta, the same Xs and Os. You couldn't be competitive online this year if you didn't have Vick at least on your bench. While theme teams have improved the variety, you're still punished for not having the same old, tired cards with superhuman, game breaking attributes.

I love the Madden series and I'll buy 20 but, to me, Madden is so far away from what it should be. I am definitely no longer motivated to spend any more than the price of admission on the game. Too bad there can't be more choices for NFL games, it would be nice to have something for us hardcore fans tired of juvenile shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I play Madden, FIFA, and the show. I'd say Madden UT is the worst of the 3. I had taken a break from Madden so I couldn't believe when I saw them having several modes of currency. I stopped playing after they had snow or ice. Career mode used to be so sick. Importing a player from NCAAs game. Then having a crib and such. In the next Madden we get to be a QB. Hard pass.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YungFelluh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They tried so hard over the years to dumb t down for casual players they turned their backs on the dedicated

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thorodinson6143 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What they did to NHL is worse

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tgr31 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I saw this vid it’s amazing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheSquad3603 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He posted in here a few times to let us know about this video. Pretty cool that people are now sharing unprompted. Shows the movement has (hopefully) begun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Looking-Cool-Joker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Competition keeps you healthy i mean with no games competing in the market.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DOCTOREVlL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Matan 19 is a bad game an embarrassing game Madden has been in decline for over a decade somehow the PlayStation 2 Madden's had more depth than Madden 19 Madden 19 is also a joke when compared to any other major sports game on the market matter 19's game play can't even imitate real football accurately games from a decade ago do a better job at that it's also unstable and riddled with bugs keep watching if you don't believe me because the more casual players and those new to the series have no idea what they are missing this video is structured in seven parts stick around because near the end I have the very first interview with Rex Dixon former creative director of Madden's since he left EA in 2018 it's really tough to believe that matter 19 has less depth than Madden's from over a decade ago I mean all the major critics praised matter 19 out of the gate for having a deep offline experience some even say the best ever less depth than the other major sports games no way 2k they suck now how does you hurt let's start with all the features that used to be Madden and no longer our training camp playing the Pro Bowl restricted free agency contract holdouts offensive defensive and special teams coordinators you can play the Senior Bowl rookie workouts during the Scouting Combine that unlock detailed scouting reports former players becoming coaches to hire sign players to a customized contract length and amount during the season position battles during pre-season create a team mode including creating a team when relocating create any team colors uniform city name etc no limits want to create a team called the Philadelphia foreskin you can now a common misconception going around online is that the NFL asked EA to remove create a team and that it's not EA's fault that the feature got removed not true this stems from two sources one a Sports Illustrated article and another an interview with the Madden 19 producer in the Sports Illustrated article it mentions that the NFL didn't want players that change team uniforms such as make the Raiders pink so the solution was to have players create a new team from scratch using a selection of this is exactly what created team was that says nothing about it getting removed the other source is an interview where an EI producer Ben ha Miller says that ei works closely with the NFL on what can or can't be in the game that is the most broad quote out there and in the context he used it he was referring to the Raiders moving to Las Vegas that has nothing to do with create a team nothing at all apparently this is good enough for most people online I made a reddit post pointing this out on our Madden but many people still don't know this and accept it as fact I reached out to Rex dicks and asked him just to be safe and he said this wasn't the case and it was do more to technology or a lack of resources that sounds like an excuse but it wasn't the NFL who removed this feature it was EA they just didn't feel like putting it into the newer games so don't go and blame the NFL for the Hedden you can blame EA the ability to see what team a player played for while looking at their career stats by season historic teams NFL superstar mode think my career tournament mode with sweet 16 brackets that you can fully customize with or without a fantasy draft fantasy football mode situation mode rival history and rival stattrak total control simulation upgrades stadiums physically in cosmetically jump into any game in the franchise whether your team is in the game or not for example if you missed the Super Bowl you can play it anyway create a play player morale end of your financial statements opponent scouting Tony Bruno show licensed newspapers with headlines of news coin toss mouth guards export franchise rosters import created teams in the franchise start a franchise with a created team or 32 created teams want to recreate the AAF go for view Pro Bowl voting when it opens and see it change each week based on how players perform a dedicated retirement screen in Madden 19 of a player retires there's no way to tell unless you go to a very specific menu and the only way you would go to that is if you notice the player is missing in the first place and after the preseason you can't even view this anymore you can take sponsorship deals to rename your stadium and to make extra revenue throughout the season live opponents this was a feature where if you're playing a franchise and don't want to place to you a random player can join for one game and play you that actually being part of the league custom fans in the stands expansion draft injury rehab player roles local media contracts now we're going to look at NFL 2k5 a game from over 15 years ago in the last licensed 2k football game this game had pregame halftime postgame and weekly Sports Center shows with Chris Berman going over highlights at halftime showing highlights the games you didn't even play at the end of the week giving retired players a career retrospective Trey Wingo going over fries and signings Mel Kiper jr. grading each team's NFL draft picks in more immersion that is still on Riley you could pay players to not retire and stay for one more year weekly training where you could give injured players therapy or surgery increase Eli Manning's agility by giving him ballerina lessons we're yelling at the team during an angry team meeting you could also play the Pro Bowl you had the crib where you had a house you could decorate by earning achievements in game you can play vers Vila celebrities to gain points to spend you can buy air hockey tables paper football tables for mini games as well as historic teams and unlockable fantasy NFL players such as a 100 overall Chris Berman you had ESPN 25th anniversary mode where you could replay classic moments in NFL history playoff stat tracking in franchise mode VIP system the game tracked everything you did from carries outside left to two-point attempts to completions right deep it then creates a profile based on how you play that you can assign to the CPU and basically play an AI version of yourself you could share your VIP file with friends and play each other without even being every coach in the game had their own custom VIP profile as well so when you played NFL teams they played exactly how they did in real life fantasy draft and play now cheerleaders with physics realign divisions and conferences edit draft classes which is a brand new feature added to Madden 19 that was in NFL 2k5 make contracts of back-loaded front-loaded and structure the contract any way you want Hugh prospects college stats and GPA first-person football customized celebrations game manual reference by teaching you about football none of this is in Matt in nineteen fifteen years later now something I want to point out here is that 2k five and older Madden's were not perfect games they could be exploited and they had flaws that newer games have fixed my point is not that these games are better in every way but that these games had more to do games from over a decade ago should not have this many features that aren't in Madden 19 Madame 19 does have some advancements and improvements due to newer technology but not nearly enough to counter all of these features that were once in football games and no longer are all these features I just listed are no longer in the game do you want to see what a modern sports game is actually capable of let's look at NBA 2k 19 people love to defend EA by saying 2k is worse or question why people would want a 2k football game some argue that two K's my career mode makes them worse than that in since it hasn't microtransactions in it while Madden only has microtransactions in Ultimate Team the flaw in this logic however is that that Madden doesn't even have a career mode to monetize I'll take one monetize my career but for not having the mode at all you can play through a story similar to long shot and Madden and then the world opens up where longshot ends you can continue to play through DMPA or start playing various types of street ball online verse friends or strangers or plate the local rec center or workout at the gym or go to Foot Locker to buy new shoes you can invite friends to your house to play games like horse or around the world is the game mode perfect no but at least it exists but where 2k really shines is in its franchise mode my league anything that could happen in the NBA can happen in my league and then some this is where Madden is put to shame in my league you have full control over the I want to change the rules of the game during the offseason at an owners meeting for example replace the draft lottery with a tournament or the winner gets the first pick go for it you can override MVPs retirements first team All Pro second team all pros and more if you don't agree with what the game decides you can back low front low add trade closets add player options or alter the structure of any contract in any way just like you would see in the NBA you can create your own team and court from every small detail you can change the ads in the stadium to the animations on the jumbotron you can upload your own logos for uniforms as well as download community made ones you have one-click stat tracking per player you can look at everything from a player's morale personality loyalty career stats advanced career stats game high season highs injury history and more you can also view team stats and records playoff from regular season included you can also track every NBA champion in every NBA award from every single year in NBA history want to see the 2006 second team all pros or about the Rookie of the Year in 2025 in a my league 50 years deep speaking of which Madden's franchise mode can only go 30 years deep while on ba 2k is my league mode go 80 years deep do you want to view the entire NBA Hall of Fame by year of inductee compare this to madam 19 stat tracking an EA should be varying layers you can hire entire staffs from general manager to assistant coaches to Scouts while staff members have different ratings that affect different parts of the game scouting players gives you detailed reports as well as NBA player comparisons the game features a mock drafts from three different fictional sources as well as big boards that make the draft process so much more realistic and immersive there's an expansion draft with up to six teams you can add to leave you can play through the summer league it even has a my GM story mode which is basically my league but with a story attached to it you can assign and color players from the G it has advanced MBA rules in depth such as bird rights legal tampering period waiver wiring war this is the kind of debt that would be equivalent to Madden having all the features that used to have plus save the Supplemental Draft compensatory picks waiver wire things like that which will never happen Madden has two announcers for every game 2k 19 has a rotation of color announcers during NBA games as well as entire separate announcing teams for the Chinese league in the jeely just in my career in plenty more but I don't want this video to go on for too long so what can you do in Madden 19 again well they finally added custom draft classes a feature that's been in the 2k games for years and was arguably already in Madden before when you could import draft classes from the NC double-a games it was also an NFL 2k5 well they changed the way you do certain things like upgrade players the same concept just a new way to do it they added some new depth chart positions which was pretty cool standard online gameplay and tuning you would expect over a decade of development and that's it and it's still missing all the features I just listed 15 years really brought a lot of advancements and improvements huh if it's in the game it's in the game right EA well all I care about is gameplay depth doesn't matter to me I play Madden for the football game play is actually so broken that Rex Dixon himself publicly tweeted that he approached EA with a plan to fix it acknowledging that it needed to be fixed and EA told him that it wasn't marketable and they rejected his idea to fix the game here's an example of a common NFL play that Madden 19 is unable to create a fade a fade is thrown off of a three-step table quickly thrown high and over the defender towards the back corner of the endzone the receiver is either going to have to jump and make the grab with balls going out of bounds here's an example of this play working in beautifully in all pro football to create this play cannot be intercepted in Madden 19 this play cannot be done the ball cannot arc in such a way off of a three-step drop that it would land in the correct position there is no animation for the receiver to catch of every pass is thrown too low even if you lob the ball and hold l1 to high point I tried numerous times and the only reason the players ever successful was because the corner froze for a second which is very realistic even when caught the play is still not a fade the receiver shouldn't be facing the ball the receiver should be jumping up and catching the ball facing the back of the endzone what you see here in all pro football 2k8 it cannot be replicated in Madinah Ryan Moody has Italy on the same topic I recommend checking out his channel to see breakdowns of Madden compared to real football the low trajectory of the ball is also why interceptions are so common in this game a quarterbacks drop is very important in football NFL 2k5 agrees in Madden you can take a 20 cent drop and throw a dime in 2k they advise you to throw off the correct drop because otherwise the ball will come out wobbling under thrown in Madden every pass is a perfect spiral because why would technology improve or 15 years block kicks are scripted in that in 19 the blocked kick is determined before the snap you can tell because on every block to kick if you do a replay the defender will glitch for a split second before the snap maybe this is why Madden doesn't allow you to view replace in online games on successful kicks this doesn't have an all-pro football 2k8 however blocked kicks were organic and could come through the middle and due to poor blocking it actually felt like real football if you run the same play all game that isn't a football strategy that's exploiting a broken game here's a montage of all pro football 2k a watch this smooth gameplay unlike Madden 2k8 focused more on physics than animations leading to more organic play development this is what a football game should look like in this game is 10 years old if you haven't played 2k8 yet I highly recommend you do it was the last 2k football game and thanks to the NFL on EA it didn't have the NFL license but it still has the best gameplay of any football game today 2k football now is a great channel that really tries to highlight and show what made 2k8 such a great game I highly recommend you check him out I think reddit user the golden ratio 0 1 1 2 3 5 said it best people who learn football through Madden really don't know a lot about football because Madden does a poor job executing this is unacceptable for a game in 2019 I was playing a game of franchise and when the game went to overtime I was faced with a looping animation I couldn't do anything or progress the game after 10 minutes I reset the game and jump back in same thing I eventually had to start the game back at the first quarter and this time I easily won when the fourth quarter ended the game got stuck in another animation I simply could not finish this game I ended up advancing the week and forcing myself will win this pretty much ended my interest in that franchise another common glitch is that when someone blows out a team something to zero the game will give the other team the win after scoring zero points all game it's almost like EA doesn't even want you to play their game this is probably them trying to push franchise players towards ultimate team to make them more money if I'm going to start talking conspiracies if that wasn't enough here's a quick montage I made of Madden 19 glitches you tell me if this game looks stable one worth $60 [Music] you [Music] you [Music] so how did Madden get this bad in the glory days of sports gaming competition was everywhere ever wonder why there is no more NFL 2k blame the NFL after years of battling with EA's Madden franchise Sega's ESPN NFL 2k5 released in 2004 for only $20 less than half the price of Madden no 5 the game was arguably even better than that in their 5 at the time even though mad no 5 was already bleep eke Madden Madden responded by lowering the price of their game to match and the NFL said hold up we want to make as much money as possible stop lowering your prices in fact we have an idea only one company gets techinical games from now on that way the game will always be listed at full price because competition sucks there was a bidding war between the different studios who made a Napoleon Sega EA Midway Microsoft the NFL chose EA in the end due to the name recognition of Madden and the great consistent quality of the game at the time so now since Madden is the only NFL game on the market Electronic Arts has no incentive to improve they can just slap the NFL logo on their game and anyone who loves football has no choice but to buy this game regardless of quality if they want to play with their favorite team with the current players they have to buy the newest mad the Madden name is marketed so well that it's synonymous with football and every kid's parents will buy them the newest Madden at Christmastime regardless of the quality but how would they know considering every major media source gave Madden 19 a high review yet even those who understand that the game has devolved to this sad state still buy it just look at any Madden online community or forum they hate the game yet they admit that they will just keep buying it because of their love for football and that there are no alternatives you can't lose I personally went from playing Madden oh wait on my Gamecube and NFL 2k5 on my xbox to Madden 19 I was really excited for what if the ball game could be in 2019 I went in blind and it was worse than what I had I had less stuff to do in the game I had a more glitchy game I had less authentic gameplay it was the biggest disappointment in my gaming career there will be people who dislike this video and assume I'm wrong and crazy without even watching especially Ultimate Team fanatics for those who don't know Madden includes a game mode called Ultimate Team which allows players to pay real money to buy packs just to have a chance of pulling a good player out of the pack to use online versus other people yes gambling in fact Belgium banned this mode by law because in most countries including the u.s. underage gambling is considered illegal and most of Madden's player base is underage but according to EA and all the other companies that use this model oh uh it's anything but gamble of course these companies are going to lie since this mode is their top moneymaker back to my point people spend a ton of money on this mode in order to have the best possible team and experience that great euphoric feeling of beating people online so when these people spend $1,000 on a video game only to have to start over completely in the next year's version of Madden they have the tendency to defend their purchase no one wants to admit that they just blew $1,000 on a bad game so they defend the game in defend EA usually with arguments like the game is in bad you were just bad learn to play better I posted a thread in the Ultimate Team subreddit genuinely asking people why they enjoy the game mode and why they enjoy spending their money on it and I got annihilated some of them made comments that defied space and time they sure love Madden or at least tricked themselves into thinking they do I believe it's a case of Stockholm Syndrome but what about the other sports games they have an ultimate team to 2k is microtransactions in its career mode 2k is worse as I mentioned before when comparing Madden ight to k-19 while other sports games and video games in general do include these monetized game modes they also offer a deep non-monetized offline experience that's actually worth paying $60 for because these studios actually take pride in their work Madden doesn't but they that used to there are other people who defend Madden as well some people like to say franchise mode is great and deep usually it's the people who never played a Madden other than that in 16 there are plenty of examples of people saying stuff like this it's just bizarre luckily however it seems like more and more players have started to catch on the EA just check out the comments under anything mat and posts online I had an interview with Rex Dixon creative director of the Madden series from 2012 to 2018 after our interview he wondered how EA would respond to his first interview since leaving the company here it is take what you want from it he did not elaborate as much as I would have liked based on the questions I asked but I did get some new information [Music] if you want to play Madden I believe you should only spend your $60 if the game deserves Matt and Tony is going to come out soon and luckily for you I made the buying process way easier in the description I have a link to download this cool checklist you can print out and if you can check all the boxes off then Madden is worth buying if not save your money is it really worth buying the game if you're just going to complain about how trash it is the whole time just keep playing whichever version of Madden you already own chances are it'll either have more features in the current one or be nearly the exact same game [Music]
Views: 971,458
Rating: 4.8844738 out of 5
Keywords: madden 19 sucks, madden documentary, madden nfl 19 is bad, nfl 2k5 vs madden 19, nfl 2k5, nba 2k19 vs madden nfl 19, mlb the show, all pro football 2k8, ea sports, electronic arts, madden series, SOFTDRINKTV, SOFTDRINKSPORTS
Id: c0BTpNFegEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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