The Faithfulness Of God

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if you trust and never die he will shun bring you I want to talk this morning about the faithfulness of God the faithfulness of God he's a covenant keeper he's faithful to to keep his promises Israel if you've been keeping up with your daily readings is on the precipice of the promised land they have wandered 40 years in the wilderness God in spite of their faithless nests in spite of their stubborn disobedience God is keeping them there sandals will not wear out their clothing will not go bad when they got hungry he fed them when they were thirsty he gave them water to drink and on several occasions they tried his patience and God would have destroyed them but Moses and Aaron interceded for them and God turned from his anger and had mercy on them I'm glad about that because there have been times when I have tried the lost patience somebody prayed for me I wish I had a witness here and God turned from his fierce anger they are almost in the promised land they've already seen the fruits the only ones left of that generation to go into the Promised Land or the is Joshua who's going to take them over and Caleb Aaron Miriam Moses that leader is going to die on the east side of the Jordan that an entire generation died in the wilderness and there's nobody going into the Promised Land over 40 many of them were born in the wilderness no one is going except Joshua and Caleb and Moses before they go gives them some pre Promised Land instruction he says you're gonna come to houses that you didn't build vineyards that you have not planted wells that you did not dig and he says to them the temptation will be that when you are full when you got enough that's when you ought to beware because it is then that you will forget God now those instructions are necessary because this crowd is going in the promised land know nothing of the Red Sea they know nothing of 400 years of servitude in Pharaoh's Egypt they know nothing of the brick kilns in Egypt they don't know anything about the lice and the frogs and making brick without straw they don't know anything of how God brought them with an outstretched arm and a strong hand so Moses has to instruct them that you're not here by yourself it was the faithful covenant keeping God who's going to bring you over to the land of promise not that it has anything to do with you which leads me to what I want to talk about this morning the faithfulness of God has nothing to do with you it's wrapped up in his passion for you listen to what the text says for thou art our holy people under the Lord thy God the Lord thy God have chosen thee to be a special people unto himself above all people that upon the face of the earth the Lord did not set his love upon you nor choose you because you were more in number than any people for you were the fewest of all people but because the Lord loved you as passion you're no good but he loves I try to I try to say to us on last Sunday that Moses got in trouble because Moses called them what God didn't call Moses called them rebels and God called them my people but they're not young people moves as they are my people I chose them and this morning if you are a saved if you are a Christian God chose you I want you to get this because this has to do with doctrine and predestination and all of that I want you to really understand this salvation is a two-sided coin that is really a mystery because salvation involves human choice and divine sovereignty God already knows who's going to be saved because God cannot not know that's-that's-that's sovereignty he he no that's nothing God can not no it cannot exist without God knowing everything God knows everything fully and completely but salvation is still a human choice I don't think he got that over to you God sovereignly saves but we have to sovereignly choose now he's already elected us by his sovereign choosing but we still have to make a choice I don't think I got that over to you let me put it this way on one side of the coin it says whosoever will let him come flip the coin over it says chosen from the foundation of the world I still don't think it got that over to you in the kingdom but you don't know it yet and when your choice hooks up with his sovereignty then human responsibility becomes your being in the kingdom of God wish somebody would help me 7 now I'm in the kingdom of God not because I'm better than anybody else because there are many better by nature than I am by Christian practice but God just chose me because of his election the reason I don't think you're getting this is because you're not shouting yet you're not in the family of God because you so hold you're not in church this morning because you so good that's no good that is not good no not one God just loves you even when you can't love yourself even when you are unlovable God and God's sovereignty God's choosing of you is his passion for you huh when I think about that but I think of all the mistakes of me and all the stuff I wish I could undo and he lets me stand in this pulpit every Sunday because I have a treasure in an earthen vessel that the power is not from me but the power is from God have I got a witness here I tremble when I think about how good god is to me how special God treats me how God provides and cares for me and keeps his hands on me like a parent has his hands on a child I could be in hair this morning but God's love for me some of y'all act like you've been so holy and that you deserve to be here this morning but there's about 120 of us in here today who know that if the Lord had not kept his hands on us if God had not protected us that God had not checked us from going left when we wanted to go that way if I did not look beyond my phone I wish I had my 7:30 cry I'm grateful I'm thankful I'm glad that God loves me in spite of who he knows I am Paul says all wretched man that I am who can't deliver me from this body of weakness and if God just chose me when when Samuel who went to Jesse's house Jesse trotted out all the handsome tall older good-looking boys and when Samuel took their truths of all allowed to anoint Israel's future king it would not run out on those older handsome good-looking boys because they were not God's choice I wish I had some noise here Samuel said you must have somebody else here justice said I got little David over there but he's nothing but a shepherd boy Samuel said call him in and when David came in Samuel took that oil and poured it on David and it didn't run out on those older handsome cuter good-looking boys but it came out on a little nobody like David and I aren't you glad this morning that God looks over where you came from what you know or who knows you where you were born what you have which is on what you've earned God chose you that's why I praise him with such enthusiasm that's why I shout with Cecile because God chose me he said I listen you you go you go go against some nations bigger than you the girgashites the parasites the hammerites the Hittites and the Canaanites they can take you when they feel like it but don't be afraid of them because I will be with you have I got a witness here think about this that's somebody on your job smarter than you but God promoted you that's somebody in your family smarter than you but God made you even though you're not the oldest you still the one they call on all the time because God chose you haven't got a witness here that's somebody in this church who's a better person than you but God has you teaching the class God has you in the leadership not because you've been so good or so horny or kept his Commandments but because of his patient he said you did not choose me I chose you his faithfulness is wrapped up in his passion and then brothers and sisters watch this his faithfulness is inextricably bound to his performance watch what he does but because the Lord love you mercy and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your father's have the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you out of the house of bonding from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt you did not escape Ferrell's Egypt because of your military smarts you did not get out of bondage when you felt like God said I brought with a strong arm with an outstretched hand and brothers and sisters that certain things you ought to bring with you when you come to church you ought to bring your Bible if you got a Bible you ought to bring your Bible you ought to bring if your Bibles on the iPad bring that with you too you ought to bring your prayers because you need to give money in the offering you ought to bring that but then you ought to bring a shout with you when you come to church and the reason why your heart a shout is because God has performed some things I wish I had somebody to help me pray ready God has done something and every time God does something for you don't sit there and act like you did it on your own give God the glory give God to pray give God a shout of acclamation and testimony that if it had not been I wish I had some noise right here make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands side the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing Noorie that the Lord he is God it is he that have made us and not we awesome we are yes Pete the Sheep of his pasture Anna into his cart with face Gibby I wish I had somebody to help me Anna with praise be thankful unto Him and bless His name for the Lord is good his my said is everlasting and his truth endures to all generations bring my mother he brought me he wasn't just good to my grandmother he's been good to me and he hadn't been good just five years ago he's been good all my life never got a witness Here I am where I am I have what I have I can testify like I testify coz God's been good to me listen you got to go through some stuff in order to watch God perform in your life I said you got to go through some stuff you have to really go through some stuff I'm not talking about a cold or the flu I'm talking about you got to be in a tight spot when nobody but God can help you anybody ever been there you got to be in a situation that if the Lord don't come through I'm through I wish I had somebody to help me if the Lord don't rescue me if the Lord don't hear my try if the Lord doesn't answer my prayer is all over for me and somebody here has seen God what in your life in such a situation would he bring y'all I said when he bring you out if you trust and never talk he will shun bring you I brought with a strong hand and an outstretched arm you see you have to tell this young generation because it's a generation that's going in the promised land who did not see God performing and so it's incumbent upon those of us who watch God works of miracles to tell this younger generation that these people didn't die and suffer and have dogs SiC on them and water hoses and and beaten up by black jackson and police knocking them down for you to walk the street with your pants hanging down for you to go in the bank with your pajamas on talk back to me here for you to listen to music that denigrates our women by calling them our parents did not stand in the back and go through the back door and say yes ma'am and no sir for us to disrespect one another started the road we try better the chastening wrong felt in the days when hope unborn had died I was thinking about it today past the West called me this morning and we talk to each other every Sunday morning before church and we never ends down conversation without saying the Reverend preached good today and I say you do the same prayer pastor preach good today and he said I watched your broadcast this morning and he said your church sounds like Church auto Sam I'll say what you mean he said I heard some woman screaming shouting they had the fan he said that don't go on in church too much anymore the folk have gotten so sophisticated and and sedate and urbane that they don't care on and shout in church anymore and I said that's because they don't know their testimony God maybe haven't done anything for them but I know some people in this church that I can call by name along with pastor Anderson who can testify that God's grace shocked me bought me and brought me that's why we shout over here that's why we cut up and make noise over here because God put food on our table God opened doors that were closed in our face God made a way I don't know way and don't ever lose your shout and you'll test them all the brother pastor's brother pastors in the town in Houston talked about it in my presence and out of it how that lily Grove is a traditional Church and so many people come because people still love tradition you know what I must say every Sunday morning he died bid me die but bright early Sunday morning he got out of the grave I said it last son you shouted imma see it in about ten more minutes you gonna get happy again because he actually died but hallelujah bratter sunny moon he came out of the grave and that still excites the Christian believer I've had and all old story how a savior came from glory Jesus Christ has passion for us in spite of us and then he's performed something and then finally he says I'ma be with you because I got a promise to keep I made a promise to your father Abraham I wish I had somebody to help me before his name was Abraham he was Abram Abram means exalted father Abraham means father of many nations and he told him look up in the sky and as many stars as there are in the heavens that's how vast your family is going to be and Abraham at that time did not even have a child as a matter of fact God had promised him a child in his old age and the baby has not even been born yet but God says your family will be as vast as stars in the heavens and if sands on the seashore Abraham couldn't see it because God had not yet performed it but brothers and sisters just because God has not yet performed does not mean it's not going to come to pass because every time you read the scripture the scripture says and it came to pass somebody ought to help me right here that word that came to pass mean it was foretold and now God is bringing it to fruition have a got a witness here Jeremiah says I know the plans that I have for you plans to prosper you plans to give your future and the hope and the hope that God gives never disappoint we often tell each other I hope to see you tomorrow I hope we get a chance to get it to get together again that's if he and maybe so because we can't rightly make it help but anything God said he can make it happen you gonna help me closes want you one day God stood up on nothing and created ex nihilo out of nothing he called everything into being I wish I had somebody to help me preach God said let there be and everything that was not started straining to become thank you for tuning in to a call to joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that little grow of Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights Lily Grove is located at seventy thirty forty Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 are feel free to visit our website at
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 87,489
Rating: 4.7696333 out of 5
Keywords: Reverned Terrry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2014
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