The F1 Race That NO ONE Wanted To Finish

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so whenever Formula 1 go back to the principality of Monaco there's always a sense of joy and Dread if it's even possible for a human being to experience that simultaneously with no it a pass and positions barely changing from qualifying we're all basically tuning in for the spectacle and the Grand Prix as a whole is propped up by glimour and Heritage people call this race of pration nowadays but the truth is it was just as much appreciation back in the days of black and white that's what it is in 2024 you typically don't get good racing when you arrive at this Canyon of Armco caviar but when you do the racing gets about as crazy as a rainbow trout and a car wash one such example occurred back in 1996 which upon reflection was almost 30 years ago and has B upon the reality that time is moving way too fast in what is a seemingly slow drudge through life this is impossibly deep let's get back on track here this year Williams had returned to the top of the food chain the car was the class of the field and at that point they had won every race so far that season the only chick of the armor being the annoying presence of Michael Schumacher in the Ferrari he had taken Paul position and the previous round in Emil and here in Monty Carlo he would repeat that effort going half a second faster than Championship leader Damon Hill that was seriously impressive and Ultra amazing what wasn't seriously impressive and Ultra amazing was impeding the beniton of Gard burger at the end of qualifying and almost sending him into the harbor but back in these times attempted murder wasn't much of an excuse for the stewards to act and Schumaker would keep his PO position for the race on Sunday Burger meanwhile would start in the road behind Schumacher and and alongside his benett and teammate Jean aazy this guy was a hero amongst anybody blessed with the gift of sight his emotions did sometimes work against him but for a dude who embodied so much Italian passion it's quite amazing that he actually turned out to be French but with there being no monog drivers on the grid back then Olivier Beretta having run out of money a couple of years before and Char clir enjoying the notable handicap of not being born yet a was the nearest thing to a HomeTown hero given his residency here and the close proximity of France well he was and was Olivier panis 29 years old hailing from Leon and very very French take that however you may panis had been in Formula 1 for 3 years up to this point driving for the equally French team of lier their Glory Days were behind them though they had not won a Formula 1 race in 15 years and with panis starting down in 14th Place and no driver having ever won the Monaco Grand Prix from lower than eighth on the grid there was never much hope for him to begin with and we're just going to move on sorry to be a buzz kill with Monaco being Monaco the race is virtually won by the driver who gets to send Dev VA the first corner for all you newbies out there first and the PO position winner seldom ever loses that drag race which is why it was very strange to see Damon Hill squeeze on by and scream into the lead the track was treacherous too wet to start on dry tires however yosa stappen thought he knew best and didn't even make it to the exit of the first Corner before he ruined his race but when it comes to embarrassment that was nothing not far ahead of him both the minates of Gian Carlo fella and Pedro Lami were quarreling over which of them should be in last this debate ended with them slamming each other into the barrier and took them both out of the race so after only a couple hundred yards of racing three cars were already out of the race soon however it would become [Music] four after having destroyed the field and qualifying Michael Schumacher had destroyed his own race after crashing on the approach to portier that one glimmer of hope for a non- Williams win was gone the circuit would claim one more car before the LA was done however with Ruben's barello in the Jordan opting for a reverse entry into lar rascas in all of this chaos Damon Hill was Ring away and already built a 4.3 second Gap over a lacy there was a brief moment of calm peace and quiet which was promptly broken by ukio katayama dismantling his Turell into toac who was followed promptly by Ricardo rosset in the footwork yeah there was once a time that a Formula 1 team went by the name a footwork possibly the worst name for a construction ever until fanza got cute with capitalism two laps later Pedro denz had given up on his lack of horsepower in his Leia's mugan Honda engine and opted for human power instead Gard burer went out a few laps later communicating the problem in sign language to his Engineers which they politely pretended not to understand for a while the race started to settle down with the notable exception of Eddie Irvine causing a log Jam behind him that included Hein heral frenson in the salba and Michael Schumacher in the McLaren wait what what oh no hold on hold on hold on we know that Michael Schumaker crashed his Ferrari on lap one of this Grand Prix so why are we seeing Michael Schumaker in the McLaren here I mean that's clearly his crash helmet right oh yeah that's right see well yes that was his helmet Schumacher wasn't wearing it I mean obviously instead it was David kard yes somehow there was another driver on that grd that could accommodate the drawer of Jaws the reason why he was wearing that helmet was because his own kept on fogging up and that morning's warm-up he was in need of a replacement and shimi was feeling charitable and so for anyone out there who ever wished to see Michael Schumacher drive a McLaren that was about as close as we ever got schumaker's teammate Irvine however was driving inexplicably slowly for someone who had been entrusted with that second Ferrari car then again given he had only tested that car once since the season start perhaps it wasn't so much of a surprise the only thing being tested right now though was fransen's patience back then as a driver fransen was rated just as highly as Schumaker was and was Keen to prove it but after misjudging Irvine's breaking into sand Dev VA his front Wing was kaput was forced into the pits and catapulted at a contention he emerged from the pits with a new nose conveniently ahead of race leader Damon Hill who was still marching along untroubled to his Maiden Monaco gry win and this was an important one Damon's path to Formula 1 wasn't an altogether convenient one by the time he was 15 his father had died in an airplane crash and left the family and precarious circumstances it wasn't until he was 23 that he finally started racing cars here as a 36-year-old he had finally reach the top and winning the World Championship would literally mean the world to him but to win Monaco might mean even more for that father of his was gra Hill the two-time Formula 1 World Champion who won the Monaco Grand Prix five times giving him the Monica of Mr Monaco and established him as a household name in the world of racing through all the tragedy that had come before the hardship it put on the family and on himself The Damp and wet Arena of the principality would see at least a little bit of sunshine break through with another Hill win with the track drying out more and more cars started to peel into the pits for a hot batch of dry wither tires from the oven when Damon Hill came in for his Jon laaz noisily screamed on by still on his wet with the tires in the hope that one of the traveling fans had successfully prayed for some more French rain but after a couple of laps it was evident that this tactic wasn't going to work and thus pulled into the pits to hide from Damon having realized that his race was virtually over Martin brundle parked his car at casino square and ventured off to try his luck there a little further ahead and doing a lot better than him Olivier panis had moved his way up to fourth place and was rapidly closing on Irvine running 3 seconds a lap faster than he was but Monaco being Monaco there's just no way to effectively pass another driver around here without causing some amount of Mayhem so two laps later panis decided that well if if I can't get past him I'll just go through him okay that's them going past that was that allous man again Irvine came in for a new nose while panis pressed on and started setting the track Al light he was clearly the fastest guy on track and La ahead of him was fast as well but the problem they both had was that hill was way too far ahead with half the race already done they were going to need a miracle to even have a chance on lap 40 the renov V T and Hill's car went up like vvus this Drop Kicked Hill out of the race and ended the dream of emulating the successes of his father this gave the lead to Ay and surely given the daunting task of leading the biggest race of the year he was short and melt like he always does before the checked flag could ever be unraveled but surprisingly despite his reputation and despite what was on the line Lacy did not make a mistake Lacy did not melt unfortunately his car did on lap 60 a rare spring on the suspension parted away with the beniton and put an end to a valiant effort that would have seen Jean La Lacy win his second ever Grand Prix doesn't sound like too much to the air of the average Earthling but two wins for a lacy would have still been about 200 less than what he actually deserved as it stood now he was headed for an early shower but for those in the stands willing on any frankophones left in the race they were in luck Olivier penis had assumed the lead of the race still holding a margin over the McLaren of David kard with so many retirements in this race and still a few laps to go some were beginning to wonder when it would be Pan's turn to encounter some Doom a few laps later panis would come across one of the evilest things to ever Venture onto a live racetrack Eternal misdeed that has been sent upon this Earth to remind us that we as a species had gone too far I am of course talking about Luca Bowa okay okay I admit that kind of sounds a little harsh but compared to how Mari Walker talked about him and we have an extra problem on the track there it is it's Luca badar in the mobile chicane the 40 Ford thankfully both he and kard passed the ultr slow 40 without any problem and truthfully the lack of peace wasn't really bad Do's fault that 40 harnessed less power than a peasant in 14th century England it didn't negate the fact however that it drove with the grace of a drunk on a slip and slide and that he was in fact a mobile chicane on four wheels it was soon converted to three when jacqu vov attempted to dive into a rapidly diminishing Gap set Gap closed and the resulting contact added two more casualties to the grid and left only seven cars running in the race and a couple apps later it went down a bit more Irvine had spun at portier the same Corner that teammate Schumacher had crashed at on lap one he flick spin the car around with the intention of getting back into the race but then he was hit up the bat by mik Salo and Mika Hainan in a tag team KO punch that could have been interpreted as a declaration of war between Finland and Ireland by now there were only four cars left in the race then it went down to three when Hines heral fransen's car through a sulk when it realized that it wasn't going to be on the podium but would there even be a Podium at all at this rate the officials certainly thought that and with the 2-hour time limit having ticked over it was decided to end the race at 75 laps rather than 78 and so 15 years since their last victory theier powered across the Finish Line to win the race and for the first time ever Olivier panis was a grand prix winner it was a popular win still is actually given how far back he had started how hard he had fought to get to the front and the fact that Li's best years were behind them this is one of the all-time classics in the history of Formula 1 David kard finished a close second and some 4 hours later Johnny Herbert drove by to take third place for Saba a sight about as rare back then as it still is today this would also be leiser's last win before the team was sold at the end of the year and this would be the only win that Olivier panis would ever get in Formula 1 and that was a shame because up until a career defining crash at the 1997 Canadian Grand Prix he was regarded as a Shining Light in the sport some storming drives in midc cars we still Ru what could have been had that particular crash not happened thankfully though at least he did manage a win before that happened a win that appeared to defy all the odds anything that was really possible it really was the impossible win and it proved that really when it wants to Monaco can put on some truly crazy racing [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Josh Revell
Views: 131,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, monaco grand prix, monaco gp, 2024 monaco grand prix, 2024 monaco gp, monaco 2024, monaco 1996, monaco grand prix 1996, 1996 monaco grand prix, olivier panis, fewest f1 finishers
Id: f1y6uuSX3gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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