How Lando Norris Vanquished His Critics

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[Music] 2021 SOI there's a handful of laps to go and rain it's starting to hit the circuit the Titanic Championship battle that year between sir leis Hamilton and Max must stappen would normally take presidence here but instead that lay with the leader of the race the McLaren of Lando Norris he had just taken his Maiden Pole Position earlier that morning and now was leading the race on route to his first ever win in Formula 1 after the disappointment of watching the honey badger in the mlar run away to Victory just a couple of rounds ago in Italy this was a way to strike back of the critics that he had to put himself on the Winner's rostrom to become a made man in Formula 1 but he was going to have to do it the hard way because Hamilton was ranging up behind him the Grand Master of the grd in a faster car too pressure don't get much higher than that but he was holding his own at least for now by lap 49 the weather had become completely unpredictable even those on the pit wall weren't 100% sure of what was going on those on track however wanted to stay out there was a 50-second gap back to third place driver Sergio Perez the fight for the win therefore was between Lando and Lewis as they came around to begin l 50 Lewis was ushered into the pits by his team despite his animate Proclamation that rain had become extinct in Russia Mercedes were adamant themselves that more rain was on the way Lando meanwhile stayed out a call that he made not wanting to make the switch to intermediates by now however you could tell by the tone in his voice voice the pressure of being close to victory was getting to him by the time Lewis emerged from the pits on intermediate ties he was 25 seconds behind Lando with three laps to go one lap later however it was down to four the rain had arrived and Lando was cooked after Crawling Back to the pits for a fresh set of intermediates he eventually squirmed his way home to finish in seventh place and was also haded a reprimand for failing to acknowledge the existence of white lines in the pit Lane entry and no uncertain terms the was an unmitigated disaster I mean yeah sure you could argue that you win some you lose some we're just all used to that in racing but this was bad and a sort of side effect that it had was that it helped feel the narrative that Lando was a complete bottle job a myriad of near misses and mistakes before and after this day helped coin the nickname Lando no wins quite imaginative name a joke almost as lame as anything that appears on this channel but it was hard to shake even though McLaren tried to take full responsibility for it when Daniel Ricardo and Oscar piastri had won races at McLaren while Lando got NADA it didn't really make him look like a million bucks and if anything it would be a day that would haunt him forever especially if he were never to get that Maiden Grand PRI win he never stopped believing in his ability to win a race but given the nature of Formula 1 where car performan is so influential and seats are never quite guaranteed the question was never about whether he was worthy of a win but whether that day would ever come at all [Music] 2024 Miami ah crap like literally a couple of weeks after I threw it into this video congratulations you played yourself well anyway it's the sixth round of the 2024 Formula 1 season we're a quarter of the way through the championship and by this point there is no hype around this series whatsoever Adrien newie has once again worked wonders with his pencil at Red Bull and Max Bing was running away to an almost guaranteed win every time not knocking him Max is an almost immeasurably insanely brilliant driver but we all want to see close Racing for the win and we haven't been getting much of it lately Stephano deali blew it all off by saying that board fans were in the minority uh I don't know fam I don't know about that one this weekend felt like any other everyone was expecting Max to get Pole Position walk the race and leave the United States of Freedom with yet another piece of silverware now was the time to sulk and heave hopium and we were all out of hopium fando however his ultimatum this weekend was the same as it had been for the last few years here at McLaren prayed that the car decided to be quick here and just hold it together if it is there were some updates for the car heading into this weekend exactly how good they were going to be was a bit of a mystery and with this round involving the Sprint and thus limited time we weren't going to know what the true Pace was right away however early on there was something curious in Sprint qualifying Lando who was the only one of the two McLaren drivers with the car upgrades was quickest in sq1 he was quickest again in sq2 perhaps they had something cooking here and they did momentarily a scruffy start to the lap in sq3 threw Lando down into Ninth Place for the Sprint and thus ruined his chances of getting anything meaningful in the race on Saturday not that he would get much of a chance the tag team effort of Hamilton and the lord of the eyebrows pushed sir Lancelot into to the side of Lando and gave him an early walk back to the paddock a walk that would end up costing him €50,000 for crossing a live racetrack there is not enough salt in this world that can measure up to the burn on that wound at this point the Lando haters had even more ammo to use in their Crusade against the guy with the side of him squirming around in the first sector of escq 3 as yet another grain of proof that this guy continues to bottle and that he would never ever ever get his Maiden gr PRI win that he just kept on getting in his own way and that it would likely never change what was needed for Lando himself apart from a $300 drink from a local bar was a reset ahead of qualifying just a couple of hours later he would out qualify his teammate Oscar piastri yes but he wasn't all that far ahead for an upgraded car that just 24 hours before showed so much promise there was still Sunday to come sure but this just seemed like it was just going to be another one of those weekends I guess as the Stars and Stripes were waved and God was told to bless America the first of 300 races in the United states of freedom for 2024 were about to get underway there are a lot of factors that go into winning a race but two very big ones are a get a good start and B don't get Maldonado on the first lap luckily for Lando he achieved one of them but the trade-off was that his start was mid he fell behind its teammate into sixth place and then began to fade away as the laps Drew on at this point it seemed that if anything piastri was set to be the star of the show with them hanging around in second place and keeping the Ferraris at Bay the Gap up the front of the Sten was hovering at around 3 seconds it didn't get much closer from there but critically it never got further beyond that either Max didn't feel quite comfortable enough in the car that we can still though he was in a position that he knew far too well as the inner workings of Ferrari muled over a strategy so that they can then changed their minds again Charlotte clay was Bor in for a pit stop while Kos signs set off after pastry the Spaniards and number one fan of himself started to lean on the McLaren in a bid to melt his tires and syon passed but it didn't happen in fact he began to lag behind and by this time something was developing behind them both it turned out that Lando straggling way behind the Red Bull of parz wasn't him being mid but rather it was primarily Tire management now with that pelli rubber having been conserved enough now was the time to use it with czecho now put it as well Lando began to charge forward and was putting in times that was over a second a l faster than what he was when he was placed behind the Mexican Minister of Defense the mcclaren's pace on medium tires was evident right from Friday and now here when it mattered it was really really showing signs may have been catching piastri a little bit but norus was catching him at the rate of half a second a lap up at the front bored apparently with his domination the STA and misjudged the entry into the mickey mouse chicane ran off and claimed the life of an innocent bystanding Ballard this gave slight damage to the floor of the car but also the Aaron Ballard that lay on the track was enough to bring out a virtual safety car but amazingly this didn't really seem to benefit anybody at least not in any detrimental way to the leaded the race and after the track was cleared the field went racing again but now with fappen behind Lando after Red Bull brought him in for his Pit Stop shortly after the vssc ended on lap 28 signs and piastri came in for their pit stops giving the lead to noris and surrendering position to lir although they probably should have waited for just a few more moments because Kevin Magnuson Denmark's answer to the Zar bomber had continued his reign of tyranny and destruction that weend by plowing into the side of Logan's sergeant and leaving the Williams team with a negative count of chassis and thanks to the Dey and Stranded car spun across the landscape the ultimate game-changing card was deployed the safety car was brought out burn mylander was sent out to gather up all the cars to allow for a safe recovery of magnuson's Anarchy until they passed the first sector and all the cars had been gathered up no driver was going to be allowed past but the source of contention wasn't in who was in their gaggle of cars it was who wasn't despite Norris being the leader of the race the safety car didn't pick him up he had beaten the safety car to the control line by 20 M instead it was Max that was at the head of the train Lando had gone on ahead albeit according to the speed Delta what this meant was that when he was Bor in for his pit stop the gap between Lando and Max had ballooned from around about 11 seconds to 33 he emerged from the pits in the lead still ahead of the safety car while David Croft began melting in the commentary box the significance of all of this has been heavily debated and a few of the drivers took exception to this interesting timing of deployment now yeah it's safety car conditions you only lose 9 seconds in a pit stop and Lando was 11 seconds ahead of Max yes but a cynic would argue that that safety car really should have picked him up then and there and that if it had it would have likely destroyed any advantage that Lander would have had the consequences of the safety car has left people with a sour taste in their mouths but irrespective of what anyone's opinions are as to whether he would have emerged ahead or not with or without the safety car right here on lap 32 in reality Lando was in the lead about to restart the race with 15 laps to go Lando just had to hold off the three-time defending world champion who had ice in his veins and was in a car that was almost as good as he was what pressure could this possibly equal maybe having Hamilton there like Sai 2021 and how did that work out for him that's what the doubters were saying in fact even the supporters of him were shaking at this point even if the mlar could hold its own could Lando hold his own the race got underway again and it seemed like only a matter of time before the inevitable happens but as the laps counted down one by one it became evident that rather than Max siding past and running away it was Lando instead that was running away 1 second 2 seconds 3 seconds 4 it just kept going eventually morphing into a 7-second gap it wasn't a dramatic run to the line it just sort of happened about as uneventful as a day in Belgium and doubts did linger for sure it was all just a matter of getting to the line [Music] well lad did it that elusive first win was finally there for the fans and the British press the second coming had arrived and we could talk about the safety car forever and Jesus even from the very first F1 race that it was introduced it was always causing these kinds of problems but as as it is and as much of a cop at this may sound that is the nature of the game it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last either and as cring as it is to see the Union Jack media impressing upon people to focus on Lando's last stint and not the rest of it there is a lot of Truth to that this wasn't just some random pce that came from nowhere this was delivering on the promise from Friday luck did play a big hand of this win but it was equally shared by his Pace throughout the Grand Prix despite the rubbish start of course Max gave his congrats to Lando after the race and despite the understandable disappointment of losing out on the race did make the comment that you win some you lose some and that's just part of it Lando and McLaren did celebrate that win absolutely I mean who wouldn't commemorating the win with this merge taking the piss out of the Lando no wins M which to be honest kind of WS of insecurity but who am I to judge and irrespective of what comes from this day forth the Demons of Sai 2021 have been buried there was no wondering about whether he had the capabilities to win a Formula 1 race it was about whether that day would ever come at all and in Miami for Lando it did it finally did [Music]
Channel: Josh Revell
Views: 116,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, lando, lando norris, lando norris wins, 2024 miami gp, 2024 miami grand prix, miami grand prix norris, miami grand prix lando norris, lando norris first win
Id: mZWeuOAz7lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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