The Explosion 50 Times the Combined Power of Every Star in the Observable Universe

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On September 14, 2015, scientists at the Laser  Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory   detected gravitational waves directly for the  first time – a stunning achievement that led   to the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics. Why was  this significant? Well, here’s an analogy.   Let’s imagine that human beings evolved without  the ability to see light. For thousands of years,   we’d fumble in the dark, relying on our other  senses, until, one day, someone invented a   machine that could perceive light for us. In  time, we’d see everything from the tips of our   noses to the farthest-flung galaxies. This  analogy captures the magnificence of LIGO.   It’s about much more than proving a  scientific prediction. LIGO enables   us to perceive the physical universe  and understand reality on a new level.   Like photons, gravitational waves travel at the  speed of light as they ripple across spacetime.   Their signals are all around us. By listening  for gravitational waves with some of the most   sensitive instruments ever built, scientists are  recording tremors of distant violent events – the   formation of black holes, supernovae explosions  and, potentially, exotic phenomena we haven’t   discovered yet. So, what are gravitational waves?  What causes them? And why is LIGO’s ability to   detect them already transforming our understanding  of the universe? I’m Alex McColgan, and you are   watching Astrum. Join me today as we learn about  gravitational waves, unpack the groundbreaking   technology behind LIGO and anticipate some of the  stunning developments that lie around the corner.   Gravitational waves are one of the stranger  implications of Albert Einstein’s General   Theory of Relativity. As we’ve covered  previously, spacetime is a model that   combines the three dimensions of space and the  fourth dimension of time into a single manifold.   All objects with mass create curvature in  spacetime, and objects with a lot of mass   create a lot of curvature, which we experience  as gravity. A simple way to visualize this is to   think of a pool ball resting on an elastic surface  and a bowling ball resting on that same surface.   The more massive bowling ball will create more  curvature. As objects move across spacetime,   that curvature changes position with them. One  of the amazing consequences is that when objects   of a certain mass accelerate, they can send  ripples across spacetime as gravitational energy.   While this requires a special set of conditions,  namely, a very massive object undergoing   acceleration, such a cataclysmic event would send  ripples, or gravitational waves, outward at the   speed of light. Think of them like ripples on a  pond, but instead of water, they travel through   the fabric of spacetime in all directions. And  as in the pond analogy, these disturbances become   weaker as they radiate outward. To an observer,  the distance between objects would appear to   expand and shrink as the gravitational  wave passes – mind-boggling to imagine.   Yet although Einstein predicted the existence of  gravitational waves, he was pessimistic about our   chances of ever detecting them. He thought that  these disturbances would be so small as to escape   our ability to measure them. And who could blame  him? Many of the changes in distance that LIGO   seeks to measure are one 10,000th the length  of a proton. Yes, you heard that correctly,   10,000 times smaller than a single proton. And  yet, these signals would come encoded with all   kinds of information about their origins – when  they originated, how far they travelled and   what kind of event produced them. This is where  LIGO comes in. It consists of two observatories   funded by the United States National Science  Foundation and operated by MIT and CalTech.   Among its driving forces are renowned physicists  Kip Thorne, Rayner Weiss and Barry Barish,   all of whom shared the 2017 Nobel Prize for  their “decisive contributions” to the detection   of gravitational waves. LIGO is essentially a  large-scale and very sensitive interferometer,   an invention that’s been around since the 1880s.  An interferometer essentially measures what   happens when light waves are combined from two  or more sources. For example, you could use an   interferometer to test whether light travels at  different speeds through different substances,   such as through air or water. Even a subtle  difference in speed will produce an interference   pattern when the light waves combine – much like  what happens when two ripples on a pond intersect.   If the peak of one ripple hits the valley of a  second ripple, they will subtract each other,   producing a flat surface. However, if the peaks  line up exactly, it means the waves are in phase   and add to each other. This is essentially  what the interferometer measures with light.   By seeing how in or out of phase two light waves  are, an observer can infer the relative speed of   the waves. And the larger and more powerful the  interferometer, the more sensitive it is. Here’s   how it works: LIGO has two observatories located  in Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana.   Why two? Well, you need at least two detection  sites to triangulate where the signals are coming   from. Each observatory continuously fires a  powerful laser at a beam splitter positioned   at a 45-degree angle. The laser beam has to  operate at around 750 kilowatts – powerful   enough to vaporize you completely if you got in  its path. The splitter then splits the laser beam   perpendicularly. The light in each arm travels  down a 4-kilometre vacuum cavity with a mirror   at the end of it. The beams then bounce between  this mirror and a recycling mirror at the other   end nearly 300 hundred times, increasing  the distance from 4 to 1,200 kilometres.   Remember what we said, with interferometers,  bigger is better! After completing nearly 300   trips, the laser beams recombine at the beam  splitter and head to a photodiode, which is a   light-sensitive semiconductor. If undisturbed, the  beams will be in phase, meaning their frequencies   will subtract each other, and no light will arrive  at the photodiode. But if there’s a gravitational   wave, the distance each beam travels will be  slightly different, and they’ll be out of phase.   The photodiode will pick up a signal,  indicating the presence of a gravitational wave.   Now, this is how it works in a perfect  world. But in reality, the interferometer   is constantly picking up noise. To minimize  this, LIGO uses incredibly smooth 40 kg mirrors   suspended by silica threads. Any particles in the  interferometer’s arms are also a problem, which is   why LIGO pumps the air from its vacuum chambers  to one trillionth of atmospheric pressure.   But there’s another problem: at these minuscule  levels, even quantum mechanics are a nuisance   because they introduce randomness into photon  behaviour. LIGO mitigates this with an optical   cavity which squeezes the light. This squeezing  minimizes the light’s phase noise and squeezes it   into amplitude noise, which the interferometer  doesn’t measure. In other words, the quantum   randomness will show up more in the height of  the waves. Quantum randomness is a fact of life:   it can’t be eliminated, but it can be shifted,  much as you might move clutter from your bedroom   floor to your closet. The chaos isn’t gone  – just out of sight for the moment. Plus,   the goal isn’t to eliminate noise completely but  to get the best signal-to-noise ratio possible.   That’s a pretty good overview of how LIGO works.  So, what has it discovered? As I mentioned   earlier, LIGO detected its first signal in 2015.  Named GW150914, scientists studied the data and   learned that it was caused by the merger of two  black holes about 1.6 billion light years away.   These black holes, which were 29 and 36 solar  masses, became a binary and spiralled around   each other until they merged and released a  blast in the final 20 milliseconds that was   so powerful – now, get ready for this number  because this is what the scientists actually   think - it contained 50 times the combined light  power of every star in the observable universe.   At the risk of sounding crude, that is nuts. I’ve  read this fact many times over, and I still cannot   comprehend what it means. Yet after travelling  for 1.6 billion years and finally reaching LIGO,   the disturbance was so faint, it moved LIGO’s  4-kilometre arm one-thousandth the width of a   proton. To visualize this, imagine the distance  between us and Proxima Centauri and changing   it the width of a human hair. That is the  level of precision LIGO was able to detect.   If that’s not one of the most astonishing  feats in human history, I don’t know what is.   And this was just the first gravitational  wave LIGO detected. The second detection   occurred 3 months later in December 2015. That  signal also came from a black hole merger,   which took place 1.4 billion light years away.  Over its initial three runs, LIGO recorded more   than 80 black hole mergers and, in August 2017,  it detected the merger of two neutron stars.   Named GW170817, this signal was notable for  being the first gravitational wave to be   corroborated by electromagnetic observations  from 70 observatories across the planet.   This was a breakthrough not only in gravitational  wave detection but in multi-messenger astronomy.   It turns out, LIGO was just warming up during  these three runs. As of May 2023, LIGO has   begun its fourth run with better sensitivity  than ever. After its latest round of upgrades,   which kept LIGO offline for 3 years, the  observatories now have more reflective   mirrors, better mirror suspension and improved  light-squeezing with lower quantum uncertainty.   And this time, LIGO also has the support of KAGRA,  a new interferometry observatory in Hida, Japan.   KAGRA is located underground, making  it the world’s first subterranean   gravitational wave observatory and also  the first to use cryogenic mirrors.   During an engineering test run on May  18, LIGO’s scientists say they already   received a signal that was possibly caused by  a neutron star being swallowed by a black hole.   We’ll have to wait a while for confirmation, but  if these early results are any indication, LIGO is   about to blow the doors off our understanding  of gravitational wave-generating phenomena.   So, what other developments lie ahead? India  is preparing a collaborative project called   LIGO-India, or INDIGO, which will help  LIGO triangulate better location data.   In 2027 to 2028, LIGO will implement its LIGO  Voyager upgrade, which will achieve higher   sensitivity with four times-heavier  mirrors and higher frequency lasers.   And in the more distant future, a third-generation  facility has been proposed called Cosmic Explorer.   This facility would feature two new  observatories with arms spanning 40 kilometres   and 20 kilometres respectively. (Remember,  with interferometers, bigger is better!)   But the proposal that really excites me is the  Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, or LISA.   This would be the first space-based gravitational  wave observatory, which would utilize three   spacecraft in a 2.5-million-kilometre-long  configuration. This interferometer would   be so big and so precise, scientists hope  it would be adept at uncovering exotic and   theoretical sources of gravitational waves, such  as cosmic strings and other speculative phenomena.   In theory, it could help us stare directly into  the fabric of reality. With a planned launch   date of 2037, we’re still over a decade away, but  it’s never too early to start counting the years.   So, there you have it: an overview of LIGO and  how scientists are using gravitational waves   to better understand the universe. They  give us evidence of extremely remote and   ancient phenomena that cannot be measured by  any other means, and they can be a secondary   way to measure observations made by other  instruments, like the Webb Telescope or Hubble.   In time, this revolutionary field should allow  us to understand the nature of our universe,   its history and even its future. I hope you’ve  found this episode as fascinating as I have.   As I’ve watched my child grow, it’s been wonderful  seeing them explore the world around them through   interacting with it. I’m sure this fact will  shock you, but I love sharing science facts   with my family. It’s fantastic seeing the growing  understanding in my young daughter’s eyes as she   learns something extraordinary about the world  and universe we live in. Which is why I’ve   very much appreciated the crate I received  from Kiwico, the sponsor of today’s video.   Inside was everything we needed to build a  glow-in-the-dark moon, a galaxy tube, and a   toss-the-comet game – my daughter loved painting  the moon, and I helped her put it all together.   Kiwico crates are packed with a fun range of  science projects for kids from 0 to my age.   Their expert team of educators, engineers and  even rocket scientists spend over a thousand   hours designing a new monthly project for your  kids to learn from, from rockets to robots,   and chemistry sets to cooking tools. If you  want to join in the monthly fun, click my   link below and give it a try – if you use my code  ASTRUM you can even get 50% off your first month!   Thanks for watching! If you want to learn  about some other really unique telescopes,   check out this playlist here. A big thanks to  my patrons and members for your support too,   if you want to support too and  have your name added to this list,   check the links in the description.  All the best, and see you next time.
Channel: Astrum
Views: 754,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ligo, gravitational waves, black holes, physics, science, what are gravitational waves, ligo india project, ligo india, gravitational wave, colliding black holes, astrophysics, gravitational waves explained, black hole, gravitational waves discovered, general relativity, universe, astronomy, space, astrum, astrumspace, how does ligo work, interferometer, KAGRA, INDIGO, LIGO VOYAGER, LISA, Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, the universe, laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatory
Id: h9JUODPdmKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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