The Expanse: The Original Designs for the Rocinante

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They made the right choice with the design they picked for the show. The Roci is gorgeous.

Edit: Typo :s

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/Hitman-Pred 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

What a treat!

Thanks guys

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/guardwallon 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love Spacedock.

Just a reminder that they have a really great sci-fi audio drama called The Sojourn that might definitely be your cup of tea if you like the Expanse.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/FlorencePants 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

nice! loved all of the spacedock expanse videos before this too :)

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ErynnTheSmallOne 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can't believe they were initially aiming to have the Roci land horizontally.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/abcpdo 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hope they bust out that winged ship at some point, it was the wrong look for the Roci but it looks super cool on it's own.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IntrepidusX 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wait wasn’t this already posted here?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The-Pinapl- 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
this week's video is kindly sponsored by ad astra games the publishers of attack vector tactical if you're a fan of realistic sci-fi war gaming then stick around to the end of the video because you'll enjoy this one hey everybody daniel from space doc here and i'm joined by chris danilon from the expanse team hi there hi and uh some of you i guess if you've been paying close attention may have seen his video on over on his channel which was the first reveal of a number of old concept drawings of the rosannante from when it was first being concept as arted concept artist designed for the show and and brought to life and you can sort of see the process of it of it coming to what would be its final form and i saw that video and it was really cool and i wanted to uh jump on with chris to talk about it on our own platform here uh so yeah i think uh some of you might find some of this quite interesting it's uh a lot of the stuff here is uh a lot more kind of different than i would have expected in certain ways uh early on but yeah uh so do you wanna quickly clarify here that uh obviously uh i briefly worked with the expanse people on force recon a while ago and chris works for uh the vr department on the show so neither of us uh are responsible for any of these images or were directly involved in that kind of process back then that pretty much covers that right chris yeah so it was a whole team of people and actually uh that spanned different companies and even countries uh so we had weta from new zealand first start the development and then we had north front that are based out of toronto started and obviously input from the showrunners and the producers and other people of the show but again like we didn't directly have any influence to these uh the development or the images it's more like i was there from the beginning so i can talk about it but i was definitely exposed to all this early on and since season one so yeah yeah so a lot of the stuff we'll say about these is just as much speculation as as you people in the audience i think but yeah uh and i got to see like a lot of the north front stuff before other people did and that's so good like like the northwest is amazing oh my gosh it's amazing and also the uh the techniques they use too it's very uh at least at the time it's very cutting edge the fact that they moved away from traditional painting and mixed it with 3d modeling which is something that not a lot of concept uh illustrators do but it is now pretty much like the standard so they're they're innovators for that industry yeah i was i was blown away getting to see some of that stuff ages ago when it went when it hadn't been released yet and it's like all the uh the stealth ship artwork and everything is just like every single every single piece of artwork they do is so gorgeous like so much texture and detail to it yeah and they do a lot of stuff for video games and other tv shows so yeah they're they're in demand for sure very talented talented people yeah deservedly so i'd say so yeah uh let's if we can get into these this is uh so this this first image here is i think really gonna gonna stand out to people because um i mean obviously like i'm i'm quite aware that like at the very beginning of a concept darting process for a ship or something in a popular series or film there is generally an attitude of just like throw everything at the wall no idea is off limits and we'll see we'll see what works and what doesn't and sort of refine it down from that but i was quite shocked to see this one because this is sort of like drastically incompatible with the setting and and it's like kind of kind of amazed that this happened but it is a cool looking design yeah and uh i know there was some talk about is this reaching in the future and actually i don't think that's the case because i know there's a whole thing in the books where there's a proto molecule and technology that revolves around that i don't know if we want to go into spoiler territory too much but i i don't think that this is the case i think it's this is just literally uh painting some ideas out there and you got to think it's number 82 i haven't seen zero to you know any like the ones that are in this package or the ones that i showed in the video are the only ones i've seen so who knows what the other ones look like right wow it's kind of crazy because like i'm so used to working on like incredibly low budget projects with like the sojourn and stuff like that the the idea of like commissioning an artist and spending time and money on stuff that's just not like the right idea at all like uh it just feels so strange that like this this this guy's obviously a super talented artist and it's just like so weird to see a picture of what is essentially just the wrong thing for uh for the series yeah and i suspect too when this uh happened i don't know if they had like noreen as the showrunner or they had anybody who was really um like concrete making creative decisions i think it was just uh weta because this was the first thing that has ever happened visually on the show was this this design package so the the development the design package i'm not sure if they had um concrete creative direction or were they given a lot of liberties or did they they must have a workflow and this is a result of that workflow and i mean i i love it but it's you're right i don't think it was the uh the fit for the show unless they wanted to take a a different direction you know yeah it's super it's super unique i mean like maybe parts of it could one day be used for something but like it's it maybe that is the idea of this kind of thing like even if all you get out of something is like a torpedo tube that you can attach to something else later then it's it's served its purpose yeah but yeah this is this is an interesting looking thing it's got a bit of a sort of nautical kind of ironclad shape to it the way it tapers up at the front like it looks very sort of destroyer world war two kind of ship shape which is interesting with while still having this weird sort of bio bioship design yeah and i just wanted to say as well that we don't have like further details of this specific drawing so this could be something that uh was just left at this point like we don't have 3d renders of it we don't have like uh detailed colorization of it so that's also telling as well that maybe they even knew early on that this was not the right direction but was still a cool place to explore yeah fair enough i mean uh i like as as glad as i am that this cool looking thing exists i'm also glad that a talented artist wasn't like led on a on a like string of things that never got used and they like they kind of stopped doing this quite early when it's not the right vibe but yeah this is pretty cool the whole like uh heat shield slash wing kind of thing is it's it's almost anime-esque this ship like uh it's it's the kind of thing you might expect to see in a bit more of an outlandish kind of science fantasy anime yeah it has a bit more high sci-fi vibes instead of the grounded hard sci-fi that we have in on the show i do like the um the way the torpedo tube is extended from where the shield was when it folds away that's a cool feature yeah totally yeah interesting design uh okay so what we've got next uh so yeah now we're definitely like approaching where the uh endpoint would be though still not really there but yeah this is um i think uh one thing that i have like realized going through most of these is that the um the taillander aspect of the rosie like uh the fact that it didn't land horizontally seems to be something that they just did quite late on like a lot of these designs have kept the books because in the book of course it lands horizontally i can i can actually speak to that a little bit because um the first vertical landing that we ever saw that was real and practical was done by i actually had to search this up was done by uh virgin and they did it in 2018. uh this show was in 2014 like these renders are from 2014. so we at that time didn't really know i'm sure it was theorized or it was possible but at in 2014 we we didn't have an idea that that that we would do vertical landing or that would be the norm or that would be what elon musk's spacex would be doing so yeah definitely horizontal landing was still uh still a thing when these renders were were made see i'm i'm glad the show went for the taillander in the end because like as uh like i love the books to bits of course but the uh i always thought that like first of all it's got that great kind of like 1970s sci-fi kind of flash gordon look to it when a ship just lands on its tail like that like it looks really stark and impressive and also you know it's just simpler like it's it saves the whole the interior is designed to to have the walls also work as a deck and stuff like that yeah and and also the uh the airlock too like how would the airlock work if you landed on its belly and what would be supporting the rossi if you landed on this belly it'd be a like on during a landing in gravity it's like you have to think about all the stress points and how would you support a ship like that and i think doing it the way we did was the most practical way yeah certainly and it doesn't it doesn't mean the ship then has to have like four extra large engines that never do anything but wait for use when something lands it like uh like the book the book rosie has like horizontal landing thrusters that just like never get used apart for that and that's like just not as elegant or efficient as it being able to just land the same way it kind of moves the rest i mean obviously they don't ignite the epstein driving atmosphere but like the same kind of profile and also uh if you were if we were to add that into a design that's like a season four thing and we got like canceled on season three so why would we implement something in season one that we may never see you know yeah that's fair enough this is um again a bit a bit more of a high sci-fi design i think one thing that's kind of universal between these is um it seems like it took a while for the concept art to match the whole idea of thrust gravity like uh which which eventually it does but like this has a horizontal window here on the front of it that looks a bit and sort of this the shape doesn't exactly match the uh like center of thrust in such a way that it wouldn't really work for uh for the vertical deck orientation thing assuming the exterior is any indication of what the interior is shaped like but yeah this this it's closer than the last one but it's it's kind of crawling towards it i do really like this though like this would be great in something else that's that's the uh that's my answer for a lot of these pictures is uh is this would be really cool in some other series that doesn't have quite as strict requirements on on design yeah i also think what's interesting about this is they're putting emphasis on the drive cone like it really it's there and it stands out so i think that the epstein drive is more uh relevant on this piece of concept art it does have other thrusters on the side but this seems to be like the the drive cone on this is the uh one of the main uh importance about this specific piece i think yeah and it's also like uh it's very seamlessly designed for atmosphere with the uh with the tapering wings i do notice in the bottom left here there's a there's a donager model uh yeah i know that looks like i noticed that too crazy what is that that's like looks like something out of halo that's mad yeah i think that that was more for like a scale thing and i don't even know if the scale is correct because like at that point it would just it's just the idea of the tachier the rossi fits into a bigger ship and this is an idea for the bigger ship but yeah it is really cool and it's uh and this is the thing though with with the numbers of the drawing there might have been a number where it would have focused on this version of the donager but again i've never seen it don't know if it exists but just so we're just theorizing here you know yeah it doesn't look like as many of them could fit in there as the final rosie can and because like you can fit like six of those corvettes into the into the final downager in that big interior bay but like the size difference is a little bit different here but yeah just this like crazy blade style shape it's like it's just kind of shocking i guess it wouldn't be at the time but and you have five years of expanse and uh or whatever it's been and you look you look back at this stuff and it's like this is so odd like it's sort of like does it doesn't have that uh that kind of settled style that it ended up with but yeah okay so we go to the the next one uh okay so yeah there's a there's a few of these ones this is this is really interesting because this is like getting into this kind of space plane sort of uh sort of aesthetic that's that's that is quite grounded it's a it's a little bit more uh sort of arty than than it's like not as utilitarian as what it ends up being it's very smooth a lot of the designs are very there's a lot of curves organic shapes to it and i like the space shuttle style black and white two-tone that looks really good but yeah it's like you can sort of see the the show slowly figuring out that it's not about like wings and stuff like like i think this is what you would expect spaceship designs for sci-fi to be like uh where the expanse has a bit more kind of draconian realistic rules on on what they should be which makes it all a little bit more sort of long narrow tubes and stuff rather than this kind of avian shape i i also feel like um a lot of the times finding the rules it comes uh over time and with establishing you know uh and talking to experts and stuff like that so this is all part of the development process um like uh these these rules they don't come out of thin air they come with uh you know design a design process they it comes with the source material with the you know looking at what the books uh talking to you know experts in the field i'm not sure how much they did that but i know we do have like you know a few like space science uh orientated people that are related to the show so there are there are resources that we go out to and this is just a part of you know like feelers i guess just kind of getting to a point where yeah i mean the process certainly worked out because like we ended up with what is rightly regarded as as like one of the most science accurate sci-fi shows ever and of course and shankar's like am i right and saying he's like an astrophysics graduate or something uh i think he has a degree in engineering um but he is an absolute genius when it comes to attention to detail and just uh just knowing his stuff no matter what field it would be whether it be you know biology to astrophysics like he he just he knows his stuff and just and i mean he's worked on everything from csi to this it's like it's crazy deep space nine one of my favorite favorite deep space nine episodes the gathering yeah another gathering the quickening yeah he knows his stuff i i'm so happy to to work with the show as passionate and as uh professional as he is yeah i think you can definitely see the uh the influence on the final product yeah and the only thing i want to say about this i get like razorback vibes from this these images yeah i was just thinking that yeah or or un1 like uh sort of the more kind of well i get uh one is is like a suborbital thing so it's got a bit of an atmospheric vibe to it but yeah like that sort of stylish civilian thing to it like it's not very warship-esque but uh yeah it's definitely got a bit of that razorback vibe it's cool i like a lot of these designs and again uh like i kind of hope some of these artists get to use them on other projects or something at some point so they don't go to waste but they are really cool let's get the next one so yeah this is this you were just saying earlier this is like what you were under the impression the rosie would be for a long time right yeah re really early on this is my my first exposure to what i thought it was going to be and uh it was also the idea of like working in the art department and the first season i did graphic like graphic design but we're also thinking about like how do we put graphics on the set so we look at this and we establish like colors and we establish like what are the interiors going to look like like i'm not a set designer but i work with set designers so looking at this a set designer would be like how would the inside of the ship look like of course we would later get north front involved and that's when we really got an idea of what the outside is going to look like so we can reflect what the inside's going to be designed um but yeah this was my first exposure to the to the rossi yeah again like not expands but really cool is my actually this is a gorgeous picture like like it's just a great shot here with all the uh all the beetle engines firing at the same time and it's got like i think like one of the only visual descriptions of the rosie in the book is that it looks like a chisel and this has that on the bow that kind of that kind of chisel shape yeah but i also i found it interesting it was a chisel but didn't they say it had like a coffee cup stuck on the back yeah the coffee cup is absent from this one yeah but it does look like a chisel yeah and this is like the first appearance of the of the darker coloration for the mcrn yeah i think i think this is important because uh establishing a color palette is also because like uh the for example the un1 have a different even though they have warships um they have a different color palette it's for blues it's still in the dark sort of palettes but yeah it's uh i think it's important because it did establish like a sort of hey this is like when we were creating the mcr and logo um we would reference this to you know move forward so yeah that's pretty cool it's yeah i really like this design and uh i don't think this is like this could maybe fit in the expanse somewhere like i guess if you ever wanted to visualize like something 100 years in the future or something maybe like it's uh it's not entirely out of left field for a realistic setting so it's it's yeah i like it a lot it's it's a cool shape and again again it's a lot a lot of that civilian razorback kind of smooth lines vibe yeah very cool and then we again have just the same same thing but with the uh space shuttle two-tone like while i recognize that this darker one it was like super important in setting the trend as just a ship in general and not an expanse ship i think i like the black and white better for this but yeah it's it's it's very kind of like it reminds me of some of the the concord ships from eve online and things like that i mean maybe one of the things they realized that as a military vessel in space maybe having white isn't the best material i guess yeah i mean the distances involved it wouldn't really matter what you could you'd be bright pink yeah but uh yeah i suppose um like it's it's a lot of like visual language because you're going to see a lot of them on screen and then import next to each other and things like that yeah cool ship totally uh yeah and this is back to the uh the one from earlier uh i i like this a lot again again like in another setting it would be it would be really cool like the uh you can see the jet engines on the front there so like obviously it's it's switching to to air breathing propulsion when it when it comes into land which is pretty cool it's nice to see it too with uh human scale and perspectives just get an idea how big it is yeah it's so handy it's uh it's so useful to have that kind of thing i mean like i've been doing space stock for six years and that's where most sci-fi writers have no idea what the hell a meter is like it's just completely like disproportionate nonsense so much of the time it's i like how how much care expanse puts into that kind of thing but yeah this is like it's almost uh looks like something that wouldn't be out of place in like firefly or something like the idea of this big horizontal ship like kicking up dust and landing and it's just like walking straight in and out of it on a horizontal plane yeah it has almost like a it has a grit to it yeah yeah it's it's definitely uh there's actually quite a lot of the uh especially in the color of the final mcrn look here like it's not quite there but it still has that like advanced angular feel to it and the dark like brownish sort of charcoal steel kind of look it's definitely there i like the uh the bomb uh like decals on next to the name plate that's pretty cool um that's good stuff yeah uh see i think we'll go straight to the next one from this okay now we're getting now again the first thing i notice here is so this is obviously iterative like designs towards what would be the rosie but the first thing i noticed is that you can clearly see what became the front of the pellet on c there right that's that must have been recycled surely well i mean it's it's north front who's doing this so i'm sure into keeping to the the visual language of the show you can always go back to certain things a lot of the time uh i've noticed naren likes to mash ships together whether they're being concept or final or getting close to a final so he'll take a bit of you know c and put it put b in it and grab you know like a little portion of h and just and make these mishmash of ships and these uh renders are just quick quick drawings like i don't think it will i mean they're so talented i don't think it takes them very long to do each one but it gets an idea across and and sort of the next phase would be refining you know certain ones of these like they might like you know like c and d they'll be like okay let's refine those and then stuff like that i've got to say i love all of these once you get into the pencil sketch ones on here like there's just like great design after great design just just going like going through to get this and like one thing we i was talking with some uh space dog people about this the other day and i noticed that this is 2014 and if like the fronts of c there with the whole kind of mustache shape is is clearly what became the front of the pellet but this drawing predates the book like it predates the uh the book where the peller is introduced yeah exactly the visual visually part of the ship existed before it even existed on the page which is really cool like it's just an interesting way things turned out that yeah i i think also with the design of the pella there was definitely some like donager influence as well yeah it's it's the back of a donagher with that front basically it's like a mini donagher yeah i think the pillar yeah this uh so a lot of these i love i love the um the quad fin designs on a here it's great um i love i this is really cool like and i think maybe you can see like a bit of this shape is kind of what became the scorpio uh yeah scipio africanus yeah yeah i guess which we we we called the morrigan class for force recon but that's uh yeah that like it's like that flipped over and that's that's my favorite expanse design because that's so cool the whole like uh triangular shape of that is so unique and uh you can see sort of bits of where that came from but like any of these like the sheer talent of these people that like stuff that could be the hero ship of a long-running mega franchise just gets like tossed aside in the pursuit of something better like all of this stuff is is like absolutely brilliant stuff stands on its own i i completely agree they are so talented and i love their work it's it's amazing what they can do and and the speed too because in the film industry we work really fast so there's there's quick turnarounds for a lot of this stuff and and they're they're fast and they're talented and they're they produce great results and this is an example of it you know do supremely talented people uh so yeah there's close looks at each of these this is the um and you can i guess i guess this would have been the genesis of the bow shape that became the actual bow shape of the rosie yeah so i i think what happened here is that uh they wanted the ship design the one with the fins but without without the fins i think because you can see how uh so second design pass be single engine so the single engine is becoming more of a relevant thing yeah yeah yeah the um i guess like the the sort of reasoning would be that these finns like their own their only reason they exist here is as pontoons for the maneuvering thrusters because like that wouldn't work as a lift surface or anything like that so again again they're moving away from from the shape of airplanes and into into more like realistic rocketry designs and it's becoming more like vertically symmetrical because this has got a different looking ventral surface to its dorsal surface which which isn't the case on the on the final rosie i like part of my sort of uh like general appreciator of space art like instinct is saying that i like the fins but like i can also respect why for realism's sake like it's it just makes more sense that they not be there which is which is what they zeroed in on in the end but yeah this is just sort of like i like how it's kind of cute it's very small and dinky and like it's only got the two pdcs and like you could maybe use this as some kind of like gun boat design within the setting yeah and i really like the uh the red outline because that shows you sort of the development process yeah you can see the act the final rosie like buried in there yeah it's in there for sure i mean there are a lot of design uh differences like the uh the front end is a bit looks a bit squished and stuff like that so they they're definitely getting close with with this it doesn't have all of the uh antenna stuff yet at the bow and things like that as also i noticed the the finished knight in the bottom left here like was that the first ship that was designed to completion i i i cannot remember i i don't know but i think they're using well they're definitely using it as scale reference so maybe it was i mean we chronologically we see the night before we see the rossi and yeah i'm wondering if that's if that's why like it wasn't done like do the hero ship first it was done like do the first chip that's important first yeah yeah and also it's it's good to do that to get the vfx vendors a little bit of a head start you can say hey there's a hero ship named the rossi or the touchy coming up but in episode in block one you know episode one and two we're gonna see another a different ship and it's the night we're gonna get started on that and then send that out and be able to have them work on that you know you also get to like cut your teeth on on the style of the universe without it being a risk on the most important ship you know like you're just uh you're just getting into it with a with what is like a generic example of a ship from this setting which is a good way to get into the world yeah the the shoot the sheer amount of uh concept illustrations for one ship uh lens tells the importance of it which is the raw see the different variations of it and stuff like that really shows that we knew that i was an important ship from the beginning yeah absolutely okay let's go to the next one uh okay now this is interesting um this is like i guess it's a sort of the previous one i would say was closer to the final rosie than this yeah so they're they're a little bit out of order that last image was pretty much uh that we just saw would be the one that before we start getting to like actually 3d modeling or the so but these are all like you know uh refining the initial sketch when you had a a to like i can't remember h or something or i so yeah again i really like this i really like the square engine blocks and all that like uh i i have to put aside that like i mean i would have made the same choice about the uh the single engine bell in the end because that's correct like that's uh not only correct for the book but also just the most realistic way to design a thrust gravity sort of realistic spacecraft but then also this does look cool it's kind of my conceit here like i like how well it fits into this to the widening fin section and all that or i suppose they're not even fins yet at this point they're actually kind of wings yeah and another thing you can notice too is that they have um the the turrets the and you can see that they're they're on the sides so they're also thinking about those as well is this like the first sort of look into pdcs did this like the earliest kind of go with that i think they they knew that it was going to be a thing at this point because in in all these uh like renders or second passes they have uh pdcs like drawn in so i don't know if they knew to what detail they were going to be but i think i think they had an idea that they were they were going to be relevant especially because they're they're used really quickly uh because we see the tachi and natasha needs to escape while they're getting shot so they come out and they start shooting so it was definitely something that would come out in conversation like if the episode let's say we didn't see any pdcs then i don't know if they would be as rel like if we didn't see it until like second season for whatever reason yeah i don't think they'd buy the demands of the series yeah it wouldn't be as relevant than it is now if you see them right right off the bat it's interesting that a lot of these concept designs seem to depict a smaller ship for the rosie like there's only two pdcs i mean i guess there could be one on the other side but like but i also see what's what's on the fins like do you think those are pdcs on the fins oh possibly could they would be like a different caliber or something or small i mean they almost they almost look like like rail rail guns almost i don't know that's uh still not as many though because that's yeah rather than six i think but yeah the um it's like it looks shorter too like it's kind of more squat on the on the nose section yeah the rosie the final rosie feels more like a frigate which is kind of what it's meant to be like a light frigate so let's get that kind of right feel to it especially compared to the night there but yeah let's go into the next one okay so i guess that we've just reversed again yeah we've yeah yeah so this would be second pass b single engine yeah and then i think remember the differences between this and the uh and the one we were on earlier i i think that i think this is the first one and they just said get rid of the fins i think that's yeah yeah and and still it's got a different shaped at some point these like the vertical and and the dorsal and ventral detailing is going to become the same whereas at the moment it's not got there yet but yeah let's go straight to the next one everything okay so at some point it was four fins it was i guess or or this design had four fins uh yeah this is that this looks cool uh and in fact i think the the four fins looks more expansed than than like well i i guess four fins or no fins both look more expansed than two fins is what i'm saying because it's because now they're more rocket than plane which is which is what they're ultimately going for yeah yeah it's it's almost funny because it's like those those fins could almost be like the legs that help the the landing gear oh yeah this this looks more stable for a for a for like a tail landing than some of these other ones yeah like you could you could use that because ultimately the the final version of the rosie ends up with like an aftermarket thing getting stuck to it to uh to facilitate landing yeah exactly okay it's not part of the design yeah okay uh okay so there's a very different direction and like i really like this this this is a really cool looking ship like uh i almost get like unn vibes from this and i don't know why it has yeah i guess they're generally they're generally more square than stuff like they have they're more kind of squared off shapes it's a little sleek for unn i think but it's not quite like triangular enough for mcrs it also has like that t-shape too which we don't see at all yeah i guess the uh the truman class has the widening t-shaped bow section and all that's like that's a bit of a unm vibe yeah yeah this another one here where you're like this could this could be the hero ship of of a long-running thing easily and it's just like an off-cut thing that was used in concept art but like it's just gorgeous like so much detail on on everything here it looks great and you can see the um i guess these are torpedo tubes they're like vertical launch torpedo tubes on the back yeah they look like they have almost like a door that it will open up and yeah because i mean you don't like in in in space you don't necessarily need your torpedo tubes to point the way you're firing them you just sort of eject things out and then they can reorient and do their thing oh yeah and again they they haven't quite zeroed in on the on the like vertically symmetrical shape yeah because it's still it's still got a bit of that like this is the bottom kind of feel to it but yeah and more pvcs this is a bit beefier than uh than other ones again again a bit of a pella vibe here like it's got the four the four uh engines at the back but yeah this is really cool i think uh this like would be would be fit to reuse somewhere in in the shallow i think but yeah totally okay so yeah this is this like they've refined this down to single engine i guess it's it's kind of crazy though because this could have been the rossi you know yeah it could have been uh it just it didn't happen that way but any of these designs could have moved forward um depending on you know a whole bunch of factors so yeah you this could have been the hero ship of the show potentially we could be we could be looking at the final roshi back in a in a concept stage in a video about about conception yeah i mean i always say that like in a in a parallel universe this is the rossi you know yeah yeah and i mean that wouldn't be so bad i like this a lot i think uh the one noticeable thing here is like if you look at this side view like half of the half of it is negative space and like if it's internally uh vertically oriented decks for uh for thrust gravity then like i guess you you'd have to like it would be sort of off-center with its weight it would be like tilting downwards all the time or you'd have to like counter balance it and put all of the interior rooms in the upper half or just isn't really as efficient as the final version or that you'd have to flip it to make it uh symmetrical yeah yeah which is ultimately kind of what we end up with yeah but yeah this has got a hefty engine at the back like it's huge with the main engine on this and it like extends so far into the ship like it's it's a huge huge part of the ship but yeah that really does like sell the the sort of gnarliness of the epstein drive which is quite cool totally yeah good stuff uh what we got next uh oh wow so this is like a beefier beefier version so were these like two uh two like ideas being explored at the same time because like there's a clear there's a clear iterative process for both of these takes on the rosie i i think so it's hard it's hard to say going back you know so many years and also not being uh directly responsible for this development process so it's really hard to say but it does look like they wanted to explore this a little bit more or else it wouldn't have made the second pass you know so i just noticed now that this is like it's got the shape of the four engine version but instead of engines they're like cowlings around one engine which oh yeah yeah i see that yeah that's quite clever i i like that because it's like allows it to have that externally angular blocky shape while still having the realistic single line engine but you can definitely definitely see how a lot of these are just are almost like collages of other stuff like bits and pieces that are put together and you know yeah you can totally like imagine that it's just like i like this but bring it bring it back to me with uh with a cowling instead of a square engine i would have like just little tiny notes being attended to and then sent back in yeah that's very cool oh look this is the uh i guess that's the first appearance of the big like diagonal angular diagonal antenna thing that made it onto the final rosie yeah front there yeah and yeah this is again just like a mishmash of of different bits from from the two [Music] this makes the engine look even bigger because the rest of the ship is more skeletal now yeah it just looks even more like one uh sort of unbalanced with a huge engine oh yeah good stuff more torpedo chips there's uh there seems to be like the final rosie has a lot less torpedo tubes that a lot of these concepts do totally uh oh my god there's even more here okay so that's a that's wow there used to be like a giant block of vls torpedo tubes like this when we get to the more like detailed and colorized renders you'll see sometimes in the the torpedo tubes will they'll have like the torpedo bay they'll look the same but they'll have a whole bunch of doors and that's something that was also explored that's a very kind of like uh contemporary 21st century like warship kind of feel like the whole sort of vertical launch doors and loads of them kind of thing but yeah that's like a huge uptick in firepower this uh this version i guess it is like described in the book as just a missile boat like it's its whole purpose is to just drop loads and loads of torpedoes so like yeah i mean i suppose the final rosie like has the same size magazine just being fired through not as many ports yeah but i i mean could you just have less ports but then a faster fire rate because would you really need all those ports just to think about yeah i guess it's i mean i assume it's being like auto loaded very quickly into into the one or two ports so it's okay but if these are like single fire like there's one missile behind behind each door and then that's it because that's what the um we wound up calling it the leonidas class the nathan hale the uh from the show that's got like a big block of uh of single fire missiles on the sides of it that just like are in racks and and that's it and there's no loading mechanism so i guess maybe that's what that could have been but i kind of like that that ended up being on a unn ship and a complicated auto loader one kind of or what's implied to be like an auto loaded single tube thing wound up being an mcrn ship because like the whole vibe they're trying to sell is that the unm is very dilapidated and old-fashioned and like the mcrn's very sleek and they have fewer better ships so it kind of uh it fits better there i think yeah totally okay now this is very familiar yeah i guess this must have been like the last thing before uh before it went through right before before going to 3d yeah this would be sort of the the one that like were there yeah the only difference really is the uh the ventral side being being smoother yeah instead of instead of matching the top side like at some point this basically just got mirrored and then that was it but yeah this is uh it's so cool to see it come together like that to see like the whole the whole mindset that brought it together yeah i guess uh this is a little more square in this second in the sort of midships than than from the final version and again it seems like the proportions are not quite there yeah that's what i'm feeling like did that did the whole ship wind up being like stretched by length at some point because like the nose is still a bit stumpy compared to what i'm familiar with yeah i don't i don't know it seems to be the guy and there's uh looks like six torpedo doors on the one block instead of uh two on either side yeah there was definitely uh they wanted more defeated doors originally i'm wondering what that is on this underside here is that just like detailing i guess yeah it's just a lot of the times uh they'll fill in detail that not may not have any rhyme or reason it's more just to say like oh there'll be something here but we just don't know what it is just to try to get like it's almost like uh what's called grebel yeah you you put as a 3d model or you just put grebel on stuff just to make it look like it has detail but when it comes to like actual function it's almost like you don't really know i guess uh like a lot of this wasn't really designed with foresight of like five books in mind because like nobody there's no there's not really much evidence that they were thinking about like where is the railgun gonna go if we get to book four and stuff like that like that's not something you would concern yourself with when you're making the first season of a tv show it's also another thing too is like when you do the first season you don't even know if you're gonna get a second season or if you'll even come back to work on the second season so it's a lot of it uh you're so focused on just getting the look of the show and a language across rather than thinking oh in season three there's gonna be like that's so far removed from what we're yeah i mean i'm sure i'm sure some of it's considered but uh it's definitely the focus in the first season of any show is is to try to get a visual language established because it will it will help you design future things and also it gives a it gives a nice visual aesthetic to the show that when you look at a frame of the show you'll be like oh that's expanse versus like star trek versus uh battlestar galactica et cetera i wonder how much direct involvement tai and daniel had in this kind of stuff like were they vetting designs for the ship and stuff or is that completely outside of what they were looking at no i'm sure i'm sure they did i i mean daniel's mostly in the writer's room and tai so i would say between the two of them tai probably had a bit more input when it came to this stuff but i mean i wasn't in the meeting so i don't know but i i would i would think that he did i've always got the impression that tai is the world building guy of the two yeah and uh and daniel is the like in the writers room through and through yeah makes sense okay what we've got next okay so there's your uh there's your big bow-facing antenna thing which looks bigger than it does on the final one but i think that's just because the rest of the ship is proportioned differently yeah like it's uh it's a bit stumpier but yeah that's another like completely characteristic bit of the rosie it's it's funny because when i first saw the antennas uh we all just assumed i'm like oh those must be like blasters or something or something like we didn't we didn't realize that we're like oh those are antennas for communication like that that was something that we learned really quickly but when you first looked at it uh not knowing that their antenna raised then yeah that's we we thought they had some sort of military you know combat also looks like a rail gun because it's got the fork shape with the gap in the middle and then like sort of ironically the railgun ends up being in between them so yeah it's sort of living up to its shape but yeah that's pretty cool exactly okay now this is very donator yes this is just like a micro donagher kind of thing i guess uh the at some point there was like a more like entirely uniform mcrn style like all of their ships have four four engines at the back and widen at the back and all that and the smaller ones are just mini dungeons which is basically what the pillar is in the end yeah yeah this is uh very different from the final model but also very cool and again like totally something they could just use somewhere if they wanted to yeah you can see the the roots of the darnager in this too and also the the pella as well so would this predate the donager this image uh well they were they must have been developing the donager in parallel because yeah because you see the same episode right same episode and it's also because we see it explode too so you would need a the exterior of at some point you know uh yeah yeah i'll i might be able to make a video just on similar than what i did to the rossi with the dungeoneer there's a lot less resources for the doninger i've noticed would have loved to see more of that stuff like that weird like dagger looking one from earlier was very cool yeah i think i think the reason why that is is because the donagher isn't a hero yeah uh our as hero as the rossi and also the fact that it blows up so we don't see it yeah for very long yeah that's fair enough all right so now we're getting really really uh towards the end here yeah like um so yeah this is you as you were saying it's the it's the much more torpedo doors is the main difference really and uh also like i guess that hasn't arrived at the at the quintessential orange and charcoal mcrn color scheme yet like this looks more like uh the civilian rosie after it's escaped and gets its sort of generic paint job yeah totally yeah and it's uh also this would be before we had any like mcrn logos or right uh the mcr and flag too so this was all like would pre predate that i believe i mean it's like we were really they really zeroed in on it by now like a lot of this stuff like it ha expanse has such a a sort of classic sf novel book art kind of like cover art kind of feel to it like uh it's it's just got that gorgeous kind of kind of style and like you can really it really lives up to it here yeah this is a good one i mean at this point we're pretty much getting there yeah again only two pdc ports they're not there's none on the sides of the nose yet oh yeah the ship still still looks smaller yeah okay uh all right now really getting it and there's what you were saying before this huge backpack of vls doors on there for yeah just way way more torpedoes yeah and also i think there was a lot of conversations about the actual torpedo bay itself like how would it fire torpedoes where would it be because um at some point we even had actors walking on it so we had to build it so there was a but i think that was later on that was in season oh gosh season two i think wow so like obviously the final rosie has a completely automated torpedo bay that you can't get to as a as a person inside the ship so like it's interesting that at some point there was a torpedo base set um it's pretty cool yeah it was but it was exterior though oh okay right for like a spacesuit sequence or something yeah for a space for a spacewalk yeah and you you can also see that kind of zeroing in on the mcrn logo here yeah one thing i didn't i didn't cover in the video which again could be a video on its own was um so in the design package that whata did they actually did a graphic pass of what mcrn like graph or like graphic design in the show would be like um they did and they only touched on it on like two maybe two or three pages but some of it would be like advertisements on series like uh market districts or it would be like what would the you know the crest on a military and mcrn marine look like that they did they did a pass on that uh that's starting to inform other things now that we're getting there yeah so what would happen is when you have the uh you know graphic designers on the show start or even like north north front starts we have something to like to reference and to and to put on things and then later it would get refined and finalized and with approval from you know higher ups and you can definitely see the beginnings of the orange like it's thinner here the orange trim around the charcoal color it's such a great color scheme the mcrn have such an iconic color scheme like that really worked out in there and i like these white uh like targeting laser scanner things on psg's that's a very grounded realistic kind of thing though it looks pretty cool yeah and that's something that that we don't see in the final renders yeah it's it's i i guess i would have liked to see those like that would have been a cool thing to keep but it's maybe it's a little too um because that looks like very near future kind of tech maybe the expanse is a bit beyond that or or it'd be it'd be smaller on it you know yeah it's somewhere barely visible uh what's next okay so this is the familiar torpedo i think does the final rosie only have one door on the like yeah i think i think it's this one do they face in in opposite directions is that it like like it's got one facing for i don't know i should know that no i i cause i i've hung out around the the final 3d model a lot so it has one door and it's facing like so the airlock would be right in front of it and it has one torpedo bay door i believe yeah so there's there's one door on on either side of the ship than the top side and the underside on these little blocks which kind of makes sense i like the asymmetry because like they're not really like they end up looking cool because it's spaceships for a tv show but like from an in-universe standpoint the objective is not to make something that looks cool it's to make something that works well so like it makes sense that most of the of the block would be like a magazine and then it just gets pushed out through the same door yeah yeah i i'm sure that you know you got to imagine if there's any problems that happens in the torpedo beta you'd have to go in and fix it so i'm sure there's some sort of like interior that would need to be accessed by a person at some point like a crawl space somewhere on the inside yeah yeah that would certainly make sense as a redundancy but yeah and still still no bow pdc's i guess that was a late addition i gave this thing more pdc's you can see the square where one of them will be is there one there no that's down here right the uh there's a pc between that like the door and the whole ship is a bit longer in the final version yeah i feel like they're they're on the sides um all right yeah yeah we're just going by memory here but yeah yeah fair enough there's gonna be people screaming at me in the comments for not having a photographic memory of the layout for the center all right okay oh here we go so now we're getting into the decal oh my gosh i love this so much the paint treatments are so cool so uh i'm gonna skip past this image because there's big images of each other individually yeah so here we go so this is i think the one we just saw with the um so at this point the pdc's things were kind of figured out yeah that's happened now uh i think are they yeah there's one there's one there's one on the top here so oh yeah yeah they're all accounted for yeah and there's only a single torpedo door now so this really is the final uh the final model that's cool yeah this um so this is a really cool design a really cool color scheme that's that's like zeroing in on the final one really and yeah you can see the makings of it well by the time you start doing paint treatments like this you're pretty much there like you have the design now it's just like what is it what is it gonna look like like paint wise there's good stuff that's so cool to see all this stuff uh so let's go to be okay this is cool this is um nice kind of sharp angular yeah stripes here and this cool kind of aztec and it looks good the cool thing about uh when you're when you're doing something like this uh if you have a 3d model you can turn on like symmetry mode so when you paint on one side it will reflect it on the other side so you can go through and experiment with different things without having to you know [Music] redo it a lot and you can do it in all in different layers so you can turn layers on and off so it's just definitely an awesome workflow that they use to create these paint treatments yeah this looks really good i think this is also the first time we've seen the uh the brickwork style heat paneling that's on the final version i've got the uh i've got the idea planet rosanante model here and yeah like i love the how detailed it is on that it's great oh they did such a good job you can you can run your finger over it and you can just feel all the all the tile the bumps and the model is so cool okay what's next so yeah this one's interesting this is like um a lot of orange like uh it's like less of a trim and more of a dominant color uh i do wonder if there's like an actual version of this logo somewhere yeah i think in detail i think there was a logo like that's similar to the um you know it just looks like a quick sketch though this this makes it look more like something like it like because like a fighter squadron on an aircraft carrier or something would have like this is more of a kind of like uh like a regimental badge kind of thing and it kind of fits the fact that the rosie or the touchy is like attached to the donagher and something that they launch like it's that kind of auxiliary thing uh i'm glad they went a different way in the end but this is an interesting like exploration they went for here yeah i mean you do something like this so you know that it's it's a bit too much so you can pull it back and and and rework it but yeah it's always good to to explore it looks like by now they definitely figured out that it was orange and black that they wanted it's just a matter of how it was distributed yeah uh so what's next here okay this is very close to to what it ended up being yeah um and i like this a lot like the widening orange at the bow there that was cool but yeah i noticed the the whole number changes between between things so i guess they weren't they uh they didn't really mind what the whole number was i just happy to change that between different things i'm sure it's just this is a decal you know there's a lot more large name plates like uh obviously there's a big rose and antenna name plate once they turn it into the rosanante but the uh the only touchy nameplates are quite small on the touchy version a lot of these uh earlier ones had like big big mcrn decals and stuff okay i love this one it's just so cool they have the horse on it like yeah i guess like like it kind of doesn't makes like is is that supposed to be like a quixote reference like that like rosanante like but it's on the ship before it was the rosannante so that doesn't really jam yeah again it's all about exp um a lot of the times you have to think about the people that are uh involved with the show they don't know the books by heart they're like professionals in their own right but they're not like we don't hire expanse fans on the show we hire people that are in the craft of the film industry so if they if they know that there's going to be something like this they might put it on just to hindsight in the future like what it could be because we do know it's going to be called the rossi it is based off the book uh like the don quixote's book i love this decal though like i would have i would have been quite happy to see that on the uh on the final row see that the horse decal because it just just looks really cool yeah i wouldn't call it this like sense of acceleration to the whole thing while it's on there and it's super distinctive and it feels quite a lot like the the final the final roast and anti decal is great but it's so small that you can't really see it from from from a distance when the ship's in motion this is like really really stark and impressive i like it it's good stuff and i guess almost all of the rest of this is like what it ended up being with a few exceptions on the gray here like and now we've got the big vertical mcrn like decal yeah so that would be after the the logo is established and then they put that on yeah okay back to back to a bit more dominant orange here as you can see there's the old the old logos on there was that was this logo this mcrn logo always known to be a placeholder i i yeah no it's definitely a place i think i think northrop might have made that logo just really quick yeah it's uh interesting how like the same vibe ended up in the final one like the same circle in the middle and all that or what could have happened too is the uh the graphic designer on the show because i know who did the logo his name uh john hunter and uh vipers is what we call them so viper designed the mcrn logo he could have just done a quick one and then send it to them but that doesn't look like his work that looks like something northrop might have done okay cool yeah i like it okay back to a sort of gray uh with little light orange trim kind of thing and large whole numbers on the sides i think this is this is like too dark is the uh is the problem on this one like i like it but uh it would make the ship quite difficult to see in any kind of flybys there's like not enough of a trim going on yeah it's very black like you do see um i don't know you like for a split second you see some footage of the mcrn caracoum in season two which is another ship of the same class as the rosie and that's like a black ops black ops design like you're telling me the the one that was in the bay the donaghy bay no no the one that's delivering the hybrids to ganymede in season two and you see like footage of it getting torpedoed by aaron wright on like a torpedo camera or whatever i think that's the only time it's the only time you ever see another ship of the same class as the rosie in the whole show but yeah if you're gonna do like a black ops one like this kind of predominantly black color scheme would certainly fit okay yeah same one with a bit of an injection of orange it's it really was all about that kind of balance of like keeping the orange as a trim to make it eye-catching but not uh too much of it and i think this is the final one right yeah i i think this is what what the one that'd be wrong with because it has the final logo it has yeah it looks like it like it it's just great like i mean it's it's it's weird to call something that has only existed for like five years or whatever an iconic sci-fi ship but it really is like uh all this this like careful iterative process just tremendously pays off and even though this is like uh a visual version of the roshi that we only see for one episode before it gets repainted like it's still it's still the one that you'll always see people like posting on on social media and stuff like that as much as the others like i think every version of this i saw someone paint the uh the model that came with the kickstarter just into it uh touching it it looked amazing wow that's cool unless they 3d printed it and if they 3d printed it was very accurate but i think it looked too accurate like the detail on it it must have been the uh the model and they were just a skilled painter it looks amazing though that's awesome yeah it's it's like the mcrn are just such a distinctive design to them so like both in the consistent shape of their ships and in the consistent color scheme it's so identifiable that's really good i noticed by the way when i when i was on set the um i saw some of the concept art for the rosie's like refit paint job for season four and uh like i one of the earlier i think most of the concept art for that had what would become red was orange like they'd they painted back on some orange i i guess the reason that they didn't settle on that is because like that's the mcrn's color and that's not really what they're trying to say with the uh with the sort of freelance rosie by then but yeah like ultimately it went red this is uh i think we've these ones have been public forever like uh perhaps not in this large resolution but uh people have been able to see these ones for a good one yeah because i also think this might be on north front's like uh page as well because if you go to if you go to north front website you can look at the some of the concept art they've put it put on like for their portfolio this this might be one of them or something close to it i uh i envy all of the uh all of the stuff that you must have access to all these secret gorgeous concept art you can see the rest of us can't well i was thinking that uh no one's seen this and no one will if i didn't make that video no one would have ever seen it in existence and i think yeah i was kind of blown away by how much stuff like when i was doing force recon i was like they would just send me piles and piles of these incredible pieces of artwork that they seem to have no intention of ever releasing i was like what i think you'd this would never have gone anywhere if they hadn't done that this a lot of this rossi stuff was based um for the art of the expanse book but uh like zero percent of it got into the actual art of the expanse book so that's strange yeah they they because i actually flipped through the art of the expanse book recently just uh just to get familiarized with it and yeah they didn't use any of these roster on day development concept arts sort of images which is unfortunate but yeah that is unfortunate it's uh i mean well done on releasing all of this stuff to the rest of us because i was so excited to see your thumbnail pop up because like that's just it's kind of mind blowing for uh for people who didn't know about that stuff but you had that thumbnail with the winged black and white two-tone rosie and like it's like wow that that that was that was an idea like back then well i was gonna say uh the the video um when i when i started making it i wanted to make because you know how important thumbnails are on youtube right yeah absolutely i wanted to make it so it was like uh kind of clickbaity but also like dives into it and and that thumbnail was just uh the perfect storm for that i dare say we'll use the same one on this video but at least i'll be linking people to your channel in the description so it's all working out in there oh i've just noticed some things here this is uh this is not entirely the final ship like there's there's your horizontal landing thrusters so uh i guess it's it like still had those at this point because even in season one they're not there uh are they pointing at those split those slit things are those yeah yeah i think those those are actually on the ship but i think they're more like supposed to be air intake or something like that i don't know i guess i mean that kind of angled off like i mean would the oh there's more here yeah they would be balanced correctly for for uh landing thrusters but how would you land it though you you'd be you'd be on the torpedo bait you'd do tilt in one direction you know well in the in the books the uh like all the rooms inside the ship the walls were designed to be decks as well like uh so which i which is an interesting idea but like ultimately the tail lander i think is is better yeah also just noticed yeah but if it lands on its belly right you have the torpedo bay that's gonna like there's no flat nice surface to balance it on you know yeah where where are the landing gear i guess there would have to be some kind of landing gear extending from somewhere have to be something because you'd be you'd be off balance like to to balance on the torpedo bay that's sticking out is that's dangerous yeah it seems i guess like the uh the removal of the horizontal landing was a really light thing in the design process if you even zoom in go really close to the far one on the right and look at the torpedo bay see the handlebars if that was the surface you were going to land on right you would completely crush those handlebars yeah that's true there'd have to be some kind of door like maybe these doors like some kind of extending landing legs but then like the inside of this is just torpedoes so where's that gonna go like even the pdcs have trouble fitting into this ship entirely like there's not a lot of uh of gap for them to retract into so there'd be even more like difficulty having space for large landing gear to retract into yeah around this time landing the rossi i think was in the very uh prioritized thing yeah that does make sense but i did notice this uh i guess this was ditched at some point the idea of having a big blast shield that comes down over the airlock no there's a there's a blast shield on the current model is that oh yeah oh my god so did you did you see my video about uh no windows in the expanse uh maybe maybe i think i did but it was a very it was a while ago yeah i made it a few months ago so basically i made a video talking about why are there no like massive windows in the show and there's multiple reasons of it but sometimes people see anything in space distances are too big yeah but some people were arguing there's a window in the airlock and i told them i said pick up your rossi model that you got from kickstarter look at where the airlock is and you see a blast shield over it so when you're in flight or when you're in combat there's a blast shield on it that uh that window that little window that's on the airlock door will never be exposed to space when you're in uh when you can't believe i didn't know that transit that's so cool like i guess the the bottom door is like a cargo door that doesn't have a window like uh down here yeah i think it the whole cargo bay thing is is a whole different because the cargo bay that was built uh the doors don't necessarily match the doors that are here different shaped doors like a square door yeah it's more like a square door and we do see the outside of that and the inside of it because we have the the proto-molecule human hybrid that kind of rips them open so yeah i can't i kind of wish the show had shown at some point the blast shield coming down or or retracting or whatever because this is a cool little feature yeah and that makes perfect sense that you uh you want to cover that up and i mean even if there wasn't a window an air lock is naturally a structural weakness i loved in season four when we got to see the pdcs fired on a planet because like they're like 40 millimeter high explosive tungsten rounds and people don't really cause they fire them like like like little tiny pop guns when they're in space people don't don't realize quite how huge that is like uh you get like really sinister like explosions when they're on the planet and the whole idea too right it's like you fire a lot of them but if one of them are able to hit a ship like you can you can do some serious damage yeah it just goes clear through i mean it's like uh because there's most ships in the expanse on aren't like armoured in the same way that things from like battlestar galactica are or whatever because like the the power of accelerator weapons is such that everything just goes straight through things so like sp speed is armor kind of thing it's more about getting out of the way than it is about like tanking stuff like your armor is just there because i remember in season two you see like the rosie gets hit by like all of the shattered bits of a torpedo that it shot down and they just sort of like like sprinkle across the hole and put a few little scratches on it and that's like more what your armor is for than actually trying to resist pdc's or railgun rounds yeah oh we've got about this we've got more here so this is um this is the gas tanker rosie towards the end of season one first thing i notice here is that it's called hermanos gas instead of baratnas which i guess betrays a sort of earlier version of lang belter from before it was yeah yeah i guess i guess it could be it could be that because i think at this point the uh belter creel was probably still be established the the linguist that we we got so it could be that and it could also be uh sometimes a name doesn't clear maybe um yeah i i don't really know the origins of why uh it's hermanos here and and uh yeah and it was different on the final model so i don't know yeah but yeah and a different um a different like pin-up art on the nose yeah yeah the final version larger well because the we knew we knew that the the rossi pinup girl had to be a a whole like it was important so i think this was just a quick one they designed and it was definitely influenced from like the spitfire bombers i used to have the pinup girls on the side so yeah this is and that's like actually mentioned in dialogue because uh amos talks about how he knew somebody called rosanante so that's like and then of course you've got him painting it on the ship so if it's like actually a point in a script then it's gonna be something that actually is paid attention to in detail and stuff oh yeah totally and actually i think the so the uh the one that was amos painting it on the ship kind of cool thing is that so it was actually painted on like in real life and then what you do is in post you remove it and then add it on as he's moving which is like the opposite of what is happening in the in the show because he's like using a digital like painting thing well when you when you think about it let's say you were to uh do the reverse of that so it doesn't have anything in your add the image and afterwards uh you would have to track it and you'd have to find where the rossi goes and track all that but instead what you're doing is you're almost like doing a removal process to an additive process rather than a additive process holy we have to track this image the whole time on the surface so yeah i also i love that piece of technology in the fiction that it's like presumably he's got like a jpeg loaded into a thing and it just like prints it when he sweeps it that's really cool look at some t-shirts printers they have nowadays you just upload an image and they they print it directly on like it's not too too far removed from what we might have in the future the expanse walks that line so well like it's there's so much of the expanse where you're like i bet that's exactly what it'll look like like all the the glass mobile hand terminals and all that it's like that's that's a pretty solid prediction i think of what a lot of this stuff will wind up looking like the my problem with transparency though there's a lot of issues with transparency it's because uh like i feel like a lot of time you get if you if you're unable to make it completely uh not transparent i feel like there's a lot of issues like if you can see light bleed that goes through your screen like that's going to be an issue when you want to like watch a youtube video or netflix or something on your phone so that'd have to be something that you have to consider too i appreciated something the orville did where it had like it had those kind of semi-transparent displays but like if you looked at them from the back they looked like frosted glass or something so like you had privacy like people can't see what you're doing in reverse by looking at the back of the screen like it's sort of backlit with this blur effect that's cool that makes sense anyway uh okay and this is much closer to the final uh yeah gas tanker version but still a different artwork on the side still different artwork um but it's it's getting closer like the rossi lady has the the font underneath and yeah that's the final font right yeah uh are close something close to it yeah so it's getting there and and uh i had for the longest time um a coworker of mine olivia we've done in the art department from season one to six um we we talked about like where is the origin of the rossi lady like where did that image come from and at some point i was convinced that it was an it was a concept illustrator from la or something and we were trying to piece it together because they were trying to figure out was it done in-house like did viper do it one of the graphic designers so it turns out no north front did it my friend did the roster okay the one that became the final one yeah i i believe so they did the uh the rossi lady yeah the one that we know i'm gonna say uh slightly like tangential here but i love that the decision to have it so like they get the rosie and it's in mcrn colors but then it gets refitted straight from that to the gas tank of disguise so it's only at the end of the first season that like the actual hero ship is kind of born and it even has that imagery like it sheds all of the uh all of the gas tanks and is released and it's like and it coincides with them with the characters largely putting aside their differences and stuff as well and you kind of feel like you've you've finally got the template and they're ready to go like uh it's very it's it's funny because it's very poetic but a lot of people watching the show that they don't really look they sometimes won't look that deep into it but if you do it's like there's a lot of meaning and also like the name of the ship suit all the ships have like names that have some significance if you look into them and research them yeah absolutely like knight and canterbury are again alluding to to holden's kind of like uh sort of paladin outlook on life in his is kind of allegory like yeah it's it is a shame that perhaps more people should should pay attention to this kind of thing agatha king there's the guanxin like they're all relevant to historical figures of some sort yeah and why would you not take the opportunities to like make thematic allegories and the names of your ships and like use that to like help tell the story you're trying to tell like donager means thor or something it's like a german word for thor it's it's interesting though because i feel like if i were to do that it'd be too literal you know they found a good way of making it just so it fits but it's not it doesn't hit you in the face of how literal it is you know yeah it's a good balance yeah i like it and i like i i mean i i loved being able to do a bit of that myself when i was working on force recon like we did the ammon ra for the stealth ships which is the hidden one in egyptian mythology and all that oh yeah i was quite happy to see that um the they released a piece of official merchandise of the um like a t-shirt with a do diagram of the razorback on it and the uh the shirt included the term pro subpoena sunflare as the name of the ship which is what we came up with for when we were working on it which is uh pro subpoena was daughter of series in mythology which i thought was appropriate for julie i think that was a good a good fit for that yeah that's that's the one thing i was glad to see recognized there that's cool yeah i think uh like the whole like way concept art and then the design process works is completely lost on a lot of sci-fi fans like they don't really understand quite how how like complicated and involved it is and how many iterations things go through before they finally get to what you're imagining i also feel like uh i'm in a special position where i've been working on the show since season one but i also have like a voice on youtube so it's uh it's a way to sort of branch lane i'm also obviously a fan as well so i'm able to bridge the gap between like crew fan you know youtube and all that stuff so i think it's uh interesting to explore more of that in the future yeah we're lucky to have it appreciate it and i look forward to seeing what else you can you can release to us by the way uh you all want to check the description for uh chris's channel where he releases bts content from the expanse much like these images and also i just wanted to mention uh your game on steam the indigo parallel uh which i i i'll also put in the description for people to check out now i must confess i didn't have enough time to to properly research this but as i understand it it's kind of something in the vein of like uh outer wilds or stanley parable kind of thing like it's a bit of a puzzly kind of thing right totally totally right yeah it's a game where when you play it it branches off into different pathways and your decisions will influence the late the levels later on and it's it's a very very weird game but if the something like the stanley parable or just a weird game in general is something you're interested in you will definitely like the indigo parallel for sure am i right in saying that's uh not released yet it's not released it's going to be released november 24th 2022 so we got over a year there's still a lot of development when it comes to all the branching pathways and a lot of trailers i still need to make and media content but it's all coming it's all in the works so yep but you can certainly you can certainly wish list that on steam if that's something you're interested in you'll done the link for that will be in the description so yeah go ahead and check that out and thanks again chris for joining us this has been really good fun and uh i hope everything continues to go well with your own channel and the game and all that and uh i hope some people watching this will go and check both of them out because it's uh definitely worth your time thank you very much for having me it was such a great time talking to you and also uh we i met you in person too so hopefully we can do that yeah yeah hopefully uh once i guess now the uh another international travel has become less horrible we might be able to do something in future okay well uh thank you all for watching everyone check out the links in the description thanks again to chris and i'll talk to you all soon big thanks to ad astra games for sponsoring this video the creators of attack vector tactical which is about as close as you'll get to matching space combat scenes from the expanse in a tabletop format it's an origins award winner for best miniatures game has fully realized 3d vector movement with fuel tracking and an intricate play style nearly everything you do in the game triggers a clock before you can do it again pivoting your ship to get beams in arc firing weapons and waiting for them to cool off recharging capacitors after you've fired this results in gameplay described as 3d chess with vectors by a hollywood special effects specialist underlying the game's mechanics is a phenomenal attention to detail for physics tactics and world building every rule that touches on physics seems to have a sidebar explaining the math behind it and it's fascinating to see how these elegant game mechanics and play aids work there's a bunch of details you wouldn't think of putting in a tabletop game like the shape of the ship determining how quickly it pivots or power generation and storage systems the kinetic weapons rules use the vectors of the launching ship launcher and the target and a lot more to uncover with repeated play the physics and the world building influence each other there's reactors generating heat which is stored in heatsinks extending radiators to get rid of that heat there's a surrender signal kind of like striking your colours in the age of sail and there's fiction set in the universe in the box set and in the supplements that's very compelling and highlights the world building so if piloting a spaceship via laminated cards isn't really a thing there's a bunch of reading for you as well most of the screenshots of hex grid and boxes on sticks come from ad astra games virtual map over at analog space combat by internet while this has played well in tabletop over the last two years at astra games has been focusing on getting play over the internet working and they have instructional videos up on youtube and they'll set up teaching games at the drop of a hat over on their discord server you can click the links below to get to adastra's website or to their discord server teaching games are free and require no prior purchase of the game so please do check out astra games and attack vector tactical and big thanks to them for sponsoring this video this is daniel from space talk signing off [Music] you
Channel: Spacedock
Views: 182,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spacedock, space dock, spacedock, the expanse, expanse, danelon, chris danelon, rocinante, concept art, tachi, corvette class, light frigate, frigate, mcrn, reveal, original, designs, leak, news, season 6, leviathan falls, james sa corey, holden, unn, lore, history, analysis, review, interview, breakdown, summary, retrospective, ad astra games, the indigo parallel, attack vector tactical, space combat
Id: E6z4vF6F0WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 1sec (4621 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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