Why The Expanse Has the Most Realistic Space Combat

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Remote-piloted ships are out of question due to delay and jamming. AI ships (and robots) were thought about and deliberately not introduced, because crewed ships are more interesting story wise.

👍︎︎ 155 👤︎︎ u/TheGuyWithTheSeal 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

One thing that gets glossed over is the ship orientation. There is a reason for the ship to be oriented the way it is, since use of the engine will induce G's on the ship.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/HobbitFoot 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/tqgibtngo 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

It always makes me giggle a little when you can hear the BRRRRRR of the PDCs in space haha.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Bhagswag 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

That dude's voice killed the video for me.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/wuapinmon 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

And the most badass space combat scenes

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NiZZiM 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

One thing what The exphanse gett wrong is that railgun exit holes should be a lot bigger. Rail gun ammo is basically space APFSDS Shell Which is made to punch through tank ammor but is same time it made a lot molten shrapnels, which will make most of damage inside of tank

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Greedyjama 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't understand why PDCs aren't more accurate in the Expanse universe.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/robritchiefl 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

You know what I have not seen the Expanse though? Lasers.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MiamisLastCapitalist 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is Allen and I'm finally on the expanse bandwagon I'm sorry it took so long I don't have Amazon Prime in the first few episodes are so slow also a lot of characters seem like your typical cliche sci-fi characters you have the born leader the square-jawed muscle the hotshot pilots and of course the rundown detective but as the show went on not only did these individuals completely defy their stereotypes they also developed into real living people I hope one day I too won't be a real boy but the one thing that expense gets right from the very beginning was space content as an individual who spends most of his days poring through mistakes made in science fiction I was seriously impressed by the amount of research and creativity that went into solving all the crazy issues one might face while trying to kill people in space while flying around in a metal tin can when Han Solo jumps the Millennium Falcon past two oscillating planetary shield ions and star killer base he D accelerates from FTL speeds to a couple hundred miles per hour and star wars there's actually a device called the inertial dampener that actually creates an artificial gravity bubble around the ship protecting individuals from what should have been a terrible terrible death gravity kills and massive massive acceleration and D acceleration that we see in space combat all the time kills as well in the expanse universe most ships are not limited by the power of their thrusters but by how much acceleration the crew ensign can tolerate this is a real-life limitation that we are facing today and we don't really have any answers to it there are specific suits that can be worn that help keep your blood from pulling in your lower extremities one of the dangerous side effects of high g-force maneuvers is that the blood in your veins literally won't be able to pump normally creating all sorts of issues like hypoxia or even stroke of course an individual's natural tolerance that these kind of shenanigans will vary a young Martian Marine who trains their body constantly for warfare will be able to tolerate a lot more G's than an older UN Ambassador without much physical training the inclusion of g-force adds a completely new elements as space battles in the expanse another factor that the pilot has to take into account do you push the ship to its limit to avoid enemy fire but potentially kill your passengers or at least knock them out in the process at the same time it also makes me wonder wouldn't have been better if these ships were just remotely piloted or piloted by AI it should be noted that in the expanse one way that pilots can withstand more G's is by injecting some type of juice into their veins I imagine whatever it is it's probably some kind of infant amine that increases blood flow it's actually supposed to be a pretty intense cocktail and after a user gets off the juice they feel fatigued F nausea and the shakes I wonder if there's a dependency issue to the juice it's definitely dangerous enough that passengers who aren't flying the ship get a different type of cocktail which usually sedates them instead oh and the expense also does a really good job at depicting deacceleration as well the weapons in the expanse are not only powerful functional but also completely within the realm of believability this means mostly a variety of kinetic weapons many of which we already have the technology to develop combat in the expanse is separated into three distinct stages long-range combat starts with missiles and torpedoes at ranges of tens of thousands of miles they're also a variety of different types of missiles but most are fitted with warheads and some with nukes traveling at incredible speeds combat in the expanse starts immediately after one ship enters missile range then at the medium stage of combat of around a thousand kilometers we have rail guns that fire kinetic projectiles with stupid amounts of power unlike torpedoes which can be fitted even on the smallest of ships rail guns require a large energy source usually from a fusion reactor which is why only larger class ships will have these weapons rail guns can easily penetrate an entire ship and even hit multiple ships in one shots while their rounds like the explosiveness of a warhead they have that penetration and surgical strike capability that can target very important parts of the enemy ship like their fusion reactor or CIC at close ranges around one to five kilometers we have the PDC's or point defense cannons these are basically the space version of the sea Wiz point defense cannons we have on earth ships right now of course these PDC's usually use 40 millimeter can and fire at an incredibly high rates just like here on earth these PDC's use algorithms and sensors to detect incoming missiles instead of using human operators and yes like everything else on their ship ammunition for the PDC's do run out we recently almost spent an entire video about how most sci-fi movies get orbital mechanics and space movement wrong when it comes to dogfights when we watch Star Wars what we are seeing is starships mimicking the motions of airplanes flying in atmosphere with air resistance in the expanse all of these ships flying with very realistic physics that we might see in deep space means no control surfaces or aerodynamics and said we see the conservation of momentum and angular momentum all of which is controlled by the thrusters you basically are stuck on that trajectory until you flip and burn to the accelerate to a speed where you can actually change course the reality is maneuverability when your ship is travelling in a full burn will be limited in any extreme shifts in direction will probably kill your crew or maker ship disintegrates also in space the trajectories and speed of a ship are also highly reliant on the gravitational pull of nearby celestial bodies our craft the pilot will utilize the gravity in the theater her battle to the nerve and ER to give them more speed and energy and so when I start throughout the three stages of combat in the expanse universe that is literally how things will always play out every time two signs overlap their current orbit or trajectories over one another and then fly at each other at top speeds hoping that their ships PDC's can protect them long enough so that they can destroy the enemy so what we're gonna see is not a dogfight in space where one individuals falling the other instead it's gonna be more like a high-speed joust when smaller ships in the expanse go into combat the crew generally Don's back suits sometimes covered in armored paneling this is because in the expanse ships only have armor and active defenses there are is no shielding which means every stray railgun round can penetrate the deck and expose everyone a vacuum the Raza not a which is a small Corvette class frigate only has a few inches of armor surrounding its combat Information Center and whenever the crew enters CQB holes are generally shot through the whole on a larger ship like the agatha king a truman class dreadnought the CIC is surrounded by multiple decks and compartments there's still our back suits within the reach of the crew but generally the officers on the deck are in their working uniforms but then I got even if you are in the middle of ships run by multiple compartments in multiple layers the chances of a rail gun round going right through multiple layers is still very high which is why no matter what ship I'm on I always go at get one being held captive on the Martian battleship the donnager agar with spacers found themselves trapped in an interior compartment during a CQB battle the enemies of the donnager managed to land several rail gun shots right through the hole of the ship one of those rounds happen to go right through the prisoner holding Bane taking out a medic instead of panicking thus patients quickly get to work and access some emergency panels with metal plates that can be used to patch up any holes then they use the type of liquefied sealing material to make sure that they stay in place it makes sense that a ship like this would have emergency panels all over the ship because in any close-range battle when you're using rail guns again there are gonna be holes even though the spacer is in the expanse confirm a very diverse and very background they all share some very similar qualities to our modern-day astronauts including being pretty well versed in basic orbital mechanics and the mathematical equations you would use for space flight like any astronauts that I'm making the correct course calculations is an integral part of staying alive for scented beers of time in space and so whether you're a pilot or mechanic or medic everyone has some basic understanding of space travel mechanics which makes a lot of sense the average American today probably has a lot more information inside of their head than an American 50 years ago not all of it useful of course but then again we also have knowledge today about entirely new systems that didn't even exist back then like how to operate a computer or the Internet if humanity were able to finally colonize the rest of the system and occupy multiple planets it only makes sense that stem would become a more important part of the learning curriculum as well as critical problems skills the expanse also treats simulated gravity very realistically instead of just having magical devices on board that can simulate Earth's gravity ships in the expanse use centrifugal force to generate gravity unfortunately most ships are far too small to create this effects so most of the time spacers will wear magnetic boots while walking around their ships should be noted that most likely in a smaller ship like the Raza Nazi we should see controls oriented for zero-g like what we have on the ISS but instead the interior of the Raza Nazi and other small vessels are built for gravity which means all the seats and consoles are all oriented in one direction this is most likely due to the budgetary constraints of this TV show it just doesn't make sense to film all these scenes in zero gravity or microgravity as good as magnetic boots are it's actually a lot less convenient than just floating around in space of course not everyone is Tom Cruise and has Elon Musk as a friend so that he can you know film movies in space now I hope you enjoyed today's video guys about the expanse as you can tell I really like this show I highly recommend it if you guys were into realistic portrayals of space combat this is the best show that does it right now well guys don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual my name is Alan reminding you that life is a movie and you are the protagonist
Channel: Generation Films
Views: 619,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Expanse, The Expanse space combat, the expanse realistic space combat, the expanse gets space right, the expanse gets physics right, donnager battle, cqb, rocinante, gravity, g forces, acceleration, epstein drive, realistic physics, orbital mechanics, orbit transfer, donnager cqb battle, stealth ship, vac suits, grav boots, gravity in the expanse, gravity juice, vacuum, best battle the expanse, martian navy, united nation navy, earth navy, belters, belter navy
Id: fcKaW8uo8JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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