The Evolution of the Landgraab Family in The Sims

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today is a very very special day my friends today The Sims 3 turns 10 years old and my little Sims abscessed heart feels very full and very emotional right now because they grow up so fast and I cannot believe this game came out 10 years ago now I haven't been playing it for 10 years I'm gonna be honest I'm 19 years old I did not play The Sims when I was 7 9 whatever like I wasn't a Sims 2 player I played The Sims 3 when I was in middle school though so I was like 11 through 13 ish when I first started playing I was I was 11 I was in sixth grade I was having a really rough time I'm not gonna lie middle school is wild in many bad ways but I started playing assumes that summer and it changed my life in many ways as you can probably imagine I now play the sims for a living so this is a very close game to my heart okay and I thought to celebrate the anniversary of this game's release we would go back and kind of take a look at one of the most iconic families in The Sims franchise because the Landgraf family you know them you probably don't love them maybe you do I don't know I'm not here to judge but the land crabs you definitely recognize the name they exist in every Sims game they without maybe they're playable never they're mentioned I don't know but they're definitely around and they're like a staple of the Sims now there's actually a really cool video about the entire history of this family that's on YouTube by pomelo Sims I'll link it down below you should watch it if you're a Sims freak like I am you're gonna love it if you're honest times freak still watch it you'll just get some link it's a history lesson you know come on guys and I'm a history major so I'm a big fan of Sims history in particular but today I don't want to go through and give like an in-depth history of this family because that's been done before and better than I could do it but I want to make fun of them because the sims 3 land grabs are very different from the sims 4 land grabs granted the sims 4 is in an alternate reality than the other Sims game so it's a little bit different anyway but when you look at these land grabs compared to the sims 4 ones I think you'll be a little bit surprised so I want to show off their house and everything today because I think that you'll enjoy it I'm not gonna lie I had fun coming back and looking at this because I only thought I was sincere land grabs in a long time we live in Sunset Valley here which is the base game world in the sims 3 which oh man this is just like the good old days let me tell you I played The Sims 3 base game with no packs no CC for like two years and this was my home right here this place look at that so friendly so familiar oh man I wish you played in Sunset Valley again it's been a while but anyway they live out here in Sunset Valley and their house is way up here in the fancy mansion area there's also a stable there that doesn't usually exist there okay that came that came with the new pet pets I will send cats and dogs this is the Sims 3 not Sims 4 wait help but they live here I'm gonna hide their house from you for now but this is there across the street neighbor the alto family also a classic not in The Sims 4 though they don't exist in The Sims 4 but this is their home and there are some classic enemies of the land grabs but I'm gonna open up my Sims 4 game and show you guys them in The Sims 4 like a quick refresher you know in case you missed it maybe you haven't played The Sims 4 who knows well we're gonna take a look ok we're gonna just we're gonna analyze we're gonna take some notes I'm also currently trying to open my Sims 4 game while this game is still open so like probably a mistake to run them both at the same time because this is the Sims 3 she doesn't run at all but we're just gonna try it we'll try I mean it appears to be running so maybe we're fine I don't know oh let's playing summer The Sims 4 land grabs live in Oasis Springs which as you can probably tell is vastly different from Sunset Valley this is like a desert world Sunset Valley is just a classic suburban town it's a lot greener out here it's kind of on a beach there's water around and kind of hilly and stuff just the complete opposite of Oasis Springs and the land grabs in The Sims 4 live in this house this weird mansion thing honestly potentially my least favorite house in The Sims 4 I'm not gonna lie it's just it's so wide and long I don't I mean that's not necessarily a bad thing but it's just it's such a weird house like interesting I guess but also again super weird similar however in shape to their Sims 3 house just um it's very modern a lot of big giant windows you know they have a lot of space they've got a few living areas in here they've got some outdoor living areas they've got a big fancy dining room and kitchen upstairs they've got only a couple bedrooms actually only two bedrooms in this giant mansion house but I mean they only have it's just the two of them and their one son so it's fine also this like kind of a study area upstairs I imagine a realistic speak like kind of a cinema room type thing and I really enjoy that in real life also the placement of these couches is really frustrating to me like I'm deeply upset by this but I'm not here to judge their build quality I'm just here to talk about the Sims also I imagine this house would have a pool uh except this is the Sims 4 base game and you might not know this but when the Sims 4 base game came out pools didn't exist they were added in a later update so anything from the base game here like the base base game the og base game if you will no pool but space for one so that's good these are the simply land grab here we've got his wife Nancy Landgraf and their son Malcolm and they you know are some some cute guys real stunner right there let me tell you no offense mom but it's cheese hair it's just terrible but Malcolm here is kind of a brat he wants to be a public enemy which is just great he's in high school he's a sea student he's got the charisma and mischief skills only friends of his parents he also is a snob and evil and has the dastardly trait from his aspiration so not like the most high quality guy kind of sucks but that's fine we love him anyway no the Landgraf family is a really established name right and Nancy's the link to that Nancy is a descendant of the land grabs and her husband Jeffrey is not so Jeffrey took her last name which you know cute and all but like it's all about the power and the titles and stuff right but Nancy wants to be very rich obviously she's in the secret agent career in this game and she also actually happens to be a criminal right now Nancy's in the criminal career in The Sims 4 which is interesting and her husband is actually a secret agent so that's kind of a cool thing how she's a criminal he's kind of fighting back against her I feel like in my mind they call her a criminal right but I like the idea for not being like your classic like I steal money criminal but she's like a high level like I don't know abusing her power and fraudulent kind of crime like we're not talking like ooh I robbed a bank but like I committed tax fraud it feels more fitting to me looked at Nancy langar would be like that and then again her husband's a detective so he's fighting against her tried trying to crush her and such maybe not maybe they like working together secretly so like he's pretending you can't catch her ooh interesting but Nancy R has the charisma comedy fitness and programming skills and her traits she's a snob ambitious and materialistic I think very fitting she's definitely a very like career-oriented gal even if her career is not the best one she cares a lot about money and image and power and all that I mean it makes sense given her family line and all that stuff they're all like that she also only knows her husband and son which is just kind of typical of the sims 4 and the sims 3 they kind of set up more relationships and had more background to things not in this game unfortunately also how dumb is it that she's little five of this career needs the mischief skill for it and has none of it like Sims team setting this up why didn't you give her the mischief skill she needs it for her career stupid like give her level five or something I don't know anyway that bothers me a lot her husband Jeffrey again he is a detective he also has the successful lineage aspiration kind of sitting again for a person who has such a like high tide to family lines and power and all that stuff it's got the charisma Fitness mischief and video gaming skills and also and his traits he's a better character than his family is he's outgoing good and family-oriented I think that kind of comes from the fact that he's not a land grab by blood he's won by marriage so the bloodline land grabs Nancy and Malcolm kind of suck but you know there is some good in this family I feel like Geoffrey's a stand-up guy he definitely is kind of into money and power and stuff still obviously look at who he married but he's got some better traits and a little bit better of a career path and his wife does now it gets a little bit sticky though when you read their bio the land grab seemed like the perfect family wealthy well-mannered brilliant but Nancy and Jeffrey are each hiding something will their secrets tear them apart or will they continue to build a wealthy dynasty now is that the fact that they have these opposing careers or is it the fact that they have a secret son that they've disowned Johnny zest which you may or may not know this Johnny zest is their son they disowned him because they wanted to be a comedian and he is now living in a trailer park in Oasis Springs he has the stage name and the dream but maybe not the talent disowned by land grabs for quitting school Johnny wants to make his own fame and fortune of a stand-up comedian now this is where it gets weird because Johnny zest doesn't exist in The Sims 3 he also doesn't exist in their family tree which i think is really frustrate because in this simple entry I'll show you guys in a second you can see in Nancy's parents and grandparents like as ghosts in the family tree and the sims for one you only see Nancy and Jeffrey you don't even see Johnny who is biologically their child but not the game doesn't know that but he is in his fire you can tell that but he exists and it's been disowned so maybe he exists in the sims 3 as well but we just don't see him cuz he's been disowned I don't know but these are the sims for land grabs we got a real stunner here with this one I'm not gonna lie you guys okay let's go ahead and hop back into the sims 3 though my games still open so like we'll see how it goes now like I said the land grab house in The Sims 3 is very very different from the sims 4 it's this kind of older more tudor-style house and you remember the sims 4 line craft house is like this modern sort of very different house the complete opposites to be honest office that kind of world up as a kind of house but they have this very big old mansion and I imagine it'd be like when this have passed down through the family if it's a house like this like you don't just buy a house like this you know like you're dead great-great grandpa built this but they have a pool which the sims 4 cannot relate to they have a cool hedge maze thing they've got it's just a really cool place like in general I mean to be fair it's kind of weird and ugly but the idea of it's great didn't have this like pond area I don't know it's real nice I'm very impressed by this but then you go into the house and oh boy it's very grand we have really cool grand and tree ways we've got these dining room areas we have this kitchen which is really weird but honestly I respect it we've got two bathrooms on either side here we've got a cool study area another study area look at his and her study uncles and we have this kind of fancy living room space and upstairs they have more than two bedrooms actually and what did I say about a cinema room area remember that when I talked about the thing upstairs they've got like a cool like sitting viewing area for a TV but then here they actually have three bedrooms in this house which is interesting because you know maybe just maybe I imagined this one would be Malcolm's cuz he's the youngest son then they have this other room which maybe is a guest room but it also kind of has the vibes of like what was potentially a kid's room in the past was that Johnny's s room I don't know I don't know it's just a theory that's their whole house I kind of like it I also kind of hate it with a fiery passion I actually rebuilt this house in The Sims 4 I did this a lot back in the day I used to look at Sims 3 houses and rebuild them block by block in The Sims 4 and this is what I came up with for this house I obviously I kept out the front bit like with the garage area and stuff and I changed the front a little bit because I couldn't get it to like work with the driveway I kind of figured like in my mind this was the loopy driveway that they have in the Sims 3 because you can see they've got this kind of area here which I couldn't really match with this giant lot so I ended up cutting out a couple things but this is the sims 3 land grab house in the Sims 4 again did it block by block to the best of my ability I left out the pond area because I couldn't get it to work but I recreated the maze even we've got all of it do you recognize this now are you are you seeing it now mr. Krabs I'm sorry but I recreated it again with Sims 4 objects I think it looks pretty interesting I'm not gonna lie you might recognize it I did my best here it's where when you're doing this because you kind of have to decide do I care more about color or pattern because you can't match things with creative style like you can The Sims 3 in The Sims 3 you can get a literal color wheel and get any color and any pattern you want on any object anywhere like I could change the color and pattern of this cabinet of the counter top of the cabinet above it like you could I could change the outside of the window and the inside separately you could do it all in The Sims 3 we can't do that in The Sims 4 I was very limited to what we have access to but I think it worked out you can see I have I recreated it it looks pretty interesting I was proud of this I'm not gonna lie it took me so long to do but it's funny to see a thing like this from The Sims 3 in The Sims 4 because you almost see how bad it is when you put it in The Sims 4 you know if you look at this here and you're like wow these were some choices that you may get back to this game though you can see their house is pretty interesting now the sims 3 Sims have a lot more skills you'll notice they have better skills and and more ones Geoffrey has the logic skill the painting skill the cooking skill and the writing skill different than the Sims 4 he's actually a doctor in the Sims 3 as well and he's been a doctor for a long time the other Sims games that he's kind of known as a doctor and his son wants to be a doctor as well because he's kind of following his dad's footsteps now he's not doctor in The Sims 4 and I have a theory as to why maybe it's because they had this like criminal secret agent like crossover fight but also the doctor career doesn't exist in the sims for based game so obviously he couldn't be a doctor it's physically impossible and Nancy over here she's actually a business woman she's in the business career which does exist in the sims for base game but if you didn't know that career came out in a later update it didn't exist in the original sims for base game so while Nancy is known for having this really expensive expensive really rich fancy business position and being a very well-known businesswoman the career didn't exist in The Sims 4 when it came out so she's not a businesswoman in that game which is just different in game locations and stuff but also kind of weird that such a classic family would be changed so much like their storylines were just completely flipped I mean I guess she's not only a stand-up gal I'm working as this vice president but it's interesting that she's now a criminal instead of a vice president in a company like those are very different careers she only has two skills the painting and athletic skill interesting choices I guess but in this game The Sims 3 has more traits so the sims 3 she's a workaholic perfectionist charismatic snob and ambitious very similar the sims 4 she'd also ambitious and I snob of the sims 4 but she's just got a few more options here her husband Jeffrey is also has way better traits in this game he's good sense of humor loves the outdoors family oriented hopeless romantic and charismatic he's got similar traits to his tennis 4 counterpart as well but their son Malcolm has completely flipped like Malcolm is the complete opposite in this game in The Sims 4 Malcolm the sims 4 is an evil awful person but Malcolm in this game is a cute little buddy like look this is not the same guy look at it with his little yellow glasses so if you were just like hug him and pinch his cheeks anyway he's a bookworm good and ambitious whereas in The Sims 4 he's literally evil so something has happened in his growing up that has really changed his course here because he's a child in this game but a teen in The Sims 4 so maybe I don't know is it that they disowned his older brother but where where is he where's Geoffrey doesn't exist they have a family tree in this city but it's kind of cool so you can see Nancy and Malcolm and their son but you can actually see Nancy's grandparents and great-grandparents in the family tree which is really cool because they actually exist in a graveyard in this game so they kind of float around over there and stuff but you can see her father Chester and Queeny and then her grandparents Kermit and Kitty Landgraf which is really cool you can see even her father's traits he was evil as Mooser over emotional and had commitment issues and her mother actually died kind of young but she was ambitious computer whiz mooch light sleeper and a snob I just think that's kind of cool to see like the family tree and the family line there it'd be nice to have that in The Sims 4 I wish that they did stuff like that because this just makes the storyline feel so much more real and so much more exciting now these stamps actually also look very different from their Sims 4 counterparts as well but you can definitely see the similar vibes here between Nancy in the Sims 3 and Nancy in the Sims 4 from like the blue eyeshadow to the blonde eyebrows and the little mark on her face she's got it all even the bright color she wears different bright colors in The Sims 4 but she's got that same kind of vibe here Jeffrey as well has a very similar look I think in the sense for but he's got glasses and a beard some facial hair and The Sims 4 but he's got that same kind of vibe still it's just Malcolm that looks so so different they just like completely changed Malcolm which can happen when you're growing up but now he's got yellow hair and like what happened to his yellow glasses he was so cute back then I missed those days I really do they also have relationships in The Sims 3 this is the goth family by the way those guns are goth right there but you kind of scroll back and these people the land grabs actually despise the Altos Nick and Vita also they're their neighbors across the way here let's just say across the street but it's a little bit more than that it's like across the pond if you will they hate them hate them I mean they probably have some land conflicts and stuff but they're two of the richest families in the world so obviously they probably don't get along very well also quick detour this is where the goth family lives in The Sims 3 these are the sims 3 Goths very different completely different Sims terrible house just just do the work look at this just the worst the worst but yeah it's interesting a look at how these sims have changed over the years into the sims 4 because they're the same Sims it just kind of flips into a new game in this alternate reality where they're different but the same kind of weird kind of fun to think back on though especially because I played this game so much back in the day these are like classic Sims like this Nancy land-grab is the Nancy oh my god where am i if we're his she hello Nancy this is the Nancy Landgraf but also I play The Sims 4 so much that this dance he's always gonna be in my heart I don't know I just I love these Sims I think they're fun they're classic they're iconic they're Wonder just like the sims 3 a classic iconic and wonderful game if you don't have it please please think about buying it I mean I might wait a little bit it goes on sale on Steam most of the time in their big summer sale which is probably gonna happen within the next month or so you can put Lea get the game for like five dollars or something I don't know for sure I don't I have no information on that but like that's what I did I did news have any stuff packs and they went had a big steam summer sale they're like four dollars each so I bought all the stuff packs at once a couple years ago waited out you can find it on sale I promise definitely worth revisiting though especially get it on sale it might not run well The Sims 3 is kind of a mess it is a ten-year-old game so like keep that in mind but on that note I'm gonna go ahead and cut off right here I also have a sims 3 let's play on my channel I play The Sims 3 every Monday if I have a Generations LP that I've been playing for a few months now it is my most favorite let's play on my entire channel it is so much fun you should please check it out I think you'll like it I hope you'll like it it's really done they're really fun and it's linked down below as well but on that note I will go I'm gonna cut off right here make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and do all those find you tube things and in case you guys didn't know I post new videos every single day and so I will see you all tomorrow bye everybody okay but who wore it better 2009 Nancy or 2019 Nancy let me know in the comments down below [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 1,115,159
Rating: 4.9280057 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, the sims 3, evolution, landgraab, landgraab family, sims 3 anniversary, cas, build, house build
Id: eRy_nMxtYUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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