The Evolution of the Cursed Gun User | Tarkov Geographic

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the region of tarkov is filled with an incredible diversity of creatures over the course of many years these organisms have evolved and adapted to the different biomes that they inhabit as with darwin's theory the good traits survive and the portraits are phased out yet perhaps disturbingly some creatures have mutations that fly in the face of darwin to local inhabitants these mutated beasts are simply referred to as cursed [Music] before we begin this program we must preface this as a not at all comprehensive video as the sheer biodiversity of this group of organisms is simply mind-boggling the least twisted of these bizarre creatures are not very different from their normal counterparts often their weapons remain mostly functional and are effective for hunting [Music] however the slight differences can often give them a disadvantage as compared to the typical specimen perhaps the most common is the dual precision group these creatures for whatever reason have evolved redundant scopes on their weapons at best this second sight is entirely unnecessary and at worst it makes it harder to aim another example are the individuals referred to as the ca compliant adar users though their weapons remain functional they refuse to employ magazines with greater than a 10 round capacity in addition they take a particular interest to a conjoined pistol grip and stock these paired with lacking a muzzle break or forward grip makes it more challenging for these creatures why this specific pattern is more common is still a mystery to scientists however these are just a few of many possibilities despite these oddities creatures at this level are not entirely different from their non-mutated cousins and are relatively effective at surviving the second level of these creatures are far more effective than those in the first level some changes are simply bizarre as is the case of the lego gun pp19 creatures the weapons are composed of many different colors and are not at all catered towards effectiveness ugh though unique the lego gun users are not nearly as puzzling as these next creatures the magnified smg users are an affront to the ideas of evolution and natural selection they completely deviate from their ancestors and their dna has been twisted to nearly unrecognizable levels as their parent species is an aggressive and close range hunter the large magnification scopes that are present make a little sense appearing completely unnatural or puzzling the complete inverse of the magnified smg users are the broad scoped ash 12 creatures this group simply refuses to use a scope opting only for a large ring that gives a vague idea of where to aim other examples include the hipfire p90 mutants and the shorty boomstick creatures the final level of these creatures are truly distorted from their normal counterparts creatures at this stage are exceptionally rare as their dna has been extremely corrupted terror group's best guess as to how this damage occurs is inbreeding in conjunction with radiation exposure arguably the most normal are the triple sighted creatures which are sometimes referred to as the one cubed times user [Music] [Music] these mutants are the final form of the dual precision creatures and have caused more than a few scientists to start drinking then there is the jawa blaster sa-58 with terrible ergonomics and unimaginable recoil these creatures only saving grace is a massive drum magazine this makes it somewhat possible to kill low end opponents though it will likely take all 50 rounds to do so [Music] perhaps the most well-known cursed creature is the height over boar vss user the sheer impracticality of this creature's sight adaptation is astounding it has been observed that when aiming at a creature's head the bullet will hit either the stomach or thorax [Music] [Music] the abnormality of this organism is second only to one other creature with adaptations that can only be described as an affront to the entirety of nature the mutant svds trumps all in terms of pure insanity not only is its look dumbfounding but it is far more aggressive than the svd species [Music] scientists have no idea how this creature became as twisted as it is and its rarity makes it almost impossible to study the footage we have here is all that has ever been recorded on this mutant species [Music] the cursed specimens of tarkov are exceedingly rare occurrences that are yet to be understood scientists continue to work in order to better comprehend these creatures but so far we know very little though they shouldn't be terrible at surviving more always seem to spring up within the region perhaps these creatures are just another dumbfounding gift from the landscape of tarkov [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Leviticus
Views: 393,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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