the EVOLUTION of LEGO Star Wars sets (part 1)

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in this video we'll be discussing the evolution of Lego Star Wars sets and comparing the biggest differences between new and old Lego Star Wars sets let's go the Lego Star Wars theme was released in 1999 and yes some of those original sets are super nostalgic but I'm not gonna lie some just ain't looking so hot but luckily as Lego evolved and made new pieces and Minifigures the quality and accuracy of sets got a lot better and some sets have even been remade over five times don't get me wrong old Lego Star Wars sets are super cool and nostalgic but I just thought it'd be interesting to compare some of these older sets with the newer versions but before we get into this list make sure to like the video subscribe to the channel and ring the notification Bell so you don't miss any more videos like this 2005 was an incredible year for Lego Star Wars and in my opinion one of the best years since the overwhelming majority of sets revolved around the release of Star Wars episode 3 Revenge of the Sith there are three sets that came out during this wave that I want to compare with the newer models and those are the Darth Vader transformation set the Clone Turbo Tank and the ultimate lightsaber dual set the 2005 Darth Vader transformation set was cool because you could literally turn Anakin into Darth Vader just like the set says but for me this set was kind of lacking and just looked kind of bland because it used a lot of generic pieces but the new Darth Vader transformation set that was released in 2017 it looks way better comes with super realistic Minifigs and has a great functionality to put Vader's suit and helmet on the Clone Turbo Tank is also such a classic set and I love playing around with it as a kid but the newer 2010 and 2016 versions utilize new tire pieces and wheel pieces and just have an overall better design and the ultimate lightsaber dual set is yet another classic and is still one of my all-time favorites it came with both Obi-Wan and Anakin and they had lightsabers that actually lit up in the dark if you pressed on their heads this was a feature Lego tried out only in 2005 with a total of five Minifigures and it's one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a Lego set and I don't know why Lego doesn't implement it nowadays but on top of that it comes with stands for each of the Minifigures so that you and your friends if you have any can duel each other I will do what I must now this is an instance where I believe that the older set was better than the newer one because Lego remade this set in 2020 and called it the Dual on nustafar set and the set's all right and comes with some decent builds and figures but I'm sorry nothing can compare to the original 2005 set the first Lego Sand crawler also came out in 2005 and was a really solid set for the time and had a lot of interior space and a UCS sand crawler was made in 2014 but for this video I'm just going to compare the two play Scale Models since the UCS version is at a much larger scale the 2018 Lego Sand crawler had a similar scale as the 2005 version but a lot of the building techniques were similar to the UCS version next up is the MTT and Lego has come out with three of them thus far and I'm just gonna be blunt the 2000 version was terrible 2007 version was incredible and the 2014 version was good but not as good as the 2007 version the 2007 MTC is the biggest of the three the design looks great and it comes with tons of battle droids Lego has made a total of four Imperial shuttles not including the UCS version and the 2001 version is definitely the worst of the three but not gonna lie the 2005 version is probably my personal favorite just for nostalgia's sake I mean the front cockpit still looks horrible but it was just so cool that it came with Vader Palpatine four Stormtroopers with leg printing two Royal Guards and an imperial officer the newer 2015 tiderium and the 2021 version definitely look the best because they use New pieces and building techniques but the 2005 version will always hold a special place in my heart now the t16 sky Hopper is a really unique vehicle in Star Wars and isn't shown hardly at all in Star Wars except for when Luke is playing around with the toy model of it and A New Hope but Lego has made a version of this ship in 2003 which looked okay for the time but it was remade in 2015 and looks much better Darth Maul's Sith infiltrator or Scimitar is a really cool ship from the prequels and Lego has made four versions of it in 1999 and 2007 2011 and 2015. each one of these models progressively got better with each remake I really wish I had picked up the 2015 version back in the day because now it's worth quite a pretty penny on eBay and Bricklink the play scale Millennium Falcon is another set that has been made a ton of times six of them have been made if we include the Kessel Run Millennium Falcon from solo per usual the 1999 version was looking pretty rough 2004 was a little better and at least had a better looking cockpit and panels that opened up 2011 looked even better and 2017 was pretty similar to the 2011 but was redesigned for the force awakens and the 2019 version is probably the best overall play scale Millennium Falcon the proportions look the best and there are no gaps in the panels at all I still think it's pretty funny though that they've used the same cockpit piece for the Millennium Falcon since 2004. now I could have put a couple UCS sets on this list but honestly the improvements for some of the UCS remakes aren't that substantial that I need to note them in this video but I will mention the UCS Star Destroyer which first came out in 2002 this was also when Lego used the yellowish gray color before they switched to the new light bluish gray color in 2005 but the 2002 UCS Star Destroyer used magnets to hold the panels together which was a very interesting choice but if you have this set on display for a long enough time the magnets start to wear out and the set just kind of falls apart after a while but luckily Lego remade this UCS Star Destroyer in 2019 with a much stronger design and an easier way to pick up the set for transportation the t-47 airspeeder or snow speeder for your non-star Wars nerds is another set that has been remade countless times and the first one that was released in 1999 was actually gray which I personally believe to be a more accurate color for the snow Speeders but ever since that 1999 version Lego switched to a white color scheme for the snow Speeders and hasn't looked back since there have been a total of seven snow Speeders that have come in Lego sets since 1999 not including UCS sets microfighter sport poly bags and I've got to say after the 2004 version came out the snow speeder design hasn't really changed that much besides Minor Details and I personally still don't think they look very accurate especially in the front next is Luke's lands feeder which you're probably sick of hearing about if you're an avid Lego Star Wars fan but if you don't include the 2022 UCS version that came out for May the 4th we've gotten six loose land Speeders since 1999 which is more than the number of boxes of mac and cheese in my cupboard is that too many or not enough I don't know you tell me the design has definitely improved if we compare the 1999 version and the 2020 version which I would expect since there's over 20 years of Lego technique advancement between the two but I would totally be fine if Lego never made another Luke's land speeder for all of eternity the atst or chicken Walker as the distinguished folks call it has also improved a lot over the years I mean if we compare the 2001 version to the newest 2022 version there's just a massive difference here between the two models now but for real the design of the atst has definitely improved over the years but we just don't talk about the Juniors ATS team or the first order foreign tons of x-wings and like the first snow speeder ever made the first X-Wing was also light gray instead of the white color scheme the newer red five models have and if we compare the 1999 version to the 2018 or 2021 version there's definitely a massive difference with part usage building technique and functionality but after the 2012 version Lego has pretty much mastered the design of the X-Wing in Lego form Tie fighters are another ship that used to look way different back in the day the first one came out in 2001 and I'm sorry it just looks so bad I mean it got the general shape down so that's something but the wings have blue markings on them which I guess in some scenes in the original trilogy the gray on the Tie fighters kind of look like a light shade of blue but this blue color looks really bad on this TIE fighter the cockpit also looks okay for being made in 2001 but it took them a really long time to make a better piece for it I mean even this piece that they used in the 2012 version didn't look super great it but the first order TIE fighter from 2015 actually had a good looking cockpit the 2018 TIE fighter from solo is definitely my favorite and looks the best in my opinion I would say the newest 2021 version but the wings are just too small and the proportions just don't look right the first Boba Fett Slave 1 came out in 2000 and it looked pretty rough and don't ask me why but the 2006 remake is probably my favorite slave one model besides the UCS version but it's just really nostalgic for me the 2010 version looks pretty solid and is also pretty comparable to the 2019 version however Lego took a pretty big step back in 2021 with the new Boba Fett Starship from the Mandalorian actually believe it or not it's a similar scale to the 2000 version and the detail and shaping of it looks great but it's just way too small for a 50 set the Moss espa pod race from 1999 is such a classic set and a similar set was remade in 2011 but it was only Anakin and saboba's pod race Racers but the designs for both the pods in the 2011 version were greatly improved and came on stands made out of transparent clear Technic pieces and for the 20th anniversary of Lego Star Wars in 2019 Lego released just Anakin's Pod racer and it has some subtle improvements from the 2011 version and uses the same pieces that are used for Palpatine's lightning for the energy beam between the two engines the aat is a separatist and or Trade Federation tank most notably from The Phantom Menace and the Clone Wars TV show and Lego has made two versions of each of these and they differ quite a bit the First Trade Federation MTT was released in 2000 and it looks pretty decent in my opinion and I honestly prefer this one over the 2015 version which was scaled down way too much and same goes with the separatist aats from the Clone Wars the first one that came out in 2009 was much larger and detailed compared to the brand new 2020 version but let me know which versions you prefer down in the comments below the last sets that I'm going to compare are the three play scale Obi-Wan starfighters the first one was released in 2002 and didn't look too bad for the time the next remake came out in 2017 as a part of the Obi-Wan Starfighter with booster ring set which is one of the many sets I regret not picking up when it was available Starfighter looks great with an updated part selection but I personally think the cockpit sits up just a little bit too high and doesn't really transition that well into the rest of the ship now the newest 2022 Obi-Wan Starfighter looks incredible in my opinion the only downsides are the two stud Shooters and the gaps where the wings connect to the body of the ship but it also comes with a brand new Obi-Wan figure and ton way and Lego for the first time ever all right guys that's gonna do it for my comparison of new and old Lego Star Wars sets if you have any other sets that you think make great comparisons feel free to leave them down in the comments below thank you guys so much for watching this video took a really long time to make so I really appreciate it hope you guys have a great rest of your day and I will catch you in the next video peace out [Music]
Channel: mjfeldy
Views: 1,351,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, lego star wars, td bricks, best lego sets, lego investing, best lego star wars sets, top 10 lego sets, top 10 lego star wars sets, lego star wars sets retiring soon, star wars, mjfeldy, best star wars vehicles, lego star wars comparison, lego star wars comparison sets, lego star wars ucs comparison, new vs old lego star wars, comparing lego star wars sets, evolution of lego, evolution of lego star wars, the history of lego, every lego star wars set ever made, lego sets
Id: B06NEIwb9IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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