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[Music] spanning the globe with Christian programming and the Word of God 24 hours a day this is the gospel America Network broadcasting on the Internet to every nation that Jesus is Lord this is the gospel America Network [Music] the gospel America broadcast network presents a special presentation from Maywood Illinois [Applause] pastor Marvin Wylie from rock of ages' Baptist Church sharing the Word of God and the love of Jesus Christ to millions around the world on the gospel America broadcast network Rock of Ages with pastor Marvin Wylie [Applause] [Music] by me [Applause] [Music] breathe for me let's bow in a world of breath father God here we are again we want to tell you thank you Lord we thank you for different other Sunday morning North expression of your love and your kindness you've been good to us all week long and for that we want to tell you much obliged Here I am again you know the feather tip my friend gave at its script that comes from D and D alone you'll just be so kind open up our ears open up our hearts open up our minds that we will be receptive to your whole in divine word we thank you for what you're about to do with us through us and for us bless us in Jesus name can you give the Lord a hand breeze if you don't mind wonderful Savior turn to that person beside you around you seek their hands let them know how glad you are to help them in the service of the Lord tell them that the Lord is good he's worthy all of our praises it's good to be alive and not only is it good to be alive it's good to be alive and know that you are alive and you tell your neighbor I'm glad I know I'm alive thank God for the singing of the choir this morning and your participation in the worship experience John chapter one there's a word I want to live John chapter one I want to read in your hearing verses 10 through verse 13 a man that's on page 865 in my Bible they're gonna help you know the Gospel according to Saint John chapter 1 beginning at verse 10 and reading through verse 13 he talking about Jesus was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not he came unto his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh know the will of man but of God I want to talk today about overcoming rejection overcoming rejection one of the world's worst feelings is the feeling of being rejected somewhere in life most people have had to deal with this feeling and the emotions that follow and the days gone by when playing basketball at the Greenville elementary school lot in Pine Bluff Arkansas we played Sandlot ball and we always had captains who would pick the players for their team captains picked their team one boy at a time when we were playing fullfil and there were eleven guys out there three would have to wait until the next game the best players would go first leaving the last ones picked often feeling rejected have you ever been rejected have you ever felt rejected rejected by a group in your class early in life someone you love spurned your love someone you reach to help refuse to accept you are your help didn't get an invitation to the prom or the school dance try to join the military only to have these words written on your file reject it you filled out an application for a job and you've been denied can I tell you this morning because people have rejected you do not mean that you have to feel rejected you tried out for the cheerleading squad rejected you attempted to be accepted by some group and they rejected you turn around and tell your neighbor your loss you went out for the ban only to hear these words maybe next year seemingly all of your friends got select but you were rejected now if you like me I've been rejected in my life and I haven't always acted properly behind it I don't hear nobody come on this can be equal opportunity to preach and get four full opinion for please high five you leave and tell them I've been rejected before but every time I look back on those little areas where I've been rejected it was those times that I can see the hand of God catapulted me to the next level of living and life and sometime beyond you this rejection to put you on the right path now rejection is common in this world so it's important that you learn the process that you need to go through when you're feeling rejected sometime God will use rejection to get your life in shape to get you back on the right Road the feelings of rejection and that which follows can be quite debilitating but I want to suggest to you this morning that even though people might feel like you're garbage tell somebody he's still in the recycling business I felt that one coming on why don't you have Bob you leave and tell them you don't have to like me god is stealing the recycling business I really could preach this thing if I had a few more headland somewhere back over yonder is there anybody here this morning that somebody has thrown you away but God recycle you tell your neighbor God is a boy now there are some people that never rebound when they feel that they've been rejected how many people have been left at the altar waiting on a bride or groom and they never showed up people reject you family friends and foes often reject us but you need to recognize that it's not your loss it's dad come on I really could reach this thing I really feel preaching here this morning tell your neighbor even though people reject you that doesn't mean that you're a bad in a lot of minute means that they done lost their mind tell somebody I'm fearfully and wonderfully made the Lord made me I got the spirit within me I am the child of the Living God he didn't shed his wisdom with me is there anybody here in the house that's ever been rejected rejected by a parent rejected by a sister rejected by loved one rejected by a child rejected by another church member I want to suggest to you today that regardless of who rejects you it ain't only you it's all there Jesus how was the unwanted war it was often rejected stone which the builders have rejected have become the chief Cornerstone that chief Cornerstone he's become the capstone literally implies that if you just keep on living sooner or later the Lord will elevate you and the reality is you'll have to look down on some folks talk with me somebody that have rejected you is there anybody regardless of how they treated you you keep on rising till you leave I'm rising I'm laughing I'm laughing you can't see it but the love yes in Jesus was the rejected Redeemer the unwanted Savior came to his own and his own received him not when you look at it have you been rejected by family anybody have been rejected by friends anybody have been rejected by fools look at Matthew chapter 8 verse 34 and behold the whole city came out to meet Jesus and when they saw him they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts what do you call that rejection mark chapter 6 verse 3 says that they were debating dialoguing and discussing who he was they were talking about is not this the carpenter is not this the son of Mary the brother of James and juices and of Judah and Simeon and are not his sisters with us and they will offend it in him what do you call that rejection listen listen listen closely the bulk of rejection kind from unlikely sources those that claim to be right with God and you got to watch where rejection comes from because in the church people reject people more than they do enter close [Applause] I stood on the stoop drinking out the same bond with folk talk with me somebody at the club but in chess they don't even want to shake your hand I could preach this thing if I had just a little bit of help your neighbor looks after for verse 28 and 29 at all they in the synagogue when they heard these things they were filled with wrath they rose up and thrust him out of the city led him under the brow of the hill realm their city set and they bet that they might cast him headlong what do you call that rejection Luke chapter 23 verse 18 says that they cried out all that wants away with this man release unto us Barabbas Jesus had worked marvelous mysterious majestic miracles for their masters and yet they rejected him turn water into iron steel storms gave a hungry cloud pretty talk with me somebody heal their lame raise their dead and yet when it came down to it they turned their back on him and walked away and the lad said they found that hill no more but the good news is in the midst of it all Jesus remains focused fervent and faithful dust he retains fruitful recalls he kept me old what he was doing and you need to keep your eye on what you're doing let the loud handle your reject us tell your rejecters I've been meaning to get rid of you anyway to the left to the last ow [Applause] Jesus the veteran son of God who should have been embraced by mankind Wallace rejected by his own if people you don't know reject you that don't mean nothing but when people that that you know that you've done the most fun come on help me here coming from me and them to get me your house when you don't have anything for your child and your child won't even talk to you come here for a minute hey everybody here today let's gather in your life that won't even come see [Applause] rejected but join the crowd Jesus was rejected every night and then little bit ago one of our members gave her mother a kidney for donor it worked but there are times that the call for kidney transplant and the kidney is rejected it ain't nothing long with the new kidney ain't nothing wrong with the donor they don't already check that kid now it's rejected by the body it's being put into that I wanna feel word to somebody here today it don't have to be nothing wrong with you Jesus won't sit down up and yeah they reject him but if somebody gives you a kidney and you rejected who suffers the one that gets the kidney to the audience today to somebody here I want to suggest to you today Jesus came to his own and the home received him not he didn't suffer they suffered he went back to his father stand on the right hand of his father of His Majesty and of glory John teaches us how to handle rejection by giving us a picture and a portrait of how they rejected Jesus John was the youngest of the disciples when he began to follow Jesus Peter James and John and Andrew they were all fishermen Jesus called James and John the sons of Zebedee and Salome they called them off of the fishing thing since Carmen I'll make you fishers of men by the time of the writings on is an old land John it's sitting back memories have flooded his mind and he began to wonder why in the world with the other Gospel writers Matthew Mark and Luke why would they leave all so much that Jesus did when you think about it Matthew Mark and Luke those are the synoptic gospel that works synoptic literally means similar John sits down with pen and parchment in hand and says why did they leave out the kenan miracle where turn water in the world why why did they leave out that midnight meeting with the master that Nicodemus had with Jesus that gave birth to John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but should have everlasting life why did the the fella leave out the miracle and the healing of the nobleman sons why did they leave out this miracle of the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda why did they leave out the miracle of the man born blind surely somebody should have talked about the raising of Lazarus from the dead and that conversation that Jesus had with the woman at the whale sure that somebody should have talked about the Good Shepherd and the sermon on the vine sure that somebody shouldn't look they shouldn't have left off the great items of Jesus I'm the bread of life I'm the light of the world I am the door I am The Good Shepherd I'm the resurrection and the life I'm the way the truth and the life I am the true life but none of the rest of the writers said anything about these thing [Applause] John says somebody ought to say something and so John says I think I'll say something and John chapter 21 verse 25 John says this and there are also many other things that Jesus did that which if it should be written every one John says I suppose that even the world could not contain the books of the scrolls that should be written John and his gospel leaves us with four choices about Jesus he says first of all he wants you to believe that you can come to the place that you think Jesus is a legend and you can believe that Jesus's story is a legend that he never really existed you can believe that Jesus was a liar he falsely lay claim to being the Son of God you can believe he was a legend you can believe he was a liar but you can believe he was a lunatic you can believe that he was deranged he was deluded he was insane he was out of his mind that's what his brother said when they went to find Jesus they thought he was crazy but tell your neighbor just because you say I'm crazy don't mean I'm crying you may be the crazy one but then you can believe that not only is he a legend not only is he a lime not only is he a lunatic you can believe he's the Lord and that's why John wrote John write so that you could believe that Jesus is Lord one of the sad notes in scriptures though Jesus if presented as the Son of God people just did not believe the world who he said he was let me parenthetically pause to push this passage a little bit you don't have to explain the Nuba who you are if I had it I'd be here that know who you are your clam your you know you a child of God if you're not care for people that have you explaining everything my chairman as a pastor I'm trying to live three lives at one time as a matter of fact almost for public private personal and professional I wake up in the morning sometimes then I don't even know who I am you trying to take a meal when you house them you tell me who I but my stars that don't make no difference boys try to tell your neighbor you can't do nothing about it and always never explaining who he was he just when I was doing what he was called to do and somebody here you missed it you missed it that way right over your head every now and then you need to shut up and just keep doing what you're doing let alone fight your battle is that it in the house I feel this time fear that party in this house no he'll fight your battles but you got the Spanish they're half of the problem that Jesus had was with Chan soo [Applause] somebody help somebody I can't say man I'm talking about you I would at least say man so the focal your room won't know I'm talking about you Jesus biggest problem what we're custodians of the law those that the prophets had spoken to you and if you're not careful you will miss Jesus just like they missed it look at verse 10 he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not that word knew his work arrived from the Old Testament and Adam knew Eve had a boy by the name of Cain and he knew her again had another boy by the name of Abel now that word knew didn't mean baby what's your phone number this is church I can't tell you what it meant but this is church this is church this this here is chance it's trying to tell you your name is judge we have and it's actually happened there was an issue so John said that Jesus was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not let me say a word about the recognition of the Christ the world didn't know him after all he did they didn't know him they said he was billed as a bird a wine-bibber a verse acre of the Mosaic law because it didn't know him you would do yourself good to get to know some people in your life before you have to get to know [Applause] stop rewind let me play that again there's a crowded back there let me stop it play that again here baby you need to get to know some people that's in your life before it's time they'll have to know um because you got some people in your life that you think you know but you don't ring loudly Jesus to the cosmos and the world specifically the Jews knew him not John has previously talked about how Jesus is light in life if he comes on the scene illuminating the darkness and giving life to those that were spiritually dead and John says in the midst of darkness and deadness they didn't even accept him they knew him not there's a word about the recognition of the Christ but not only is there word about the recognition of the Christ there's a word about the rejection of the Christ he came to his own his old people people like him and they received him not his own how do you handle life when you come to your own and they don't even want to be bothered with you you keep moving [Music] three handclaps somewhere back over ye under woulda helped me put this on fast piece in Greek it literate insist he came to his own things it's a picture of a homecoming he himself came as a homecoming he made the whole and yet they rejected him and may I ask you this morning have you rejected him because you're only gonna do one or two things rejecting or receiving is he there are those here this morning said well I Amina I have not made a decision about him all yeah you made a decision not to decide and that's a decision if you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior you've made a decision it just against him they rejected him they rejected him they rejected him they rejected him what does that encompass that encompasses the fact that they rejected his love they rejected his mercy they rejected his forgiveness they rejected his truth they rejected his forgiveness they were rejected his salvation everything that he stood for they rejected and the question comes this morning who are you rejecting when you're rejecting Jesus now you can you can know this morning that you don't think you need him now but he already done told you when we come to my father you gonna need me I'm the only one that can speak up on your behalf you're gonna and booster Buddha memorialize Muhammad and confess Confucius but I'm the only somebody that can go to bail for you I'll be your advocate that's what we said I'll be your advocate I'll be your leader I'll be the one standing at the bar telling him and for him stop rejecting Jesus your eternal depends on it and they received him not the rejected Jesus they derided him they denied him they despised him they discredited him they disdained him ultimately tried to destroy him they rejected their own Messiah that word rejected circa 1450 comes from a Latin word reject us which really means to throw back now us fishermen I said those fishermen to swimmers or sufficient us Fisher people have you ever gone fishing with experts and they catch a fish and they throw it back in and they claim that's too little that's what they did with Jesus they threw him back in that they didn't accept him for who he was they didn't think he was the Messiah they didn't think he was the Redeemer kinsman they didn't say he was the Anointed One they didn't think he was Christ those I didn't think my brothers and sisters he was the son of God and the son of man at the same time they didn't take my brothers and sisters even though he walked on water he could drink water they didn't think that even though he won't do the dope he was the don't they didn't say even though every now and then they would have a doctor but he was a doctor they didn't say even though he was sheep he was Shepherd at the same time I want to suggest to you this morning that you can reject Jesus but that will hurt you [Applause] when you look at mark 1831 he began to teach them that of the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected well the elders of the chief priests and scribes and be killed but after three days rise again tell your neighbor gon kill me the quicker you kill me the sooner I can get it from them I don't hear nobody tell your name on the other side that you didn't want to turn to in the first place called killed me sooner you killed me that's the quicker I can get up from the dead I'm a part of a bounce-back religion I got bounced back in modernism barring me over there come back [Applause] Jesus was not even welcomed in his own hometown that there is a passage of scripture that says Jesus went to Nazareth one day his own hometown and then he there he could do no mighty miracles because of their unbelief never get to the point that you minimize yourself based upon what other people think about you you may think you may need to get some practice turn to your neighbors and I ain't crazy you maybe this is just practice tell them just practice just practice just practice I am really saying in you time just practice and that to tell somebody else out of everything Jesus did out of everything he gave out of everything he did for them the word says they rejected him they threw him back now the question today is how many of you who are here in this place have rejected Jesus here's the problem with death if you reject him now he'll reject you later I hear you protesting saying well I don't need Jesus my mama see there's a difference between my mother and my mama Mary and her it's saved it's better to have an umbrella and not need it than need it and not had somebody know my mama you need Jesus what what I like about Jesus is he'd never fell into the trap of feeling responsible for other people's opinions he didn't fall into the trap of trying to justify himself not that he ever cave in to and give up a protest their rejection her verse says they after that massive multitude was feared on that Judean hillsides were to cease fire bar literals before the food was even digest that the word says they walked away and followed him no more and that is no account of Jesus going after any of them I don't hear nobody because they rejected him and because of their rejection he didn't lose celos and the greatest tragedy that still happening today is if you're not careful you will sit up in here up in here up in here and hear the word of God turn around and walk away and not accept Jesus and your Savior and then say a pocke people of the tech say more nail your equally a still dead the very one that they'd heard about rejected the very one they longed for they rejected the very one they waited for rejected the very one they looked for they rejected the very one they prayed for they rejected the very one that they hoped for they rejected they didn't know him it's like a man building a billion-dollar Hospital for the indigent and then he calms one day after a long period he comes back and nobody tells him thank you some of y'all run gave folks five dollars and you mad even now and that's been 30 years ago when you invest your money in something and then you come to it and they don't even said thank you can you imagine how that feels well think about how you feel and then think about how Jesus myself sell to have done everything he did and tab to his own and his own received him not [Applause] you know you don't have to kill nobody to go to hell [Applause] you got robbed no banks to go to him you ain't got to hold on to go to him all you got to do is silently reject Jesus and you gonna get a first-class trip to him come on help me help because whenever you reject him you are rejecting everything that he stands for [Applause] simply ignoring Jesus will call you to lose you so there's a recognition of the Christ there's the rejection of the Christ but then let me say a word about the reception of the Christ but to them that received him he gave excelsior power not Dunamis power that's power dynamite power but it's a seer that's the power that says he gave them the right he gave them the ability he gave them the freedom he gave them the permission to become the sons of God you cannot become a child of God simply because you were born into this world [Applause] you got to go through Jesus Jesus makes it perfectly clear he said one day that if you won't come to my father you must come by me you can't even get into the office until you talk to my father but a lot of people that always get mad even around here because there's a secretary outside of my door that's eyes her best to try to corral the congregation as it relates to the clergy giving care I just said something you figured out I'll tell you after why but there always got somebody didn't want to bust through and do it that way Jesus said you can't get to my daddy unless I kill the Lord and so I'll tell who you worship if you don't have Jesus on your team you're going to be but as many as received him he gave ecstasy on he gave the right he gave the authority he gave the freedom that come the children of God that word literally means to become something a person is not you cannot become what God wants you to become by yourself I don't care how many steps you try I got a 12 step program I don't care if you got 24 step you ain't gonna never become everything God wants you to become unless you come by him and he is the one that works newness in your heart and newness in your life he is the one that changes your life tell your neighbor I've been changed you cannot be born again without Jesus bone again without Jesus you cannot be born again without Jesus and the car is small thing is if you don't know any this one's for you gentlemen talk about no bullet even talked about no bullet this one's for you [Applause] I'm talking about Jesus how you gonna become all he wants you to be and he has nothing no input on your becoming some people hated Jesus Isaiah 53 and 3 he was designed despised and rejected a man of men a man of sorrows acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not but surely he bore our griefs carried our sorrows yet did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities just happens about peace was upon him and with His stripes we were we are heal heal from seeing sickness that we obtained in the Adamic nature can I tell you he's the stone that the builders rejected you've got a choice this moment [Music] you can either receive him or reject him you can accept him or you can reject it till you never it's your choice you can receive him all reject him can you turn around and tell your neighbor neva it's your choice I made up in my mind he's been too good to me I cannot reject him because he's done too much for me can you have Fabio name and tell your neighbor neighbor he's done too much for me is there anybody here this morning that can testify he's been too good to me and I'm not going to reject him what did he do fire he woke me up he started me on a new day [Music] say yeah say yeah how many this morning God is recycling you [Music] people TOEIC threw you away but he's [Music] [Applause] never there tell you what they did to these buddies he's recycling you when you look back over life rejection don't have to be hard accept it and keep on moving I don't hit nobody tell your neighbor don't you lose your mind don't you lose your man you ain't got but one [Music] that's why I tell people on time Tom a time I gave them I gave him a piece of my mind baby you ain't got enough mind to be giving people PC a piece nap please after why'd you wake up in the morning you won't even know who you are though rejection is hard you can make it how many as please have been rejected how many are still struggling through count this up if you're not careful it will follow you through your whole life nobody on yo job hates you and you come to church and one person don't like you you lose your man [Music] you can base your future and your life [Music] of one person there's billions of people in this world ha let the billions that [Music] imitate what that really means hola hola [Music] who have you allowed to minimize your belief about yourself but they got that much power over you [Music] nobody Jesus kept doing what Jesus was doing and the results 2,000 years later and the rock of ages' Baptist Church we still talking about him [Applause]
Channel: Gary Jenkins
Views: 64,027
Rating: 4.7598629 out of 5
Id: wsmryga-m_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2013
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