The Entrance to Decked Out! Hermitcraft 9: #47

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[Music] hello my friends and welcome back to the hermitcraft server my name is Tango of the tech variety and today we're gonna be working on an amazing brand new yeah oh my kid we all know exactly what we're working on today I do want to apologize for a little bit of delay in videos we've had recently uh I've been busy I've been really busy with the IRL stuff mostly me playing a lot of hockey and really enjoying it and it's been great and then that leads to me being very very sore not being able to move for a few days and being sad and all that so you know this is a cyclical cycle thing but I've also been spending a lot of time planning this area right here this is probably one of the most I don't want to say neglected but oldest areas of decked out I mean how long ago it's been like a year since we made this amazing room here right and then we did some of this and we were just like man that's a future Tango problem well now I I am future Tango and today we are going to solve this room here we have two major projects uh in here today one of them the first one most important one is this right I mean look at this car this this ain't this is not worthy of decked out right little iron door man it's all boring we have to make this look a lot better uh and then we've got to uh we gotta make an interesting door today and when I say interesting door I mean probably the coolest door we've ever seen it's gonna make that little like that door down there to enter level one with the stone and the scraping that's gonna be Child's Play this door here is gonna use some crazy new 1.20 technology uh and it's gonna be amazing it's gonna be worthy of the grand entrance to a decked out and then of course we need to skoodle over here and there's all this space over here this right here where today we're finally going to build the crown shop the what was previously known as the coin drop before coins got turned into crowns and this is the currency that you take out of the dungeon you spend it here to buy ethereal cars a little temporary power-ups all sorts of good stuff and of course we've got this here in the middle this is super important some of you it's been so long some of you may not know what this is or may have forgotten this is the scoreboard that shows the current standings for Decked Out basically every phase players will win a certain amount of points uh every every block here so that we're basically making like a bar chart right every every block here is going to be dedicated to one player we're gonna like a hermit's head on each one of these I got to go get a bunch of hermit's heads who's got all the hermit heads these days someone's got to have a bunch of hermit heads let me know but the idea is after they get those points I take some snow layers and I just stack up their column and we have a nice little bar chart showing who is winning the game pretty cool stuff so this is super important we have to keep this nice and prominent here I think the first step what I want to do here is some basic building right this wall here this ceiling this wall all needs to be extended brought over tied into this brought down over here and do some stuff and then we're gonna get into some of the fancy building over here okay we did a little building and a live stream here but basically just carried the roof down kept the same simple slope with the black Stones there and everything tied it into the scoring thing here added a couple lights uh we added some ground lighting here underneath the carpet to keep the scoreboard nice and bright uh overall it's nothing really that great but it's it's what we need to get the room moving forward I think the ceiling is a bit dark I wouldn't mind like some more lights hanging down up there so I think maybe we'll get to that but what I want to focus on now and it's the big thing with this episode here is this I want to get this start going the way it needs to be here we need a much bigger opening first of all so I think the first step we're gonna need to do is tear down this I think this is going to be a three wide entrance here we're gonna have a crazy fancy door here this is coming out the barrel I think is gonna go out a little bit maybe I put the barrel leg right here uh because I want you to this is where you're gonna put your key and by the way they're not going to be called keys I don't have the artwork for it done yet but that's okay I think the uh the admittance into decked out is going to be an item called a frozen Shard like a little ice Crystal kind of thing I think it'll be good you know like oh you need a Shard you put your you put your Frozen shard in here right and that is what is going to cue the door opening sequence the reason I'm not going with key is because and we've talked about this in streams and stuff a lot uh I don't want to have keys to play the game but then also keys in between the levels and then people are gonna be like did you get a key and they're gonna be like no I'm a lot of keys in there well how did you go between levels what are you talking about right it's just gonna make confusion so Frozen shards are the thing we're gonna go with that it allows you to play the game so yeah all this is coming out here uh we're gonna make a three wide here uh We've also done a little bit of stuff here so wait I added this just today here this is an unfortunate step but it's pretty much necessary you know if if someone dies in the dungeon there's really no way to distinguish them between someone who died in the dungeon and spawned right here here and someone who uh left the dungeon and two days later died and spawned here so I have this button here that says press this only if you died inside the dungeon that will basically turn the game off and it will begin packing up your shulker box and send it up here for you along with any uh well I guess you didn't buy any items but if you uh if you end the game and come back here this right here will have your shulker box not a piece of glass and left your shulker box uh full of cards and it'll also have all the new items that you purchased any new cards any crowns any of that stuff Victory tomes will all be here so it says uh your deck and new items will be turned here be patient so if you if you won your round this stuff will already be waiting here by the time you get back here if you dive inside it's gonna take a little bit of time uh to pack it up and send it back here but either way I think this is a a decent system so uh let's see we've got to fix the floor here and do some building right here and here we are we now have an entrance that is more fitting of decked out it's not amazing or anything thing but I think it's it's decent it's kind of a good looking entrance here I think it works just fine and we've got a little uh we I went with another brick for the door here which is weird because I don't use really another brick anywhere else uh but we got it here with a little chisel piece in the middle here and you come in and you put your key which right now is a firework and it opens the door for you and you walk right in now that would be sufficient that would be sufficient right there just like that you know it'd be fine not a single person would complain but it's not good enough for me nope nope nope I wanted the door to be more alive more get a little bit more Flair you guys remember the door we did the leads into level one with the sliding stone door with the sound effects something like that but you know even better than that of course so I flavor is a lot of ideas and then I eventually found out that there's there's a new feature in the armor stand data pack that we have you guys are familiar with this allows us to post those armor stands in a lot of different ways and they've updated it for 120 and there's a new feature in here that I don't think anyone is using yet so check this out this is this is the greatest thing ever here watch we're gonna go like this standard stuff here I'm gonna go presets we're gonna go face palm seems appropriate right let me let me even turn on we'll even turn on arms here right okay we got a nice face palm animation here okay now I come over here and I go utilities copy and then the bottom center armor stand poses and settings copied to the book okay so this book now if I want so I'll show you like we can go like Styles or hold on a second we can go like um we can go like uh death okay boom this guy died he fell over sideways now okay but now with the book and this this isn't new this isn't new this has been here I can go utilities paste bam right and it takes the settings that were in the book saved in there and puts it applies it back to the to the armor stand that's all great that's all been there before okay so now watch this we're gonna go presets we're gonna go RBS great sounds great he's doing a little he's doing a little thing here okay but now this is the new stuff and this is what just makes my mind explode with possibilities here I can now take this and put the book this is still got an opposed copied in it okay I can put this in an item frame and if there is redstone dust in the same block as the item frame containing the book and if you power that redstone it automatically updates the nearest armor stand within eight blocks and paste the pose information in the book onto the armor stand what I mean even hot guy is impressed like it seems simple but do you have any idea what we can do with this now let me show you so back in our doorway here what I wanted was something that was more of an experience I didn't just want the chicken Chunk in the door what's up and you walk through I want something more like a a visual sequence a with with definitely some audio accompaniment that's just gonna sell the whole thing I wanted it to be like maybe even like a 10 second little show that goes off kind of thing and I know that all sounds ridiculous and everything but my my brain the way it works and it was it was I was trying to think of some things would be funnier I'm looking at the door I'm like okay we've got and this is actually a little bit darker I probably need to light this up a little bit more but what I was thinking is all right we got we got this Outer Rim here and we got these little faces here here and then we got a face here so in my head I was thinking all right you put your key in and maybe the sequence is like these light up boom boom like so it'd be like the first two on the bottom line up a step one then the middle ones then the third ones then that one and that one and then finally that one like in sequence something like that right with sound affecting each one and being uh synced up with each one being lit up and then the face in the middle lights up and just glows bright red and then we're not done yet the idea was what if something covered the entire doorway like some kind of spinning runic symbol or something like that I don't know but you know who knows something appears here and there's crazy sound effects going off and everything and then it finally like the the thing the The Big Show at the end there's a big flare of sound or something and the door opens up behind the thing that's blocking it and then it just disappears and the door is gone and you walk right through I think that would be amazing so that was a lot of babbling and stuff but but here's the idea now you know we we did some work we got some work done on some models and stuff now check this out okay what we can do is use this new it's called an animation system I don't know if you could you can't do with like fluid animations but you can do some pretty cool stuff here so watch I'm gonna do this in this little space back here I'm going to hide this guy and this guy this guy right here does that look familiar now look boom now we have a block that is lit up and it's all lined up great and everything but but what I can do now is I can hide this pose adjust head should rotate it 45 degrees and if I do the same thing again pose is just ahead negative 45 again boom now it's hidden okay completely hidden so now if I put let's see we'll get this block back here right now it looks normal but all I have to do now is hook up again to the Redstone everyone will just throw a little temp thing here like this and then a little book well I got a copy first okay so now we throw the book in there we throw some Redstone right there we throw a button on top of this and now with some timing use your imagination here right now when we think we get these all tied up in sequence into audio effects boom we can make the things glow the texture is off a little bit there I think maybe I gotta play with the lighting so I believe with some careful placing of the item frames and the books and stuff we can actually get all of these to light up in sequence uh but then we get the door here and that presents its own little problem so the door we're gonna have to do a couple of little tricks here the door we're gonna have to put an armor stand back like right there okay and then we're gonna get this guy and you see we got the is there now we put this guy on top and we now have a glowing face on the wall uh obviously though we can't have an armor stand here so but that's fine that's fine because well I don't have an armor I don't have the book where's the book give me the book hold on with the book we can do style stand visible no Styles I mean if we want we can turn gravity off right and now it's totally invisible but the thing attached to it still is all we have to do is rotate this guy down 90 degrees into the floor to turn him off and then we got the final piece here I think this one goes a little bit closer it goes right there I'm not sure quite honestly this is probably going to be off-centered or something let me see her hold on we take this and go it if we go one second there we go bam okay so that that covers the whole thing I think I want to see if I can get this to be spinning or something I'm not sure but this is kind of the it hides the whole wall so that now once that pops up again again sound effects with all this time and everything once that pops up then the actual Redstone door can open up and then this goes away again by rotating into the floor and there's just no door there you never even see the door open it's just gone and there's still one more thing I want to do here over in this space over here I want to add like a little game status indicator because Decked Out can really be in three states here we've got available which means it's ready to be played we've got in use which means someone's in the dungeon actively you know dying and then we have the final state which is a resetting which basically means the game's done but there has to be a five minute time between when the game can be played to let all the items on the ground despawn and I want to have these light up appropriately so let's get them lit up here get a little glowy glowy on them perfect so now these lights will uh both light up you know across from the sign showing the state that the game is in so if someone comes in here and they see like oh resetting like oh okay just a few more I can play in a few minutes or in use it's like oh maybe I'll come back later because someone's actively in the dungeon I think this is going to be really handy okay after many many hours of redstoneification I believe we are complete in the back here I've been very very busy uh hold on where's it Fly better all of this Redstone took me the better part of a day pretty much everything right here is all the logic control for controlling those three states available in use and resetting handling all different cases of you know did they die naturally in the dungeon did they succeed are they still waiting for their shulker box have they opened the door or not there's a lot of edge cases and I wanted to make sure I got it all correct so that's what all this is here and then we got all this here which is all the crazy armor stand magic and that was tricky getting it so that all the all the books are in a position where they could you know I only affected the correct book that's in range and not have overlap and stuff and then it goes down here and down here and here and here and super ugly line of repeaters basically what we have is a ton of redstone but unfortunately I am still waiting for some audio and some visual assets here so I think we're gonna temporarily put this on hold and then by the end of the episode I'll be able to show you the full thing I don't want to show it now it's not as good as it will be so instead we're gonna go on a little a little visit we're gonna go but you guys know we're on 120 right now right we're on version 1.20 where's the number yeah 1.20 and there's all the new stuff right I haven't touched any of it yet look at this craziness over here uh and I think I want to see I think there is an armor Trim Shop I think jevin's got one I think false might have one I want to see who's selling armor trims and I want to see if I can get some armor trim that matches my dungeon master style first of all I have no idea where the shop may or may not be I'll probably have to ask and second of all I know nothing and I mean nothing about armor trims this feels new where might there be an armor Trim Shop oh my oh my that's a whole lot of trim Dune shaper Spire what uh oh these are the names of all the Troopers oh Vex might be good I don't I don't know how this works okay hold the phone hold the phone false has got a shop here or I don't even know if it's a shop I think you just you're missing a template feel free to duplicate here and I looked and guess what boom Vex that is definitely the one I want it kind of it looks like my robes kind of template I don't think she's charging anything so I think and if I Pokemon I get like a bunch of diamonds you can duplicate these let me get my bits out okay I think I think I got this now you know I'm super smart now I take this and I come over here and I can duplicate it you guys all know this right and it's apparently you can use like any block you want or there's like combination but it's costly on the diamonds but now I get two of these I hope I didn't just destroy something and now I can take this guy and put it right back here Boop didn't touch the thing didn't touch the thing but but I think I think false needs it needs payment for this right I mean this has got to be a shop or something tell me if I'm supposed to pay her but we keep duplicating and duplicating some more this is very expensive excellent we're done okay well I probably paid way more than I needed to okay we've got five Vex armor trims that's enough let's head back home and we're gonna we're gonna make some dungeon master armor I love it I'm not gonna lie I'm a little bit excited right but this whole I felt that we're gonna whack down our smithing table right there and now I believe the way this works hold on we go skadoodle uh uh uh doodle and I want then like the thing you put in here determines the color I want purple of course bam and then oh there it is there it is okay we do this excellent and now we do hold on we do pants we do Smith we do this we we get we get the fancy pants with the extra fancy and then we do this and then we do the booties and then we do that and we do this and we do that okay and now I don't think I don't think I want where's my hat all right I'm gonna throw the dungeon master hood is acquired I'm not doing any stupid helmet stuff so we're gonna go ahead and put that on take this off and I think I don't know how does it look hey not great not great if it was darker blue that might look better that's pretty ridiculous I don't know it might look better with some netherright but who's got time for that I don't what do you guys think is it better what should I do what should I change what should I use a different trim color what do you think let me know leave a comment oh you know what they need is a lighter trim oh missed opportunity why is that not in the game let me trim my elytra bits to be dungeon Mastery theme that's what I want okay we still have a lot to do today and the next big project while I'm waiting on some assets for the door you gotta stay tuned and you want to see the door open later on but in the meantime we're gonna build the crown shop which is a weird name but it's the shop you go to to spend your crowns that you finally got to take out of the dungeon and buy some little temporary things like you know some ethereal cards some food some little doodads some bits I don't know we'll see we'll figure that out but we gotta build a shop first okay we've got our start here uh this is fantastic I absolutely love this this is kind of a hybrid or a little bit of a tweak on what we did with the Ember shop uh if you guys remember that shop down there and how it worked and it used armor stands to pop up through powdered snow to make an item available and presented same concept here only we're changing a little bit uh to be more particular for what we want to do with the coin shop so what we have here is a one white tile little shop with great presentation and it's got an interesting reset feature that yellow line is the reset line there every time I turn that off and turn it back on I I can I can obviously first of all determine how often the shop resets and when I do reset the shop each individual item with this dropper Hopper combo over here has its own chance of becoming available for that reset period so for instance if I want to make an item that's really rare I can go over here and I can put like you know one sword and like six or seven nonsense items in here and that means only once every seven resets will that item slice be available that item be available for a purchase and contrary if I if I just put a sword in here that means the item in this slice will be available every time I reset so I'm thinking I'm going to reset the shop like every two hours or so so we'll have like a a hopper clock or something I'll set up you know to connect to it and then every two hours the shop will refresh it'll get new items some items always available be available there'll be randomization it's gonna be great so I'm not gonna go over all of this but they put their money in the shulker there uh and that'll it'll actually buy the product and the products will be right there they'll spit out into below the glass there that'll be like a water stream or something like that and we'll Loop the items up around and I'm not sure how we'll get into them yet maybe it goes through the floor maybe it'll drop from the ceiling we'll see uh we also have a way here for this block right here to know when any purchase has been made that'll be tileable and I can play like some kind of little audio tune as well uh items get locked out when you when you purchase an item that slice is locked out until the until the next reset so basically you can only buy it you can't come over here and buy like I'm gonna buy a ton of this item you can only buy each item once until the reset so this is my way of throttling what gets purchased and of course as you guys probably remember with the Ember shop when a slice a slice of this shop is available the armor stand pops up the armor stand will be uh invisible but it will be holding the product whether it's an item or a model or something I know it depends on what we're selling but it'll be holding the product that they can buy so essentially you'll see this you know it tiled down probably like 16 times or so we have 16 slots here to sell and then if they see the item they want here that means it's available and if they want to buy it they put their money in the thing and it'll be a sign that says how much you get the idea okay bouncing back to the door we're all over the place tonight we're gonna go back to the door here because it is done it is done it is ready to show and I also have we gotta do we got a new audio that is amazing we have new artwork that is amazing and we also have the key the key the Frozen Shard which is the key to play decked out your permission pass to open this door this is the first pass I think I don't know we may we may change the model a little bit still to be a little bit more rough and less symmetrical or something but either way I absolutely love it this is the Frozen chart I haven't named them or anything yet uh but anyways here we go are we ready custom audio Custom Sounds you know this might have taken a few days to get working here we go put the key in go [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yeah that's it that's the door I love it all right so where's the time this is the crazy sequence that was just in my brain there it goes the closest automatically I saw these things like I said I figured why not have all these things glow in sequence and then have this guy's face glow and then bring in some like runic symbols around the edge and then the best part is the door opens the sound is even the sound of all the Redstone is even a little bit occluded and then the the the wall just drops and the door isn't even there anymore I absolutely love it here you go one more time because you know because why not you gotta do it again [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] the door opens and then there's a little bit of time release this I may change this there is a time delay here before the door just closes automatically part of me is like well that's the safest way but then at the same time I mean someone might open the door and not go through in time and then they wasted their keys so I may change it to be like a sensor in here that triggers it later or something I'm not sure all the this is a finally done oh minus the skull clock there that I gotta replace uh and then if you if you die in here or if you forget to hit your respawn you come over here hit the bed the door opens up a la Manuel and you just you just pop out and everything's just fine this guy here is actually working I'm not gonna go through all the sequences but this took a long time to get all these correct all the state Transitions and everything when someone leaves the dungeon that'll all be working we're we're doing good and while we're waiting on assets for the door the shop is done as oh well ignore this little button it's a little test button here uh but this is it I may I may decide to change it up a little bit more add a little bit more detail and stuff it's kind of a simple build but I mean it gets the point across it's nice and it's nice and bright I have not figured out what items I want to sell I have a bunch of items in mind uh but this is basically it you'll have a sign that says the item the cost the uh you won't see the armor stand the iron will just kind of be floating on the head of the armor stand invisible uh the like I said armor standalone item will be floating uh right now I have all of them set to a one-third Chance in This little test button here that will reset the store you can see this it's going to be about a third of them every time a little bit more than a third there [Music] about a third there do one more time [Music] excellent so yeah basically every two hours this store will reset when you buy an item it's like if I if I wanted to buy this item I would put the crowns in here once I put the exact number in it'll play a little purchase thing uh and then the item will drop it'll become a bit unavailable until they get lucky enough for a reset to happen and that item to be picked so yeah what I just really love about this store is that I can control the reset duration and the Chance per item that the item will become available during that reset period so I can have some seriously rare stuff or stuff that's just pretty much always available I did a quick little you know just closed up the end here it's not great you know I didn't really put much effort into this but I'll probably have to do something here but this is basically room for expansion if I have another system or something it would go here uh and then you can see we got all the Redstone for the shop down here again alternating the uh slime blocks and the Honey blocks so that you can have them go up and down independently and then we got the interesting little uh this is the two hour clock over here believe it we're using the trick with the armor stand on the redstone ore this just happened right there about every 68 seconds on average with high variance this will this uh this redstone ore will update it'll take an item over into the thing it just takes another one right there actually that was weird uh and then when it's done it'll it'll uh reset the clock and then dump all the items back into here you can see there's actually only 11 more to go before it resets again so overall some pretty huge progress here I'm excited about the shop what I need from you guys is what should we sell what should we sell here now I try to think outside the box okay don't list like standard food items don't say ender pearls those are things like that I don't want Ender Pearls think of something new something interesting like for instance a good idea would be what we did last time where the player could buy a name tag and name a ravager and if that ravager kills someone they get a free key I don't know if we're gonna do that again but interesting clever ideas like that are very welcome so leave me a comment so with that I think the Great Hall is done we got our we got the crown shop we got our scoreboard we've got our entrance that is amazing we have down here where everyone can pick out their little uh lot we don't even know what we're gonna call these locker rooms cells oh my God we did a little bit of redstone here I might I might have to repair this one whoops yeah things are looking good lots of progress and the end the the light is at the end of the tunnel guys level four coming soon just want to thank you guys for watching and the patience while I put those little sequins together I appreciate all the support I will see you guys next time [Applause] thank you
Channel: Tango Tek
Views: 204,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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