The entire Genshin map in Minecraft

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today we are going to take a look at cool genji videos i browsed a couple vids that i thought would be fun to watch and some of them are really really interesting like this one for example they created the entire world of that in minecraft okay before we even watch just imagine how much time this took [Music] wow dude even they even got the the the golden chamber thing oh my god [Music] that's insane they they built inside as well it's one thing to just build everything on the outside but like to build everything on the inside as well as insane and like not only do they have to build they have to like terrace or like get the land right there's so much that goes into this [Music] oh my god [Music] even got the thing at dragon spine at the top [Music] it's not it's not even just major cities it's like the small like parts again i forget what this place is called won't shoot in yeah wow oh my god oh i'm actually just like at all [Music] i'm so impressed in the boats man in the jade chamber oh and a style hold up what [Music] don't see this [Music] i got a truck for this one [Music] wow [Music] and in azuma where's innozuma this is lira there it is oh my god [Music] wait wait wait what i have chills i have chills what is going on here what is happening here [Music] did ayako just like mega ol on innozuma or something that's still incredible they didn't have they didn't have to do this but they did [Music] wow yeah props to them that is i couldn't stop smiling because i there there's probably there's there's so much passion and hard work that goes into this they need to be paid to do this some people don't need to be paid you know some people are just like you know what i'm gonna do this just for fun and that's sometimes the best pieces of work we get to you know take in passion okay next vid this vid somebody someone dm me this uh i think it was emma riccio actually dm me this she she told me to watch this and i apparently it's from the art stream or the the the gentian art stream the celebrate lunar new year but i missed out on that but it's called genji parallel world fan song and i do want to share this with you guys because i think it's very cool as well it might hit you in the feels [Music] [Applause] [Music] anime it's so high quality [Music] can i say i feel like if they made an anime it'd be canon that they'd be besties i'm just saying it i'm just saying they'd probably be best friends i think that'd be cool [Music] [Music] it's catchy [Music] i wish i understood the lyrics i feel like i have a better understanding of like what the animation's about [Music] hey you know [Music] okay i'm confused what happened here [Music] i really okay sorry i really want to know like is is there like a relation is there some sort of like plot in this animation where they like traverse the real world and the fan i'm already getting too invested in this what am i even saying right now [Music] okay it looks like a play oh the lyrics at the top left i'm so blind [Music] [Music] wow impressive that gets uh nine thumbs up out of ten minus one point because i didn't see gene but uh yeah everything else very pogers very epic john lee is a tree but yes very cool this video guys i think you should check us out underrated underrated vid it's uh let me just find it for you i feel like a lot of us will understand many of the references it's called real gentian impact rewind and if you've been here since day one and if you haven't it'll still be fun for you to watch either way up i remember all of those i remember them all dude so many streamers like tried this game out i forgot that xqc had even tried it it's like oh dude not even no cap sakuna was the reason why i played this game or even found this game i was watching the stream and saw him play this true story what happened if one day they'd even never come back again it's dark oh my god yo can i just kill this kid dad i'm not laughing i'm not laughing i'm not laughing dude am i saying now akron is hella underrated guys definitely check out his youtube he's players and in my opinion you should be going for characters that do interest you and that character for me is kamisato ayaka there's so many like bullsh pieces of info that spreads so early in the game that i look back and i'm just like wow that was an actual thing that people like believe like like respawning chests was a thing so many people believed i believed it i i literally i'm not even gonna lie i made a chest farming route and once i completed it the first time i went back and was like where are the chests at what's going on impact ah it's me it's me i made an add dude they announced this like a year ago and there still hasn't been anything it's been like i feel like they should like attempt to keep us updated but they like they they've barely said anything what is going on here oh man the only people that fall for this are kids and there's so many kids that play this game i feel so bad i see a lot of twitter posts of people complaining about quote-unquote hackers or people that scammed them and it's kind of a gray area because it's like well for one that sucks that you did get scammed and that's not very nice of the scammer to do that it's not the right thing to do but at the same time it's like well you weren't supposed to like engage in this sort of activity in the first place because it's against tos so it's like it's like i don't know who to help i don't know who to side with if anything both of them are stupid no way why is the truck if you don't remember this uh a while back they they had an impromptu english stream where it was very clear that the hosts uh were informed of it last minute and it's not their fault production definitely could have been better that's all i'm saying [Music] oh my god oh my oh god oh dude it's all coming back the genji community is so loud it's great there's a reason why gentian trends on twitter like almost every week the best part is it trends with the hashtag gentian impact except spelled incorrectly and it really just you know says a lot about the community there was a meteor shower last night oh throwback and condensed resin came that's also what showed up as well meteoroids seemed to harbor a strange power emphasis oh yeah [Music] this is if if you missed out on this event this is basically what happened that was exactly what happened on officials event there was no drama on twitter at the time it was our first official new region and they introduced sheer cold which was great i guess i don't it wasn't great it was terrible oh [Music] there was so much talk about this character because she was extremely broken and she's got a rerun though so you should probably roll on her if you want a broken character oh yes winters i'm gonna say it now when trace is the only reason why gentian like multiplayer is like maybe even fun sometimes okay this person who edited this video also edited this video they are my new editor ask her yes yes oh wait let me try what was that that is a sound from valerian i know that song wait let me try shooting i'll obviously right here sometimes community if we don't have drama over nothing like this fake writing shogun the housing system some of the big boys left genshin what what what big boys left kenshin i'm assuming that everyone's saying who joined genji late cairo used to be uh they basically took a lot of genjin clips from streamers and just like compiled them there was some drama over like claiming and rights to clips and getting permission that might have had an influence on their decision to stop posting highlights uh zeals and demon they were also gentian content creators i know zeal's is still making content i think he's playing lost ark damon and i'm unsure i know he was taking a break at some point but now they don't play genji anymore for you know their own reason respective reasons salute inazuma in azuma unizumo minizuma this is one of the most fire reveals though i will say that [Music] oh yeah these characters are sick oh yeah yeah hasn't even come out yet now i'm a little motivated oh yeah ayaka finally came out the person everyone was like waiting for this is the power this is one of the sickest trailers [Music] yo i'm in it again another cameo let's go [Music] stop doing it this is so funny that's a great question 28 days before the tragedy what tragedy wait what tragedy what tragedy what is the tragedy the worst oh god damn it ah dude this livestream got so much hate it's like i'm gonna say again it's not even their fault like it's not even it's none of their faults like timing and production on the hoyo's end there's been a lot of talks lately about genji causing this feeling of fatigue or burnout that a lot of players and even some content creators have expressed this is like the third time burnout has been mentioned in the genji and impact rewind because basically everything's exploding twitter the reddit the official discord oh the 28 days before the anniversary that is true online concert was fire oh and more gentian players finally realized that hon kai impact exists but the hawkeye community immediately tried to gatekeep us anyway let's change the scene my final words so i actually wrote a big message for the last part but you know what i doubt you want to hear it so let's just summarize this year in bullet points not a bad company at all they did most of the stupid stuff because they are fools toronto and braxaphone are the best content creators in dension impact thank you everyone who watched it wait who want to embrace the phone oh it's because we both played gene and we made jean videos best content creators and impact thank you everyone who watched it till the end you guys are awesome and i'll be happy if you consider subscribing to my oh that's it ladies and gentlemen uh my newest editor can we get a round of applause for my newest editor i think yes loss of potential wouldn't you say wouldn't you agree all right thanks youtube for tuning in today if you enjoyed the vids and want me to you know maybe find some more interesting gentian vids to watch with you guys let me know in the youtube comments down below and be sure to subscribe if you haven't i'll catch you guys next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tuonto
Views: 795,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jake, jacob, jake tuonto, jacob tuonto, tuonto, tuonto stream, tuonto twitch, tuonto youtube, tuonto gaming, genshin, genshin impact, minecraft, keqing, hu tao, qiqi, genshin minecraft, teyvat, map
Id: gFeJ92l7CYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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