The Ending Of Marvel's Secret Invasion Explained

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the secret is out now that all six episodes of Marvel secret Invasion are out on Disney plus repercussions from this scroll Showdown are sure to Ripple throughout the MCU warning spoilers for secret Invasion ahead secret invasion moves quickly taking place over the span of a few weeks the series includes numerous flashbacks to depict unseen parts of Nick Fury's life and explain how he lost the trust and respect of the Scrolls after failing to find them a home now three decades after Captain Marvel there are now more than a million Scrolls on Earth most are hidden and living peacefully however many also defected to gravic's terrorist regime including talos's daughter Gaia before she started feeding her father information and ultimately defected back to his side the dark tone of the series is clear immediately when gravic disguised as Fury kills an unsuspecting Maria Hill at the end of episode 1. another loss comes in episode 4 when graphic does the same thing to Talos during his attack on president ritzen in England in the attack gravic who has made himself into a super scroll and his soldiers are masquerading as the Russians to set the scene for a World War this is just part of his plan though graphic hopes to force Fury into giving him Avengers DNA too Fury explains at the end of the fifth episode if I don't give graphic the Harvest then Roadie is going to incinerate the scroll compound if that happens Russia will counter and War will begin the stakes couldn't be any higher when episode 6 of secret Invasion begins president ritzen is poised to declare war on the Russians thanks to his adviser Rhody who is really the scroll rava Gaia Fury and MI6 agent Sonya fallsworth worked to stop the Scrolls in the Giza Fury Gaia faces graphic while Sonia helps the real Fury trap the Imposter Roadie gravity confuses the Avenger DNA into his body not expecting it to also work on Gaia whom he believes is about to die from radiation poisoning however Gaia absorbs the new powers too and reveals herself to graphic ultimately killing him with a beam of energy just before that as Fury Gaia tells gravic I should have taught you never give up the fight this line marks the turn of the tide afterward Gaia goes to free the human prisoners from the scroll compound including the real Colonel Rhodes upon learning that he's been counseled by a scroll ritzen aborts the attack on Russia and prevents a global crisis Fury makes plans to head off world and find the Scrolls a home for real this time back in the UK Sonja becomes the head of the British secret intelligence service after they helped reunite Talos and his family and Captain Marvel Nick Fury and Carol Danvers promised to help find the Scrolls a new planet to call home neither of them did that but Fury continued to use the Scrolls to help him Advance his career Samuel L Jackson who plays Fury told Vanity Fair Nick had a whole scroll spy Network because they could shape-shift and go places the people couldn't go they kept their word they worked for him but he hasn't done what he said he was going to do they want a home they want to live they want to live like they are they want to live in their skin they don't want to live in ours Graphics faction of squirrel extremists was born out of Fury neglecting his promise and this is part of what makes Graphics such a compelling villain so why didn't Fury find them a home and prevent this from happening the answer is finally revealed in episode 6 when Gaia as Fury explains that the real Fury searched for years but didn't find a Planet suitable for them ultimately she says Fury failed to change the hearts and minds of the people of Earth into accepting the Scrolls though it's not clear whether this is what the real Fury thinks throughout the series gravic is looking for something of theories to help him become the perfect super scroll it seems that he has done so when he regenerates after Fury shoots him in the cheek Gaia reveals this is the result of the DNA samples he got from call obsidian and adopted child of Thanos and a flora Colossus which is Groot species but graphic knows there's something more powerful out there the Harvest when Gaia tells Fury that's what he's after it's obvious by Fury's reaction that the situation has escalated in episode 5 Fury explains to Sonya that almost every avenger shed blood during the climax of Avengers end game and he sent gravics team to collect the DNA samples after the battle of Earth the DNA was combined to create the Harvest essentially a new super soldier serum that can recreate the powers of some of Earth's mightiest heroes and villains it's what gives gravic and Gaia the abilities they use to fight each other during their final battle the most important component of the Harvest is Carol Danvers DNA at least according to graphic who's gone to extreme lengths to get it when he puts himself through the machine to imbue himself with the power in the Harvest he unintentionally gives the same powers to Gaia whom he believes to be a radiation poisoned Nick Fury gravic finally claims his opportunity to kill Gaia but she blocks his punch the pair tests out their new powers in a fight to the death featured most prominently are Hulk and Korg strength the ice of frost Beast mantis's psychic empathy and Captain Marvel's Powers gravic has the power to regenerate but nothing can save him from a Captain Marvel level energy beam which leaves a gaping hole in his chest not only does this further prove that Captain Marvel is one of the most powerful Avengers around it's also appropriate given that Captain Marvel is the film in which the Scrolls debuted in the MCU plenty of fans wondered throughout secret Invasion why Nick Fury never called in any Avengers to help given the status quo of the MCU as of the end of phase four Fury has two hulks he could have contacted plus a new black panther two Hawkeyes Thor Ant-Man the WASP stature Dr Strange Wong the new Captain America and of course the often absent Captain Marvel they'd probably want to know that their friend Rhodey had been kidnapped by skrulls after all there's also Ms Marvel but maybe Fury doesn't know about her yet and everybody forgot about Spider-Man Fury never makes that call for the simple reason that this is a very personal fight for him not only is he haunted by his failed promise but he's also fighting to save his wife Priscilla and honor Taylor's sacrifice he explains to Sonia that only he can defend the world this way we can't keep depending on these superheroes to swoop in and save our asses none of them have lived the life I have after discovering that he was being manipulated by rava who's been posing as Roadie president ritzen stops the U.S attack on Russia before it's two lanes he knows how close the world came to an all-out war and holds the Scrolls responsible not just the ones from Graphics extremist faction all of them Ritz and threatens their lives on a public broadcast detailing his plan to go before the Senate to present an emergency Bill declaring all aliens enemy combatants Fury tells ritzen that he's overreacting and blaming the many for the actions of the few Fury tells the president a bad situation and made it worse that's real one-term president stuff this is actually an indicator of what's to come as anyone who has been keeping up with upcoming Marvel releases will know Captain America Brave New World is due in 2024. joining Anthony Mackey and Sebastian Stan is Harrison Ford making his MCU debut as president Thunderbolt Ross so it looks like ritzen's Administration will indeed only be in the white house for just one term foreign after killing gravic in episode 6 and the death of her father Talos in episode 4 Gaia becomes the de facto new leader of the Scrolls in the final moments of the series she is confronted by Sonia fallsworth the newly appointed head of the sis who offers her a deal unlimited resources in exchange for help I will use you you will use me and together we'll make this planet safe for both our people intrigued by the offer Gaia goes with her but there is an important difference between this Arrangement and the deal Fury and Talos made all those years ago Gaia and Sonia are business partners there is nothing personal at stake between the two of them with this Clean Slate Gaia might finally be able to achieve what Talos couldn't perhaps she can find a safe home for all her people where they can truly be themselves and she can establish a lasting peace between the Scrolls and the humans however this will not be an easy task at the end of the episode Sonia discovers a room filled with pods it's at that point that she realizes the true strength of her foe this is how the enemy got so good it's not entirely clear what she means by the statement however if the Scrolls have taken control of hundreds of high-ranking humans Gaia definitely has a long road ahead from early on in secret Invasion it's clear something is wrong with Colonel Rhodes he's Sterner than usual and abruptly fires Nick in the wake of Maria Hill's death this isn't the war machine we know so when it's revealed that he's been replaced by the scroll rava everything starts to make sense however it's not clear how long Roadie was held captive some fans have speculated that his capture took place at some point after the events of the Falcon in the Winter Soldier but has it been longer when she saves him Gaia tries to explain to Rody that he'd been held captive for a very long time and Marvel boss Kevin feige outright said to the independent that we've seen rava impersonating Rhody in previous Marvel projects when he's rescued Rhodes is wearing a hospital gown this implies that he could have been replaced after the events of Captain America Civil War while he was in recovery from the injuries he suffered in that movie if that's true the Roadie we knew has missed out on some major events in the MCU thankfully he's free now but we can expect to see some pretty big changes for Roadie going forward if rava was impersonating him when he took the job with the president will the real Roadie continue on in that role we certainly imagine he's going to have something to say about this ordeal in his upcoming feature armor Wars despite the Rebellion boiling underneath the Surface fomented by the scroll gravic and losing his access to his government resources Fury still manages to help save the world so it's no surprise that at the end of the series we see him get back to work he was never going to go quietly into retirement this was alluded to in episode 5 when Fury puts his eye patch back on Samuel L Jackson said Fury not wearing it at the beginning was an indicator of his character's Journey speaking with Vanity Fair he said he just doesn't wear the patch the patch is part of who the strong Nick Fury was it's part of his vulnerability now you can look at it and see he's not this perfectly indestructible person he doesn't feel like that guy at the end of the series Fury has a renewed sense of self and Duty he's headed out on a mission to right his wrong and do what he should have done all along find a home for the Scrolls saber is backing the mission to broker peace with the cree and fury is at the Forefront of that effort one of the biggest surprises in secret Invasion comes in episode 2 when it's revealed Nick Fury has been married for decades Fury married Priscilla who was actually a scroll named Vara after the events of Captain Marvel though it seems they were happy for a while as evidenced by their honeymoon in Finland as the show begins they are completely estranged from each other secret Invasion reveals several series of twists and turns about Priscilla and Fury's relationship including that Priscilla is involved with gravic's Rebellion but when the time comes she defies orders to kill Fury the price she pays is that she has to put her life on the line instead the odds are stacked against Fury and Vara given that they literally come from different worlds but despite their past and the current conflict they are still lovers looking to find each other again after suffering through great trauma by the end they both have taken a few steps toward each other most important for their reunion varro reveals her true self to Fury before he leaves for his new Mission when he sees her as a scroll for the first time he promises to love her for who she really is this marks a fresh start for the couple and fury asks Farah to come on the mission with him and help negotiate the peace talks with the cree while secret Invasion provides a compelling conclusion to the threat of gravic's terrorist skrels it leaves plenty of unanswered questions in room for story lines to continue down the line this might happen sooner than expected since the Marvels which premieres in November 2023 is a sequel to five MCU projects Captain Marvel Wanda Vision Avengers end game Miss Marvel and secret Invasion since the movie takes place after the series Nick Fury and vara's peace talks with the cree will have begun or potentially been completed Gaia might be one of the Scrolls set to appear in the Marvels as well since she's not just their leader but also one of the most powerful characters in the MCU now it's possible she'll have a Target on her back across the Galaxy with anyone seeking to use her blood to recreate the Harvest serum for themselves Roadie's storyline from Secret Invasion will also continue but in armor Wars rather than the Marvels foreign
Channel: Looper
Views: 101,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: looper, secret invasion, marvel, ending, explained
Id: xj6Fmu8ehFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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