The End of the World | Nostradamus Decoded

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Nostradamus decoded though he lived five centuries ago Nostradamus claimed he could see well into our future for all his vague language those predictions point to the end of the world one of his rare and powerful David predictions says the world is going to end almost 1800 years from now when the Sun in a final conflagration devours the earth but Mars will continue its orbits in the year 37 97 the reference to the year 3797 is not coded in quatrains but is mentioned in the preface of his book of prophecies and its literal meaning is not a warning but a confession Nostradamus was giving his prophecies he said that they would be valid from the date he wrote this preface which was 1555 until the year 37 97 he couldn't see beyond that but it doesn't mean that that's the end of the world it just means that that's as far as he could see but 3797 could be a coded celestial reference considering Nostradamus's frequent use of astrology and astronomy the volume of the sun's expansion is the same as Nostradamus is description except an astronomer would say it's happening many billion years from now in that same prophecy he goes on to describe how the races of man will be living in Aquarius for some period of time and others will be living in cancer for time immemorial it seems to me describing opposed destruction in the world that he's describing the human race colonizing worlds around the stars of Aquarius and cancer perhaps we will ultimately find a way to solve our problems but as in the time of Nostradamus disease war and religious strife are the headlines of today it is the very timelessness of human suffering and uncertainty that keeps people looking to decode the quatrains that seem as relevant through the centuries as they are today his accuracy is certainly a key to his longevity there's no doubt about that there are enough quatrains that are so stunningly accurate there's no surprise that people still return to him particularly in times when things are going badly wrong people will turn to Nostradamus it's our burden and pleasure to unlock the mysteries because if these prophecies are about our times we will solve the mystery
Channel: Science Channel
Views: 1,445,265
Rating: 4.6761146 out of 5
Keywords: reality tv series, science channel, nostradamus decoded, secret code, end times, predicting the future
Id: mF9z99kiQyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2013
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