The End of Fortnite's Story...

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all right guys we got this Banger video from top five gaming the end of fortnite story as you guys know Donald mustard ever since he stepped down from creative director the fortnite story has been kind of shaky and Al also kind of like rushed to finish and we're not really too sure where the story is at right now or if we're even going to really get in-depth World building in the fortnite universe like we did back in chapter 1 and chapter 2 uh let's see what top five gaming has to say about it I'm going to give my input as well fortnite has abandoned the storyline it's the number one complaint I see that's only getting worse well the creator of the story has spoken out and now we've learned what real quick I do want to say something I'm I'm going to be unbiased here uh while I do think the fortnite story is interesting for people who care about it I think most players even when fortnite was really developing the story most players didn't really care that much about the story but they did care about the events that were linked to the story changed the reason for him leaving and why many say fortnite's storyline isn't the same you see the story is always tied the chaos together it turned the game from a simple Battle Royale to a fully-fledged adventure that we the player had to craft Donald mustard was the architect of it all and his boldest decision was choosing the island as the central character of his vision but ironically at the same time he shared exactly what would make him retire now in 2024 this simple sketch is reality and despite it being Donald's plan he had no idea achieving this would take a massive sacrifice over years I wanted to tell the origin story basically of the metaverse or of what if there was was a shared reality where you could just go and be in this Multiverse of possibilities people factions villains would come and go but an island would always remain constant when the meteor event first started he wanted people to see the inevitability of this thing getting closer and closer every day what's going to happen when this hits the island Donald's gamble paid off with more hides on fortnite than ever before his way of telling a story through the environment itself players were drawn to it and what seemed like a simple media the early events crazy they really set the Myst of the visitor was one thing but Donald decided to and seven years later no other game has done Live Events the way fortnite has not even close is further well fans are busy trying to figure out the secrets of the crater epic was already full steam ahead designing a story character that would move in real time the cube appeared and physically changed the map as it rolled around and went viral the entire internet came together sharing the theories as to what this Cube was and they even came now I want to say do you guys think that in this day and age in 2024 if something like the cube was on the map and moving would we care as much or do we need something so much more to kind of stimulate that excitement because I do think that if like let's say there was a new item or a new object that came onto the map I don't think players would care as much now we recently had the mini event with the chest opening in the hand and there was some excitement around that but it doesn't doesn't even really come close to the excitement that we had in the chapter 1 era of events cuz it was very new the named Kevin in a single day the cube turned from a drawing on Donald's whiteboard to a character that the community felt the ownership of something we all helped to create a story for it didn't explain why Kevin was here or what his purpose was that was for players to figure out epic would never reveal the story directly everything was laid out with Clues and call backs to events something they would forget in just a few years at this point we had never heard of a zero point it was only a handful of characters but they were already dropping Clues the cube tried to blast the hole in loot lake at the same spot where the Vault will be shown over half a year later each event was connected to the last while also foreshadowing the future and this was a part of their genius secret only ton of forh ton of foreshadowing in fornite they wanted to learn more about it reasons why an Ice King was covering the map in snow or why a giant robot was fighting a oneeyed monster but but but here's what I was talking about just I'm sorry for pausing over and over but I do think most players like they were just like holy crap a Mech is fighting this big monster on the fortnite map and I get to watch that's the exciting part for them I don't think most players cared or knew why the mech was fighting the monster cat us right where they wanted us our love for Live Events made us desperate for a way to connect them the perfect time to introduce the seven they updated the visitor from all those seasons ago revealing him to be part of this brand new group and little do we know they would be the key for years to come as they worked together to build Rockets around the map fortnite was planting D staler for an event that was barely a year old and this time they were doing it even better the next step is in this multi-year plan was hidden tapes and secret voice acting for our new characters something we had never seen before with the groundwork laid it was time for epic to kick things into Full Throttle Donald knew they couldn't make a sequel for a live service game so it came up with this event called the end taking fortnite offline for 3 days before sending us into chapter 2 at first it seemed like the story had moved out of the way giving space to all the new gameplay features and while that was true there was also something weird going on weekly loading screens would show a hidden story between the battle pass skins this would be players's first introduction to snapshots and we had no idea what was dismissed as a filler Quest turned out to be super important once again a theme that no longer exists we knew about the seven and their mysterious plans but now it's time to have a villain every good story needs a bad guy and they introduced in the best way a massive live event with months of buildup this was the season where I personally got into the story looking at the tiny Clues hiding in midas's office just to give you guys perspective on me personally I never really cared that much about the story but I would always watch the top five gaming videos explaining the story just so I can get caught up and sort of understand what's going on but I I for me the story wasn't that important just just figuring out the motives Shadow it was incredible back then when the devs teas something players could piece it together on their own I had my own theories others had theirs and it genuinely brought fans together like no other game when the device was activated no one predicted what would actually happen it was a beautiful surprise as we were introduced to agent Jones own in a fully animated cut scene this appealed to Casual fans who were taken back at the first human in an event and it got storyline lovers racing to figure out who this guy was the beauty of all of it was how fortnite was so good at asking questions for every answer they gave players it would come with 10 more Mysteries who was on the phone why is Jonesy wearing a suit and tie what was surprising about being able to hear him it was the beginning of the story Line's golden age now they could introduce people with dialogue character development cut scenes there was so much potential but it was also time for epic games to bring the metaverse into play it have been lurking in BR for a while but most crossovers are outfits maybe a POI it never affected the storyline except Donald didn't want that I want and met with everyone with Marvel with DC and would say here's what we could do together here's what the story is I would take people through the next six years wow Marvel was on the fence but he was able to secure John Wick opening the door for a comic collaboration I wonder how many years in advance they have fruition as fortnite had announced a Marvel season which would clearly put the story on the back burner now that's not what happened so if if in Chapter 2 which was like let's say 2020 they had six years planned that means they probably have until 2026 already mapped out Donald more was summoned to the island because of the black hole opening the door for insane theories I mean players love this it truly felt like the perfect balance between a metaverse and an original story epic had struck gold they were keeping fortnite's identity while patting full amazing characters and that's exactly what happened with zero crisis they found a way to merge crossovers with agent Jones after years the zero point was finally doing its job allowing any Universe to come to fortnite and the io were the ones in control every single reality log was an advertisement for an upcoming crossover but it was also essential to the storyline there were so many layers to the zero crisis finale Once Again it seamlessly explained how the battle pass is relevant with no sudden jumps between Seasons it got to the point where epic is willing to trust Donald entirely designing massive live events around the imagined order new faction like the last reality and even casting the most expensive actor in the world I think I first started although I I do think like in hindsight it might have been a little bit of a mistake to bring real life people into the game like that just because you you're kind of limited and then people in real life sometimes make mistakes and get canceled not that not that The Rock has gone canceled or anything like there's just I just feel like you kind of corner yourself a little bit talking to Dwayne Johnson right at the start of Co but epic wouldn't acknowledge it was him playing the foundation Donald wanted people to think they were hearing Johnson but weren't sure to me that was part of the magic yes The Rock was now basically the face of fortnite if only they realized the problem it creates when your main character is also one of the busiest actors out there they had to film most of his appearances in one session so everything needed to be planned in advance now luckily for epic Donald had plann years ahead but internally a battle was starting to happen we were about to head into Chapter 3 The culmination of years of buildup the seven and the io had been in each other's throats for centuries so with the chapter 2 finale they decided to light the map match triggering a war it felt a little rushed and in the background there was a reason for this Donald was arguing with other managers at Epic he believed that events were the future of Storytelling while they were moving resources into other things then the team began working on so he actually did an interview recently where he talked about all this stuff that's where this video is like sources from so it actually is true most important event yet Collision the buildup to this was taking place but fans were confused as to what was going on it wasn't until fortnite announced the Marvel comic that we realized the bigger picture with every new issue we would learn more about the storyline it felt like Donald was getting a ton of mysteries off his chest like he needed us to understand this event but players still felt weird about everything being in a comic after years of trying to figure it out ourselves that's when they started really losing a lot of people I mean including myself I started losing interest even more like I barely had any interest but once I started like having to read Comics to understand what the story was was about I was just like man analyzing the environment Cosmetics now everything was handed to us in a comic book one that Millions will never read looking back we should have had more appreciation the cracks were beginning to form collision was a success people loved the idea bringing back the mech recruiting agent Jones to the seven and finally defeating the io in a huge battle not to mention we got our first tease of jeno a villain who had been hinted at for years from him being the motive behind the foundation and Jones teaming up to pictures of jeno on the map players were convinced the grand reveal was coming we expected it to be in a cinematic trailer or maybe the next event we defeated Sloan in the iio but clearly it was time for jeno to take Vengeance there was so much potential so many theories but everything went wrong when the final issues released it exposed major problems at Epic fans noticed that characters were drawn incorrectly showing how rushed the artists were and when the comic with we thought we would see a pretty accurate Recreation only for the event to be completely different so should we trust the game or the comics these revealed the true story as seen Through The Eyes of Donald it was his actual Vision a live event where Marvel Superheroes would help us bring back the mech and take down the io SE in the season trailer Doctor Strange literally opened a portal on the battlefield and yet this was nowhere to be found in the Collision event it wasn't even the important part as the comics also messed with the ending they changed an event that just happened according to Donald's true Vision we weren't chasing after jeno for a grand finale the reveal we were waiting for this whole time it happened in a comic giving us only a handful of dialogue for fortnite's biggest villain and then killing him off I was teased at the end with a potential return but it felt weird we had a story line that ended with a huge click hanger but secretly wrapped up everything in a comic book wasn't exactly the environmental I'm known for behind the scenes Collision remember top five game made a video about this when it happened and that that was like what they killed him in the comic like what event where Donald would have the freedom to tell his story that's when it happened Donald decided to take a step back he had accelerated the storyline explaining why the I and 7 War felt like a finale but happened in the middle of a chapter this was the kind of event you would make if you were ending the story line after going so hard on original story we took the foot off the gas with viin and spent months with nothing really going on the seven started planning their own endings like the visitor saying it was time to retire and yet this whole thing was designed with one person in Mind Donald mustard vibin was his last season I threw myself a firework show I got Darth Vader in got Indiana Jones in I got all the stuff that I needed for me that's why that season is called vibing it's like a celebration despite the Magic Touch an ability to bring tens of millions of people to the Games Live Events were now going to happen once a year and without Donald supervis the and then the live event we got for chapter 4 was so bad man things so bad first season without him we watch as the seven were consumed by Chrome This was meant to happen at Donald's story but it felt wrong there wasn't much buildup behind it and because half of the seven were played by famous actors or didn't have a voice at all they vanished the foundation's quote unquote death was confirmed by a helmet on the map the order in the imagined also just disappeared with no explanation instead of wrapping up and starting fresh fortnite kept going with these beloved characters leading us to the last event of Donald's rain fracture and even saying that word most players have terrible memories in what became the most hated live event fans considered it vague confusing and lackluster they pointed out how nothing made sense we spent all searing saving houses from chrome only for the island to just explode then we spent like 20 minutes doing chores while helping Paradigm fuse everything back together but they never explained what this that was so exaggeration fans were disappointed when they looked in the files and spotted cut scenes for the event that never happened a sign that something went wrong was it Rush deadlines a smaller live event team or a complete change in the story now luckily people forgave this because chapter 4 was here with the season that looked like some kind of prequel a lot of potential to fix these plot holes we had so many questions and there was no better time to learn except none of that would happen was kind of at Kingdom gave us our best look yet into the beginnings of the I/O it was arguably a great piece of environmental storytelling but that was about it on the other side of the map players noticed an ancient temple with a mysterious woman in the blog post this was called the base of the reality Warriors until all mention of this was erased from the internet they would never talk about this place or who lived here again as for the bigger picture we also had no closure from the event players wanted to know what happened agent Jones Paradigm or really any of the stuff oh yeah didn't we go from like chapter 4 to chapter 5 without like an actual event ending chapter 4 because we went from chapter 4 to OG fortnite and then OG fortnite had the black hole part two but that what happened in the chapter 4 Map Quest eventually teased they were all different now and Grave danger but there wasn't much explanation of what this meant there were also teases of a shapeless man who was secretly puppeteering the whole story it was becoming obvious this was the real Geno but sadly he was never mentioned again we followed Amy the scientist's assistant as she hijacked the rift gate on a mission to save the seven She built the body and transferred herself into it but the official loading screen for this metal body was just aimed from chapter one showing how even story quests were rushed she dived into the portal and as you could expect we never saw her again and the entire story would be abandoned our characters were thrown away to do all the amazing stuff off screen we hope this was preparing us for their return in the chapter 4 finale but if only we knew k Thorne arrived as a bloodthirsty vampire with the ability to time travel he seemed like one of the coolest villains yet he even collected artifacts and midas's hand so clearly he was important we could have wait to learn more about KO and figure out how he would slot into our world wait they killed him off with a quest they built this guy up for months and they got rid of him with one line of dialogue turns out needed this guy for his time machine and fortnite didn't bother keeping him around time traveling wasn't even for story purposes back with it but instead they used it to take players back to fortnite OG okay most players could accept one but it felt forced and they were getting into a pattern of randomly bringing back iconic characters to get us interested in the story only to pretend it never happened remember Sloan she planned this OG but once it was over she straight up van I just realized Midas is being teased right now in this season with his like reboot card and his like new style but are we is he is anything going to actually happen with Midas I don't think so Jones finally brought back he was on the yach for a little bit and prepare us for the event one that was never explained in the first place and involve putting the time machine onto the rocket from chapter 1 but we had no idea why and despite the fact that seven were the whole point of this we never heard from them turns out this chapter 4 fin Al wasn't going to be a grand explanation or the return of the seven it was the Big Bang an advertisement for a new beginning this new beginning wasn't just for fortnite but also Donald mustard after an incredible Adventure I will be retiring from my role at Epic this month I'm humbled to have been a part of the team that every day tries to bring joy and Delight to the fortnite community so it sounded like he was moving on but this week the true reason why he left was revealed by mid 2022 epic was committing to make Lego fortnite and racing to build all this stuff it takes so many people and so much time time basically the event team was starting to be needed for other stuff and it was devastating to me because I'm like magic and not everyone at Epic agrees with that and that's what we got to remember there are still tons of Epic team members who care with the tight inand buildup capturing the environmental storytelling that made this world so great maybe we just need to give it time there's a really good video I will say this I I think fornite needs to make a decision they either need to do a decent job with the story and and build the lore around the game that these people are very interested in even though I'm personally not as interested in I do respect the people that are interested in it or they need to not like they can't do it halfway or do it crappy they need to like either commit to doing it and giving us decent events and decent storytelling and teasers and whatnot or just don't and then just like literally Focus all your energy on the metaverse and everything else so that's my opinion shout out to top five gaming for this really wellmade video show him some love subscribe to his channel if you're not subscribed thank you guys so much for watching what do you guys think let me know in the comments I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Sypher Reacts
Views: 639,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, sypherpk, sypher, react, reaction, try not to laugh, you laugh you lose, ylyl, reddit, sypher reacts
Id: PNvYz4Izi0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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