The End Of An Era

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so we've made the bowling ball we've made the bowling pin and now the last thing to do is put everything together in this return of the king style finale and just simulate everything all together which happens to be pretty easy we're just really sending a ball or a sphere through a bunch of concave or we're going to talk about what this means but we're just going to send a ball through a bunch of objects and i guess i'm also going to talk about shading mass speed of simulation stuff like that basically we're going to have to keep hitting the simulate button again and again and again um until we get uh what we want so uh again idea this tutorial is we want the ball to start up here as if somebody's like holding the bowling ball although i don't think that's correct form but uh they're holding the bowling ball and then we're gonna have this cube which is going to act as our you know bowler it's going to hit the sphere towards the stuff and uh yeah so again we've already made the models that you can either make those yourself since i made the tutorials or downloaded via patreon so let's get started with a new project so uh blender 2.92 you know the drill i'm just going to take everything and delete it and start off by importing in our assets from the previous bun so to do this use the append command if i can even spell it append and then what you want to do is go to your first one so i'm just going to go to the bowling ball so this one and then the way you import this with the object and the material applied is make sure you do not go to mesh but instead go to object pick the bowling ball and if the material is already applied it's going to come imported with if we actually see this in rendered mode it comes with the material and again the way we made this is the bevels our procedural and cycles and that comes over as well so you can see now we have these bevels and now we don't and we need to do let's change this to gpu uh we need to do the same thing for the pen so again desktop go to your blend file i feel like i'm living in the nightmare object and then the pin which again if it has the material i'm including the textures and all that uh which we can see in a sec do we have my starbucks logo there it is uh so somebody commented that this thing should actually be produced and i agreed it looks pretty serious but uh yeah textures also come applied and all that so uh now that we have our objects applied let's actually save this as um as what the grand finale let's do that the grand finale and um what we need to do is basically just set up our objects where we want them so maybe you want this here a boiling ball here another one here just kidding um we're just gonna set up our objects and then start the simulation now it just so happens that we modeled these relatively to scale i mean of course these are each like two meters tall and they're in like blender units this one's like four meters tall but relative to each other they are roughly the correct size so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to take this and bring it up just so it's like resting on the ground plane same for this one this one i think we can just bring up by exactly a one and that should be correct let's hide that and for this one we just bring it up so it's roughly there um if if it's like pretty close it's not gonna mess up with the simula it's not gonna mess up the simulation okay uh bowling ball we're gonna put like all the way over here and then i know what you're thinking okay a bowling pin is like a triangle of one and then you have like two and then three four etcetera uh it's gonna take a while but i have a trick for you so shift a mesh circle you're gonna wanna make sure that circle sets you three vertices what is he thinking it's a triangle right i'm also going to set this to fill uh with i guess actually we can do this manually edit mode f boom um the reason we're doing this is i'm going to show you a in some sense procedural way to set this up okay so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to take the pen and i'm going to parent it to this so we can do that manually again relations parent it to the circle which is really a triangle and then second of all on the triangle what we want to do is have this copied along the triangle uh so i'm going to go to instancing vertices and now you can see a minus like this original one uh it's been parented to or instanced rather on each of these vertices okay well that's kind of a triangle but that's not helpful well if we go into edit mode and subdivide you can see we're actually getting more pins one more round of subdivision and now we have i mean with a couple extras like we only need the first couple rows uh we have that on top of this if we want to randomize some of the positions i think fractal yeah fractal will let you do that so we just randomize the positions a little i know i know no bowling ball tutorial has like topped this before this is new territory so i'm just going to go like that and then also since i guess the fractal also goes up and down on the z-axis i'm gonna scale on the z-axis by zero i just so these are all the same and make sure that this is level okay cool so we've now set up our pins and um one thing about this is these are like technically instanced objects but um they're not really real like they're not showing up in our outliner um so to do that i think the command i always type in real because i forget what it's called make instances real you want to use that one and you're going to see it's going to add in all of our pins we're just going to take the back a couple of pins this one this one this one this one and this one and just say eat yeah out of here and we can also actually delete this one as well okay so now we have our pins kind of procedurally placed if you want to you can like manually move the locations have some of these rotated whatever you want to do um i'm not gonna do that but just randomize it so it looks like you know it was actually placed a randomly by the way did we ever end up randomizing this i actually cleaned up the material here but did we ever actually randomize the dust i don't think we did so just a quick tip since all these pins are sharing the same material right like if i change the color it changes it for all of these this one which i think is guiding the dust yes if we use object info i don't think instances should ruin this but if we take this random which has a different value for each one yes you can see some of them are gray some of them are brighter etc um if we change our dust noise to four dimensional plug in the random now each of these is going to have a slightly different um dust okay and that's just something to add in a bit of realism but don't worry about that okay this is a simulation tutorial um so what we want to do is place our bowling ball i guess on the other side and for now we're just going to be using eevee because there's no reason to render all we care about are the dynamics okay so just place the bowling ball where you think it'd be i guess also slightly higher up i mean i i guess it depends on how tall your dude is it's moving even further back i'm just setting this up i'm also going to add in a ground plane this is going to be for you know making sure the objects don't pass through the floor and um i might not do like the whole bowling alley modeling thing i don't even know if the render has that it may or may not um but for the simulation all we need is this lane and again again if you want your pins to fall off the lane uh do that or if you don't make it like wider so there's no way for them to like go into oblivion uh one thing i will do regardless though is i want this edge to go a bit further back okay so it's gonna it's gonna be hit by a cube and then roll down etc okay cool um one thing we need to do is actually hit um add in our hitter object so um i haven't thought about this too much i've just been using a cube to hit this but something that might be interesting is if you hit this with a different type of object like a sphere or something it might create slightly different dynamics you can play around with that okay okay so setting up the simulation i'm going to set this to 30 frames per second even though i think i'm gonna have to render this at 60 but whatever should i do 60 now we'll do 30 frames per second for now what i'm going to do is this is going to be our hitter object so i'm going to keyframe the location and go a couple frames down like five frames down and just have it on the y-axis just kind of move so it's hitting it right which i guess in this sense means overlapping okay uh so this is our animation for hitting okay um to actually set up and i'm thinking yeah i think we're ready to actually set this up uh to set up the simulation of course we need each of these to be rigid bodies and adding these manually could be a pain so for example if we add this rigid body set it to a sphere since it's spherical so this is just a way to uh make the calculation bit faster convex or concave whatever it was convex hull would have worked perfectly um but since it's a sphere let's actually clean that up and then for this one you'd add in a rigid body it would be what would it be it i guess a box and then also you want to make sure that this one is animated okay so so far what do we have we're probably gonna have a bowling ball fall and then barely get hit and then it's gonna pass through the floor um so then rigid body you set this one to passive so it's a rigid body of the floor but it doesn't actually move and you can see we're getting roughly the correct interactions but uh the point of all this was what was the point of me like adding in all these rigid bodies well first of all to tell you which which is which right some of these are passive some of these are animated etc but adding in them and for every single pin is going to be pain how do we do that right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select all the objects so every single one that should be rigid body which i guess is all them first of all object set origin origin to geometry if it wasn't already uh this is an important step if you do not do this your physics are going to be ruined okay uh do this uh then we are gonna go to object and there's this convenient rigid body tab that nobody knows about some people are out there adding active um or passive and active rigid bodies by hand and they're probably dead because they spent so long doing this um but with everything with everything selected add active okay and what this does is it creates i mean the same rigid body for each of these but now every single one actually has one okay and now we can start playing around with this so for example uh the box again it has a rigid body this one should be animated uh the floor this one should be passive and i think otherwise we're good to go at least to start so if we click play is that going to work let's see boom okay so this kind of illustrates the first point which is we are going to need to hone this uh simulation like a bunch because this is what we get initially so first of all we need the bowling ball to either come faster or the pins to be lighter second of all there's a bit too much friction because a bowling alley is specifically designed first of all so that the boiling ball is i mean the reason it's so shiny is because it's so smooth it's nearly frictionless same with the floor it's supposed to be super shiny these are things we need to take care of okay and each time we take care of something and we want to re-simulate you're going to go to the scene properties rigid body world and then in cache we can actually bake this right so now you can see it's baked and it's playing quickly giving us the same simulation but whatever but again every time we want to simulate this we're going to have to delete bake and then redo the bake so what i propose is we're going to right click this add to quick favorites so now when i hit q by the way i have toggle full screen because i always use that in my tutorials but now we also have to wheat bake so i'm going to delete bake and then right click add to favorites and now we can bake and delete bake off off the cuff although it doesn't seem to let us do that for some reason uh which is a shame maybe we're gonna have to go to that again and again and again or what we could do is we can add in another properties gotta improvise um so we're just gonna have this available at all times let me just scroll down okay so first thing we want to deal with is the bowling ball uh it doesn't seem to have enough oomph right so what i'm going to do is instead of making this faster which you can do by making the hit faster so instead of taking five frames it only takes four i'm instead i'm going to make the pins lighter so with one of the pins selected again each of these is going to have a rigid body i want the mass which normally you've probably played around with the mass and noticed it does absolutely nothing the mass is actually useful when an object hits another because if a big object hits a light object like a bowling ball hits a ping-pong ball uh the ping-pong ball which has very little mass is going to be flying right and that is mass dependence so in other words mass is useful for interactions not necessarily how fast an object falls um so we can experiment with this i'm going to make it like a quarter so 0.25 a fourth of it and again we don't want to set all of these manually now you're thinking oh i mean we can add rigid bodies to all this but how do we add a rigid body with a certain parameter here's another trick we're going to select all of these not the plane so all of the pins make sure the active one is the one that we modified object where what are we looking for we're looking for rigid body and then copy from active in other words all the pins are going to get copied the what am i trying to say the rigid body is going to be transferred from the active one to the passive one so this one's .25 this one's .25 etc okay so let's try to just re-simulate and see what this has already done so it's going to take a second to make we hit it again starts the same but now you can see that they're moving much much more because again they're relatively lighter okay so that's a start um okay so what's another thing that's wrong it's losing momentum very quickly i mean it should be losing a lot of momentum from this interaction maybe not so much but also just from rolling around on the floor it's losing a lot okay so to fix this first of all the bowling ball i'm going to go to the surface response in other words what properties is this going to have when it's interacting i want the friction to be very low because again this thing is designed to be smooth uh with the floor also something similar although maybe not as intense and you can play around with that so dewet bake and bake and let's see what that gives us okay so now you can see the bowling ball actually keeps moving through and i think this time we the original one i didn't get a strike so this is massive we're actually getting a strike and it does yeah you can see that um again if you want the pins to not fall uh make your plane a bit bigger okay what else can we do so we've hit this and it seems that okay so i think the next problem is even though most of these interactions are relatively correct i need to see some footage um it seems like everything's kind of happening in slow motion okay and one way to fix that is either i think this would work well let's see we either take this and say you know what double the frame rate but then we have to you know do it like that but you can see in theory in theory if we make this twice as fast it would look better instead if you want to keep your frame rates again i still want 30 frames per second but i just want things to happen faster there's actually a parameter for that so in the simulation settings again scene properties there's speed and speed is not just saying make it twice as fast it's literally going to change the dynamics of stuff like this it's going to change time steps and whatever so this is something we also need to play with so let's resimulate again now with speed 2 and let's see what that gives us okay so that's already looking a bit better and you're noticing again it didn't just make the simulation twice as fast as with 60 frames per second no this time what it did is it actually made a different simulation you can see in fact this one looks much more realistic i think one thing i want to do and again this is all process of going back and forth i do want to actually give this a bit more momentum so i'm going to have it only take four frames to do that interaction so now it's going to be hit even faster and again for that to apply you need to hit rebake and that should help a little bit although it does seem to still be losing all the momentum usually a bowling ball keeps going i think unless you board really slowly which is exactly what we're doing um i guess we want this to be even more intense um one more thing this might help or might not uh one thing i want to uh actually add in as you're noticing um it's kind of subtle but the bowling ball is already falling before it even gets hit and this is because again it's a rigid body it's affected by gravity and then it gets hit a couple of frames later i actually want this to start deactivated and it's only going to start moving when it actually gains the momentum okay so with the bowling ball i'm going to go to dynamics again for the rigid body for this one deactivation which is going to make it deactivated under certain conditions but more importantly i want it to start deactivated okay so now it's delete rebake and we might need to play around with these numbers because other than starting deactivated it might also deactivate later if it if it's linear velocity falls under this or its angular velocity falls under that we can see now it's frozen until it gets hit and now let's see if that actually gives it a bit more speed or not but anyways it will make it um in some sense more accurate yeah that makes it definitely a bit better okay so how do we make this again more impactful or it loses less momentum stuff like that well again if you've ever taken a physics class momentum in some sense it's transferred i don't really know what i'm talking about but if we were to make this even lighter um it would be even easier so i'm going again same thing as before 0.15 so now it's going to be even lighter another thing to think about is how much friction should this have should it be um sliding around everywhere or not should it be bouncy i definitely want to add a bit of bounce see what that does we might go back and fix that again once we've set this we want it to apply to all the pins unless you want some of them to be slightly less or slightly more friction that's another way to add in a bit of dynamics again select all of these make this one active object rigid body copy from active so now they all have these new parameters and let's re-simulate it is nice that the simulation doesn't take too long to make okay so this one has i think kind of the right thing going for it like it definitely loses momentum the bowling ball but um it doesn't like completely stop uh by the way one thing to mention if you're seeing that the bowling ball isn't rolling enough um one way to fix that is this is kind of like imagine you're sending something over ice it actually doesn't roll um the way you fix that it kind of complicates it but you need to up the friction at least a little so we up the friction here and the bowling ball itself should probably have a bit more friction generally do keep these numbers low because again these things are smoothed intentionally but this is again now you're seeing there's a lot of roll which is actually a good thing i think i actually like the simulation um but again uh this is really this isn't houdini right we need to kind of redo the simulation again and again and again and what makes this look realistic is playing around with these parameters and then also like having a bit of a variety some of these have more friction some of these have less and they're not like in a perfect triangle some of them were moved a bit um but okay so let's see this one more time i think i think i'm liking this so in general now that we have our simulation uh one last thing to attend to is once we're happy with our general thing now it's time to hone just kind of like how high quality this is so again we made it twice as fast um i'm also gonna make the sub steps per frame in other words it's not calculating what happens this frame and then this frame and then this frame it's actually going in tenths of a frame or in some sense and it's also iterating a bunch i'm going to take both of these and make them bigger numbers which first of all will make the simulation take much longer right you can see it's taking a while but it's also going to make it a substantially more accurate so while we're waiting for this let me tell you a quick story about uh it's actually almost done okay let's see what that looks like so generally it should look pretty similar but now it should be slightly more accurate and you're going to see that it is slightly different from the original because the original was inaccurate uh one last thing i would recommend trying out but shame that we couldn't tell the story one last thing i want to try sometimes this breaks the simulation sometimes it doesn't uh split impulse i i'm gonna just use the tooltip to explain it to you uh reduce extra velocity that could build up when objects collide blah blah blah blah in some sense it makes it more accurate or sometimes i've seen it um actually fully break a simulation um but sometimes this is the key to getting super realism um but generally if it doesn't work i'm just gonna disable it and be happy with what we have yeah okay what okay what what what even son what kind of sentence did i just say okay what anyways uh regardless of whether this looks better or worse i think i'm generally happy with the simulation now although it does seem to if only it had a tiny bit more momentum okay one last thing one last edit i'm going to disable this and this is just going to be final tweaking i'm going to go to the rigid body settings i just want this to be slightly less frictiony and i want the bowling ball again to be just slightly less frictiony something like this just so it um has a bit more glide than it does okay so let's do a final bake unless this thing's broken and then i think we're just going to move on to you know how to hide the cube um how to shade the floor stuff like that which should be pretty simple okay so let's see okay i'm much happier with that even though some of them are sent flying but of course if you set up some walls they're going to be bouncing off the list okay once we are happy with the simulation now how do we make this look good um because again we've set up these procedural materials that have infinite detail there's bevels um so now we just need to actually you know light the scene and stuff like that okay first of all the cube by the way now that this is baked you're gonna notice that even if i delete the cube uh simulation still works it's as if it was there because everything's actually baked down uh so first of all delete the cube because we actually don't want the giant cube in our scene second of all let's add in some lighting so shading workspace uh world tab uh what am i going to do with this i'm going to set up an hdri from hdri haven as i always do let's see i guess we want an interior one we could play around with it i think i used this one for the original render um but you can just kind of cycle through these and see which one you like by the way whichever one you're doing uh film make this transparent just so we don't see it so this is kind of like a super moody scene or we could have a i don't know what's this one this one's kind of more well lit and glossy and this one's super kind of like glossy this one's kind of like the most similar to a bowling alley i think but just to make it slightly different i'm just gonna pick a i guess let's stick around for it with this one for now um now that we have our general lighting you know screw lights that we'll just uh add in an hdr i'll be easy by the way if you want to know where to get hdri's hdri haven it's a website to get them for free um now what we need to do is actually texture this uh plane uh which again by the way um if you so you see they're actually falling off uh we can actually just change the scale and like nothing would change and stuff like that although maybe that's not true anyways we need to make a material for this this one's going to be our wood material and i actually looked over at uh texture haven um just to see like what we would get so not not not the other haven and i'm not talking about hdri haven those in the know know what i'm talking about um texture haven it has full pbr materials again for free and i looked at the wood materials and i'm like none of these are really like bowling alley kind of stuff i mean we could kind of play around with this one and make it look smooth and stuff like that but i'm like whatever lazy method i looked up bowling wood seamless and i'm like you know what these are going to work so i just picked this one that is i guess seamless downloaded it over here and we're just going to use that single image to make our material so just drag that in and just find something from google images or use a pbr material first of all we are going to take this plug it into the base color and you can see now we have a wood material but the grain is in the wrong direction and since this is uv dependent we can either change the uv map or just do it with mapping coordinates and that's what i'll do so take the z rotation and let's actually go to look dev mode for now z rotation you can just rotate it by 90 degrees and now it's going to be facing this way so now you can see the grain is in the correct direction we can also make the texture tile a bit smaller um so in other words make the scale bigger it's kind of like an inverse relationship you can play around with this until you like the look i think like three or two looks pretty good um also just like everything else in a bowling alley i think this wood is meant i think it's meant to be super shiny as well to do that just like anything else roughness you bring it down and then if you bring it down a lot you can actually see the reflection of the pins in there dependent on your hdri some of them are going to have better lighting some of them are going to have worse i'm going to stick with like 0.1 or something like that and then for a bit of extra detail and this is kind of like a stupid trick but if we take this and we duplicate it so again another instance of this image with the same uv manipulated coordinates again why did we copy this instead of like using another thing from here it's because i'm going to dissociate this so now these are not the same texture even though they're using the same one uh before anything i did to this one would transfer here um i'm gonna set this one to non-color so before uh it would have changed this once and on color as well um non-color is what you do whenever you want to use an image as a normal map i don't know why but it's true so take this connect it to height and this converts it into normal information like really bad normal information but good enough for our purposes connect this to the normal so again we're using our image to kind of snag a free normal map and you can kind of tell it's kind of subtle but this is without normal mapping and this is width it just adds a bit of extra and again since this is supposed to be shiny we want to keep that to a low number like points like 1 or something i'm just so that we have the before and then after just a tiny bit of extra detail okay other things i want to do is for the one going to the base color um maybe i want to change the you know saturation a bit just so it's a bit more colorful so 1.2 makes it a bit more saturated hue can change the color of the wood so i'm thinking just slightly in the under point five directions so 0.48 we'll make it slightly redder then we can also change the brightness of it i think generally these are okay settings again none of this is relevant at all to the simulation just a thing we could do and what else what else could we do i mean i guess at this point you just kind of play around with hdri lighting so i think i'm going to stick with this one but again i think i used this one for the original render it's kind of intense on the wood so i'm just going to go back to this one i like the way it looks and then i mean i guess finally you can just like add more stuff to your bowling alley give this piece of wood some thickness or add those guard rails if you're playing like a like a like a loser or you could add in those gutters by the way if you add in gutters and stuff like that what you want to do is also kind of re-simulate make those rigid bodies so these pins actually interact with the gutters and don't just kind of like fall to oblivion as they would now they would just fall past the gutters um but okay i feel like this is the basic part of our rendering and simulation uh just some final things for like before you hit export and stuff like that enable motion blur especially for something like this that has a lot of movement and momentum pretty sure i mean i'd be surprised if motion board does not work with simulation so let me just do a quick test for that so we're going to add in a camera if i can find it go to the camera view i don't like moving it um using like the numbers i do it manually camera to view so now wherever we go in the viewport once we zoom all the way out is actually where our camera is going to be positioned so let's just put it here and pick a frame where there's a lot of motion like this one and let's see what the render looks like so adaptive sampling hopefully doesn't by the way if my microphone stutters a bit during this render um that's because i guess that's what happened so let's see let's see what the render looks like should have motion blur and hopefully you can hear what i'm saying oh wait i haven't enabled my motion blur render kernels okay i'm gonna cut and be back once this is ready okay it seems like the render kernels have done whatever they do i thought i already did that but whatever um you can see the motion blurs actually it seems to be rendering yeah these definitely seem to be bored um again this is the secret in some sense to rendering realistic bowling uh simulations because again uh the whole thing about but why did i just go super deep voicing uh the whole thing about bullying is the motion blur since there's a lot of motion then that's kind of like the important thing um anyways i think that's kind of like the essence of the tutorial shouldn't take too long to render if you have like not a laptop uh which i know a lot of people do it's a shame but uh there you go uh the boeing trilogy you learned how to make a bowling ball a bowling pin and now a bowling simulation so i'll say this more so than i usually do at the end of the tutorial all of these blends every single one is going to be available on patreon so you become a patron you get access to all these buttons you can just fiddle around with these without making them yourself i need to figure out how to actually add cache into the blend file i think that should be easy you can get all those blend files over at the patreon additionally also exclusive tutorials that i upload a couple times a month those tend to be longer so they're not as frequent um those exist over there too behind the scenes early access sometimes if i get ahead of schedule making tutorials uh patreon in some sense is the place to be i want to thank all 580 some active patrons um who are actively funding this channel and the default cube channel uh making tutorials like this things that would not be popular like a boeing simulation i can make it and people can learn about it because i don't need to click bait the out of it um but uh yeah patreon exists check it out if you want to if you don't i hope that you enjoyed the tutorial anyways available for free and uh yeah the trilogy is over fellowship of the ring was the bowling ball what was the second one twin towers was the pins kind of fitting and then twin towers what is wrong with me the two towers dude imagine lord of the rings the twin towers and um finally return of the king uh simulation so there you go that's the thing hopefully the credits have had long enough to scroll through and uh yeah thanks for watching see on the next tutorial bye-bye
Channel: Default Cube
Views: 33,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, series, bowling, ball, pin, simulation, rigid body, dynamics, physics, beginner, easy, realistic, 3d, cg, cgi, vfx, animation, animated
Id: CdCFjpEUqJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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