The Eminence in Shadow 2x5 | He Who Pulls the Strings

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[Music] oh that's a alpha has a picture of the guy so they know who they're fighting I guess yeah that's smart passive measures for Shadow Garden equal non-existent no I'm kidding they're sneaky when they want to be who are the GS wait who are the guests or is oh is it those people that were running on the roof did Alpha just ignore her those those Shadow chest pieces are really cool okay yeah they're just like Intruders that broke in you two go with it oh here we go any second now 17 really oh that makes sense they were they're all pretty young they just look like they're in their 20s speaking of Luna oh that's her cover name Oh I thought that was I thought that was game I was like oh good [Music] job oh these are the clothes they were talking about when he said to get the remaining three cuz they were stronger than um Del's brother she just took it on the head okay gamma let's go she's a total amateur imagine being incredibly fast but a total amateur wow again I mean yeah was a direct hit she's holding her head oh no she's destroying the uh the market or not the market their store in hack away You're destroying make sure you look attention did she just trip Alpha and new oh no well played you tripped your nose is bleeding no your men were the first to go I think that'll be fine there's literally a whole yeah there's like a whole broken into the outside like what if someone was to look in did you just trip again no [Music] way I have no words for what just happened his body shouldn't even be there just be ashes I'm sure I'm sure that's exactly what that was GMA good job just imagine being not even a member Shadow Garden one of the seven shadows and you just can't fight well Sid did say that she's like one of the smartest even though she can't fight or she's uncoordinated and what are your preparations for of course of course it was Sid manam s Sid is just oh look at that I was waiting to see Alexia yeah good job well he's he's in background character mode so I don't really know how many props I can give her that's cool [Music] ask me [Music] why Wow the character change or the character development in Alexia is just really good oh Iris too okay it's funny cuz her and Iris are in the exact same boat you have no idea how nice it is to be that Carefree wow this whole time she didn't like insult him or belittle him good job Alexia good job is that like an uncrustable like what are they eating is this Sid's new favorite hang oh it's John Smith okay you just out in public like that the one with the better edges is probably the fake one cuz I remember the real one had bad edges oh no both the edges well they both have little chips in them so their counterfeit bills are better than the original bills that's funny can we stop gas s to make him think he's awesome he already thinks that enough oh this is the same flashback he just had is it not so she was there oh wow so that must have been her on on top of her mother cuz she has the same like gash on her back oh Shadow already found the counter bills [Music] oh no so this is going to be interesting because I'm sure they're going to figure out where it's coming from immediately but I mean he's John Smith now so they probably won't know no that that's not giving Shad Gard enough credit I'm sure they'll know it it's him no everyone's F everyone found out at about the same time oh he doesn't know dude the fact that you can't tell which one like the poorly made one is theirs isn't it like the original one oh they were planning on doing [Music] that that's crazy that Sid well okay yeah but everything he thinks thinks of well everything he imagines kind of comes true I was going to say it's crazy that Sid's plan ended up being their plan but is it is it really crazy or was it a part of the plot the whole time oh he's on he's on that train isn't he man if Shadow Garden is nothing else they are efficient I'm telling you like is this the same day that they found out that they were counterfeit bills in circulation cuz they they figure this out immediately oh okay Rose is there is that a trick wire the world what oh he's using stream oh he fights like deham that's awesome that's really cool if you guys don't know who deham is check out my uh death parade reactions John Smith he left off the special agent or is it secret agent or special agent why isn't she using slime why would she not use I feel like that'd be a [Applause] requirement she's she's like the only person with a sword like that I feel like people would know that she's Rose but it's too soon you don't need but I mean they would just fly back on it are they not what why wouldn't you be able to catch up I guess they're not as fast as um Sid and the Seven Shadows or something but didn't they fly to get on the on the train you're getting stronger you just need to keep training oh it's snowing oh that's it oh man I always forget to turn on something it's nothing [Music] special terrible truly impressive okay I want tell the truth yeah good job K don't lie foree speech fore [Music] fore some your bravery oh don't how how did you even managed to do [Music] that oh she bleeding in the in the food oh no how did you manage to throw your whole body oh the next one how did you manage to throw your whole body into the all right so that's it for this episode of the amance and Shadow it looks like everyone everyone figured out the counterfeiting uh operation very quickly and so obviously Shadow G were their I guess the more efficient one they were able to track them down and find the train that they're using to transport the counterfeit bills but John Smith was there to take him out it's really cool that he uh he fights like a deham from Death parade that's really cool I like that but yeah so uh we got to see Alexia again that's awesome she's still training to get stronger like her whole character just developed completely like it's really cool seeing her like this and uh I can't wait to see what else she's able to do you know Sid Sid said that she's getting stronger I don't think he's lying about that like even though he's in background character mode I'm sure he knows she's getting stronger so that's cool uh Rose she was saying that uh she's saying like why am I still weak but you know she was fighting Shadow so that really doesn't count like I'm sure she's gotten stronger since the end of season one but she hasn't really been able to uh display her power I guess in a way that kind of satisfies her I guess you could say but yeah so it looks like Alpha and Gamma they figured out you know the counterfeiting scheme and I'm sure that they're not done with the train in John I'm sure they're going to send someone else they're probably they might even send uh what's her name I don't know but anyway I'm sure they might send one of the seven Shadows to go investigate it but I can't who am I thinking of oh new new is who I'm thinking of I was like I was going to say one of the seven Shadows but I was like who else is really strong that we've seen that isn't in like the the top seven and it was new so they might send new to go investigate with rose and them because like I said they got taken out by John Smith but yeah also it looks like the Colts plan was also to start counterfeiting to get the The Cult of Theo's funds out of the Vault so yeah really cool I'm really liking these kago Jitsu these little like end stories are really funny but how did she throw her whole body into the like I just don't like I have no words for that fight well first off I will say that his his body should have been either in pieces or disintegrated cuz that was a whole explosion in the back of his neck but yeah but other than that really solid episode thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Vman
Views: 117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vman522, The Eminence in Shadow, The Eminence in Shadow Reaction, animereaction
Id: J01yZR9yz_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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