Honey C Golden: Emergency Alert System or EBS

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hi guys welcome back to my channel tutive insights and Tarot I'm Scott Honey's going to be joining me in just a minute and I wanted to come in a little bit early and uh tell you a couple things first I am available for um private readings if uh if you've never had a reading with me before then I have a speci price for you of $65 for an hour and sound welcome to my channel intuitive insights and terot um yeah so uh if you would like to book a reading with me the my website's in the description you can find me there move this over here uh and I don't usually do this but um my dog Sandy needs to have be spayed soon and uh things have been a little bit slow and I usually don't ask directly for donations but I would like if if you could buy me a coffee uh I need I need to about $35 for or $50 because she gets a blood test today that's like $20 and then the surgery itself is about $30 so if you'd like to donate to sy's um spaying fund so she can be spayed and have a long happy life I'd appreciate that and um that's all that's about all I want to say I think and uh let me bring in Honey now to say good morning or should say good evening and to talk about the EAS hi honey are you there I've already gone live Hi how are you great it wasn't so bad getting up this morning like I thought it would be I but uh I I pre prepared for it went to bed early and I feel great how are you doing good yeah it's the end of the day but we sprang forward today so I was very disappointed this morning what yeah it went by so it seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago I was telling you how how nice it is to be able to start at 8:30 but I'm not complaining I'm I'm uh quite happy to be here and uh I appreciate you we all we all appreciate you being here it's fun before we get into our topic of the emergency alert system or EBS um I just want to share something real quick um a week ago today actually I I finished my live I did a I did a reading on um St Germain uh have you ever heard of him yeah yeah and uh I was I was just really uh happy about that reading because my intuition told me that he was a good guy and it turned out really good and all everybody in my audience I asked them before I did the reading do you think that St Germaine was really a an ascended Master a light being and everybody in the chat said yes CU you know some people were saying he was a bad guy like affiliated with Satan or something I don't know anyways I was really happy to see that he was a good guy yeah and what what did you uh what do you have to say about St Germaine real quick I feel like his name may have been used in vain later or he may have been forced into a few things that he didn't want to do necessarily cuz that's what I got like towards the the latter part of his life like it's almost like he was running in circles where he was pushed or things like that but the things that he created were the real deal and that's what I got before is that he really meant the best but there was a few instances at the end where he was pushed Beyond where he wanted to go I would love to talk about St germine longer actually but uh we should stay on topic I have I have a tendency to go off topic um in fact I was I was talking about at the end of that uh show last week I was really full of energy I felt I felt great I had an amazing day that day as a really hot day and I uh had my pool set up and about 4:00 I like to turn turn off my air conditioner and go outside and relax in my pool and um and and I've been listening to Lord of the Rings on tape I sent you that copy of it oh fun yeah did you get a chance to listen to any of that by the way no I'm pretty addicted to those though I think I've seen the movies over and over and I always have the books and if I lose because I have a lot of books so if I misplace the books then I buy another set yeah I got like my husband is thrilled he's like how many books do we need because I never open them that's my thing I buy books but I never open them so I just like hold them and I'm really happy that I got them I love books too uh but but on this day um I went out to to lay in my pool and uh now the place where my pool is about two and a half years years ago I had another Pool there and I that's where I saw the the the big triangle in the sky which was a oh a mother ship and so there's something about that position where the pool is where I Look to which way is that the sun rises so that's looking to the South and there's a big cheddy there anyhow here's I'm trying to make this story short um just just as I got into the pool I had a Lord of the Rings on it's near the end of the book and it's a scene where farmere and ioan are back in Gondor they're recovering from their wounds from the battle of palor Field and the ring had just been destroyed and they're looking off to the to the East and they're going oh what's going on and just then an eagle flies over them and is making an announcement that the dark lord is dead so at that exact moment I was getting back in my pool and I looked up at the sky and I saw this cloud and I said wow that looks just like Like an Eagle as soon as I thought had the thought of the word Eagle in my head Eagle was being said on that that scene was being said on there and like a rush of energy went through me like something's something just happened and then that entire and that that entire day I'd been on a high and and I don't mean from weed or anything just really in a great mood and I felt like something broke right then something something ended and then I I talked to you about it and I I was wondering if it was something that happened behind the scenes in the cosmic picture and in the big battle that we're all in or was it personal I had a feeling it was more personal and and you you told me yeah I it was like a personal breakthrough like you want to explain what I got it was a parallel life that resolv itself so basically you became free of it so you know how when you talk about like you you weren't sure if you were like a kind of a bad guy at one time um all those lives are being played out at once and all of us have had lifetimes where we're not on the up and up right because we're we've been in a polarized universe but I feel like that lifetime that was darker the most prevalent one resolved itself so you became free of it in that moment yes thank you for that and I I felt it was personal I and and uh and then couple of days later uh Heath Motley Dr Heath Motley sent me this video it's very short and I want to play it for you and it really resonated with me and I think everybody needs to hear this okay share with sound okay uh this is Lady of the forest she gives angel messages I've seen her around before and I really like her hi I have for I've Got It sped up a little bit but can you hear it this is M I heard her for a second okay and what a glorious day oh it's too fast Jesus there is a lot of excitement building in a growing number of people there is a hope growing on Earth too and this hope is blossoming within the hearts of some very powerful people this hope is making an impact you are making an impact there is something that is about to happen in your world meaning in your personal experience that will show you how you are indeed making a difference this sign will be different for everyone this sign will be tailored to each person your sign will be perfect for you and may not mean anything to anyone else your sign is all that matters take this sign as encouragement to keep forging ahead with your light shining brightly around you this sign is a signal to your body to make a change that has been in the works for a long time there is a change coming to your life and this will be different for everyone this sign that you are making a difference with your light shining brightly will trigger a change in your body this change in your body will trigger a change in your life this change in your life will bring you a surprise effect this surprise effect will be different for everyone however what will be the same is that this surprise effect will move you forward on your path in a sudden surge forward so you will have a sign that you are making a difference and this sign will be felt in your body and you will experience a surprise effect of this change in your body and this will bring you a surge forward on your path this is exciting news and this is all because you have been working tirelessly and you deserve something to give you a tangible movement forward in your life this it there but uh yeah that really resonated me when when she said how when when she said how um it it'll be meaningful to you but nobody else would notice it so like that experience I had nobody else would have noticed that you know and uh so any I just wanted to everybody over yeah sorry it's okay okay yeah yeah and I I just think that um I could have easily missed that you know um and I I just think that everybody's getting these kinds of messages like that and uh you should look for them anyways that's all I want to say about that that's great that's great so am I echoing am I echoing no okay sounds okay here so I just wanted to uh encourage other people to look for those signs in your life and if you've had anything like that maybe put it in in the chat okay I think that's great and I agree with her I agree with her we may have another one on a mass SC where everybody notices something pretty intensely yeah yeah I'm wondering if anybody else maybe in the past week like like I said that was one week ago for me but has anybody else had any powerful synchronicities in their life where they felt because you know for me that was like um a battle or a war had been won and it ended anyway um so uh so on our topic today of the EAS and the reason I brought that this up is because last last time we spoke um and this once again is coming from my my friend uh Matthew who's usually in the chat sorry I haven't been a able to look in the chat and he was concerned about something you said last week that we may no no longer need the emergency alert broadcast and when you said that that resonated with me even though I've got many times one of the one of the big questions I get asked a lot by my clients is when is my family GNA wake up or will they wake up and will they ascend a lot of people have this fear that the event will happen and their their family will never know what's going on and they will never understand all all of this and and they'll be like alone in it and they are we all they are alone most of us are we we feel isolated in our knowledge and our understanding um and I've every time somebody asks me I get cards like the Ace of Swords you know like information coming out or or The Wheel of Fortune or just big things that say oh yeah everybody's going to going to know but when you said that it wasn't going to happen that kind of resonated with me it may not have to be that event right you right it can be something else and I feel like it's going to be more of a tearing down of the veil more of a shocking event that's similar to that versus the EAS but I do get that the EAS could happen in the cities I just don't get it's going to happen worldwide and that's how it's always come through but I think it also depends on what timeline you're in because the higher the timeline the more work you've done in your own system to let go of all the fear and stuff like that the less fear you're going to experience well one of the things that you said and I don't remember exactly but he he messaged me right away and he was concerned because what he heard you may have not said it this way but the way he heard it was um that that that old uh timeline where there was going to be an emergency alert everybody's going to get it on their phones and their TVs and radios that that was now more like a 3D um way of thinking I don't know if that that was the exact word yeah the slower timelines we'll have a more severe version of that so concerned he was G to be in that in that slower timeline well he's still here so you need to remind him you're still here is it Matthew you're still here yeah Matthew so you're in the Ascension process so the if you're talking to us or resonating with us in any way then you're on the Ascension process and everybody in the audience is so the only way that you wouldn't be is um if the parallels were all still together but we've had the split of the Two Earths so that's done so the people that have decided not to ascend they're not here anymore and like he's concerned that like his family is well it's like he wants them to hear all the you know truths that are meant to come out about little ones and the underground things and all that having asked himself a question is it important for them experience that trauma or can they go forward without it because a lot of people will go forward without that much trauma maybe they weren't expected to experience maybe they didn't sign up to experience that much trauma because it was traumatic and it basically makes them in a lower vibration so why does he want them to experience that he just wants them to be with him and they can do that without knowing all of it right yeah thank that's that's what um I wanted you to I wanted everybody to hear that okay and and like I I think about my mom okay who's always been fragile as far as truth grow goes that's been the main thing that's been like a contention between us anytime I've tried to bring my mother things that I thought were beautiful um messages about the Golden Age all she hears is the end of the world and um it and if if if there were to be an EBS where all these things came out I don't think she could survive that I think it would break her yeah and why do they need it now in the on the other Earth so where they don't intend to ascend in their body they may get a worldwide EBS or EAS but I don't think that we're going to see that so and honestly there's so many people waking up at this point we're not going to need it all we need to do is see the systems fall and that'll be enough for a lot of people that's going to be traumatizing enough yeah that that really resonates with me um now one of my uh clients who is a highly intuitive very knowledgeable old soul um she was a scout she's a little bit older than me like she was there people whove been in this battle actively longer than me and so I'm really uh I'm really proud to know her but when I was talking to her about this she she felt like it has to happen like um for justice to be served or or or something like that um so so I I do I understand what you're saying though there is a there there could be both worlds it could happen both ways in in each of these different worlds but I don't need it and I've gotten past this feeling where you know like when you know something and so other so few other people know it you want them to be in your knowledge you know you want them to know what you know and but you know that's not so much for them as it is for you you understand what I mean by that so you don't feel alone so you feel like your family's coming with you so so we will still be seen as crazy if they seen none of this so that's not what I mean I mean that they could see parts of it so they can see the falling of the systems you know all those systems that we're always talking about one starts with a g and an m and a you know school systems medical I won't say them all but all those systems are going to fall everybody's going to see that everybody's seeing that now but do they have to know know about all the horrors that have happened no they may get a small snip of it but they may hear about it and they may let it pass over them because it's too hard for them and US continuing to focus on those events actually brings them further so you know how when you have a house and you leave the house like we had a house and was a kid and we left the house for almost a year and moved somewhere else and this was a hippie house you know it wasn't the best house so we get back and it's already like in a state of mess mice and you know things so think about those abandoned homes that you guys see on YouTube and how they just start to Decay as soon as people are not in them anymore so as soon as you stop focusing on something that's really hard and really horrible it starts to disintegrate people will know that that stuff happened but they're not going to be emotionally attached to it in horror and I don't think we should wish that on people so that they can be in it with us we need to heal that within ourselves what we saw what we heard what we knew about because we have to go forward and if you don't go forward then you're staying stuck and we're here to ascend that's the whole purpose of all this stuff that's what the prophecies have told us all this time the the procession of the equinoxes the Hopey prophecy the end of the Mayan calendar this is a big thing thing we're doing it's way bigger than politics it's way bigger than what happened to anyone and if you if you believe in Soul contracts we all agreed to play a part in this horror that basically was the Catalyst that made us say no we're not doing that anymore so it's really coming past it and they don't have to know all of it and can I can I say something like yeah what's why why does it matter if your friends and family think you're crazy they still love you you know um and and if if they're not going to love you because you believe that we're in this Ascension time then so be it but and I mean this with all the due respect and that's coming from your ego you know like oh what do they think of me you know I I gave up on that you know worry a long long time ago and I've been blessed by a family who's accepted me just the way I am so but if they didn't even even if they didn't if if I had to go through this life completely without them because I believe in something crazy so be it and and know that they're ascending with us the ones in your your loved ones in your circle right they're all ascending with us we are we're like an anchor in that world that we are pulling them with us something like that right yeah we're their inspiration to be able to do it so Cheryl's asking will they experience the healing the money and the peace they will but they'll also know that it happened for a reason they just won't know all the details of the reasons but they don't need to know every single detail you know we think we know a about the the [ __ ] that went on but honey there are probably things that don't know yeah and I don't need to know that you know I don't need to see Horrors that are going on in Gaza to understand you know what I mean it's um I I I don't like I don't like Gore films no me either so which Earth are the NPCs on um there will be a certain amount of them that are always around because otherwise it would feel too empty and we wouldn't have that reflection so you know how when you're talking to somebody usually that's a ref reflection of you so they're there for you it's really hard to explain this stuff until you start to experience it but I would watch a few movies again I would watch The Matrix and remember when they were sitting in the chairs together and imagine that they never ever left those two chairs everything was experienced well they sat there and then I want you to think about um watching everything everywhere all at once because once you comprehend that movie it really changes everything it will shift everything you can also watch Doctor Strange in the Multiverse but if you watch everything everywhere all at once the whole point of the movie is the end of the movie where the love is found and that's what we're doing but basically she's showing you you can create whatever you want that film everything every everywhere all at once is a masterpiece of trying to understand our reality and it's there's there's one scene there and this is something you said before that I've heard very few other people say and it was depicted in this film is that even things like stones have a Consciousness and uh and in this film there's a scene where the two one of the lives of these two main characters the mother and the daughter are stones and when I saw that I was like Wow because I I had that very idea like long time ago it was like 20 years ago that um you know we all start off at these very lowest vibrations with the lowest vibrations solid matter you know silica and iron and things like that we all start there as that Consciousness and then we evolve up to this so anyways thank you for bringing up that movie I'm gonna have to watch it again I only watched it once I I watched it halfway through once and it was really like it was hard so we actually turned off halfway through and then I sat with it and watched the whole thing recently and it's on Netflix for free right now so it's a great time to watch it yeah yeah yeah I'd like to look more into who made that film and like who wrote that story because that was uh definitely put there as a tool for us to learn and grow from yeah absolutely okay um anything else you want to are there any more questions to the audience about the EBS Matthew is Matthew in there you know I haven't been looking at the chat I have a really hard time focusing haven't seen him okay yeah I hope this this helps him understand um you know he's really concerned about his family his family will be fine and the when he lets go it'll actually be easier for them so when we have an emotional attachment so like when your parents are saying oh please be careful oh don't do that you know don't go on that drive at night you know they're actually putting energy out that there's going to be an accident right so when you let go of worrying that's when they expand because you basically have an energetic tether attached to them so if you can let go of your worry it will let them bounce up been trying to explain that to my mother for my whole life I know I always say I'm gonna be fine please stop talking then when I came to when I came to Thailand so now I'm 12,000 miles away from her and I'm doing dangerous stuff every day or just riding a motorcycle here is deadly um yeah I uh I thought maybe Matthew was in the chat because that you you read a message that you know some said something like um so everybody's just gonna think we're crazy yeah that's fine yeah Embrace embrace the crazy folks you know there's uh it's it's fun it's fun to be crazy i' rather worried about what other people think of you once you let go of that like it's so freeing and once you let go of it then they don't have any power over what you're doing anymore and then they start to let go of it too so that really works so Annie is not feel she's feeling very down lately so Annie I think you need some vitamin D and K too you want to always or some sunlight that would really help you but you are letting go of something kind of big right now so it's okay start writing maybe write write your feelings down yeah the Sun so sun is so helpful you know you know we're going through our hot season right now it was 103 and in my house the other day and I'm not complaining about it I dread I've always dreaded this time of year and I make it up in my mind to be this horrible time but I flipped it around you know and I'm like I'm gonna embrace the Heat and so I'm now sunbathing and like when I go out and lay in the Sun and believe me the sun here is super intense and then when I go back into my house that's warm I don't feel the heat So Much Anymore in other words I'm I'm uh bathing it plus my pool I jump in there and if if if the pool water's too too warm I throw some ice in it um yeah yeah but but yeah this the sun right now is putting out all this positivity and and healing light and if you're I know most people aren't in the tropics like I am and have uh so much sun as I do but if you can get into the Sun and into water somehow even if it's uh your your bath tub right yeah water is really important and salt right if nobody else has any question any more questions about the E EAS um then we can start taking questions from the audience for healing for understanding for you and uh honey I have one uh that would sent to be in the form of this is from Christine Anita Susan Garrett okay so very specific name there's no way you can confuse her with anybody else and she says uh hi honey could you please cancel all contracts vowels anything else I may have agreed to consciously unconsciously or been tricked into in all lifetimes for illness chaos addictions stress poverty and dysfunction thank you very much from Christine wow that's a lot um I'm going to have your angels and your guides do that for you along with your soul because there's like hundreds of contracts you've got going on right um she covered everything yeah she covered everything that could possibly go wrong um I do have that in healing with honey I guys through all that stuff uh but I don't do that many at once because it actually will be jarring to your body to do all that at once so I'm going to ask your um soul and your guides to do like 10 at a time and maybe take three or four days in between so whatever's in your highest good that's how they're going to be broken now you need to make sure that you ask if there's any lessons you haven't learned yet too because if you have a lesson that's still attached to a contract it won't go that's important to know so you want to ask that question yep a lot of people are feeling very a drift right now or they're having kind of Chaos in their lives and it's part of the shifting that's going on somebody asked about their life so and also there's a lot of lethargicness because some of us are working so hard astral plane that we wake up and don't feel like we slept at all that happens so yeah see H so somebody's mother had a stroke so we're not doctors but I would say to ask the pleadians to assist [Music] um so somebody's getting downloads that's really awesome white diamond downloads so that's the veil disappearing so you're starting to get your information back Lisa your um jewelry is in another timeline feel like you will get it back but it'll appear in a weird place so what do you think about healing in the future Scott because I get good things about that well I definitely get that the uh the med beds are real um yep I think we're also as we cut all those contracts because that's what creates the illness that and parasites like if and I'm not a doctor but if you can clear parasites from your body that's a really good thing um but a lot of contracts affect the body too Soul contracts and such so clearing those is really important but I think eventually we won't need Med beds unless we did get into like a a accient of some sort because we'll be able to just maintain our own body well this is going to sound like a self-serving ad but um I am 100% convinced that this product right here in this blue bottle is going to start becoming more and more available to more and more people and I can tell you without a doubt that I feel younger healthier stronger more energy um the gel I use the gel whenever I have tendonitis on a anywhere soreness on my body and I think that this and products like this are going to do a lot of healing because if if you think about it there's nobody on this planet who doesn't have some type of ailment from the environment that we've been living in and so not everybody's going to be able to just sign up and go into a medbed there there won't be enough Med beds to cover the billions of people that will need it so a lot of them are going to be healed through other means I think this could be one of them um well not everybody's gonna want to go into one right away either so if you're in a slower parallel and you are less aware you may be freaked out by a med bed no like if you're yeah a client told me that or uh yeah a client told me she a lot about this subject that you can't just be like go from a a sick body into a medbed immediately there has to be like a um I don't know like you have to heal a lot of the things that can be healed before you get into the med bit I can't remember exactly how she put it but yeah I agree with her I think there's going to be counseling I think people are going to have to let go of a lot of their programming and basically you have to meet the medbed so the medbed is a frequency machine so you're going to have to believe that it can work for you um and the better your belief or the more your belief the more the medbed can do now if you were like I don't know barely breathing then I think the medbed could do basic things for you but it's not going to heal everything and one go you're not going to go in 70 years old and something happened to you and come out 20 years old looking like I don't know rockel Welch when she first got into movies like that's not g to happen I don't think now if your mind is that amazing and you've let go of all your programming then maybe that could happen but it really is it depends on you so we have to remember everything starts with us because nothing really exist except for energy Pure Energy everything else is something that we're creating that's why placebos work I mean if if you think about it you know there are people who get placebos that are nothing but a sugar pill and it heals them and science still hasn't figured that out hey uh honey what color is the sky in your world yeah that's that's funny because that's what people usually use that expression when when somebody's crazy but I'm I'm I'm being serious here what color is the sky in your world now it's blue most the day but then it does go in the morning it's kind of that Periwinkle color and then in the evening it's Periwinkle okay because um this is the I don't know if this going to pick up on here very well that's Perry wi looks kind of purple yeah yeah and that's the color of my sky now okay yeah it's more that color in the South I've noticed than in the north it's not a bright blue it's this kind of light um purple color so I was just wondering if they can hold it back anymore I think they're having a harder and harder time holding it back so and also you have to remember it's our Collective Agreement you know so the collective Agreements are changing too So eventually we we'll just see the real sky and all the people that are seeing Suns and um all kinds of stuff there's this really cool picture that I saw that I put on Telegram and it was the grid and I thought of you because of that conversation we had yeah I've I've seen it so I I wondered if it my imagination but I know I've so they took a picture of those spirals which is how a Galaxy actually looks and then look at that one so see those little lights those little points points of light and the lines that's what the grid looks like yeah yeah that is how I saw it it's so cool people are now being able to photograph it where I the way my house is situated the sun rises in the front and sets in the back and so when when the after 4 o'clock the sun's low enough to where the shadow of my house covers the front so I I can't see the Sun but uh this was like a couple years ago I I was sitting there gazing off into the East and uh I noticed these concentric Rings coming from the Sun so the sun was behind me I couldn't see it but I noticed these rings that would have been emanating from the Sun and I and I wondered if it was just a trick of my eyes so I took out my camera and I took a picture I wish I had it here to show you and at first you couldn't see it but then I manipulated the uh the levels of the picture and I brought it out and there are these concentric Rings coming from the Sun I thought that was really cool and it kind of reminded me of the picture you that's reminded me frequency so um when you were talking about the spaceship something came in and then we were talking about other things so you have a portal near you yeah that that's why yeah yeah the the cheddy if if if you see the cover photo of my YouTube channel that's the cheddy and um it's enormous okay it's um and and it's there are all kinds of Legends going back about you know what's buried in it and uh and it may have been a v VI Viana at one time that those were the the uh ancient Indian flying ships oh right they look like they look like um well they look like the the one the picture in my cover but uh yeah you know I decided a couple years ago that I wanted to move out of this this town the only reason I lived here was because I had a really good job and I couldn't get a job like that anywhere else but now because I I can work any anywhere I thought and and I'm making a little bit more money now I thought wow I can go live by the the beach now and I put a really big effort into making a move and I just couldn't and then it dawned on me that I'm here in this place for a reason like you said there's a portal right there I have I have concurrent lives that are connected to this area by the way I don't use the term past lives anymore that's yeah you know not passed everything's happening at the same time um but one of those lives was right here and it was a it was a it was a bad guy Lifetime and so for what forever for whatever reason I'm meant to be here at least for now so I I've accepted that I and I think that's the one that resolved too so that's awesome um yeah and and that by way that eagle that I saw would have been directly over that cheddy and that's where I saw the mothership UFO a couple years ago um so so yeah that's really good so somebody's in my healing with honey and they want to know if I see a lot more cords so I don't see a lot more cords what I see mostly is a lot of inner child work and I feel like we didn't really realize this until recently that the inner child is actually what we're here for so I mean I know I just got that like it just came in probably maybe six weeks ago now I've had that information and then I did a show with the Venus twins and that was like that's what their information was was all about the inner child but the inner child is the consciousness of the body so that's the human consciousness that you're ascending so you want to have as much fun as possible and do what your inner child is asking of you now that doesn't mean go party that means do what your inner child wants it means maybe coloring or like dancing or doing something that your inner child thinks is fun yeah yeah inner child not inner teenager right [Laughter] right um yes let's see I saw saw a question here first NATO is asking uh is autism a soul contract or a genetic manipulation how can we help heal them I think it's a it's a contract it has to do with safety usually um not being seen and that protects the child while they're here because usually they're a higher Vibe so it protects them from what we would have called the bad guys I feel like that's not going to last too much longer because there was a trigger point for that to do with this so that that trigger point I think is going to be reversed so there won't be nearly as many kids with that anymore um that's what comes in anyway and that's a process I don't know how long that's going to take exactly but it'll happen through the process of Ascension because these are magical children uh so I saw one here I wanted to answer where was it Carla about aliens where is that yeah Ed yeah I get yes um I get it was good I don't get it was bad so I feel like they relayed some kind of information to you but you don't know what it is yet it's like you can't comprehend it yet it's stored interesting so it it wouldn't really be an abduction then right well not in the bad way but I mean they did take her but she agreed to go like it was a subconscious agreement or maybe she had set it up before she was you know here but it was definitely her soulle group I think so they gave her information so it wasn't like a scary abduction no but I feel like she was on a ship was that what you were getting uh I I pulled three cards and uh I I think that um that it was it was actually her her soul family father that called her on but but also got that she she did agree to it though yeah um it was it was not done against her will so it was uh done out of fairness about the so I don't know what you would call that like it's not really an abduction it's more like a travel you went on a travel traveling So Lisa said she sent you an email oh he has a question thank you I don't know why I'm not getting um notifications when I get emails now sometimes I wake up and I I didn't get any okay so no I don't have an email from who who was that Lisa Garrett she sent you an email and buy you a coffee or several coffees I don't know how many let me check here oh wait now so I can answer um from fertility to delivery oh Dana hi Dana yeah Dana so April 8th the eclipse what is that gonna be yeah I feel like that's another opportunity but things could shift before or after that depending on the energy of humanity so it could be a huge shifting point but we may actually get to that shift before because all of these little things even like the new moon or whatever that's here today all those little things could be a big shift now we had a massive solar thing last night and I woke up feeling like I'd been through the ringer overnight so I think a lot happened in the astral but it really depends on Humanity when we totally get there but all of these little events and that um that is a big opportunity to have something happen that um Eclipse okay so I I did open my copies and I have several messages here so uh I don't know why my phone me audio um anyway uh so who is this margarit margarita that's her email address uh she says uh thank you for your work honey uh could you please cancel all illness contracts for my husband's Aunt Tatiana if it's in her highest good yeah the first thing I got was no so we can't do all of them there's something she's still learning from but I get that most of them can be cut so here's the thing you guys like if you want to cut Soul contracts ask your soul and your angelics to go and do it for you at this point or you can join one of my programs and you can do it with me guiding you but you really want to just make sure your soul and your angelics go and take care of it for you and they will know because they can talk to the other Souls whether it's in the highest good of another person if that's allowed if they're still learning something and that way you're not stepping on toes up there because it's very important to allow everybody else to be Sovereign um they are cutting contracts for her though because her soul has agreed on several yeah thank you for do that honey uh Shannon thank thank you for the coffees for sy's uh spay um that's very much appreciated and Sonia thank you for the donations that you sent to my copies so do you have Lisa in there uh oh was it Lisa Garrett right yeah no I didn't so I've got Christine that's the first one I got before we came oh yeah there's Lisa sorry Lisa okay so let me see if there's any more there's no but there's no message here so Lisa what is your um request yeah Lisa you might have to put it in the chat put it uh yeah so Rhonda's asking if had some sort of Abu abduction um I get no but I think she was frightened by one buy an ET I feel like he was ambivalent like he wasn't really bad or good he was kind of just like exploring and he freaked her out and she blocked it out so uh Helen is my heart defect from a past life trauma yes so you may want to go and ask your soul to heal those things as well yeah so so many people are dreaming about being on ships that's fun okay Lisa says okay hang on must be a long question okay um uh excuse me yeah will talk to you go ahead Dana Dana ask is it better to buy a coffee or a Super Chat uh the coffee I won't get for I mean the the super chats through YouTube I won't get for like like 40 days there's like a delay on that so um the coffees I can get by next Thursday so the coffees would be better I can get okay Dana thank you okay honey the last time we talked you said I would be working with the military what do you mean feels more like space force feels like in the future uh feels like communication of some kind and that's in the present you know timeline that you're in right now you're in a pretty great timeline so yeah Mojo's Mama thank you I love that name that's fun yeah I had a big ger yeah that's fun so Mojo's mama you are a Healer already you just haven't found what skill you're going to use yet so you need to dabble a little bit it'll refresh your memory and you'll figure out which one you want to do because you've already learned how to do this stuff it's just a matter of you remembering it from the field so a lot of people have chosen to have like illnesses right now um maybe they've had something happen to them and they're in the hospital we really have to allow them to figure it out you can go ahead and do things like with their soul and see if the contracts are allowed to be cut but really you have to allow them to go through whatever process they've chosen because every single thing that we do as a choice that we either created before we came in or after like I chose to have asthma as a child I chose that near-death experience like those are things that I chose to do and I wouldn't switch that now but when I was still in the middle of it I would have totally switched it so you know just kind of remembering that there's a reason but they can end it whenever they want to and if she wants to then pleadians have Med beds now so they can help with frequency but we're not doctors so got to remember that too because we can't say you you know my my mom is in the final stages of of her uh cancer and um I noticed a change about her demeanor last time I spoke to her it's I mean she's still fighting it and she she wants to be here with her family for as long as she can but also I I noticed a change in her like an acceptance and her whole demeanor seemed lighter it seemed he's ful and and happy she was so happy and it wasn't like she was putting on a brave face for me or something like that so um you know I think she's not afraid anymore yeah she's She's Not Afraid yeah she's not afraid anymore and uh it's a it's a beautiful Journey you know the ending of this vessel um I think it it's something that um we we need to change the way we look at people passing you know yeah it's been a huge program the fear of death so I know when I had my near-death experience I was so like oh can I go then and I said what's gonna happen to my family and they said oh well they'll probably break up and it'll be and I was like I got to go back then so I went back but if I had you know if I knew they were going to be fine I don't know I might have chose not to stay so and I was in that room talking to the angels like I was asking what's going on and I think I was like just about to turn eight so I was seven you know and it's a beautiful experience it doesn't have to be bad and I really think that most of your Consciousness leaves the body before you feel a whole bunch of pain as well yep oh okay Justine so the thing is to take care of your body Justine and relax and that'll help it Happ maybe um in the chat there's a a someone whose name is from fertility to delivery she specializes in helping helping women um get pregnant and and have a successful delivery so you should try to contact her uh her name's Dana spelled D a y n and uh and I think her YouTube channel is the same thing uhuh yeah Justine will I get pregnant this year or anytime this year or next okay and I want to I want to go ahead and do a a full on spread for her go ahe and for any uh any advice that her higher self has to give her through the cards okay just for you should I answer a couple while you're doing that yes I would love it if you fil this dead air so Mojo's Mama asked what resource will help me find out what form of healing what form of healing it is I would just look up energy healing on YouTube on Google just different forms of energy healing and also different modalities of healing and see what sparks your interest um and then there's a question Colleen's asking is she doing a lot of work while she's sleeping yes um piles right now and it's something that your human mind can't comprehend so we're not going to know what it is exactly all right this is for Justine in her Super Chat and I've got some exciting news for you okay so here's here's the Sun and you see in the sun you have this bab this baby there and so and and the sword Ace of Swords underneath that so yes this year you will get pregnant um you know you the fact the fact that you're asking this question is part of the been part of your problem getting pregnant before okay you're you're doubting your your yourself your ability to get pregnant or or something like that but um a lot of it is uh this child wants to come through especially for the father is he has a strong connection to the father so he has a contract with the father but uh no absolutely you will be getting pregnant and there's going to be a great celebration when you find out so uh I hope let me know in the chat when you when you find out that you're pregnant because I feel 100% sure that it will be this year maybe Dana's gonna help you with that yeah Dana's always already saying she needs more minerals so most of us do we also need more salt so I watched a little video this morning and I know about the salt and I do drink the salt water but I was like oh maybe I need more salt because I woke up kind of puffy like your fingers are puffy you know so I put probably half a teaspoon of salt under my tongue and all the puffiness went away so it has to do with dehydration you get DEH hydrated without enough salt and minerals and that's good salt not yucky salt okay uh I have a couple coffees here from Dana but real quick before I do that um I I was trying to get a friend of mine to put this on his website he has a website where he sells supplements and it's very successful and if he if he if I could have gotten into an agreement with them to sell this I I could have done really well but he asked me what what's the the main ingredient in that product Scott and uh See Is it okay see if you can see this the ingredient no I can't read it okay it's a yeah it's too small water sodium chloride that's the ingredient it's saltwater and uh this guy says to me he's a nice guy and he means well but he Scott you've been bamboozled that's nothing but salt water it's not going to do anything for you but uh I think it's interesting that you you were just talking about salt and this is salt water and by the way um the the way this works is how the uh the atoms in the molecules are charged okay so um Dana uh sent me a cup of coffees and she says are the heart and shock um sorry are the heart and throat chakras the most important to strengthen during Ascension good luck with the Spade procedure for your puppy thank you for that are the heart and throat chakras now that's funny because these I have a very powerful throat chakra I've always it's my voice I've earned a living by using my voice for the past 10 years as a teacher I've always been told people tell I had people ask me to do voiceovers and stuff so and sometimes I tend to talk too much when I have a guess on I've been learning to Quil my throat chakra and increase my heart chakra which is why I have the green behind me so it's a that's a a good question are they the most important the throat chakra and the heart I the heart the heart is probably the most important I would say that's why I'm trying to learn to suppress my throat chakra a little bit and press it just think of pausing yeah because actually you want to be able to speak your truth whenever you want to it's just pausing I'm used to being a teacher you know as a teacher I was the one who always spoke and right okay exact it's we've already been out for an hour and I I don't want to keep you up too late so um let's make sure that there are no more questions that we feel need to be answered Lisa Garrett oh I have a an email from Lisa Garrett uhuh okay hi Scott and honey honey would you please heal all resentment anger chauvinism and anything else that needs to be healed generally with my family especially with my oldest son please cancel all contracts of dysfunction and above thank you he's not ready he's learning a lesson right now so ask you know do that thing where you ask your angels and guides I mean that's a lot of contracts right there a lot of contracts so and you can't it's not sovereign to just go cancelling all the contracts that's not allowed so every single contract has to be looked at um I would ask all the fam's souls and angels and guides get together in the astral plane and cut the contracts that will help your family that's what I would ask them to do so I'm asking them to do that now and that'll probably happen tonight but your son he's got a big lesson that he's about to learn so there's a reason that he's doing this that and I don't know if that contract's going to get cut or not I feel like he's not really willing he needs to learn the lesson he doesn't really understand in his humaness so when you don't understand you know how when you don't understand something or you're not listening first you get a feather then you get hit in the head with an apple and the next time you get hit with a truck so basically it's that kind of thing that your soul is saying wake up wake up and he's in stage two right now so I feel like he already got the Apple I I pulled some cards for her real quick okay good yeah that'll help okay and th this is this is Lisa right yeah Lisa Garrett yeah so Lisa you really you shouldn't worry about your son um and this card he's he is uh waking up to things but he's not quite ready yet but uh he he has this innocence about him uh and and you just have to be uh optimistic and hopeful that he's going to have this day of Triumph where you're going to see him really mature into the man that he's meant to be and then he will be he will be someone who gets a lot of uh adoration so um I think the the most important thing is kind of like how we started this broadcast with that uh that story you're telling Honey about how when you have a mother who's worried that you're going to have the accident sometimes that could be uh the the very cause of it so um it's important that you remain optimistic and trust that he will be taken care of uh yeah so people have to have these experiences we can't make everything perfect for everyone because then they won't have the knowledge that they may need for their future and disconnecting your emotional attachment to how they're behaving is important because then it's not affecting you so much either that's really important but anybody who has all those contracts to cut please go do healing with honey it's only nine bucks a month because you need to learn how to do those yourself and I'm not going to cut hundreds of contracts for people because I would be doing that for hours so it's you know ask your soul to go do it ask your angels to go assist But realize that if a contract is not ready to be cut or broken then it won't be because Free Will is that's the most important thing yeah all right honey well listen I think it's time to say good night or good day and for yes have a great day you guys or a great night wherever you're at yeah and uh thank you and uh thank you anything you want to add in parting for the week no just be careful the energies are going to be really really big so just take care of yourself and kind of let go of big expectations about because this theme has been the worry about your family so your family's going to be okay and you need to let them go through their process because not everybody has a journey that's the same so just allowing them to go through their process and holding space for them which means you love them and you allow them to do whatever it is that they need to do without judgment is important that's what I would say that's great great party message honey thank you for that so now I'm gonna take Sandy over to the vet and thank you everybody sent me donations for that that really helps things have been a little bit tight recently so uh thank you for that all right honey well you have a wonderful night and I hope to see you again in a couple of weeks sounds good bye everybody bye everybody bye always takes me a minute to find the off button so I just want to take the moment to say thank you to everybody who was here and uh I hope you got some healing from this and I'm out in just a second there we go and good night all thank you
Channel: Intuitive Insights & Tarot by Scott A. Yates
Views: 10,975
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Keywords: #honeyc #Antarctica #intuitiveinsightstarotbyscott.simdif.com
Id: Tq2Q8H6pYBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 35sec (4835 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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