The EDC Pouch that checks all the boxes for me

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now it may be way too early to say that I am calling something the best for 2023 but I'm pretty confident when I'm saying that the best pouch that I've used all year and I have used this one almost exclusively since the day I got it is the notorious EDC allg good pouch the best pouch of 2023 I'm going to explain why we're going to take a look at this pouch and we're going to take a look at what I'm carrying on the inside let's go if you love knives flashlights bags pouches all EDC gear and everything in between make sure you're subscribed because why not it costs you nothing and it really helps us out and don't forget to make the algorithm Happy by hitting that like button as well we appreciate it in advance thank you so much for being here okay this is my favorite pouch of 20203 and this is the notorious EDC allg good pouch and let me let me tell you something it's just about all good it is a fantastic pouch let's go over the exterior before we hit the interior as well now I got the special drop on the OD Green no as in no velcro version usually you get a lot of velcro up here uh you don't necessarily get a zipper pouch but I got me a zipper pouch at the very front I love the clean look of just the outside here with no velcro and I made me a custom lanyard as well I like the zippers that came on them they came with OD Green YKK zippers uh this is made of high quality codora fabric um and this is a workerman bead that I have on uh a kind of a custom lanyard here and you can find it's an OD Green bead ghost bead as well and these are this is a plastic kind of a silicone bead so it's kind of it's really nice to grip it's not hard plas plastic it's going to be kind of a silicone plastic but again you've got a front zipper pouch here no velcro here on the back what I keep in this front pouch is just some Essentials that I have of course I've always got some lens wipes both for my camera and for my glasses or sunglasses that I have around so these are two essential things that I usually keep pretty much everywhere I've usually got two or three of those on to as well this is one of my cool coins that I got to my uh in on my travels to New York City this past summer uh this is a 911 Memorial Museum uh coin and really enjoy this got some really awesome stuff right here of course the Pentagon the Twin Towers in the beginning or excuse me in the middle you got flight 11 flight 175 Flight 93 and flight 77 all four the flights that perished on September 11th and so excellent just quality in this I keep this as a reminder especially since I was carrying it for the entire month of September uh I served in the Marines between 2000 and 2004 and so I always want to remember what uh we were fighting for even though we're not in Afghanistan anymore I still want to remember that let's move on to the inside here and again the zippers just get smoother over time these are YKK zippers so they're self-lubricating zippers the more you use them the easier they'll be to get into and I have used this p probably daily I've used it at least four or five times daily and you'll see why when I open it up here so I've got a lot of different tools here let's start off with my mighty Hanks um handkerchief here this is just a kind of a threaded looking uh gray black version with kind of embroidery on the edges on the inside you've got a nice cleaning cloth and again I can use this in concert with my lens wipes to clean the W the lens and then clean it with this microfiber cloth that that's on the inside as well this is great for glasses great for lenses great for sunglasses that's about all I use it for I don't not I do not use this for like nose blowing or anything wouldn't want to do that wouldn't want to mess up that so that's my mighty Hanks highly recommend Mighty Hanks don't have a ton of Hanks probably need to get some more as well so let's start off in where do you want to start where do you if I could get a vote from you I wish we're on live stream I can get a vote for you me let's start on this side with some of these tools and then we'll get over here and inside the pocket I've got a number of things inside this pocket as well so I use this quite a bit on this side right here I've got a tiny little pry bar this is a tiny little titanium pry bar from Big ey design and this thing is like no bigger than than it's like a little bit bigger than a quarter but I put a little lanyard on here just so I could grab everything out as I need it not a whole lot to say except you've got kind of a uh textured end to this as well as a flathead so you can use this uh to to get off any kind of screws or things like that especially camera mounts that I need to get off as well it's not very thick it's not very big uh but it is pure titanium and it's going to be really strong and it's a nice little teeny little pry bar that you can put in almost any kit that you would like to there next on the list is a peak design tool you'll see the little Peak design logo right there this is a two key Allen key set that that moves like this you've got a little key Loop that's why I've got that little piece of uh 550 cord on here but you've got a smaller Allen key set and a larger right here you can use these I use these are the two main sizes that you use for getting camera plates off and different things like that and uh you can also use this for a number of other applications as well this is not going to help you with any knives necessarily so you're going to have to have a dedicated toolkit to take apart your knives but since I work with cameras and taking off camera plates and mounting plates and things like that so much this is just invaluable this actually came with you can't buy this individually I don't think this actually came with one of my expensive tripods that that I broke it was one of those nice carbon fiber tripods that I broke uh it was the compact tripod I believe and it had a little cool thing where you could just slip it right inside one of the side rails it was really really convenient to have so I usually just keep this in my pouch as well this right here is my one of my most one of my most prized possessions this is my daily Customs custom Swiss army knife Victorinox I mean this is absolutely one of the most beautiful little things that I have made me a custom lanyard here I like to have little custom lanyards to grab stuff out of here really quickly um this is the Swiss champ version I believe I could be wrong about that so if I'm wrong correct me in the comments but you've got a Phillips head screwdriver a bottle opener of course uh you've got a regular blade right here uh just a regular nice little blade then you've got on the other side you've got a flathead screwdriver on one side then you've got the one side you've got um a nail file as well and then you've got the patented scissors the very very nice scissors that come on a lot of different Victorinox Knives and then of course in the custom scales here you've got your toothpick as well as your tweezers on the other side now I will say that with the custom scales the custom scales are ever so slightly a little bit thicker and so it's a little harder to get these tiny tools out of here but if you got a fingernail at all like I I don't have very much fingernail but if you got a fingernail at all you can pull those out and get those out but these custom scales these are custom OD Green scales I bought this at blade show I've just been so impressed with the quality on this I'm going to be saving up my pennies so that I can spend some more money uh at Daily Customs this is some guys that are using this stuff they're making these custom things from Germany uh when I stopped by their Booth they were extremely kind uh but over half of them didn't speak English and so I had to I think I talked to the social media manager there which by the way if you're not following daily Customs on Instagram they have some of the coolest looking posts and everything make you just want these uh tools and knives they actually have come out with a brand of their own uh fixed blade knives that look incredible and so again this was not provided to me I bought this with my own funds I believe this one was $80 and I got it at blade show Atlanta this past summer cannot say enough good things about it check out daily customs. shop and you can find out all of their stuff you can actually buy just the scales if you've already got the knife you can buy this just the scales and they've got a bunch of other different scales titanium scales honeycomb scales textured scales my Carta scal all sorts of different stuff be sure to check them out all right one of the other Essentials that I use in my day-to-day life because I'm using a bunch of different computers on and around campus is this Lexar USB drive now this is actually a flip drive it's a 32 gig model you can get them in a bunch of different different sizes but this thing is so tiny but it has a trick up its sleeve it flips around to give you a regular USB port now if you're like me and you work with a little bit of Technology you'll know that a lot of stuff does not have USBC ports quite yet even though it's becoming more and more uh common place as we keep going but a lot of my stuff my Mac only has uh USBC ports and so I need something to go from USBC to usba a and that's when this drive comes in handy and of course you can get them in different sizes I love this I think I bought like three of them and uh just a little lanyard on here that I've attached just so I can keep track of something this small but again this is a Lexar I think it's called a dual drive maybe but I'll have it linked down below which by the way everything that I'm putting here is linked down below I'm going to link to daily Customs shop I'm going to link to Mighty Hanks and a few of the other things like big eye design of course some of this stuff you can get on Amazon which if you buy from the Amazon links that helps out the channel and I really appreciate your support So if you're going to buy some of this stuff anyway uh use my link and uh help me out here on the channel as well uh you're giv I don't have subscriptions I don't have like a club that you can pay a dollar or two a month to or anything like that and I don't have any plans to do that because I don't want to manage that but again if you wanted to buy me a coffee or if you wanted to help out the channel by buying something that you're going to buy anyway then uh go ahead and do that inside the Amazon links down below this is one of my favorite finds and you know I knew about through night but I didn't know that they made a flashlight that was this tiny this is the ti two this thing is so so small as you can see I'm going to compare it with the Swiss army knife in fact it's about just the exact length of a Swiss Army compact right there and so if you look at that this 39 102 it's just a Twist on it's got a really nice bright um light and it works off of just a AAA battery so I've got just a single AAA Battery in here and works really really well it's not USB C rechargeable it's not rechargeable in any kind of way you can use rechargeable batteries with it though and in fact you can get some of those uh rechargeable batteries that you can just plug right into it uh the battery itself and charge it that way but this thing has been really handy especially when I don't have a flashlight a dedicated flashlight on me and uh it's really super nice this is the thight uh ti2 I love thights as a brand I've got a couple of their other lights as well make sure you check this one out it's a really cool fun little light all right this is just one of your standard here and I got a red lanyard on it because this contains some uh pills some medicine this is a little pill carrier and it's a a titanium just a unbranded titanium pill carrier that you can get on Amazon again the links will be below it's got a little uh o-ring around the top right here so that it will be waterproof so you can actually dunk this I would advise it if you got some important medications in there but you can actually dunk this I keep allergy pills in here and so you can just put these on here this is my LPR and you got two allergy pills it's just nice to have some backup pills in case I forget them at home when I'm here at the office and you just screw this right back on it's kind of this stainless titanium finish on it it's a really neat little pill carrier and I'll have it linked below there are any number of pill carriers and stuff but this is the one that I found that have has about the same circumference or it's the same width rather as something like a pin all the others seem to be much wider this is not too wide it seems to be much wider and bigger and I don't really need that I just need something to hold four or five little pills uh not you know 25 pills and so this actually works out really well I'll have that linked below and then last but certainly not least is my OD Green runt five from Protek this is one of my most favorite knives in my entire collection of course it's not cheap but you've got the push button release here and I love love love the shape of this blade I love the ston wash finish here I love that it's Magna cut oh my goodness it's Magna cut steel here I love that you've got a really Stout uh I don't know if that's Titanium or just stainless steel but it's a super super Stout uh blade or excuse me belt clip here and you've got just this finish on this OD Green this handle right here is just incredible you've got a little spot back here for a tiny lanyard if you wanted to add something like that but overall this knife it's just amazing quality Protek just continues to impress and it will jump out of your hand if you do not hold on to this thing it will absolutely jump out of your hand again I'm not a huge fan of expensive knives but Protek makes some ones that are incredible quality and I just love this this is the runt five all right moving over here to the right side what at least what I call the right side of the all good pouch you've got a a loop right here which you can attach something to if you want to I don't have anything attached to it necessarily and that doesn't mean that you can't use it but the thing about I like about the all good pouch is if you got big Loops right here you've got one big loop Loop right here that you could use and you got three little tiny Loops that you could use but then one big one behind that so you can configure this however you would like to it's fantastic behind here you've got one big loop and then you've got two small Loops right here what I have got on this side is a riding utensil and this is the refine ep1 pin now I've talked about these at length I've had dedicated videos on them refine was enough to send this out to me and uh I have been using it almost exclusively this is made out of stainless steel it's got a cool bolt action right here it's got a carbon or excuse me a a copper kind of inlay right there you can see in the side of it smooth action ballpoint it's a Schmid refill this pin writes really well if you haven't seen my dedicated video on these make sure you check that out I'll have this linked above and below as well the only other writing utensil I have is a Sharpie mini and I find that having a Sharpie on hand is uh just really valuable I need to Mark something down need to write something on a sign for somebody need to do something and this is just a Sharpie mini uh I couldn't find these anymore in stores I couldn't find them in Walmart couldn't find them in Target they may have them periodically seasonal whatever but you can get a pack of five six of these on Amazon for for decently cheap I think I got a five pack or so for about six or eight bucks and I'll have that linked below but again just a Sharpie mini it's just regular size Sharpie except uh it's mini and that's all there is to say really about that I could put something else here as well but I find that I use a Sharpie in my daily job for different things now this is something that's very interesting and you've probably seen this on other channels as well but this is the lever gear uh compact kind of USB all-in-one so you turn it around here it's got a I don't have a lanyard on this but you've got a place for a keychain you can put this on a keychain if you want wanted to and I don't have mine on keychain cuz I like to keep my keychain minimal but on the other side here you've got a Sim removal tool that slides kind of in here like this you've got you can actually put this on your belt or put it uh in your pocket it's got a little clip here but if you pull this out you've got a USB a and you pull this out right here and you got a USB uh micro USB on one end and a USB on the other now you can bend this as you see bit but you can also use the provided adapters and they come with a lightning adapter too but I opted for the USBC adapter you can fit another adapter right in here but you can actually put on the end here you can adapt this and then have a USBC to usba adapter and a pinch and it's really nice you could charge with this you can transfer data with this this is by lever gear really cool stuff uh John Gadget accessorized me that they've uh reviewed this already and it's been out for quite a while but I will link it below and you just put it back here in the package right here just snap that back in there and then you put and you put this one down in here and it gives this this kindy tiny little package to where you've got that little adapter just sitting in there very cool stuff and then of course we're going to get to the pocket here I've got a bunch of little bits and Bobs here in the pocket and we'll go over those as well I've got an air tag because why not you can't ever not have um you want to track your stuff Well turns out this is a small pouch and it's going to have some decently valuable things in it mainly my Protech is going to be in here so that's at least $150 knife that's going to be in here with it so I want to make sure that I can find my bag or my pouch wherever I have it so I usually have an air tag in there I've got a couple of sheets of a small Post-It note so I can write down a small note of course with my refin pen that I have here uh or I can write it with the Sharpie and still be good to go on that so just a few sheets of that um of like a Post-It note small Post-It note can fit in there um I always find that valuable as well I've got my titanium this is my tech accessories titanium um measuring tape now I did a video about this a YouTube short but this is just you would not believe how many times a tiny little measuring tape like this comes into play and how much you really need to use one and so I just found this really interesting um and I got this for Christmas one year and I just keep it on me and it's really really nice and figuring out dimensions of things I'm always doing some designs and different things I'm measuring things on our campus to to move around and so this actually works out really well now it's not cheap of course it's got a shell made of titanium here so it's going to last for a long long time I think this was about 40 bucks Maybe 50 bucks uh but it is pretty I think it's a 3 foot yeah it's a 3ot or so 30 in and uh just a really nice little tape measure highly recommended uh to get one of these and put it in your EDC pouch as well got a couple of just random adapters in here as well now I've got some of these things handled with the lever gear of course but I've got a USBC to usba adapter just in case I need to hook up something like a hard drive I've got the adapter that actually goes with the lever gear this is a lightning to micro or excuse me Lightning to USBC adapter and this is actually a reverse adapter because everything I have is USBC sometimes I need to adapt USBC to usba a and so I can use a USBC cable USBC ctoc cable and still use this on a usba computer sometimes and again I do a lot of computer stuff you might be able to fit a couple of different things in here in your pouch as well but hey that's it good gracious you can fit a lot of stuff let me put all this stuff back you can fit a lot of stuff in this little pouch look check this out it is unbelievably amazing that you can fit all this stuff in this little pouch in a wonderful neat little thing I'm going to put it back of course and arrange it but this has been one of the best pouches that I've ever used I love me some data crew I love me some garage built gear pouches but this one Takes the Cake The Notorious EDC AGP the allg good pouch you got to catch them on drops that's the bad thing about it Tom uh lives here in Tennessee now so whenever I manage to catch something on a drop it's usually pretty quick uh to get to me because we both live in Middle Tennessee but at the same time you got to catch those drops and so whenever he does an all good pouch drop it's just him and maybe a couple of other people that are running notorious EDC make sure you check out his all good pouch that's it thank you so much for tuning in make sure you like And subscribe and if you have hung out to the end of the video Bravo to you Bravo to you I'm going to give you if you are still here I'm going to give you some stickers do you want some stickers I've still got a couple of stickers left if you live in the continental United States I'd love to send you some if you send me a couple of bucks if you live elsewhere in the world I'd love to send you some as well comment below tell me you want a sticker thank you for hanging out until the end of the video really appreciate all you guys Happy fall to you enjoy your October enjoy the football enjoy all the wonderful things and God bless you have go out and have a great rest of your week and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Landman EDC
Views: 236,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDC, Everyday Carry, Every Day Carry, Chad Landman, American Made, Daily Carry, Daily Carries, carry, carries, knives, knife, flashlights, pouches, Notorious EDC, AGP, All Good Pouch
Id: iBdqfusH8Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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