The EASIEST way to TAKEDOWN A BIGGER OPPONENT! (Taking down a bigger opponent series)

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[Music] i'm trying to take down a guy of this size daryl is six foot five 280 pounds of american steel and sex appeal so if you're trying to take a guy down of this size it's extremely difficult to get a hold of the leg and drag him to the ground the last thing i want to do is take a shot have a sloppy entry or even a good entry and they get a decent sprawl on you and then you are stuck underneath with a huge weight deficit fighting off your hands and knees you're carrying all of your weight all of his weight and he's carrying none so the easiest way to take down somebody this size is to use their weight and their pressure against them and they sort of duck under boot scoop motion okay so step one i'm gonna take my head and plant it right into his shoulder let's go ahead switch sides i'm gonna plant my head right into his shoulder nine times out of ten he's gonna grab a collar tie all i'm gonna do is wrap my fingers thumb outside right here on this elbow i'm not gonna do anything with this i'm not getting any tension i'm not locking it in i'm just placing it there a lot of this move is just lulling them into a sense of false security okay so i push my head into the shoulder grab the elbow and then the hardest part of this move is holding on to this big strong arm okay so i generally don't want to do a ton of hand fighting with big guys i like to reach fake get their hands moving so i can swing around do a swing single get to the back for you experienced rustlers but inexperienced wrestlers and experienced grapplers on the feet very very hard again to do a leg attack take them down so the only engagement i want to do is grab an inside tie on this wrist i'm going to glue the rope to the end of the stick and i'm going to go loose okay i'm going to go loose yeah just like that and i'm gonna go really really i don't want him to think i'm doing anything here so i'm not tugging on this i'm not ganking i don't want any tension because i don't want to give him anything to react to i don't want him yanking back on this i don't want him suspicious at all so i grab the wrist and i might even shake it just a little bit just a subconsciously very very slight motion just to make him feel like this is relaxed he doesn't need to be scared here everything's fine everything's gonna be okay so after my head goes into the pocket i grab the elbow grab this wrist if he tries to post all i have to do is hand up and dive my fingers over top now i've got his wrist i push into daryl pushing your opponent just a little bit as he pushes back my hand that's on the wrist post to the mat my same side leg sits out to the side i touch my butt just for a second and then i shrug the elbow off turn and cover okay if you can do a sit out you can do this move so what do i mean by sit out real fast if i'm in a quad pod diagonal motion right leg sits under left arm leg comes back the way it came opposite motion if you can do this you can do this move the easier and faster you can do your sit out the easier this boot scoop is going to be the only thing i need from my opponent is pressure if you don't have pressure in this position you're not hitting this move push in with your head as soon as they push back you don't need him running across the mat at you if you do even better the more pressure the better but all you need is a tiny tiny bit when you push into your opponent they almost always are going to push back okay so i lock into this position and i'm not going crazy okay i'm not trying to generate any kind of suspicion very relaxed very relaxed i get i get nice and low i start leaning in as soon as they as soon as they push back sit to your butt throw that elbow turn and cover and when you sit you want to get as close to their side as possible okay i'm not penetrating in when i hit this move right if i were to hit this just in motion just facing let's say like a two foot gap away from my opponent it would look like this okay i'm not posting my hand and trying to boot scoop penetrating into him i'm boot scooting in place okay so if we were doing a different angle here to camera i'm pushing in nice and slow i'm going to post pretend there's a line right here right in between our legs i post right on the line and i sit outside of it and then this elbow all i do is a tiny little chuck it's not a big exaggerated like this right i'm not giving him any momentum to take me to my back i just flick it and roll my shoulders i roll my shoulders and flick at the end of that roll turn and cover right i bypass having to deal with any of his weight any of his strength and i want to sit one more time as close just try this way i want to sit as close to his side as possible okay when i sit i want him to fall right on the outside of my shoulder right here so i'm sitting just on the outside line here so i have a very short distance to cover back okay do it once facing here back up just a little bit there we go so i push and he pushes back right to the back the worst case scenario here worst case scenario if you hit this move correctly and you sit to the outside and you do not penetrate in worst case scenario you hip heist back into your stance you're back in the neutral position facing and that's what i love about this move there's very little downside if you don't get it the downside of the single leg or any shot if you don't get it is you're stuck underneath dealing from working from a deficit here if your opponent relieves the pressure right as you're about to hit this move say you push into them and then right as you hit this move they pull back and relieve that pressure now there's no reason for them to topple over over you you hip heist back underneath and go back to facing them so we're here pushing in and he relieves the pressure we're right back in and facing slow motion here i'm pushing in he relieves pressure and then i hip heist back back into facing you're back up because the main thing guys you're going to want to penetrate underneath him all of your takedowns up into this point involve you penetrating to the hips this is the one where you do not want to do that you want to plant your hand in place and sit in place just off center line you can drill this move on your own you don't even really need a partner just grab the wrist head into the pocket grab the elbow thumb outside grab the wrist push in plant the hand sit and flick one more thing from here as you're turning and covering i just want to give you one really good hand placement when you're turning and taking the back instead of just going for a body lock as soon as i hit this move i turn i hit it successfully as i turn the cover take your far hand let's switch back a little bit take your far hand and extend it down onto their thigh it's a it's called a thigh pry okay so this hand is snaking down the inside of the thigh and then i'm going to hug off the side of him here okay like a little cannonball a little dead weight off to the side i straighten this arm that keeps a lot of weight forward on his hands you can go half claw ride and you can even grab the wrist pull it up into your pocket and sit here okay it keeps them from grabbing pulling guard sitting out it just locks their hips in place okay and hug his near side thigh okay so i like to take my legs of invisible pressure darrell wasn't here you'd see that my my knees are pinching this near side thigh okay so i pinched the near side thought here and then i sag my weight over onto the opposite side of my thigh fry okay this just locks everything into place you can go half nelson you can't roll from here if it tries to grab me you can go then collect the wrists pull it up into your pocket now it's really not going anywhere right or if you have long arms you can claw right and then suck it in pull the claw right towards you there is this torquing motion with the thigh pry where i'm extending it out and then hanging off the opposite side right it just locks everything in place very nicely i think that's it yeah that is a bummer when it happens and the reason i say it is the easiest takedown against a larger opponent is because it takes the least amount of energy and if you are unsuccessful in your execution it has the least amount of downside taking down bigger guys in general right is incredibly difficult okay incredibly difficult no matter what all right so this move makes it as accessible and easy as possible but it is not versatile it's ex it's incredibly dependent upon one single setup with your head and the nook of their shoulder having an outside elbow grip and the wrist grip with your fingers inside this is the only setup you can use to hit this move there's you're not hitting this move anywhere else so when you get back into this position if your partner's any good at all and you've already hit this on them they're going to recognize this is coming disengage and then work back in with a different tie okay so when you do get this takedown use it wisely and when you do get it make sure you keep them down oh and by the way this is the first video in a long series on how to take down a larger opponent for the foreseeable future every video that's going to be coming out will be on how to take down a larger opponent and every technique that i show you not only will work on a larger opponent but a same size and smaller opponent as well in the spirit of bjj i wanted to look at wrestling from a bjj perspective bjj being a martial art that takes leverage and technique to overcome a bigger stronger attacker and i wanted to make anyone who's watching this i want to make your time and your practice time as effective and meaningful as possible so i'm not going to be showing you fancy throws or things like that i mean i might throw some of those out there eventually just for fun um but you saw the size difference between me and there like you're just you're you're not going to be throwing that guy okay so if you're going to be drilling takedowns they should work on bigger same size and smaller opponents just to make your your arsenal as effective and useful as possible okay and if you just watch these videos week after week each one is going to build on the next and by the end of it you're going to be a much much better grappler on your feet okay you're going to be that guy or girl at the beginning of class when you do that 10 to 20 minutes of takedowns that actually knows what they're doing all right so really really excited about this series i put a lot of hard work into it and i'm so excited for you guys to see it i'll see you next time
Channel: Wrestling University - Takedowns for Jiu Jitsu
Views: 887,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best wrestling takedowns, bjj takedowns, how to fight someone bigger and stronger than u, how to take down a bigger opponent in wrestling, how to take down bigger opponents, how to take down someone bigger than you in fighting, how to takedown a bigger opponent, how to wrestle, how to wrestle a bigger opponent, how to wrestle someone bigger than you, how to wrestle someone stronger than you, jiu jitsu takedowns, wrestling, wrestling moves, wrestling takedowns, wrestling techniques
Id: T2ks59cA6G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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