챗GPT 유튜브 영상 제작.하루 한시간이면 충분합니다.(유튜브 끝장내기 1편)

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So is YouTube really difficult? The two biggest lies among office workers are that we will resign from our company and that we will start a YouTube career. Why did these words come about? That's because it's difficult to carry out what you set your mind to. As those of us who have started YouTube know, many of us have had a hard time even getting to the stage of actually creating content and producing videos because we spent too much time and energy preparing . After the advent of ChatGPT, a huge number of technologies that revolutionized the existing methods emerged, and I was confident that if I operated YouTube content based on these technologies, I would be able to grow my channel very easily and quickly . In that way, I used a lot of AI services while reaching 4,000 subscribers in a period of 6 months . Among them, I will introduce to you today the tools that helped me increase the number of subscribers and views of my channel . I think there are a lot of these services that you don't know about . You probably already know about ChatGPT, and the Pictory AI service is an AI video editing service that allows us to produce high-quality videos just by writing a script. Next, KT AI Voice allows you to create your own artificial intelligence voice by learning your voice into AI. In the past, when I was dubbing my voice to create YouTube content, I remember quietly closing the door while my wife or child was sleeping and recording my voice to prevent my voice from leaking out. But now, through KT AI Voice, I can create simple scripts and record my voice. As people began using voice-produced services, the productivity of their content began to increase tremendously. Next, through TROW.AI, a service that summarizes YouTube, I will introduce you to not only YouTube summaries but also how to use YouTube's titles, descriptions, and tags . We will also introduce how you can upload to your blog in just 1 minute using TROW.AI. Next is a tool called TubeBuddy, but this tool doesn't seem to be widely known in Korea. In the United States, most large YouTubers use a service called TubeBuddy. Through this service called TubeBuddy, we will be able to optimize SEO. Next and lastly, there is a service that I recently discovered that shows a lot of utility. It is an AI service that creates shorts from existing long forms and mid forms with a simple operation . If you use these, we will be able to create content that was previously difficult to create with shorts very quickly and easily. In addition to this service, there are many AI services required for the operation of YouTube channels. Even if you don't take a picture of this right now, if you fill out the questionnaire after we're done, we will send you the lecture materials. Be sure to take the survey, and I will explain why you need to do it later. Even if you don't write this down, I 've included the methods I spoon-feed you into this lecture material, so you can download them and use them yourself to test them. In this way , we can use a service called ViewLab to find competitive content, and by using a service called Gamma AI, a powerful PPT production tool, we have been able to create visual materials very easily and quickly. And as we recently started producing video lectures, it was very difficult to do so, but with the advent of a service called Guide, which records your screen with a simple click, AI creates the parts you need in the recorded part. I started using guides not only for YouTube content but also for video lectures , and you can see that the lecture material you are looking at was also created using Gamma AI and guides . Next, by using a service called Bull, which we know as the Korean version of Pictory , beginners can create videos very easily and in a variety of ways. This is an updated service that was recently announced, and I was once again surprised by its appearance. So after this concert, I'm going to study this service and quickly create a video in a way that I haven't shown before . The service called heygen originally created an artificial intelligence avatar based on my own image along with a service called DID . If you write a script here, I will attach a link to it. I think you will be very surprised when you see it. It will also be posted on my YouTube channel, so please subscribe, like, and turn on notifications. Let me tell you why I chose YouTube after the advent of ChatGPT . YouTube will be able to experience stronger leverage than any other channel. When I analyzed many successful people, the channel they used the most was YouTube. In the past, these people made as much money as possible as solo entrepreneurs, but I also achieved annual sales of up to KRW 1.2 billion as a one-man business . By using their YouTube channel, I watched from the sidelines as solo entrepreneurs achieved sales of over KRW 1 billion . I chose YouTube because I was convinced that it was a channel where I could experience strong leverage . Next, I thought that if I could use AI technology in all processes from script writing, content creation, and uploading to take advantage of the opportunity to speed up the work time by more than 10 times compared to the existing work time, I would be able to overtake the big channels while they are faltering. I chose the YouTube channel because I heard this . Because, as I will explain today, this will be an opportunity for you as there are still many people who do not know this method . Next, I thought that if I didn't forget the channel that covers ChatGPT in depth and quickly moved to YouTube instead of Instagram, I would be able to establish myself quickly . And I am confident that as interest in ChatGPT increases in the future, my channel will become more popular. I chose a YouTube channel. From now on, I will tell you how I achieved more than 4,000 subscribers in 6 months and produced 120 mid-form YouTube contents, 120 shorts, and 100 blog contents. In fact, those of you who have tried YouTube will know that it is not very easy. And there were many speakers in front of me today. They were YouTubers with more subscribers than me, and what I am better at than them is productivity. The reason they recognize me is because of my productivity. Let me tell you about that. First, you can use ChatGPT to determine the persona and content direction of your channel . Here, the yellow part is underlined. If you click on it , you will be able to copy and use the prompt I wrote right away. So, with just a simple conversation, you can set up your channel's persona and receive direction. In the past, as we are conducting this boot camp, many people agree that they had great difficulty in setting up their personas. If even this took a lot of time before, you can set up your persona very quickly and accurately through ChatGPT. You came to be. Next, you can set custom instructions that reflect your persona. If you have used ChatGPT before, you may have noticed that it was very difficult to use it as content because it gave very general answers . However, with the update of custom instructions, I can now give instructions to ChatGPT with my own persona and also set up how ChatGPT should respond to me . This makes ChatGPT more personalized and personalized than ever before. Additionally, you can now create channels that reflect your own persona and content that reflects your own persona . Because, as I said before, I talked in general, but what kind of person am I? If you look here, I have decided on the persona of an instructor who gives ChatGPT lectures. I need information on how to use ChatGPT, curriculum, how student questions and feedback process works, etc. And when you explain to me, since I will be lecturing to beginners, please answer me using very easy examples. And you must always answer me kindly. Don't speak informally. In this way, we are able to give guidance. Using these, we can create content that reflects our persona by simply copying and pasting any content and then reorganizing the content above to reflect my user guidelines. Isn't it amazing? Next, the area where there has been the most innovation due to the emergence of ChatGPT and AI is video editing. We are now able to produce videos with just a simple script . For that service, I use a service called Pictory, and I will explain in more detail later how powerful it is . Just enter the script like this and AI will automatically match the video or image that matches the script content . It's called B-Roll, and anyone who has run a YouTube channel knows that it used to take a lot of time to find a video or image that matches the script. However, a service called Pictory uses AI to analyze the contents of these scripts and automatically finds the most suitable videos and images . However, the downside of ChatGPT-related services is that most of them are still taught in English, so you will be able to experience greater efficiency when learning in English rather than Korean . So, all we have to do is write the script here in English, match the video, and translate each sentence into Korean using a translation service called DeepL . It takes less than a minute to translate a 5-minute video like this . If you do not do this and insert the script in Korean, matching will not work well and it will probably take at least 5 to 10 minutes just to find the video. I have experienced that this is the fastest and most efficient way to do it, and I will let you know. You can see that subtitles are created using just a script like this . Then, if you add the audio dubbing file and background music used in the video , a single piece of content is created. Here , we will explain in more detail how Pictori's unique powerful function creates audio dubbing files . Pictory's amazing feature is called Auto Synsing Voice Over, which analyzes the waves in the audio file and automatically matches subtitles and audio. Previously, because this function did not exist, it took a lot of time to synchronize the video, subtitles, and audio using Premiere Pro or Final Cut, but now, with Pictory's Auto Synsing Voice Over function, we can simply upload. If you tell it to do so, AI will automatically match the subtitles and audio. It takes less than 30 seconds to do this. If we didn't do this, it would have taken more than 10 minutes just to sync, at least according to our editor's standards. There is a lot of background music on YouTube and you can choose from a variety of background music on Pictori, so you can download your own background music here while keeping the YouTube audio, so download and save the BGM and then use it to make your content very active. Until this happens, you can produce content using a single BGM. Another great advantage of Pictory is that it plays the music repeatedly according to the length of the video content and even provides a fade-out effect at the end . Otherwise, in the past, we would just upload a video and unless we were a YouTube editor, we could not adjust the length of the audio video, so the song would not end even after the video ended. If you use this service, You will be able to increase viewer satisfaction through the fade-out effect of the music at the natural ending point . The next service I strongly recommend is KT AI Voice, a voice generation AI service. Actually, this is content that I haven't properly covered on my channel yet, because many people still don't know that my voice is an artificial intelligence voice. hello. I am an ordinary businessman. Some of you may have heard this voice, but there are about 120 mid-phone contents on my channel, and more than 80 of them are contents produced using the artificial intelligence voice created by learning my voice to AI using this KT AI voice . . So, because there are many people who still don't know, I don't directly tell them that I am using this to create content. To that extent, it is like a secret weapon to me. Satisfaction and work speed increased by more than 10 times by generating audio with my voice just by inputting the script. I always had a slight tremor while dubbing audio, so it took a lot of time to re-record the audio, but now there is no tremor at all and the announcer Since I was able to create my own voice, from this point on, my fear of content production began to disappear, and my production speed increased very quickly. To learn your own voice, all you have to do is select one of the several scripts prepared by KT AI Voice that matches the direction you want to go and then read about 30 sentences. However, our neck must be in good condition at this time, right? I recommend doing it when your neck is in good condition rather than when your neck is locked. If you teach the AI ​​learned this way, your AI voice will be created within a day or two after registration, but if you don't like it, you can relearn it once within 7 days. Some people may be very surprised when they hear my voice at first , but I was very surprised. Some people may not be satisfied. What most of these people have in common is that they are generally good at speaking. For people like me who are slightly lacking in speaking skills, if you can read about 30 sentences clearly and confidently, you can create audio content by writing a script with that tension . So, just select the voice created this way and write a script, and you will be able to complete the audio dubbing file created with your voice . If you upload the audio dubbing file created this way to Pictori, one piece of content will be completed. From now on, I will talk about more important things and how we innovatively improved the existing work method by using ChatGPT and AI in operating the YouTube channel. Please give me a round of applause. Because the lecture is a bit long, I 'm afraid there will be some people who doze off, so stretch out a bit and I'll tell you something important from now on, so I would appreciate it if you could listen attentively.
Channel: 평범한 사업가
Views: 80,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI기술, AI로 영상만들기, ai, ai tools, chat gpt, chatgpt, how to use chatgpt, pictory, 구독자1000, 노아ai, 돈버는방법, 생산성, 쇼츠, 수익화, 유튜버, 유튜브, 유튜브 기초, 유튜브 떡상 알고리즘, 유튜브 떡상 팁, 유튜브 성공 전략, 유튜브강의, 유튜브교육, 유튜브구독자, 유튜브떡상 팁, 유튜브성장, 유튜브수익, 유튜브수익창출, 유튜브시작, 유튜브채널성장, 유튜브채널운영, 유튜브채널키우기, 챗 gpt로 돈버는법, 챗GPT 유튜브 영상, 챗gpt, 챗gpt 돈버는법, 챗gpt 수익화, 챗gpt 유튜브 영상 만들기, 챗쥐피티, 챗지피티, 콘텐츠제작
Id: VG_LUbg7r_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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