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[Music] are we together now all through scripture listen there are times when we see through the character of the dealings of scripture and that's one of the importance of scripture right the bible says scripture is profitable so when we study scripture among the many things we get is we understand the character of god's dealings with man we know how god deals with man many times in scripture we see that prophets for instance prophesied as commanded is that true they prophesied as commanded you know that although they played a role in speaking they did not contribute to altering what was communicated there were times when prophets spoke they spoke in their capacity as prophets it was never because god said it they stood upon the strength of their human wills and prophesied is that true the transference of leprosy from what's the name of that man from naman to gehazi it was at the personal discretion of the prophet simply because the guy went and chased naman and said elisha has changed his mind he said you should give some of the money are we together so we now see that in that act at his discretion i'll give you another example when the children were laughing at elijah the bible says by himself he called a bear out and it ate them so we see all through scripture that the wheels of men found expression over certain matters [Music] now there are two dimensions of the will of god because that's our emphasis there are two dimensions of the will of god i want us to discern and i want us to understand and discuss tonight very briefly and then we pray number one is what i call the written will of god the written will of god that means the will of god as expressed in scripture [Music] i told us from the beginning of this discussion that the word logos is translated the thoughts of a man his intention his desire his speakings now look up please the bible is a compendium of god's dealings with man are we together it is the way he has been dealing with man for many years and this bible theologically speaking we are told it contains 66 books you know but of course there are lots of theological perspectives like the apocrypha and other extra biblical texts the books of joshua and the black sea scrolls and all of that there are other books that um the book of enoch and several dealings other books that were written by other apostles like thomas and the rest that did not make it in the 66 books but theologically we accept that by the wisdom of god that this is a compendium of what we call the holy scriptures has given are we together now from genesis to revelation as we know is a recorded a documentation of the dealings of god with man you see the dealings of man within the dealings of god with individuals cities kings backsliders animals people in their the apex of their spiritual life people at the lowest level the the goal is that by studying this among the many other things i receive i can be able to see the synergy of god's character are we together so by my my intimacy with the world i come to a point where experientially i can discern what would have been the dealings of god in this matter based on what he has written is called the written will of god everybody say the written will of god say it again the written will of god it says forever o lord thy word is settled and then he says your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path is that true very very important it says heaven and earth will pass away but not one jot will come out of his word and so we believe that the scriptures are holy they were not written by perfect men but then the bible says holy men wrote it as they were moved of the spirit so regardless of their temperament regardless of the manipulations in translation i don't want to begin to give you all the the church history behind the formation of these 66 books because it's a lot of stories are we together certain editings in this bible as we know were not done by those who wrote it it was done by a class of theologians and different people who translated the bible and made it consumable for us like the king james version being one of the earliest versions the story of king james is a very old story the man who authorized that this be translated purely in english and be communicated to people it's a long story are we together now but then as we know it because there are many people who would argue that these scriptures are not complete and truly speaking when you study the theological dimension of the word you will find out that there are certain translations or communications that were an error of the translators are we together it did not hold the original thoughts of those who are speaking for instance when you read the encounter of john the baptist i mean john the revelator where he says the lord speaking to him i am alpha and omega the word an omega there is an error in translation there is no end it is i am alpha omega but the communication of um the old testament was written in hebrew and the greek test the new testament was largely written in greek and aramaic so that was the communication and sometimes in these translations the men who did the translation themselves um judge certain things based on their spiritual limitations however the holy ghost has been able to breathe upon this such that even with the imperfections it is enough to be able to guide you to understand god are we together so the imperfections in the bible notwithstanding they are not so grave as to confuse a christian is that true now look up please before this book this bible as we know was released to believers because our generation we were born and we grew knowing the bible to be available is that true but that's not the way it was in the old times in ancient times they were not giving you did not go home with a bible the bible as we know were course cross are we together and this cross contained the pentatons the five books of moses called in the hebrew the torah are we together these five books were kept together with the prophets and other writings of these people they were kept and other documents that we call the annuals of the kings the dealings of kings they were kept in the temple the priests were the custodians of this cross because they were precious so what would happen is that it's still practicing the anglican sometimes you see that they have different pulpits and with one there is a big bible that is permanently left there if you are taking the first reading or the second reading you don't come with your own bible you just come and it's open you look for the scripture you read and go back that was the way it was in luke chapter 4 for jesus because the bible says that one time he came to the temple and it was given to him he didn't come with it are we together it was given to him the prophecy of messiahs the messianic prophecy isaiah 61 was a messianic prophecy it was speaking about jesus but then prophetically to the church is god helping us now and so when um jesus began to read that one the bible says he folded the scroll when he finished and kept it back and said this day right is this fulfilled in your ears so the first operation or the first dimension to discerning the will of god is the understanding of the character of god has communicated through scripture that's what i mean by the written will of god the written will of god entails understanding his character not necessarily his unique instructions his character to know how god would have operated over certain matters now listen whether you read the old testament you read the new testament you read the law the prophets the gospels the epistles or the book of revelation it doesn't matter what dimension every book of the bible contains either directly or prophetic representations of god's dealings with man now when i study the bible listen what is happening to me is that i'm bringing my spirit to oneness with the way god does his things are we together that's what we call righteousness there is a gift of righteousness but there is the operation of righteousness where you understand god's ways of doing things are we together then the second dimension of this written word are direct instructions that are written in the bible direct instructions there are certain opinions of god he did not live in the dark it was clearly stated one example there is no body who gets up right now a man wanting to marry a man are we together and then he's trying to pray or find out is it really the will of god for me to marry james or to marry junior or to marry whoever the will of god on that matter was not left in the dark therefore shall a man a what leave his father and mother command and cleave to his are we together and they too shall become one flesh so two men scripturally cannot become one flesh two women cannot become one flesh are we together so you do not attempt to use any other strategy to seek the will of god on that matter the will of god is written is clear it's up to you to align with that will or rebel against it let me tell you something about the will of god as written in scripture god does not necessarily punish people his laws were designed with consequences attached to them so violating those principles expose you by default to certain things it says he that breaks the hedge it is a i will bring a serpent he that breaks the hedge the serpent with what strike bringing all the tights into my storehouse that there may be meat that is my will i want to increase you but this is what i have put and if you refuse you can choose to refuse but the moment you choose rebellion you also choose the consequence that comes with it the devorah so god will never cast the devourer out of x the devorah is roaming around your own assignment is to exempt him from your vicinity but he's there are you getting what i'm saying now the written will of god now let me tell you the truth there are many aspects of our lives where by faithfully studying the bible or being open to quality teachings of the word of god we are brought into an experiential comprehension of the will of god all that we teach that we call the loss of the kingdom are a communication of god's will to prosper us now you may be asking is it god's will for me to prosper you go to the bible right i know the thoughts that i think towards you said who not a prophet the lord thoughts of good and thought of peace to bring you joshua chapter one verse eight this book of the lord shall not depart from out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate during day and night that thou mayest observe to do all that is written hearing then shall down make your way prosperous and thou shalt have good success so is my prosperity left in the hands of god no it left the hands of god's sins he said thou shalt make your way prosperous and thou shalt have good success can i go to heaven poor yes will i live in heaven on earth no are we together now the will of god now let me tell you something every time you desire to know the will of god the first place to find the will of god i know why i'm taking our time to teach this because when i talk about the second dimension then we're going to talk about a lot of other things if there's time there's no time we continue next week the word of god or scripture is the primary instrument for discerning the will of god please write it down scripture is the primary instrument given to men by god to discern the will of god [Music] your chances of working in error are greatly minimized when you consult the bible first as the basis for your comprehension of the will of god concerning a matter i say this because our generation is gradually drifting away from our perception of the will of god as written in scripture to other extra biblical methods and while they are useful they are only secondary and inferior as a matter of fact to the written word of god say the written will of god look up please do you know why many christians are largely confused almost about everything let me admit to you that many christians including preachers don't study their bibles they don't study their bibles if they want to teach on faith they just go online and google faith any material that comes out they just click the scriptures for the teaching but they don't set you down to study the bible not studying the bible will keep you in the dark as regards god's will that has already been written there are so many people years ago when we were a lot fewer before caledonia started um all of us used to participate in holy ghost baptism you know we used to pray for people every night that was how we socialized by getting people filled with the holy spirit and um i remember most times people would come and they would complain and say i wasn't filled i was prayed for in church and i was not filled with the holy spirit the pastor was even angry with me and he said maybe i'm possessed or whatever it is or i should go and come back but that recognition i remember one of the key things god gave me as a revelation was the fact that he desired for everybody to be filled with the holy spirit with evidence of praying in tongues i searched these things scripture after scripture until i came to a point where i was absolutely convinced that everyone should be filled with the holy spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues regardless of denominations and that culminated into a dimension of confidence in me because every time i prayed for people regardless of their hardness i knew and i expected them to be filled you see when the will of god is not known your confidence shakes when the will of god is not known over any matter your confidence shakes [Music] the word of god was given to us as an instrument of discernment to help us understand his perspectives quickly let's look at the second [Music] dimension thank you for watching our entire video today if you feel you can bless someone please join us and spread the gospel by sharing this video on your social media
Channel: Christian House
Views: 23,171
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia 2020, stewards of the mysteries, apostle joshua selman 2020, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, altar of prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman dealing with attacks and challenges, nimmak prayer spiritual warfare, prayer spiritual warfare, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful why you must be prayerful, witchcraft, dealing with witchcraft, Divine Direction, God speaks
Id: x6i-Erb38jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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