The Easiest Way to CORRECTLY Scope Your No Code App

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we're about to go through a ridiculously simple way to scope your no code app correctly so you don't mistakenly build the wrong features at the wrong times and end up launching your app way too late it is no fun to waste time and money in development so get this right from the start so first things first we need to talk about the strategy behind scoping your app so I want you to think about your app as being medicine for a person who has tons of different ailments and symptoms and it's your job to figure out what the minimum effective dose is that will solve their biggest core symptom now this person has lots of different ailments and and health issues and so if you were to try and figure out how to treat every single thing all at once you'd be figuring out or or kind of constructing that medicine for a really long time and during that entire time frame that person would still be struggling with all of their symptoms so it's your job to figure out what is the minimum effective dose that will at least treat their core symptom and then we can get to everything else later on what I see a lot of people doing when they're trying to build the first version of their app their MVP though is they try to address every single problem all at once they think that doing so increases the value of their app right if they just pack it full of features but what you have to understand is that there is value in speed as well the sooner you can get the core solution into a user's hands that minimum effective dose the sooner you can solve their core problem and relieve that symptom but this also provides value for you because providing a sing Le slim down core solution allows you to spend time getting that that minimum effective dose exactly right if you try to add too much too soon it's just going to muddy the waters for you you want to get the core solution perfect and then start addressing the rest of those symptoms okay so that's the first big chunk of the strategy behind how to scope your app correctly but there's another piece to this so instead of just sort of arbitrarily deciding which features to build into your app now versus later you actually want to do this based on the different goals of the launch and growth phases your app will go through so we're going to consider these four stages your pilot stage beta roll out and scale stages and we're going to talk through the goals of each of those stages so with your pilot app the MVP or that very core product what you're looking for is product validation in other words does the core feature set you have come up with solve the core problem like you thought it would have you achieved the minimum effective dose we're not looking to see how well that's done or for how many people or for how many other aspects you're taking into account we're just looking to see has that minimum effective dose been achieved and if so then we move into the Beta stage and the goal here is adoption so can users take that validated product and apply it to real life situations and use it on a recurring basis bis can they adopt the product into their own workflows and processes and use it on their own all right now once you've achieved adoption and you're out of that beta testing stage this is when you start kind of expanding within your broader market right you're out of that initial kind of test group phase and the goal of the what what we're calling the roll out phase is really usage and retention and what we're trying to do here is to take that product that is adoptable and simply make it better right can we make it easier to use can we make it more convenient to use can we make it more enjoyable to use so we have gotten the core product working it's adaptable it can solve a problem on a recurring basis but now can we keep users using it more often right can we increase the usage and therefore increase the user retention now once that happens we can start focusing on scale and the goal of the scale stage is really just to increase the value and the reach so this is where we start looking at building features that really just aren't relevant in these stages because these goals haven't been accomplished or confirmed yet so what does value and reach mean well this really depends on the actual app itself but this is maybe where Community might start being a bigger Focus for some apps or where maybe different user types or different market segments are approached for some apps really again you're just building feat features in that are not necessary for product validation or adoption and they're not even necessary to keep users retained right to keep them on board you're just now expanding your reach now in my experience when you understand these different launch and growth phases that your app will go through and you understand the goals that you're trying to accomplish within each of those scoping your app becomes a lot easier and even a lot more intuitive I promise a ridiculously easy way to scope your app though and here is the simplest way I've found to approach it okay so with your pilot app this is your MVP or that minimum effective dose where you're aiming for product validation all you want to do is make it work okay it's pretty simple just make it work and from there when you're moving into your beta stage and a for adoption you want to make it work consistently and then as you head into that roll out stage where you are increasing usage and retention you want to make it work consistently better from there heading into scale where you are increasing the value and reach you want to make it work consistently better for more people all right so make it work make it work consistently make it work consistently better make it work consistently better for more people that is the simplest and most straightforward way to intuitively divide gu up the features of your app and build them all at the right time all right I hope this was helpful and if it was I actually have a free training and template you can use that will help you take this many layers deeper so this is called the perfect pilot and this is kind of like an introductory version of one of the first steps we take with our own clients when we're helping them scope their apps but you can actually make a copy of this template and it's going to walk you through how to scope out the first version of your app as you can see there's instructions all throughout um tips to help make it a lot easier for you there's even a scoring system to make sure that you are actually including the exact right features at the right time so I recommend heading over to coaching noode forward SL perfect hyen pilot if you think something like this would be helpful for you as well it's completely complely free to make a copy of and just use it to strategically scope out your app it's such an important process that really lays the foundation for the rest of your app's development and its success overall so head to that link grab a copy but again I hope this was helpful and we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Coaching No Code Apps
Views: 787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no code, scope, scoping, app scope, moscow, moscow matrix, lean startup, no code mvp, how to scope an app, app founder, first time founder, app entrepreneur, app strategy, scoping strategy, no code app, no code founder
Id: XCZMv0NpNs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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