Why I Collected 1,000,000 Items in Survival Minecraft...

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1 million subscribers a literal dream come true so let's celebrate by collecting 1 million items in survival Minecraft while using a variety of different game breaking machines and let's see if we can do all of this in 10 hours I mean it can't be that hard right so I think the first question to ask is probably what is the easiest and quickest block to mind before we move on to the machines let's first just do the oldfashioned mining blocks technique and there is our first Shuler failed um we've got a few more still to go to be honest Not only was that mining method not very quick but it also wasn't very fun so the second method I have actually takes use of the fact that we are on a server this is not a hardcore world we are on the alcast smpp which means there are tons of other players that I can and steal from Hello storage system yeah that's right I'm a dirty dirty dog and I am willing to do whatever it takes to get all 1 million of these items even if it requires breaking some of the server strictest rules oh miles even has some farms in his base that I'm sure we can steal from lul L thank you very much Cobblestone farm and I mean just like that we have filled up three more shers honestly that was quicker than the mining let's do that just a few more times don't worry nothing to see here miles apart from a big fat subscribe button I'm so sorry boom boom and boom we now have seven Shuler boxes full out of uh out of a lot more Shuler boxes we have so many Sher boxes to fill it's becoming pretty clear that these manual methods we're doing aren't going to get us very far I mean I even tried a new method of obtaining the items yo W you got the stuff man got the stuff I got the goods I got the goods oh yeah oh yeah that's yeah fun fact we're supposed to have 100,000 items by now um we don't have anywhere near that amount so we clearly need to try and do something different and unthinking that one of the big problems we have is that all of the methods we've come up with so far require us to be actively performing a task meaning we don't have any items being collected in the background while that's happening thankfully because I'm a genius and handsome and smart so my mother tells me I think I know of a little machine that could help us fill up some of these chests at the back I should have all the materials we need for this machine so uh instead of showing you me getting those I'll show you a cute picture of a [Music] cat look at that guy uh let's see can I remember how to do this piston slime what am I doing wrong wait I'm an idiot I I wasn't using a sticky piston oh yes looks like we finally have some items generated I wonder how many we'll be able to get with this machine in just 5 minutes also since we're trying to get 1 million items to celebrate us hitting 1 million subscribers together throughout this project I'm going to be having a heart-to- heart with you guys about my journey up until this point which will include topics such as how has YouTube improved my life has YouTube made my life worse when is the Frog party happening and even serious topics like why I almost quit YouTube for good if you enjoy YouTube or want to be a YouTuber yourself one day I really recommend you listen to what I have to say the big problem with this machine is that we still have to fill all of the chests in ourselves so let's create a little system that puts them into the chests for us hopefully this isn't going to end up crashing the server or anything cuz it is a lot of items so while that's at work creating a bunch of items for us and adding them to our shers an idea I had that we can use to get tons and tons of of items is by going to unused Farms since no one's really going to need these items anymore we should just be able to take them for free and we'll start with the raid Farm which is a farm that was built right at the very start of This Server it's usually got absolutely tons of emeralds and stuff that we should just be able to use and add to the system uh at least I hope there's some left that would be really bad if there isn't [Music] oh yep um I think it's fair to say that the raid Farm should provide us with quite a lot of items oh oh I was just trying to come up and look at this cute little guy who's holding a lovely Little wzo Flower there we go I also had to start resorting to Red Stone and glow stone that was left in these chests but that's the first Farm raided ooh random potato farm we can definitely steal some items from here but no the second Farm I had the idea of visiting is the concrete duplicate which I think might be the most used farm ever on this server and there's just a massive storage system of concrete lying around that hasn't been touched in ages this is definitely the uh most colorful uh selection of boxes boom boom boom and boom that's actually some pretty good progress made with the raid farm and the concrete duplicator oh wait why are you not going you're supposed to be running get back to work you better have filled these all up by the time I go to my final Farm which also happens to be the biggest farm on the server and maybe one of the biggest farms ever which is jaren's Cobblestone Factory because he made a whole video about crashing the server with this Farm which means it probably produced a lot of items now while running around aimlessly trying to look for this Cobblestone Factory yep that's right I have no idea where Jaren built this thing I definitely got some flashbacks of the first time I ever joined an smpp I mean I was just running around like a complete idiot surrounded by tons of bloodthirsty players who were all way way better than me it's fair to say that I didn't last very long oh hello ah yes uh this very weird and strange and slightly Psychopathic looking thing is jiren's Cobblestone Factory uh where can I find the storage system but this SMP that I had joined was also the place where I made my first video hit my first 1,000 subscribers and most importantly where I met my first ever YouTube Friends many of who I still talk to to this day little did I know though that these first 1,000 subscribers with the start of something much bigger and also the start of something that took over my entire life not in a good way ah and here is his story storage room with with nothing in it this once impressive Farm is now just a pathetic load of nothing thanks Jaren thanks for nothing mate well putting my anger aside we need to start approaching this with a new strategy because this amount of greens um just is not enough compared to this amount of Reds but look how much work our carpet machine has been making while we've been away wait all of these are completely full already and we didn't even have to do anything really I mean it's a slow start for sure but it's definitely faster than doing this manually but even though this carpet machine is fast do we have access to anything that could be faster since we are currently very very very very very behind schedule you could you be any faster for those that don't know this is my infinite rail duplicator look how many items this thing's create we could potentially use this o I also wonder if we could use these little things they may not look like much just now but what they actually are is infinite string duplicators as you can see very easy and would allow us to get items super quick I also have one final machine I want to quickly check out just over here which I'm pretty certain is going to be much faster than the rail and string duplicators and I mean speaking of things getting better after creating YouTube videos for a while now on YouTube I eventually got recruited to a big SMP called awaken which is where I created my first ever blowup video and began gaining a ton of traction I managed to finally get my channel monetized so I could stop doing my old job and focus 100% of my attention on YouTube just like I'm trying to focus 100% of my attention on this stupid project I can't find this machine anywhere where is it and after a total of 14 videos posted on the channel we managed to hit 100,000 subscribers something I never thought would actually happen but I was having so much fun with YouTube at this time and to be honest I thought things would kind of stop there at 100K subscribers I really didn't think the channel would get much bigger I was very wrong yeah the only other thing I can think of is this little machine which basically just duplicates tons of these and it does do it insanely quick but since this machine requires bone meal to even function I don't think it's going to work in fact to be honest I actually think that the trusty carpet duplicator is still going to be the best method for getting all of these items I just think we need to start building a crazy Factory of these machines okay I might have come up with a little system basically when I flick this lever all of the carpets should start duplicating and then going down this stream and into the Shuler boxes and there we go now the carpets are coming flying in let's see yep I can already see these being added to the Hoppers think our plan is working um probably so while we're duplicating infinite items and slowly filling up the Shuler boxes for a while after hitting 100K I was doing super well with very few problems at all I mean we ended up hitting trending for the first ever time and I posted the most popular video I've ever made so everything was going well yep yep yep yep yep still producing carpets oh and to make things even better we met our now best friend Clyde who is of course the whole reason I came up with the Frog party idea a place where you guys and I would celebrate all that we've accomplished and worship our favorite orange friend now the plans since then have changed a little but everything is going to be even cooler now since I've discovered a way that means we can all play in the same world together and Host this frog party once and for all but I can't tell you any more about that just yet that will ruin all the surprises I have in store for this so if you want to find out more join my all new Discord server where I'll be filling you guys in on any frog party related news oh and you can also use our new Clyde emojis too join now Link in the pinned comments but anyways even with the YouTube channel going super well and being able to look after this awesome guy behind what you could see in the videos there were some pretty serious problems beginning to develop wait what what oh no no oh they're not why aren't they filling up where's all the carpet going I don't understand the like the shulkers aren't really filling up at all okay yeah this whole little like system I've got going just really isn't working at all okay I'm going to try another design here and I sure as heck hope it goes a lot better than the last one what why do you guys just constantly come over here what oh my God he's bought all his friends now guys now we don't have to get by look you've you've you've only gone and done that to yourselves haven't you the new version of the machine is nearly finished though and I really wonder how many items we'll be able to get with this but in the meantime even though we were getting closer and closer to 1 million subscribers to be fully transparent with with you guys there were some issues going on in my own head that were making it really hard to create these videos that I love more carpets make more carpets for quite a while you can see on my channel that the videos were being uploaded longer and longer apart which on its own was not caused by an issue since the videos really did just take that long to make but because each video was being uploaded months and months apart the pressure for each video to have to be better than the last just became too much and my personal life seriously began taking a hit okay first version of the machine made the items get duplicated over here and this mine cart essentially goes around picks them all up and drops them off in these Hoppers now we basically just need to recreate this for all of the Shuler boxes the big problem was that I let YouTube consume my entire life which in turn meant that I lost contact with a lot of my real life friends and at times began to feel feel almost trapped and lonely after all it really felt that if I ever wasn't working the channel was just going to completely die and I wouldn't be able to make the videos I love anymore okay all machines made we do need to turn these bad boys on I hope generating this many items isn't going to completely destroy the server as you can imagine YouTube gradually felt less and less fun to me and even when I did start to upload more I was still in the constant mindset that everything had to be perfect and anything less than perfect was not good enough and just a complete failure it feels super weird to tell you guys about this because in comparison to the issues that so many people have to go through my silly little problems with my silly little videos it really is nothing I like I I can't stress enough how insanely lucky uh I am to even be able to make videos for you guys it truly is an honor I really want to be more honest and open with all of you and I think it would be a lie if I just pretended that everything went perfectly with 1 million subscribers just over the horizon though it was clear that something had to change after all YouTube is something I want to be doing for decades hey what are you doing stealing my carpet give that back some people have no respect these days okay this method's working really well I'm filling them in with this little like storage system I created uh just over here it's um pretty messy by the way we are now filling in these chests and getting closer and closer to hitting that one mil Mark so I think we just need to keep grinding this and hopefully we can do it in time hopefully okay these are filling up really quick you can kind of see that um yeah look there's like 900 even in the very end shers which means we technically are on track to do this um just go hope we don't mess anything up so let's keep going uh it's probably pretty hard to see right now but look how many of the Sher boxes are becoming green we are making excellent progress oh my God they're back they're back again you guys are the worst man I am so glad we are finally getting all of these Shuler boxes and getting closer and closer to hitting 1 million items and obviously going back to the mindset I had with YouTube where I thought that one bad video would kill the entire channel was not a healthy mindset to have so I began reaching out to many of my friends that I had made over this YouTube Journey as well as some of my real life friends and family to try and get perspective and opinions on the issues I was experiencing this was hands down the best decision I could have ever made oh wait I think wait hang on uh oh God I might need to turn these off soon by the looks of it I think we filled all of these shulkers up oh my God it's it's looking they're all fo I can't possibly summarize what everyone said to me because I was just given so much amazing advice I came out of these conversations with a fresh outlook on everything online and in real life at the start of this year we took on a project about building the most secure Tower which happened to be the most fun I've ever had making a video it had so many funny and stupid moments and I loved editing every single one of those all of my recent videos since then have also been miles more fun to create and in the recent video we even took on our first ever non SMP project which is what finally managed to push us to that one million subscribers [Music] Mark it's hard to really put it into words because it all happened so fast but the only way I can think to describe it is a dream come true and it's all because of you but yeah it really is looking like under all of the Rails it's just just completely full shulker boxes I'm super excited to see how many we filled up uh okay we might be breaking the server I don't know what that was all about 1.7k by the way if you can tell is the max items that can fit in a Shuler box and all of these are 1.7k we are going to crush 1 million items even while placing these green Shuler boxes I've still got these things pumping away so we can fill up the empty Shuler boxes and a lot of these red runs are also already full like there's so many that I need to put as green this is going to be super satisfying when we finally done all of these and there's no red to be [Music] seen get out of [Music] here oh my God these guys are just walking over it what are you doing I mean at least we've not got many more red Sher boxes to fill I can tell you all of my plans for the future of this channel because I have so many ideas so instead I'm just going to give you some of the main things to look forward to firstly more frequent uploads I'll be trying my absolute best to create as much content as possible for you guys you can also expect a new place where we can all play Minecraft together which is something I am so excited to show off to you guys and then of course the Frog party it will happen and when it does it will be unlike anything you've seen before you are all going to be seeing a lot more experimentation with the videos I create and you are all going to be seeing more and more about the real wzo my goal is to be having as much fun as possible with these videos but I am going to allow myself to slow down take a breather and appreciate life outside of YouTube more because that's something that I need to do for my own well-being I love you guys because it's you who's managed to make my dreams come true and I'll never be able to thank you all enough for that I mean look at this we only have these Shuler boxes left every single one of these is full like literally every single one it is all blue carpet uh we kind of stopped getting so inventive with it once we discovered these things so let's quickly finish what we started and let's pick up the last of this carpet to fill in the final show box boom make you green and we are done with this stupid challenge I think it's fair to say that we now have the largest collection of blue carpet ever that's right carpet Superstores I am coming for you but even though this really was just a little fun challenge to kind of celebrate 1 million subscribers I just want to say one final thank you you guys have literally made my dreams come true and it's really weird to think it's something this actually happened so from both me and Clyde thank you I be you need take screen that oh hooray yeah o we're so PR of you
Channel: Wenzo
Views: 129,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft smp, dream smp, smp, minecraft, demisesmp, clownpierce, dream, 100 days, minecraft hardcore, minecraft curios, tommyinnit, beating minecraft, village, lifesteal, lifesteal smp, wenzo, minecraft revenge, minecraft friends revenge, minecraft revenge gameplay, minecraft hardcore revenge, minecraft royale, minecraft 100 players, hermitcraft, minecraft prison, minecraft trapped, 1000000 items, 1000000, 1 million, a million, 1 million items, every item, all items, every minecraft
Id: LdyxbmqrPoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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