Introducing A New Character, Campaign Diary 04

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I'm not convinced this is the most vitamin-rich video and therefore maybe not worth sharing, but I have noticed that one of the best ways to hook people into playing D&D is telling stories about what happened at the table. I know a lot of folks I went to college with would hear these after-action reports and be SUPER CURIOUS all of a sudden about what D&D was.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/mattcolville 📅︎︎ May 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

Yay! God, I love this guys videos.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Quote_Poop 📅︎︎ May 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

I hadn't heard it before, but I really like the analogy of the guiding the "ship" of the game vs picking-up-and-dropping.

It's a straightforward and understandable situation to explain the roll of the DM to new players.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GrammaChachi 📅︎︎ May 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

My DM told me that my character was going to die and to make a new one. She introduced it as an NPC for a full session. She controlled it and the party interacted with him, maybe 4 or 5 times during the entire 7 hour session. My character died at the end of the session, I had to create a new character before the next session. My new character was the already introduced and everyone was shocked and surprised. It was great. Our DM likes to introduce new DM characters from time to time, so they can die instead of us sometimes.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/emeraldrumm 📅︎︎ May 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for sharing! I had never heard of Matthew Colville. LOVE the videos.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kmccusker 📅︎︎ May 07 2016 🗫︎ replies
everybody Matt Koval here so we played D&D last week and for those of you who have been following my campaign we're gonna talk about what happened and pick up the story but those of you who don't follow my campaign I think this is going to be an interesting video if only for the first subject which is introducing new characters because the person happened in the campaign since the last time we met was my friend Phil after having gotten his character executed kind of in a narrative moment he made a new character he made a warlock named graves and he wrote a really cool backstory for it I may include it I'll ask him for permission but if I eventually get permission from him I'll include it in the doobly-doo down below and he really made an effort and did a really great job to tie his character in with all the stuff going on in the world so it's relevant to him so that makes him different than a lot of characters that are playing in the thursday night group is that they're kind of a band of mercenaries and they're doing the right thing sort of out of inertia but they haven't really experienced a moment of crisis that forces them to make a decision about if they're going to be good or evil stay tuned in other words they're doing the right thing because it's the adventure in front of them and it's the most reasonable thing to do but there is a sense at least on my part that some of these characters are more morally ambiguous and they're just going along with it for why not so Phil creates this new character he's a warlock named graves and one of the cool things about warlocks at least his warlock is that he can communicate telepathically which is something I'm not sure I was aware of I haven't really played D&D five that much I've only run it and that's an important point because my players often ask me questions about how their character works about how their abilities work and I have to shrug and say I don't know it's your character you're the expert on Ranger or paladin or in Phil's case of warlock and I think there is a tendency on the players part to look to the DM and tell them how does this work help me out but the DM has enough stuff to do I do kind of know how it works or I could guess how it works based on the other things I know but I want to break the habit of the players asking me how their stuff works it's one thing to ask how a magic item works for instance because I'm the DM and I know how that works or to ask how a monsters ability works because I'm the DM and I have the stats for that but if it's a spell or class ability or a race ability that's your job that's the players job get the players in the habit of looking that stuff up so Phil's character Graves has telepathy and I'm like that's super cool how does it work and he explains it to me only the player with telepathy can initiate contact if you don't have telepathy you can't make any phone calls you can only answer the phone when it rings and the interesting thing about the is that it does not require the two characters to share a language which means if you've been paying attention Phil could communicate with the Dryad that the players met in the earlier adventure that may have had some interesting information for them but wasn't able to deliver it because the players didn't speak still them so the players have learned that the bad guys are holed up inside broken spire keeper and they suspect that some of the people they're looking for some of the Wizards and spell casters that have been taken hostage are inside broken spire cube and they also have reason to believe that even if they're not in there if they've been taken below that the bad guys inside broken spire keep have the other key they need to go into the Underdark so they have a couple of reasons to investigate this keep and the party is on their way there and phil has come up with good reasons for his character to be going after the bad guys in broken spire key graves was a member of an adventuring party they were ambushed by these orcs the orcs took everybody captive but graves was knocked unconscious and left behind thought four dead and when he wakes up he's in the middle of a swamp he doesn't know anybody is and he's been tracking the orcs back to their keep and I got together with Phil before the game and I role played for about an hour his character making it through the forest arriving it to keep what do you do he wanted to investigate there was a sense of I want to get some information I want to learn some stuff but I don't want to get in over my head because I am alone so broken spire keep is surrounded by a hundred-foot clearing in every direction and one of the things that Phil didn't know was that if you cross that clearing there's about a 50% chance you're gonna hit a pit trap now obviously if you're searching you'll find it this is one of the reasons back in the players handbook in the 80s they had a ten-foot pole it wasn't because they expected you to do any pole vaulting it's because you were expected to use it to tap the ground in front of you or tap the ceiling to see if there were any pit traps or any you know traps that were gonna spring on you and try to cut off your head but these players are from a more modern tradition where they don't use ten-foot poles for stuff like that Phil just goes invisible and thinks that's enough to get him safely across the clearing the orcs won't be able to see him true but pit traps don't care if you're invisible or not so I said there was a 50% chance actually the adventurer says there's a 50% chance you're gonna encounter one of these things on the way across the clearing and I rolled and there was a pit trap and he fell into it and he took some damage from falling and I think maybe there was some spikes down there I don't remember but he was able to climb his way up no problem I didn't really want that to turn into anything I just wanted to show him there are pit traps around here you have figured that out and now Phil has that information and when he meets up with the heroes and they're talking about assaulting the keith's he can convey to them hey there pit traps around here watch out so he falls into a pit trap he gets out he tries to climb the walls the KP discovers that the walls are climb abut he's a bad climber so he retreats and he goes back into the forest any weights he wants to watch and see are there patrols there are what is the nature of the patrols they have hellhounds orcs and hellhounds bad news now the adventure I bought has no hellhounds in it but also the adventure I bought has no orcs in it it's a bandit lair but the players have already fought humans and bandits and I want to mix it up so I made it orcs and because the players have also already fought a couple of orcs I want it mixed that up a little bit so I gave them some hellhounds I mean I could have given them more dogs or dire wolves but hellhounds are cool and even though hellhounds are nasty I have the power behind the screen to kind of adjust them to make them level appropriate so Graves is sitting there hiding in the forest and then he notices this party of adventurers show up and he watches them for a little while and then he decides to make contact and here we arrive at the lesson of my last D&D session Phil is a artist and he's an adult and so he thought this was an interesting opportunity to create some drama he just pitched a cool scene in his head where this warlock with a telepathy makes mental contact with the heroes and they wonder what the hell's going on what is that voice I hear in my head is that the bad guys and then he arrives and they're like wow it's a warlock who is this guy what does he want is he a good guy is he a bad guy now that scene that Phil imagined down which i think is cool only makes sense if it's a story if this were real there are lots of reasons why these characters would try to kill that guy as soon as I saw him they would suspect you as a bad guy they were waiting for a patrol to show up anyway in addition to telepathy which is cool he also has an owl familiar named mojo and so he thought it would be cool to this owl sort of lights up on a branch and all of a sudden the players hear this voice in their head and they start wondering what's going on all this is just an opportunity for a dramatic introduction to this cool character but the players I think were somewhat immature they quickly got impatient with the drama I think maybe they thought it awkward Phil was speaking in character and most of these players are new to D&D and they're not really comfortable speaking in character so for instance when the players see this owl on the branch they start talking about shooting and killing it I'm sure that they could come up with good reasons why their characters wouldn't trust the owl and they would think was an evil wizard familiar and when they hear the voice in their head they would be suspicious there are good reasons to do that but they don't further drama and they are sitting at the same table with Phil playing graves they know it's him trying to introduce character and what I should have done was I should have stopped and said guys this is Phil trying to introduce his new character it's just a dramatic moment play along let him have this dramatic moment he's about to join the team let it be cool I think often as Dungeon Master's we don't say things because we don't want to interrupt the flow and we don't to tell the players what to do but if we do say the right thing and the right way the players will be like okay that's cool and this is one of those instances I know these guys I'm a hundred percent certain if I had just said guys let Phil introduce let's come up with a cool way let's make this a cool scene let's make this a memorable introduction for graves the players wanna play it along but I didn't say that and so afterwards Phil was kind of frustrated he told me he said I really thought I had a cool introduction there and it didn't happen I don't think he blamed me but I blame me right on the dungeon master I have more power at the table than the other players I can guide things right the ship of the game is going in a certain direction yes and has inertia but as the dungeon master it's my job to blow on the sails to steer it into the ports that I think it belongs in I don't just want to pick the ship up and drop it where I think it needs to go I want to get there on its own so I just want to blow on the sails a little bit and this was one of the opportunities to do that and I didn't do it and part of me also was wanting the same thing the other players wanted which was to get to the action enough of the blob well I want to kill stuff but actually I like the blah blah too and so as the dungeon master it's my opportunity to encourage that I should have done it I didn't so lesson learned when one of the players has a cool moment that you believe in encourage the other players to play along literally use that language say come on guys let's play along so that's the lesson from this video character introductions if you want to now now that's fine but for those of you who've been following the campaign and one know what happens next there was a patrol and or cannon hellhound and the Patrol found these guys and they were kind of they weren't surprised and the patrol wasn't surprised so a battle broke out I used the chart on the DM screen to determine the starting distance of the encounter and one of the first things that happened was the hellhound called out to alert the keep that there are intruders at the gates basically that but with hellhounds and I made a point to say that the hellhounds that the sound it made was not a normal organic sound I wanted it to sound almost like a special-effects from a movie like yeah like that so the players know the keep is alerted and as a result the Patrol has already succeeded even though combat hasn't started they dispatch the patrol easily but the hellhound does breathe fire so the players are like wow hellhounds bad news they retreat the rest they come back now there are two patrols and Phil came up with a really cool idea he had his al mojo fly around the keep at any time he found a patrol he would stop and circle around it and then move on to the next one so the players knew in advance there were two patrols that became super useful to them the hellhounds get their call off which means the keep is alerted again but now they've dispatched three or four orcs and three or four hellhounds and I am keeping track of how many orcs and how many hellhounds are in the keep which they know so they know they've depleted the orcs resources a little bit but that's the end of that that orcs are now like we are under siege normal patrols everybody on high alert and the players know that the orcs are on high alert so they start wondering okay what are we gonna do we need to get in there they decamp once again they rest up they come back they know the orcs are waiting for them and they come up with a plan Zach playing eeeh Gousha the druid can turn into a tiny insect like a spider he's done that before he can do it twice per day it lasts an hour each time meanwhile mojo the owl can drop him off anywhere in the Cape he wants so he pitches this idea let me go in there and Scout the key I can move undetected they won't suspect a spider I can go into every room and tell you where all the bad guys are if they have captives where the captives are I think this is a great idea and I tell them that these are new players so I want to make sure they understand what I think about their plans so this was super cool I enjoyed doing this quite a lot I've done stuff like this before and it's always fun Zach and I got together at lunch we work together it makes it easy and we got together in the conference room and I put up the DM screen it was just him and me and he had a piece of graph paper and I started describing the key now normally what I do because it's all the players at the table is I take a piece of graph paper and I draw the entrance of the dungeon or the key for the tower or whatever and I asked them what they're going to do and as they explore I fill in their map and then I hand the map back to them and they look at it and study it and try to figure out what are we going to do that's the technique I developed over the last thirty years such as makes everything go in an incredibly straightforward manner because when all the players are involved I don't really think there's any advantage in worrying about like getting lost or anything like that but this was a special situation where it was just one player on his own and he was inspired form he wasn't able to take notes or anything like that so I described everything just using natural language and it was up to Zach to draw his own map and I explained that to him I explained this is a cool opportunity for us to roleplay the act of you exploring this keep and you're gonna have to take your own notes based purely on my description and I told him your notes may end up being inaccurate but that represents the difference between what you remember as a spider and the reality so i front-loaded the idea that there could be discrepancies between his map and the real map and that that was kind of neat because it represented his faulty memory and perception and he liked that he thought that was dramatic and cool so we went for it so he spent we did it all through lunch and then we did it before the session in the next week so it was probably an hour and a half of him exploring both levels of the key on the top level he found a bunch of orcs he also found a big feasting hall he found the kennels they keep the hellhounds in and the first room he entered he found it was a large room and in that room was a makeshift cage basically like a kennel but for humans and in that cage was a young boy that was the only description I gave him and he didn't inquire any further this is an important point stay tuned although we may not get to why that's an important point until the next time we play so he found one room on the top level that has one prisoner in a fund a bunch of works he found the hellhounds he found an ogre and that's important the players had seen the ogre in the courtyard of the keep through the Owls eyes graves can see through his familiars eyes which is super cool so they knew there was an ogre in the courtyard I described him as being smaller than Hill Drive but bigger than an orc and they're like what is that they literally had not thought of an ogre and now zach has found the ogre he's like oh this is that thing he's like yeah smaller than a hill giant bigger than an orc I get it so he's taking all these notes and he finds these stairs down he maps out the lower level to the best of his ability and at this point starts to get a little bit abstract just because he is running out of graph paper so he starts to mark things as there's a bunch of rooms here they're all alike there were a couple of doors it looks like it's just a wizard's study and he finds the other prisoners that are down here he finds two dwarves and a dragon born he finds an orc guard and the hellhound down here but he doesn't find some of the stuff he's looking for like he knows that there's a passage from here down into the Underdark he knows that there is an ork leader here named Bonebreaker Dora Corre I think of Bonebreaker as being like chieftain it's a title I wanted to convey to Zak the player that there were secret doors that he was missing and so right as he's kind of reaching the end of the dungeon and there's no more place to explore he's starting to wonder where are the other things that I was looking for I described how he retraces his steps and turns a corner he had already explored and he sees a halfling thief moving from one room to the stairs up and I said that thief was not in that room when you walked past it the first time so the idea is there's a secret drawer around here somewhere the halfling thief along with one of the dwarves he found prisoner are members of graves as early party although there's something interesting about that halfling thief that i'm not going to tell you and I haven't told Zack and the players aren't going to find out until the next video like this so Zack returns to the players and he shows them his map which I'm going to show you right now so here on the right is the actual map of broken spire keep and here on the left is Zacks map which he made purely by following my instructions my descriptions were purely in terms of the dimensions of the room it's 30 feet north-south it's 40 feet east-west there's a door in the northeast corner right he did a pretty good job it was actually really cool it was impressive and I don't think apart from not finding secret doors I don't think he screwed anything up so he returns to the players and they start concocting a plan of how to get in there is a spire it is broken and the orcs are using it as a watchtower there was always an orc up there and there's a bell up there in the orc rings the bell if he sees anything interesting and unlike a normal spire that has a roof on it this is a broken spire and as a result the orc can kind of just look around he's standing on a platform basically a raised platform it's got a broken wall that provides some cover but there's a big open part and he can walk around the entire thing and using the arrow slits that are up there and the missing wall he has a 360 degree view of the area that makes it very difficult for anyone to cross the hundred feet of clearing that are all around to keep without him noticing so this becomes their point of entry there's a trap door that leads to the stairs down those stairs down go all the way from the top level down to the middle level down to the bottom level here's a diagram they made this is Zacks diagram of the three-dimensional view of the tower there's an orc up there and they have an idea Graves has a wand of binding if he zaps the orc with it the orc will be frozen in place and they can take him out they can scale the tower there's nothing the orc can do about this prompts a question and one I don't know the answer to it first which is if you cast a spell as somebody do they know and I'm like you know what I don't know let's look it up we were able to find the answer and the answer was unless there's an obvious visual component to the spell often no you don't know so I ruled I thought reasonably that the orc won't know if he fails his save against the wand of binding so their plan was graves is gonna cast invisibility on himself he's gonna take the one-two binding he's gonna go out into the clearing he's gonna wait for the orc to come to the edge of the platform he's gonna zap the orc with the wand of binding he's gonna hope the Orca fails to save and then he's gonna signal to the party they're all going to climb up the tower they're gonna take out the incapacitated orc and go down great plan would totally have worked if not every single role went against the players well not every single role like the first in happened was he crossed the clearing again and I had to remind him I even asked him how are you crossing the clearing he's like well I'm invisible I just walk out there the reason I asked that was cuz I wanted to give him the opportunity to remember the pit traps without telling him about the pit traps but it had been a week since that introduction and fighting with all the orc patrols so naturally Phil had forgot about it I tried to remind him but the reminder didn't work so I told him to roll and he happened to roll well so he didn't fall into another pit trap that was the one role that went in their favor phil was very careful he said I want to make sure I have line of sight on the orc but then I want to wait for the orc to turn around to continue his patrol before I zap him with the wand why because zapping him with the wand will make graves visible and he doesn't want the orc to be looking at him when that happens so I described yeah of course the orc is on Patrol he looks this way he looks around he stops he thinks he turns back to you and Phil says I zapped him and of course the orc makes his saving throw and now Phil is visible and thanks poop so he immediately casts invisibility again that's bad news because Phil only has two second-level spells and he just burned the second one which means everything that happens from this point forward happens without the party having their warlocks second level spells but that's okay Phil's at least invisible again he waits for the orc to come back out turn his back to him and he uses the wand of binding to cast whole person again and of course the orc makes his saving throw again and now Phil is visible and cannot cast invisibility again so he goes up and runs up to the wall of the keep and presses himself up against it because he doesn't want the orc above him to see him and of course the other players are all in the forest watching this and they see him they're like right they can't make any noise the orc is still on patrol is telepathy only go 60 feet so we can't communicate with them phil has to solve this problem on his own which he did he used his telepathy and waited until he could see the orc come over to make his survey of the area and now he sees the orc and the orc doesn't see him I had Phil make a stealth roll I had the orc make a perception check orcs are not great at perception I rolled all these rolls in front of the players by the way so there's verisimilitude what happens graves can see the orc so graves uses his telepathy graves can also speak orcish and I said all right Phil what are you gonna say to the orc now field cannot consult the other players because they're in the forest on the other side of the clearing his deputies doesn't reach all the way out there he has to come up with this on his own and he says in my best orcish accent I'm going to tell the orc that Bonebreaker Dora core requires his presence immediately I thought that's a pretty good idea I don't think anything like that should just be automatic but I thought it was a good idea I wanted him to succeed he had telepathy which was really cool and impressive and he knew orcish and was doing his best orcish accent so I said make a persuasion check with advantage I think that's a perfect opportunity for advantage I don't even think he needed advantage though his first role was like an 18 and he's a warlock with high charisma so I think he beat her 20 so I had a lot of fun role-playing the orc dropping his axe and saying drums commands I must obey actually I had fun doing it right then to the orc immediately opens up the trap door that leads downstairs and he runs downstairs leaving the trap door open now graves looks into the forest where he knows his party is he goes and of course they run across the field led by the Ranger who said I follow graves his footsteps so we do not fall into a pit trap well done Matt Albert now all the players have to do is scale the tower how hard can it be well if they could ever roll higher than a 7 it would be really easy and there's a bit of a Keystone Cops moment which when I referenced none of the players knew what I was talking about I think Phil did cuz he's old like I am where the thief tried to scale it it's a simple athletics check but again I don't think our thief Pendleton played by Paul has ever rolled higher than about an 11 in the entire campaign he has never rolled 220 and we've been playing every week for three or four months now so he tries to scale the tower falls on his butt takes a d6 damage and the orc player says well I've got a grappling hook and everyone's like you've got a grappling hook why didn't you tell us that I said you want to use a grappling hook and EJ playing his orc fighter said yeah sure I said ok make a ranged attack role against an armored class of 10 he still has to be able to get the thing up there it should be pretty straightforward it's not hard to hit as long as you can roll higher than a 7 which AJ did not do so the grappling hook just like falls on his head I didn't have it do any damage but I wanted to be a comedic moment right like everything has gone wrong so of course I want to make that a little comedic moment so the Ranger says give me that so the Ranger with a high dexterity manages to throw the grappling hook up there easily get an anchor point and the entire party can now climb the rope and get into the tower so there's two floors to this there's a ground floor in the dungeon below and the stairs go all the way down to the dungeon so the players go down there and they effortlessly make their way to the jail cell with the prisoners or help and at this point I'm busting out my dungeon tiles look I'll show a picture of them right here I love these tiles we'll do a whole of the video on getting on the grid and we'll talk about the tiles I use I have actually lots of different grid based solutions and I deploy them in different circumstances some are expensive some are cheap the players get to the jail cell there's a guard as a whole hound they manage to kill the guard and the hellhound and they rescue these three prisoners and they spend the next ten or 20 minutes talking to these prisoners and some cool stuff happens like for instance one of the players EJ I think doesn't have a good hook into the world he's kind of flying by the seat of his pants he's basically playing a mercenary he has recovered and is using the shield of and room the shield mandrim is an interesting artifact it's a powerful shield but it's also a symbol of authority because it's this ancient famous shield it kind of lends nobility and legitimacy to whoever holds it and so the Dragonborn paladin's they've rescued seized this party sort of led by this fighter half-orc who has this shield the Dragonborn asks him about the shield and confirms he's like you risked your life to come here and rescue us actually I role played it I like doing the my own dragon born voice you risked your life to save us right through these big like reptilian dragon guys I imagine with big crocodile heads this Dragonborn gets down on one knee and says I pledge myself to your service if my life or death may aid you it is yours love playing dragon born and ejs like all right I got a follower he was super excited I'm actually really looking forward to role-playing this character with his new like patron his Lord right this is a knight this is a lawful good dragon born paladin and he is now in service and I think that's perfectly cool the fact that EJ's character nicodemus the half-orc is not a traditionally good character doesn't matter to a knight a knight doesn't care if his noble Lord is good only that he is noble and the fact that this character has risked his life to come and save him and bears the shield of and room from this dragon morons point of view that's noble enough so that's a cool moment one of the dwarves is a member of graves his party so there's this great moment where they're reunited I was a lot of fun to roleplay and there's this other dwarf who knows things about the bargain the dwarves have made with the overlord and how it has been subverted right politics so all sorts of cool stuff is happening with these NPCs and after about 20 minutes are half an hour role-playing the Ranger played by Matt Alpert says hey I'm gonna look outside the jail cell that we closed and locked behind us and see if there's anything going on out there and indeed there is he smells kerosene and at this point I deployed my traditional cinematic moment where I move the camera and show the players something the characters couldn't know which is bone breaker Doric or with the human priest that is kind of the leader of this whole operation and a halfling thief that was a member of graves his party and now appears to work for the orcs and a bunch of other works and hellhounds all coming down the corridor to converge on the jail cell won't break a door accord turns to his lieutenant and says mobilize everyone I want every orc down here and the players like oh no right they're trapped there's only one door out the orcs have used kerosene to kind of smoke them out they haven't lit it on fire yet if they try to escape they're gonna be fighting in a fire and other players are thinking how on earth do we get out of here there is literally no way out except past the orcs of which there are about another 20 in this place and they're all converging on this corridor in the dungeon and there's a priest and there's a halfling thief who appears to be working for the bad guys and there's a bunch of hellhounds and somewhere out there is an ogre and the party are hoping the ogre can't fit in the dungeon so good news the players have recovered three of the four captives and the key and those captives are ready to fight bad news is they have no arms or armor for those captives and they are now surrounded with no way out things are looking dire for our heroes folks we'll find out what happens next after the next time we play when I say we I mean me too I have no idea what's gonna happen I was excited to find out how they get out of this as you guys are of course the first thing that happened the next day when I came into work was Phil said to me why did I tell him to go get bone breaker dork or he's like I could have told him anything else I could have told him it's time to feed the hellhounds and I liked that because it showed that Phil understood the reason Bonebreaker dork or all of a sudden appeared in the middle of the dungeon is because graves gave the order to this orc to go get him so of course when this orc shows up and starts babbling about drums talking to him bone breaker dork or who knows there are guys outside the keeper trying to get in is like what are you talking oh right the player characters are on the way in quick mobilize everybody so that was our last session I'm looking for to the next one hopefully you found something interesting or useful in their next episode we're going to talk about introducing villains how to make the introduction memorable often I think we as DMS have a problem we have a really cool idea for a bad guy but we don't know how to put him in front of the players in such a way that the players don't just kill him in the first 30 seconds so that's sort of what we're gonna be talking about as usual there are no ads I do not have a patreon but if you want to help support the channel come by my amazon page there's a link in the doobly-doo I'm sure some of you guys are getting sick of hearing me plug in my book but it's I think better than ads I am an independent fantasy author if you like fantasy if you like Dungeons & Dragons I think you'd probably like the books read the reviews check out a sample see what you think I encourage buying the Kindle version because it's only four bucks of which I see three bucks you can buy it in print but the print version is I think 15 bucks of which I see one dollar if you have Kindle unlimited feel free to just read it I get paid for that believe it or not it's kind of crazy next week we introduced memorable villains and hopefully after that we'll find out what happened to graves in the party I think doing episode a week about my campaign and how it's going is ok as long as there are lessons there for a new DM if I ran a session and it was just interesting storytelling but no DM lessons in it then I probably won't talk about it I also have some really cool ideas for upcoming episodes so stay tuned until next time peace out
Channel: Matthew Colville
Views: 298,017
Rating: 4.9676137 out of 5
Keywords: Dungeons and Dragons, D&D
Id: _MZ6NKDsjhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2016
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