The Dune MSFS Expansion with a Real Airline Pilot!

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[Music] there we go that's going to be quick come on on on on on on full power gear up let's go let's go let's go hello everyone and welcome to another video with me 320 Sim pilot today we are taking the June expansion for Microsoft flight simulator for a bit of a test run we're going to be flying this fantastic ornithopter that they've included along with trying out the tutorials and the free missions and challenges that they have for it I really like seeing these uh different IPS come into the world of Microsoft flight simulator and this is a surprisingly good addition I really wasn't sure what to expect but they've done a fantastic job on this uh machine it's it's really enjoyable to fly around and then the missions are great use of the uh of the simulators sort of visuals to to experience that world of June very cinematic very beautiful so we'll see that in today's video so stick around uh and uh hopefully you'll enjoy those uh and yeah you'll get to see plenty of me embarrassing myself trying to fly this new machine around it is very quick very agile with some interesting little uh uh mechanics built into it that you just don't see in other aircraft it's it's Unique as you would expect it to be really right let's get in on with the video just before we do get too far into the video and doing the actual missions just take a look at this model that they've made for this ornithopter really really interesting the tricky part is these animations on the wings and you can see the way they sort of twitch it it's really very convincing it's an amazing effect and it works very well and I'm just going to let you hear the sounds cuz they are equally brilliant impressively to me it doesn't just sound like a helicopter it does have a certain sort of flapping sound to it so yeah really good and it produces loads of dust wherever it's uh Landing which is great fun and you'll see in the the June missions itself they've put a lot of work into getting the the feel and the the sense of dust and sand uh just right very impressed so here we are on the menu we can just click over here you have to install it in your content manager but you get the June activities pretty cool pretty good June music as well I like that a lot in the background and let's go into the tutorial see what it's all about take off how to fly welcome to arus if you want to fly around the canyons and Junes you have to learn the basics what are we going to do we're going to know how to manage the wings how to start the engines and the power and afterburn systems start engine Wings fold open Artificial Horizon perfect let's go exciting I wonder where it loads I wonder have they put it in somewhere on Earth house a trades or th this is brilliant what fun okay so it wants me to unfold the wings which is highlighted there okay look to the sides you can see the wings unfolding oh very cool now start theine to get the wings flapping and take to the SKU let's see how it goes it does have a profile a default control profile look at that for the uh oh what's it doing I'm not doing anything that doesn't feel very good excellent all systems are ready to go I just just went oh oh what it's not easy feels a bit like a helicopter so I'm using my side stick and then I got rder pedals rder pedals are working like a rder before taking off let's take some time to see how the orop handles in the air that would have been helpful right as ever trying again welcome to arus fly the or in this extrem TCA profile and what I've done is I've modified it to include head tracking on is operations Begin by unfolding them right button 13 I don't know where that is you can see the wings unfolding and why did it just take off on me does look great look at the animation it's very cool idea I do like these sci-fi Vehicles excellent that's better are ready to go I don't understand your ah it's my I know what it is yeah it's my uh TCA thrust master has a 40 your axis so there we go back on the r pedals right external view taking off let's take some time to see how the ornithopter handles in the air increasing power generates lift allowing the ornithopter to rise off the ground pitching the nose down moves the ornithopter forward and pitching the nose up moves it backwards activating the after bur is a great way to gain an extra speed boost when needed use it carefully though you only have a limited Supply on a racus you never know what to expect you might want to save your afterburner for when you really need it you're ready to lift off increase power to the Max and get off the ground power oh look it twist the handle that's cool there we go now it's flying like I expected okay let's increase power full power so Gear Up use the after button three where's button three so I'll show you the profile here we have button 3 is the red button there we go um yeah so I've just modified my it came with this on theop to profile and all I did was just add in the 145 button for the uh camera let's go let's try it out oh wow oh you have to hold it down what you've learned you need to pull off a fast takeoff on a racus you've done well you're a promising recruit you just need more practice this is cool very good B cross the Ravine as quickly as possible I didn't know we had to do it quickly I'd have done it faster let's do the next mission next tutorial wow look at that most crucial maneuver the dive great for speed boost and adrenaline be able to toggle the dive mode having mastered the handling diving orop let's go so it's down there on the right it must be assigned onto my joystick already I'm sure they seem to have thought very well about this it's really cool seeing these IPS arrive in flight simulator I know we've only had two but I can't complain because to provide this content for free is really very nice of them look at that let's have a go can the basics but to be among the fastest pilots on a racus you need to master the dive diving traits altitude for speeds that would be impossible to reach in standard flight when you reach the dive Point fold the wings to dive as you approach the ground on my mark unfold the wings then get back to level flight right well let's let's look up the uh the diving control what have they assigned that to they've thought about this though I like it a lot I like it a lot miscellaneous it must be 13 so it is assigned to button 13 right okay reach the edge of the cliff up ahead let's give it a go it's a bit of an awkward button to reach 13 let's see if I can get to it in time fantastic Graphics as ever in Microsoft Fight simulator really activate dive mode now dive down no it's button five we need a mode ah the unfolding the wings doesn't work five five is on the left okay wow awesome your wings oh no wish I known that earlier about nine uh right that is in the back middle they're not very I've got to say are we ready oh they're not very um intuitive buttons should we say let's try that one again you've proven you can h b we got it this time but to be among the fastest pilots on I know the the I'm going to I'm ready on both diving traits altitude for speeds that would is it oh yeah standard flight very when it rolls on it a Wings to so with no effort ground in fact you put on it side a knife edge and it doesn't really lose much altitude very edge of the cff very easy to fly oh it sounds great too that's so cool right can you so we know we can roll it no trouble we'll try a loop after this dive activate dive mode and now was a different button to recover I I feel like it should really be the same button un your wings there we go on the hand we back on the handles I'm doing that cuz you do them both together in the June way not bad at all okay now keep flying low oh it might be another one that need to be quick maintain a low altitude ah I didn't know that didn't tell me that stay under 1,000 ft there we go it does say that that maneuver is critical to become the fastest pilot in the desert see if we can bring it just the first is the scarest but you're performing well there's the gear another B not doing well here I didn't know I didn't even stay below thousand at all right Landing obviously so if you want to a challenge go to assistance option piloting and deactivate auto power while breaking assistance on I'll worry about that later with instru BR contact land on the end landing spot use the landing gear and the wing breake land the aircraft in smooth Mana well we'll see about that sh we uh joystic SL X for power no I don't need to do that I've got my throttles it's quite a simple set of controls I suppose it doesn't look like there's going to be an autopilot maybe there is we'll try it out I suppose but yeah relatively straightforwards you've proven you can take off with level let's practice Landing one how do I do that begin by maintaining an altitude of 1300 ft where are you supposed to read that to land use your wing break to quickly reduce your speed and stabilize your aircraft I can't see that anywh faster speeds require longer breaking distances anticipation is essential to avoid overshooting The Landing Pad okay 1300 I'm only judging that off that green box in the top left deoy the landar gear down on my mark use your wing breake to reduce speed as you approach The Landing Pad if your speed is too high pitch the nose up to come to a complete stop where's the wing brake finally to ensure a smooth Landing return to a level attitude and apply the wing bre just before touching down where's the wing brake another thing I don't know miscellaneous my speed BR is control didn't work for it set Wing brake button six oh goodness me another one to remember ah I see so you hold it and it sort of breaks okay that's pretty good now use the wing break that's what helps you speed with the wing to keep the landing pad Center helps you transfer to from forwards just to hovering it's pretty good it means you can leave the power alone it does make it a bit easier ah it's a clever idea actually it saves you the hardest part of the helicopter which is transferring that forward momentum into a hover although I'm still making it look very hard come on up a bit please and not backwards land on the ground okay now you can I don't think it wanted a flare I think it need to be very level good Landings will come with practice I hope so trying and you'll improve the instructor's trying to encourage me I see be getting worse right well that's enough tutorial surely we can now go and take on the challenge well I mean we're doing the hole in the Rock aren't we and there's a rescue mission stor M skate this is cool stuff very cool fly s with the narrowest Canyons of araus slow maneuvers speed and after better power Sprint to complete as quickly as possible and there already the times look at that don't recognize any names there right now okay dis play Ghost here we go so this is similar then to the Top Gun uh time trials not going to complain at that there's only a limit to what you can do with airplanes I'm sure they giving us a beautiful machine there absolutely love it right full power along the false wall East lies a sinuous Canyon which offers very little space to maneuver be careful with your After Burner there okay do I need to land uh are we going to land put the gear down break oh it's hard actually to do The Brak and the power yes it looks like we have to land in our mosquito bit power come on come on come on come on for please it does not like the flare remember your training right let's go I think we can go for the next one yeah one out of three half bur of this get going get going oh wow the AL makes a big difference I don't know where oh there there's a field on the left there I've used quite a lot it's a massive wingspan do we have to stay low are there points of staying low ghost certainly is wow love the sounds love the music too I'm a big soundtrack fan of films got to say it's easier to fly than the F18 but challenging to land ah here we go we're going to dive I've already forgotten all the buttons for diving I think it was this one and this one nice that's awesome let's go go go we've lost so much time there we got Wing breaks here oh and there's one of those things from the film the the dust gatherers slow slow slow slow slow power back get down no that's not worked yeah cuz I'm using my left hand on the throttles and then I have to change it over to the joystick to uh do the old uh Wing break oh that count a crash no I was trying to cheat there checkpoint I guess we're going for the checkpoint not the final there we go right this has been all around embarrassing I'm sure I'm losing points of being this High yeah out of area too high let go go go we got plenty of After Burner to use up love the diving that's just awesome whoa right let's try and get one of these right so put the gear down I'm going to power back halfway and see if that helps then we got to sort out these Landings the only way we're going to manage this just s diving straight for it there we go using the wing isn't as easy as it looks you'll need a bit more practice to get it just right well we've done it see H well we're not going to be in the world top [Music] 10 what does that mean 82 we're not 82 out of everyone I don't believe that very good oh there's a lot of fun to be had here more challenges than I imagined Canyon Rush race to Ain desert run so what is let's try this mountain dive that that's fun oh beautiful top of the shield wall massive Plateau dive maneuver Central skill along the Steep drain of the wall let's good to go right now I promise these are all my first attemps the great flat a vast sea of Dunes is covering most of Rus I love the graphics the lighting the music what a treat I've lost my HUD though which is useful to see that I've used up all my after B I need land so half power gear down Wing brakes we're learning our lesson and then just point at it point at it wing breakes wing breakes wing breaks done then full power let's go Gear Up After Burner okay that felt good that felt better and then dive okay I'm ready with the pull up and wings awesome gear down half power no no no no no a we did so well we can do it we can save this we can save this nope not there that's not going to work come on I don't know who that ghost is based off but they're doing a bit better than us there we go right get her up after burner they're going to fold so we're going to fold does after buring with the wings folder do anything don't think so awesome awesome should do a bit of a dive again I think so can you steer at all not really a little bit half hour gear down break break break the half power thing is my uh is my trick here done was Sol that was not bad some more practice with the wing bre will dramtically improve your accuracy he keeps saying that still great C so where we losing our points 56 on that one not terrible 130 30 seconds to be saved there impressive let's have another go at this hold in the wall so I reckon we got a technique for landing now I think we'll be better at uh getting this thing touched down okay serious this time full power gear up the Canon stands Rock a distinctive rock form Red by the okay off the After Burner gear down I don't think there's a gear limit speed half power breake break break here we go full power after burn gear up keep it low cuz I don't think we even used all the after B on our first run it's so it rolls so well that's that's it's the the treat of it is the the rolling head tracking is working nicely with this as well come on bit faster bit faster not great visibility out the front not going to lie can hear Timothy shamain struggling not sure hope he flies one of these actually so ready to dive ready to dive and fold diving Wings folded open 3 km away it's fast this thing is f i mean this is we are really doing fighter jet speeds here gear down half power I love that that's just awesome wind breaks full power the gear up come on this is going this is a good run this is a good run but we're going to stay in the canyon this time I feel like I definitely lost points for cheating over the top let's not hit a wall now I know it's a left turn do one more fold and dive and after burner and unfold and After Burner 4 km to go this this feels good I mean we've got to be ahead of our ghost get down half power half the burner off Wing brakes Wing brakes oh bit of a crash but there we go but you'll need a b more practice to become an orni pilot it's very upset with my Landings I feel like that's what's costing us a lot of points I think the time was good not good enough though where are we now 12th we're close to the top 10 so close ah now this sounds fun during a Recon flight with your instructor Owen an engine Mal function forces him to perform an emergency landing in the desert fly to his rescue as fast as possible before he gets caught by an approaching corotis storm the corotis effect is responsible for lots of things in the atmosphere and if I knew more about about meteorology I'd be able to describe them but I assume that's what it's referring to okay this exciting so we're going to go and save someone right here we go Mission starts oh look at it I have a problem I've lost the engines I'm going to make an emergency landing the storm is getting close I need immediate extraction uh reest of your position I don't know how to see which way I'm pointing anyway the Gear's up a bit of afterburn oh I see the compass is up there that' be helpful Northwest okay out of area there we go there's the storm look at that oh going to make an emergency land okay let's try that again now I know how to see where I'm going the storm is getting close I need outside view then you get the Cass in the top left get the AL going this is a Time critical one I think we can I'm going need to use up to half the After Burner to get there and save him save old o in that storm effect is amazing it's like a full game it's really impressive the Shadows the graphics the music how you're supposed to see things like our UD and heading inside I can see the attitude that's about it and that's not even very clear right there's the crash so get down half power as close to the as possible every second counts y do that use the brakes that's pretty close how do I receive the H up to Pilot what happens now he's coming he's coming storm's coming as well come on okay let's go oh to follow the canyon oh I don't think we're going to make it we're going the storm is closing in on us o brutal think we're going to have to fly in the storm yikes we didn't made it you've got to beat the storm wow okay right we're doing this Mission again I'm not going to tell you how many times I've done it but I have a plan we've learned that flying low gives you more speed and we're going to land on the other side of the crash site and we're going to get ourselves moving pretty promptly so stay nice and low keep the speed up just over on the right here definite Advantage once you know where it crashes love the still Level the design the sand blowing Absolut brilliant to the as counts stand right next to the pilot there we go power off come on buddy you can do it as soon as they disappear they're in go Gear Up After Burner follow the 4 km okay oh no we got to go okay I I thought we had to land in this little Gap but that's not right I think we go into the canyon and then we go right he's going a l my After Burner though I'm in into here now where got to be right isn't it close faster faster I'm trying I'm trying Botanical station I suppose we just just use all the after B there's no point no point wasting time yeah you you get another 20 sort of knots by getting close to the ground problem is how tight is this going to get yikes yikes wow this is really not what I expected to doing in Mar well fight some later very cool I love that they've branched out a bit and again for free can't complain it's a good job it pulls up really quickly it rolls quickly and pulls up quickly which you can use to get round these bends Botanical station there it is head to the station it's our only chance ah we haven't done this quick enough surely gear down half power this is going to be tight oh God that's hard let's see if we can get ourselves in the top 10 on one of these missions so we'll try the canyon dive again I feel like we got a bit of a trick for The Landings now um and I've got to do some sort of consolation for for not managing the rescue mission 12th is okay in that other Mission but we'll see if we can do better in this one right here we go drop down and reach the great flat of keep nice and low get that speed boost just got to judge those Landings half power get out slow slow slow slow slow slow slow go for power GE up for the dive just full half to burn of this dive as well I think why not GE down half power break break break break break this is a tricky one you got a lot of energy coming into this one touch down Gear Up full power dive gets the energy into it nice and low 4% so we'll get one more dive out of this I hope if I didn't misjudge that one oh just made that get down half power break break break break break oh that's got have been good surely need more practice with your wing bre to get better ah what else could we do still Grade B not sure what the crer are thirds yes we've done it Well Done ass excellent excellent excellent excellent took a few practices but we made it we sa 25 seconds off our original time how vento Tempo did five seconds quicker I don't know very good excellent well done ass I think we'll stop there for now at least I reckon we can do better at this other Mission as well so here we go full power after burn the end of the canyon stands in the Rock the distinctive rock form red I think we can do this I think we can get in the top 10 for this one so get down power you just sort of need to do a touch and go that's I'm going work on go gear up that's one for after I just get the energy in it that's what that's what it's best for got loads of after left let's use it it's not a particularly long Mission love the sound effect just awesome 37% still loads of after bner and it's so responsive on Pitch the GeForce you must be putting there okay now we're going for a bit of a dive with the after Verner there we go ridiculous speed 4 km 550 knots not bad get down half power oh it's a bit early chicken out on the brakes there down go gear up so through the canyon again I'm going to run out of After Burner save the last little bit for that don't think we have any more touchdowns to do let's just keep calm now maneuver sensibly going have one more dive I suspect can't quite remember yes ohing right at that rock not ideal and let's finish off the afterburner get down half power [Music] done that was a good flight but you'll need to keep practicing your Landings to become a great so harsh on The Landings is it cuz I'm cheating by using The Brak how do we do on time that's what we're worried about second vento tempo is be us on this one as well oh five six seconds quicker there very impressive but we are 6 seconds quicker than number three so I'll take that of course all correct at time of filming so that's all for today's video thank you so much for watching I hope you've enjoyed it it's been great fun for me like I say really enjoy seeing these IPS come into Microsoft flight simulator and a great bit of fun to just try out some different challenges and some different styles of flying please do subscribe if you'd like to see more content and of course we've got live streams and tutorials all coming to the channel as well we'll see you again in another video or live stream please keep safe and well bye-bye
Channel: 320 Sim Pilot
Views: 20,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dune, msfs, microsoft flight simulator, real airline pilot, 787, a320, a32nx, dune part 2, ornithopter, atreides
Id: eShCV3FCx7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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