The Drydock - Episode 197 (Live Segment) - 7th May 2022

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hello hello hello hopefully this is working um i have no idea if it is well actually that's a really bright light i should probably turn that down yes so um right so everyone can obviously hear me um so as you may well be aware this is the live section of patreon drydock episode 197 spoiler alert the whirring you might be able to hear in the background is the computer desperately trying to render the recorded segment um and it's only recording it's only rendering the first half because um well let's just say a combination of jet lag and sleep debt basically what wiped me out for the first three days or so um and pollen season has kicked off in the uk as it has apparently at the last week of me being in the us as well um so basically i got nothing done on for the first three days of getting back other than lying in bed feeling sorry for myself and wondering when it would all end um so the yeah the basically for the for the first time i think in channel history the patreon dry dock is going to be uploaded in two segments part one goes up tonight which will be released to the general public tomorrow morning um watch my lunch time uk time and that will um that's the first three hours i think and then the second half will be part two which will be next sunday so yeah so yeah this is a small selection of my hat collection so i try to make a point of getting a hat for every ship so we've got midway um we have what we got we've got iowa and we have salem that was the first hat i got and we have wisconsin the last hat that i got because that was my last battleship journey so um there's a few more hats on their way uh there's a box of stuff that was shipped that i shipped back to myself so that's on its way that has hats from let me think if i get this straight it's got a hat from constitution it's got a hat from yorktown and it's yeah there's the yorktown one the constitution one same one was there oh and my new jersey hat as well so those three are in that box and then massachusetts alabama and north carolina i need to order hats from them um over from overseas because i meant to get hats for them um but we were on the ship for so long that the gift shop would shut by the time we finished which was a bit silly so yeah at that point i will then have hats for every ship i visited with the exception of olympia who have run out um so apologies if i feel sound slightly nasally at points because i'm still fighting the pollen i've loaded up on antihistamines but there's only that only has a limited effect um and as you may or may not be able to tell i don't know depending on the resolution yes i still have my tan from the us although it's annoyingly fading rather fast on my face my arms are still quite well tanned um so yes um for those of you asking yes i will be at tank fest um which is what a couple of months away now um and yes i have iron brew and i was kept well supplied with ironbrew by uh you lock wonderfully while i was in the states so that was absolutely fantastic that kept me going um so anyway let's get on with the patreon questions i'll get rid of that explicit thing because that's annoying um right so let's get on with the patreon questions first and then we'll move on to any super chat questions that come on while i'm doing that and then we'll move on to general questions and possibly a little bit of discussion of the america trip although i do plan later on in the month probably at the halfway stage maybe or something like that to uh not next week maybe yeah maybe on the 21st and then i'll do the next patreon live stream on the 1st of june um so on the 21st i'll do a live stream which will be general q a but also much more detailed reflections on the amer america trip informally and there'll obviously be a video about the america trip generally um probably is a fun friday and then over the next few months there'll be obviously content from the various trips to the various ships that i did so yeah anyway uh getting on with the patreon questions colin williams asks uh at the surrender of the reggia marina they pledged to fight alongside the allies with the fast battleships being sent to operate under the watchful guns of the us navy in the pacific to facilitate this they will need refitting in america america has anticipated this and begun to gather materials aided by an enterprising italian officer who's afforded blueprints of the ships and shells ahead of time say for whatever reason the three littorious managed to give the luftwaffe the slip and make it to america unmolested what do the refitted littorios look like and how does this refit change your ranking of the latoya's against other fast battleships could they be ready in time for the philippine sea and if they somehow were and lee had potentially two or two or more fast battleships additional would he be inclined to try and force a daytime engagement with the japanese battle line so could they mean time in ready in time for the philippines see maybe technically but they won't have been worked up by then unless it's an absolute minimal refit so basically you're looking at two possible lines for this refit to go down because they do have three ships option one which to be honest is probably the most likely is going to be similar to what happened to richelieu so they'll have probably have the same factory cook up about batch of shells for them which may actually you know solve a good chunk of their accuracy long range issues um and then probably replace the light medium a fit with 20 and 40 millimeter guns um stick some radar on there pretty much everything else will be left the same so the 90 mil secondaries the triple six inch secondaries and off it goes that's probably the quickest easiest and um fastest way of getting those ships back out into action at minimal cost the other option would be to take them in for a much deeper refit at which point you'd have to probably end up stripping out the triple sixes and probably all the 90 mils and then i mean given the size and location of the 90 mils you probably end up with replacing the triple sixes with twin 5 inch 38 and then probably putting single five inch 38 in place of the 90s that would be my offhand estimation maybe you could fit a few twin 5 38s but i'm somewhat questionable on that so probably single five inch 38 in place of the single 90s probably in in slightly more open mountings and then let's say the twin five inch 38s at the four corners where the triple sixes are now that would make the ship a lot more compatible with us navy support systems the only only thing they need to support then is the 15-inch shell separately but that would take a lot more time and a lot more money and a lot more effort so i doubt it would be done i think the first option is probably the more likely of the two and then it would in terms of ranking the latoya's against other fast battleships well obviously her a battery would get a lot better and as far as everything else is concerned it would probably depend on you know the new american manufactured 15 shells do they solve that eternal question of how to make the latoya's consistently accurate um we'd have to wait and see and just copy that across yeah maxim machine gun they're noticing noticing the shirt i have on there again i don't know what resolution is coming through to you guys in but this is the marilyn thompson collectors association shirt which might give you a clue as to one of the activities i got up to while i was in the states um daleks are pointing out yeah the latoria only has a short range for the pacific but to be fair by the time it gets to the pacific which is going to be late 44 early 45 something like that um there are a forward operational bases that substantially shorten the overall range that um that is necessary for uh the ships to get to the front line uh so you know things like ulithy and other ford operating bases they could be usefully employed i'm sure knight six eight three one says one uh i'm just going to pick this one up quickly why in most old history of world war ii does always go end up with the royal navy getting four vanguards okay um because basically because it's the most likely thing um the royal navy obviously was building the lions they had issues with the 16-inch guns which is why they stopped building the lions uh vanguard was able to make use of reconditioned 15-inch guns towards the end of the of world war ii mid to end world war ii the older r-class and indeed even malaya were beginning to show their age so if they need battleships and they need ships with you know something approximating a decent gun then they can just you know roll on with that and um pull the 15-inch guns off of the ships they're being decommissioned quickly recondition them stick them on new holes and off they go which is kind of actually what the wrong way was planning on doing in in extremis anyway um right so then we have burnt potato asking so so say you're a naval director for a neutral baltic nation for political reasons to demonstrate your fleet is only defensive and not raiding one fleet rangers and tonnages are kept at two and a half thousand tons you have an arms and arm industry that can produce any caliber up to six inch licensed with monocrop boilers and engines options to license any additional fire control torpedoes arm plate etc your nation has developed its own rudimentary radar system it's 1936 and your main concerns are russia germany and britain what do you design and how many do you need to make everyone think twice um you also have options for fixed fortifications and mines minefields i'm definitely going for if i can only produce up to six inch caliber guns then fixed fortifications are probably a bit pointless because anything small enough to be threatened by a six-inch gun battery i can probably threaten with my ships and anything that is too big that a six-inch gun battery isn't gonna worry at all well then that was a pointless waste of money it wasn't it um so and with a two and a half thousand time cap i can't even build anything resembling a respectable light cruiser i'm not going to make the german mistake of trying to fit a six-inch gun on a destroyer so what i will probably end up doing is try and develop something along the lines of a slightly longer barrel five inch dual purpose gun because i can build destroyers up to two and a half thousand time displacements so at that point obviously exploiting a little bit of um future knowledge at this point but i would be tempted to build something resembling a mashup between a gearing and an l-class destroyer so three twin mounts each with a long barrel five inch weapon oh well two long barrel five inch weapon so total of six guns a couple of quad torpedo launchers lots of aa make it big make it fast uh at which point i have nice super destroyers effectively and since it's a small nation building a few elite ships is much better than trying to compete with other nations with more standard displacements for destroyer glass vessels and i'd say maybe at least a flotilla so a dozen um i mean that's not gonna stop someone like the uk if they decide to come after me in the baltic but a dozen fast very well armed very heavily protected for their type destroyers it's enough to worry the germans especially if i've got radar and decent aa fire control with dual purpose guns they can kind of look after themselves to a degree and for the russians in the baltic well they don't have enough large modern destroyers to tangle with me and if they send cruisers in i can torpedo them and if they send in their old battleships i can torpedo them as well so that would be my rough and ready answer to that question so i'm just trying to copy the super chat questions over but the um the ring light i'm using so that you can actually see me instead of uh living in the darkness is literally incorporating it's like covering over the last couple of uh sentences oh dear all right um tog father asks you've mentioned in the past there was a proposal to give the qes small tube boilers which will give them a speed of 28 knots or so i've seen elsewhere that there was a debate at the time over whether the kiwis could should be considered battleships or battle cruisers as they were faster than the rest of the battle line and had the normal number of guns for battle cruiser eight rather than the ten of the normal journal battleships and bt had lobbied hard for them to be assigned to the battle cruiser fleet if they'd had the small tube boilers would they that have strengthened the argument for calling them battle cruisers enough for bt to get them permanently rather than as a cover for a squadron doing gunnery training and if so would they have suffered from the same unfortunate gunnery performance that afflicted the battle cruisers at jutland also would they've simply been added to the existing battle cruiser fleet or would their audition have allowed the older slower and more vulnerable invincibles and indefatigables to be withdrawn to secondary duties or serve as a heavy screen unit for the grand fleet itself where they could more easily fall back behind the battle line if anything after they passed yet then an armored cruiser appeared right oh that's a question okay so to be honest given their armor and given their firepower it would take an awful lot for jelico to surrender them from the grand fleet even with a 28 knot speed the most likely outcome is jellicoe is just gonna foot down and say no they're staying with me sure you can have them in the same kind of circumstances the bt historically had them to cover uh for third battle cruiser squadron but i don't think julico would let those ships out of his sight for very very long if however we go with a situation that this is this is in fact the case and um [Music] copy another one um yeah so if we go with this it with the idea that somehow bt manages to swing it though so that they are assigned to the battle cruiser squat fleet um then yeah i can actually see the individuals and individuals being detached because the massive amount of numerical superiority gives the battle cruiser fleet would be offset by the fact the as per the chase of gurban they already know the invincibles and individuals can't quite can't quite keep up with the german battle cruisers and that would have been exhibited at dogger bank as well so in order to allow what is still a massively superior battle cruiser fleet with four splendid cats and five qes to operate at higher speed then yeah the the older battle cruisers probably would be turned into if the equivalent of first cruiser squadron um and reassigned to the grand fleet which would be interesting um i mean it's if they end up out under admiral arbuthnow basically subbing in for warrior defense and black prince then well what happened to defense and war is probably still going to happen to them they've not they're not any better protected but on the other hand yeah they might they might do better just be by being so much larger they gel in fact jelica will probably try and keep them under closer control he won't put them in the battle line but deployment might be very different as far as to whether they'd be sub to check to the same gunnery performance as the battle cruisers at jutland um it greatly depends on exactly when they're detached because i one thing even in the scenario where they end up in the battle cruiser fleet jelica isn't going to allow them to be drip fed in uh one at a time it'll be a whole whole squadrons or hole two squadron swap um which means probably by the time it all happens they'll that you've got to a point where it's all where they've all the queues have been completed it's not that much further on of course further back and which way am i going yeah it's not that much further time from when the qes are completed to when they historically were assigned anyway um so that they may have a slight degradation in their gunnery training but with any luck the actual official swap over may very well be when third battle cruiser squadron needs gunnery practice and then the transfer is made permanent rather than temporary at which point you know we're gonna get you're gonna get roughly the same gunnery performance um that you do in real life so just copying over a couple more super chat questions people seem very eager for that today um all right so just copying a few bits pieces all right there we go okay questions copied over blacksmith panzer okay okay short version if you could go back and both choose where war spike would be permanently moored and design either a museum to be located in the same property as the ship or just generally develop the area around her using both what you know now and given what was around at the time where would you have the ship moored and how would the general museum area around her look how would you design the museum era so it could be upgraded over time um okay so this is the scenario basically 1946 and i've got a blank checkbook to preserve war spike as a museum so my my temptation would be one of two things my initial steer would maybe be towards sticking her in um portsmouth so hms warriors at the end of a pier or jetty at the sort of southwest of the fleet base uh that and obviously in the section that's now the national museum of the royal navy i would be tempted to stick her there because well you know thing has two sides you can put wall spot on one side and then obviously 30 40 years later warrior can turn up on the other which would be a very nice little bracket and warrior might have i mean unlike some museums where you have multiple ships from the same period which does make it very difficult to justify um to generate the appropriate income and um uh ryan siminsky said a fair bit about that the reason i think portsmouth has gotten away with it so far despite having one two three four museum ships at any given time is that it's spread out over so much history there's nothing really similar about mary rose to victory to warrior to m33 and so it's enough of a unique offering each time and warrior would obviously be a unique offering again um a lot more advanced than them uh was a lot more advanced than warrior so that would be my initial thought incorporator into the portsmouth museum um in theory you could try and pop her into the london pool which is where belfast is now although that would have interesting knock-on effects for belfast so what happens when she's preserved or would she be preserved at all because belfast was preserved in part because they wanted to have something fairly substantial left over from world war ii if wall spike already has been there may not be quite the same drive um but if there is then perhaps belfast ends up adjacent to warrior in portsmouth and warspite ends up in the city of london um almost anywhere else while there are a number of places especially um in the old shipbuilding areas of scotland and northern england which might be worthy candidates on paper the main problem with sticking around any of those places is going to be revenue you need to have a location to draw people in and a ship of that size with the running cost that that entails might struggle in those areas so i think we are probably going to be looking at either london or portsmouth personally just because it would be much easier for me and actually probably better for the ship i think maybe sticking her in london in the place that war spike currently occupies sorry the belfast currently occupies would have been the best idea knight six eight three on saying liverpool no remember what happened to you five three four if war spike was left in in liverpool then around about 2010 she'd be cut up into about seven pieces and stuck on concrete um charles fit okay that's a question that's going to need me to delve into so i'm going to have to come back to that one um capitano lorenzo says the year is 1804 drak's been transported back in time and has the authority to add to the core of the royal navy by say an additional six to eight vessels you can build any ship from any country of the period to supplement the royal navy and enforce the pax britannica what vessels and types do you build um okay so if it's 1804 and i can add any six to eight ships of any type from any country to supplement the royal navy i'm probably adding half a dozen ocean class ships of the line because that immediately well it doubles the royal navy's stock of first rates and they have all new first rates all that hun somewhere between 118 and 124 guns depending on exactly how i model them so that's going to give the royal navy's core force a huge amount of punch and obviously you've got victory royal sovereign a few others around but it also means that potentially in the longer term the royal navy can retire some of its older first rates maybe some of its seconds um if they don't want to keep them all around if they do keep them around then obviously that much additional firepower and also as their history shows the oceans were strong enough and large enough that they actually lasted a long enough for a few of them to be converted to steam battleships that gives the royal navy sailing fleet an additional bit of longevity martin's key saying war spikes should go to chatham i would broadly agree with you except for the the only problem with that is that if war spike was around now then being in chatham would be really good but chat rebecca was an active naval base up until about 30 years ago so there wouldn't be anywhere um for her to go in 1946 in chatham that would allow a significant number of visitors to come and see her unless they hived off a bit of chatham dockyard the way they've kind of hived off a bit of the royal navy base at portsmouth and turned it into a museum area but given the extent of the trash from dockyards at the time again it would be difficult to maintain um maintain her there sorry the um pollen is really has really gotten to me recently i don't know um what what it is about poland and poland in maryland but it's really really powerful um i'm mostly over it but not not quite um true salty viking 1022 if the german navy had gone let's say a total uh tote four total bismarcks as well as two h-39s commissioned along with five additional hippers for a total of eight with that force backed up by the scharnhorst and eubanks have an actual shot at starving out the uk by forcing convoys to travel with less escort because more fleet units have to stay close to home um it depends almost entirely on how they've got them if they've been magically hand waved into existence then that would be a major problem for the royal navy the hippers not so much the royal navy's got more than enough cruisers to deal with a few additional hippers but if you've got six full-scale fast capital ships plus the scharnhorsts so eight fast battleships total that is going to require basically the entirety of the home fleet to sit around to watch them and the royal navy doesn't have enough fast battleships to go up against that battle line straight up because you talk about eight fast capital ships the royal navy in the first couple years of the war has hood renowned repulse and king george v by the time you get to you're getting prince of wales just around the time of the historical operation rhino boom rodney and um nelson queen elizabeth valiant and war spike can probably all hold the line and account decently well for themselves especially nelson and rodney but they're all too slow if the german fleet decides to just motor um which would be a major problem of course if we're talking about more realistic ways of developing i.e the germans late maybe instead of doing graph zeppelin they lay down another bismarck um stick another bismarck in there somewhere else and then of course they start on the h-39s and they're gradually filtering in in a more sane and reasonable manner well if the royal navy knows that those ships are under construction then they're either going to build more kgvs continue with the lions and or more vanguards at which point we're kind of just in a more heavily armed standoff variant of what we had historically because yes the germans have more ships but given when turbids came into commission these second two bismarcks probably not commissioning until late 42 early 43. um the age 39 is probably late 43 early 44 and by that point the royal navy has more than enough other capital ships to face off against them and also at that point the americans are involved so there'll be north carolinas and or south dakota standing in as well um avoid shishnos asks what what do you and if available ryan zamanski believe would happen if uss new jersey in her 1989 format found herself in her current 2022 birth eye in camden on december the 8th 1941 would she immediately be sent out to escort the carers or would they hold her back in order to go over her tekken almond with a fine-tooth comb and how might it affect the war um i mean one ship no matter how capable is not going to make or break the entire war um but i do i think she would be held back um to examine her tech they want to know right because she'd have harpoons and tomahawks and crws on board apart from her advanced radar the advanced radar probably is less helpful than you'd think because it'd be great on new jersey but there is absolutely no way 1941 usa is replicating 1980s radar uh technology some of the older radars that are still on her from the latter part of the world war ii might actually be quite useful to them but also hilariously enough they're probably in december 8-41 probably going to view her as his significantly under-armed anti-aircraft anti-aircraft-wise because remember she's lost four of her five-inch 38 twins in order to have the missile refit all of her 20mm and 40mm are pretty much gone yes she has the ciws but one the as far as the us navy concerned that's only four guns no matter how capable and two um i doubt 20 millimeter oerlikon and phalanx gatling 20 mil ammunition are compatible um so you've got as long as you have an ammunition belt on terms of light a defense now okay yeah some of the radar systems as long as they work will probably make the 5-inch 38 even more lethal but the first thing they're going to do apart from analyzing all her technology is probably look around desperately for as many light and medium anti-aircraft guns as they can stick back on her which i know fortunately most of the original mounting points are still there so they can up a gun her while they're analyzing her um and then well then you obviously make use of her onboard new technology specifically the harpoons and the tomahawks as soon as possible the question at that point being you know does she have nuclear tomahawks aboard or not um if so that's an entirely different matter but if not let's assume she has either regular land attack or or anti-shipping tomahawks plus harpoons she may well at that point then be sent out to hunt down japanese surface asset major surface assets the japanese battleships don't really come out to play but you might see this kind of hybridized iowa being sent in to you know ripple off of salvo at the japanese carriers maybe even as early as coral see just to see what will happen oh yeah that would be an amusing one um okay the next question is the forces that attacks mers el cabia and toronto are switched how do things play out um so we're assuming that the attack forces themselves are switched out they but they presume we have the same orders and intentions well merzel kabir is going to be a lot more destructive yes there's only a couple of dozen swordfish but they are fully trained and specked up for shallow water torpedo operations and there's not going to be even the aao position that there was above toronto so stationary ships minimal opposition full deck strike package of torpedo bombers that's probably going to end very badly for the french fleet um i don't think dunkirk and stras well strasbourg's not getting away that day for sure and dunkirk's not getting away generally the modern friendships will probably be sunk as well probably will be a number of others tyranto on the other hand is left in a bit of a problem because what you've basically transported there is arc royal with you know an air group that's not ready to launch a night torpedo strike and a bunch of surface warships to a point several hundred miles away from toronto at which point in the middle of the night so at that point you know toronto's as an attack probably just flat out doesn't happen because they're just going to turn around and head for wherever home vaguely might be because they don't have any ability to i mean opera theoretically has the capability of launching air attack but they're not her aircrew aren't ready trained or briefed for it so they they aren't gonna go for that um so yeah basically you took the well as far as the royal navy is concerned at least mirzel kabir is much much easier but toronto is much worse um de vilde thank you very much um christopher ryan how much changes if the london treaty not only only restricts destroyer tonnage and armament but does not impose a total tonnage limit are you can have as many destroyers as you like as long as they're within certain almond and tonnage specs do you see hordes of tribals and french super destroyers um well if it restrains the destroyers individual tonnage the tribals and the super destroyers will fall victim to that anyway um but if there's no limit on destroyer numbers oh yeah there's no total tonnage limit then yeah i can see a lot of nations trying to push for the biggest meanest destroyers they can i mean some like the french already were anyway but yeah i can see more powers especially the us and the uk and to be honest even the japanese pushing for the biggest super destroyers they can possibly get their hands on because without a tonnage limit especially with a bridge with things like design v they may see this as a way of getting very small light cruisers in by the back door and then trying to basically create a fleet of super destroyers dash very small cruisers in order to free up their fleet cruiser tonnage which obviously is limited meatwad asks how effective would for said have been in the defense of the malay barrier and singapore had it survived it's very difficult to judge because in theory vary because you know the forces arranged against them were mostly been cruisers and unless in practice it's a lot more difficult to work out because of course if prince of wales and repulse are still around that's going to influence how the japanese are going to deploy their own forces they had the congos in the area they could bring carriers into the area they may well go with follow-up carrier airstrikes plus trying to send it maybe maybe even risking the congos in a surface action um and certainly the congos would be more present around the time of abda command than they were historically so it's um [Music] it's yeah it would be difficult to judge a realistic scenario um you could have everything from you know for said survives its historic deployment gets back to singapore and then the next voyage out they do they get sunk by you know the giro bhutai or it could be that they hang around singapore um and then when the japanese invasion shows up they do long-range hg shelling across across the island and you know blow up a bunch of attacking japanese troops which may allow singapore to hold out longer and then they may end up depending on whether that turns the attack back or not might save singapore for a while uh it might not if singapore falls then they'll probably end up either falling back to salon or australia um they certainly would have caused the japanese a lot more problems um and they would force them to commit a lot more resources but to be honest even two two full speed capital ships are not going to stop the japanese all time they might they either basically going to cost them a lot of time or cost them a lot of blood or possibly both in the best case scenario but they are either gonna end up sunk or withdrawn eventually chasex asks uh in 1890 east india company versus the rest of the world's navies without the british royal navy um well the eastendering companies can get rolled quite quickly unfortunately um well well fortunately depending on which side you're on um the eastern company is big and powerful and has an awful lot of money and they have an awful lot of ships and a lot of those ships are very heavily armed by merchant standards but they don't have anything resembling a even a third rate ship of the line so any fleet with a decent number of third rates i spain france etc they're going to mop the east india company ships up pretty darn quickly um anything that survives going to be surviving mainly on the basis of just sheer number of ships out there i mean even the uh the larger frigates so certainly the us super frigates for example would be capable of manhandling 95 percent of all the armed indian men out there um it's not quite pirates of the caribbean three where they have you know full-on royal navy warships most armed east indiamen who were considered relatively heavily armed had armament roughly on the scale of a regular-sized frigate a small handful had armament on the or either almond or the capability to be armed to the specification of a fourth rate but nothing more than that um some random non asks do you think there is a place for battleships in the modern era and if not why not if so what design or designs would you go with do you think 14 inches could be using modern ship designs and would the inclusion of such large what would the inclusion of such large weapons require modern ships um in the current modern naval era battleships in as much as heavily armored warships armed primarily with heavy guns have they they exist in a bit of a quantum state their heavy armor means that to a certain degree they are actually far more capable of resisting the impact of modern anti-shipping weapons than the vast majority of modern ships are the problem is that a that's not universally applicable to all uh modern anti-ship missiles and b the majority of anti-ship missiles that they might be able to resist things like exorcists harpoons the old maybe the odd penguin that's lying around or sticks or silk worm um those things mainly aren't particularly good at punching through the armored citadel of battleship because they weren't designed in area where they had to think about punching through the armored citadel of a battleship when you look at the first and some of the second gen anti-ship missiles that were designed with that in mind they were a lot nastier so bringing a ship in would give you great survivability for a few minutes until someone rolls out the designs of some of the older school warheads sticks them on new bodies and all of a sudden you're just as vulnerable except now you're carrying a bunch of tonnage and armor which a modern ship of a similar displacement obviously could devote to more weapons which might keep it alive for a little bit longer primark 359 is the modern rapid fire automated deck gun and outgrowth of previous destroyers single mount guns or are they so fundamentally different that they have few routes in the period the channel covers or were the late war radar directed medium anti-aircraft guns their direct ancestor also did the 57 millimeter chambering have roots in world war ii or just the three inch and five inch um as far as i'm aware three inch five inch um [Music] 4.5 inch four inch etc are the wartime calibers that have kind of been inherited down the years um 57 mills not really a very common caliber at all in world war ii um but in terms of modern deck guns they are yeah more outgrowths of destroyer single mounts or very late war or immediate post warship second larger ship secondaries because well the difference between that in an a gun was fundamentally almost none by that point radar directed fast firing semi or fully automated aa guns that also have an anti-surface role or anti-surface guns that have an a role were pretty much par for the course in the late 1940s and that's just been continued i mean the the 4.5 inch which has been the deck gun of almost not quite given a few of the more very very more recent ships but almost every other royal navy warship from world war ii till now is basically the same gun just with different electronics and motors and stuff stuff attached to it it's been modified a little bit down the line but you can if you start off with something like the 4.5 inch on the darings or the latter c-class destroyers and the battle class in world war ii and you look at the type the 4.5 inch guns that are on even you know type 23s today there's a direct and very short ancestral tree we're doing quite well actually we're almost done with um patreon questions then i can move on to the super chats and then i can go into talking more generally um brian roper asks i understand you are very much adversed from eating anything green yes this is true does this apply to green things that are deep fried yes if it was green at some point in its history i don't want to eat it basically my this is my two rules i don't eat vegetables and i don't eat things that didn't have a spine so based meat um bread potatoes get a promotion to honorary vegetable to honorary meat because then i can have chips and fries and things like that but yeah otherwise vegetation and invertebrate life is not on my menu just put me in front of a southern barbecue and i will be perfectly happy ash the lego guy asks [Music] i live in coastal southern california and if you know what to look for you can see remnants of the shore defenses and support for them surviving in various forms if japan had the ability to project an invasion force the american west coast in late spring 42 at the same strength they did in the philippines how effective would the coastal defenses have been um kind of it's a very binary thing if somehow magically this magical long-range japanese invasion force had shown up off the east west coast if the japanese troops had been dumb enough to throw themselves straight at the more modern us coastal defenses they would have been very effective um i mean just look at wake island it turns out a single five-inch gun can be very effective when it comes to dissuading the japanese from invading um fort drum's ability to hold out as well for as long as it did but the flip side to that is that there's an awful lot of us coastline and not a tremendous number of coastal fortifications so if the japanese have anything like a functioning brain cell in the event of this magical invasion they'll just land 20 30 40 miles up the coast where there isn't a coastal defense battery and then march overland towards it um but that obviously and then that becomes a more of a land battle rather than a sea battle although maybe some of the coastal defenses could engage targets on land as well i don't even know how to pronounce that but the first part is commander hamfisted and he asks let's say it's autumn of 43 and a u.s battleship of your choice is hit and penetrated by five 16-inch shells during a surface engagement where would these shells have to land to have the most impact on events tactically operationally and strategically well tactically obviously the answer is the magazines although if you're having five one on each magazine and two of the engineering spaces will probably do in pretty much any battleship um five sixteen inch shells i mean that suggests you're fighting the japanese and more specifically suggest you're fighting nagato um so your tactical placement operationally well hmm autumn 43 what's happening in autumn 43 it would have to basically be a japanese counter push during the mid early to mid part of the island hopping campaign involving nagato for whatever reason the us has taken well obviously was taking umbrage at this but has decided to send out a battle line to face the off um i mean a single battleship being hit and basically destroyed by that kind of salvo um operationally and strategically [Music] maybe target a south dakota and iowa it's going to be an annoyance but to be honest in autumn 43 you could atomize a single u.s fast battleship from the face of the planet in the pacific and it's not going to make a tremendous amount of difference overall unless you happen to catch a flagship with a particularly important admiral like halsey or lee on board which would be a fairly major strategic impact but at that point that's more about that's less about taking out the battleship and more about taking out a person um let's copy over those um capitano lorenzo asks uh this okay 12th of december 1941 admiral phillips highly publicized task force zed has survived the initial vicious japanese aerial onslaught albeit with substantial torpedo and bomb damage and casualties and both vessels in air and singapore harbour therein is my question the singapore island will excuse me poland will ultimately be assaulted within the same time frame as it was historically but no one has that knowledge yet could the presence of both vessels in the harbor actually turn the tide of battle if singapore falls regardless we assume both vessels are still seaworthy though damage what's their credible options within the royal navy and what their destiny destination option the pearl harbor is still a mess san francisco seattle and san diego do have full repair facilities but are far away perhaps salon or australia um what to do um the presence of both vessels in hub will probably just provoke more air raids um depending on what those do they may damage them or not and pretty much similar to the previous one of the previous questions they could provide quite extensive counter battery fire with actual hg shells against the incoming japanese invasion they'll certainly stall them um it might break their attack it might not um it's difficult to predict for a certain a lot of it depends on how what areas of um what areas of the japanese advance they can target but um assuming that eventually singapore does fall at some point but as you say the ships are seaworthy the if they're still in need of several months of refit and repair then i suspect that they're not necessarily going to want to send them west initially the royal navy will probably want to send them to salon but fully refitting and repairing two fast capital ships is probably a little bit beyond salons immediate capabilities and then otherwise having to face sending them across the indian ocean not through the mediterranean definitely but then probably round south africa and then up through the atlantic past all the u-boats on the luftwaffe i don't think they'd go for that they would probably probably i think they'd be heading for salon initially for a quick bit of additional patch up if they need it otherwise straight to australia or then from salon to australia and then they'd probably get patched up further in australia as best they can and then sent over to the us west coast for fixing probably as part of a deal wherein they provide fast capital ship strength once fixed to for the us navy and kind of an early version of uss robin um [Music] yeah that would that would be the most likely outcome in in my book they'd then basically then ride escort on u.s fleet carriers for a while until um the north carolinas and later south dakotas can come in and leave them which will probably be a nice bit of quid pro quo for everyone involved because obviously the north carolinas are completing on the east coast so they would be probably initially be doing their arctic convoy work that they historically did and there and now the u.s feels that the scales are a little bit more balanced because you've got two corresponding fast capital ships running around the pacific which we're also going to give the uh the royal navy a lot more experience with the 40 mil 20 mil combination a lot sooner and repulse might very well get 5 inch 38s so just refilling the iron brew the almighty hypno toad asks concerning hmcs hider did she ever receive a blessing from the hider first nation um [Music] genuinely i don't know i for the world war ii period i do doubt that somewhat but i could be wrong but then again um i am heading off to see hider in the beginning of june so i'm going to be making two transatlantic flights in as many months which is going to be interesting so i shall take your question unto the curators of hmscs hider and ask them in june um so that'll be uh that'll be an interesting one uh towboat asks even more of a stretch if yama yamamoto gives up on the midway campaign commits all of his forces to finish south to finish new guinea and cut off australia what effect does that have on the course of the war um well it means that the the first counter invasion instead of being on guadalcanal well there may still be land a landing on guadalcanal but there's going to be major major allied forces being rushed into new guinea to stem that tide so basically the guadalcanal what historically is the guadalcanal campaign is probably going to be stretched into a much more combined guell canal new guinea campaign which is going to be some interesting changes in the division of force responsibility amongst uh macarthur and nimitz because the allies are fairly well aware of the fact they can't let australia be cut off this that was the whole you know impaired that was the whole impetus behind the world canal campaign in the henderson field might be able to actually cut off communications and supply lines trans-pacific for the australians the interesting part there is of course that you're going to end up with um i'm just copying across a couple of questions you're going to end up with things so something approximating the battle of eastern solomon's or the battle of santa cruz except they're going to be i.e where both sides know that the enemy is in the general area just not exactly where with both sides having significantly more carriers to hand now that is going to be a vicious vicious fight because of course one of the big strengths of midway from the u.s perspective even though they're outnumbered was that they had surprise in this in this element the japanese are going to know full well that the americans are coming so it's probably going to be a very very nasty knock down drag out fight there's not going to be much left at the end of it afloat pretty much similar to the how the guadalcanal campaign itself went um with the soul caveat that being a little bit closer to the allied home bases if you like with australia the allies will probably have a little bit more of a leg up than they did in just the historical guadalcanal campaign because the japanese correspondingly will be open operating slightly further away from their home bases or well their forward operating bases like rebel um okay excuse me second there we go hopefully that will stave off the pollen a little bit um patrick donnelly asks imperial japanese navy general staff get cold feet after the battle coral sea they postpone the invasion of midway until shikaku is repaired and she and zuikaku have the air groups replenished us navy intel picks up on this what options does animal nimitz have available to him um not tremendous amount because the japanese have the numerical advantage carrier-wise at this point now what it probably does allow is it allows yorktown to be more fully repaired so her engine plant her power power plant probably gets back up to full power and of course saratoga will be coming out of um dock or she's already on her way technically speaking by the time of historical midway but yeah so they get saratoga yorktown up to full spec so that means the us now has four carriers ready to go um basically the three yorktowns plus saratoga if they skedaddle they might get waspin as well which would give them five albeit one of questionable survivability the japanese obviously have the historical midway force plus now shigakuzen zuikaku so the japanese still technically have a slight numbers advantage uh in terms of flight decks they might also slightly close the aircraft and pilots advantage because if they've got a few more months well they're replenishing sweet khaki's air group as well to build up their pilot numbers somewhat so for the us it will be a case of consolidate repair consolidate repair consolidate repair and then when this new battle of midway show sort of shakes down basically try and repeat what the historical one was going to be but on a larger scale because obviously well both sides have effectively added two flight decks to their lineup um hopefully at some point also train hornets air grouping navigation but that's by the by um so yeah that it would just be a grand battle royale but probably actually maybe even more decisively in america's favor it'd be an interesting one to try and um work out um and then the last one that i've got here apart from two which i need to do a lot more research into and come back to maybe next week um that needs to go up there um so graeme william kidd asks i know sorry there's there's two there's two questions so graeme william kidd asks the australian and new zealand governments refused to allow the destruction of hms australia and hms new zealand both ship both vessels existing at full modernization in the late 1930s what royal navy ships get sacrificed under the treaties instead and how do australia and new zealand get used get used in world war ii um well i mean technically the new zealand government doesn't have any choice in the matter with new hms new zealand because it's um [Music] actually a royal navy ship they did give it as opposed to australia which technically still owns australia um i mean if they don't want them to be destroyed the best option is to sit at the washington treaty table as their own powers which then gives the royal navy the opportunity to do everything it needs to do historically anyway um but assuming that they all go in as as one group but they insist on these things being kept i'm it's going to depend on how they're classified if they are classified under the as written washington treaty rules as capital ships things are going to get very awkward because that's a treaty battleship and changes worth of tonnage that the royal navy is really not going to be happy about being short of [Music] especially considering they don't really have any ships at that point that they would really want to get rid of in order to compensate for it i mean they can get rid of the king george the fifths well they're getting rid of the kingdoms piss quite quickly anyway they could get rid of the iron dukes and tiger a little bit earlier but then come 1930 i can't see the royal navy being very happy about dropping an r-class in a bit to allow these things to stick around i think what would probably happen instead is that they'd be either either they would change the definition of cruiser to include australia and new zealand or they get specially grandfathered in as cruisers to stop people exploiting at the loophole so be a case of right these two are historically counted as cruisers but and they can towards the royal navy's cruiser displacement obviously heavy by the treaty heavy cruiser displacement but no one else can get away with it at which point that's uh four basically four county class worth of turnage excuse me anyway yeah that's four four county class worth of tonnage i suspect the royal navy might at that point actually still build the full spec of county class um they might just because under washington a cruiser as a cruiser is a cruiser so they might sacrifice a bunch of their older smaller cruisers maybe some of the early c-class to keep them around um fully modernized in the late 1930s there i mean australia will be the flagship of the royal australian navy so that she's probably gonna stay in the pacific maybe show up in the mediterranean as a cruiser hunter um hms new zealand will be obviously with the royal navy itself and will probably be its sort of lead cruiser flagship cruiser hunter specialist right and then edward olsen asks and this is the last um patreon question then we move into the super chats i was reading about the south dakota class and saw them referred to as cramped since they needed to be armored against their own 16-inch guns but they're limited to being basically treaty displacement from my trip to uss alabama i don't recall it feeling that cramped but how do they compare to the iowas does their extra 10 000 tons allow for any significant improvement to the size of crew quarters and work areas that in and of itself improve the ships i had the south dakotas been built with the extra tonnage how would they compare well considering the iowas are basically south dakota plus 10 000 tons in exchange for more speed we'll look at the iowa's basically um but yeah i mean a south dakota class battleship is still a 35 000 ton battleship it's not gonna feel that cramped compared to a destroyer or a cruiser at least to most people who are visiting where you notice the differences is say for example if you're in alabama or massachusetts bow or stern and then you're on the stern of iowa or new jersey or um wisconsin and you notice how much more additional space there is on the deck because obviously the iowas have significantly longer bowels and slightly longer sterns that in turn leads to um more volume below so more volume for storage space more volume for crew space more volume for all sorts of wonderful things and of course the iowa superstructure is also slightly longer because they have two funnels as opposed to one on the south dakotas so yeah in terms of cramped there were a few restrictions it's just because of volume especially once you had to start to take into account all the additional anti-aircraft gun crews so the south dakota's filled up a lot faster than the iowas did um but uh cramped was is also in terms of the south dakota's a measure of where their components are relative to each other so so the south dakotas were a lot more vulnerable to the blast of their own guns when their guns were in any way shape or form beyond 90 degree broadsides and even at 90 degree broadsides as compared to the iowas because their guns were just that much closer to the rest of the ship and you know with um things like pressure dropping off as a square of distance even a matter of a few feet well not a few feet a matter of a few ten tens of feet can make a huge difference in terms of the overall blast effects of the guns on two different classes of ship so the um the two questions which i need to come back to at some point probably in another live stream probably in two weeks time is charles fitz question on uh an expansion for flying circus which apparently seems to be some kind of rpg and [Music] doctor irrelevance question about battleship new jersey's deployment after her reactivation in the 60s which um given that it is a post 1950 question i'm not entirely sure that it's uh appropriate for the channel but we should i will consider all right let's get through the super chat questions so starting from the top get rid of that class a ornate asks if the high seas fleet had sunk all the deployed queen elizabeth at jutland what do the british use for the washington naval treaty fleet um if they've lost all the qes then they're either gonna be i think they would either be building replacements during the war um or if they don't building just replacement kiwis because i have the plans they're very definitely not going to suspend work for very long on hood and her sisters because obviously hood is basically the still inspector hood is qe armament qer protection but battle cruiser speeds so at the very least they're gonna keep they're gonna go full bore on the construction of hud's three sisters the you know the full admiral class that tonnage-wise probably actually covers the overall tonnage even if it doesn't cover the numbers so the british are probably going to come to the table with four hoods um well before hoods and [Music] the uh and and the r class plus renown and repulse and still probably end up arguing and prob maybe even successfully arguing for nelson and ronnie probably on the basis that they have they will have a numerically inferior fleet therefore they need to have at least a pair of 16-inch gun ships once you've accounted for tonnage that's the most likely thing they're probably that they yeah it's too late to resurrect resistance so yeah i think the most likely thing is that they'll be building the build at least three hoods possibly even more and then have to play with that at washington animal 16365 says i hope the american hospitality was up to par on your visit here oh very definitely um pretty much everyone was incredibly friendly incredibly welcoming um incredibly hospitable i didn't worry pretty much during the trip that you know if some if something was going to go wrong i was pretty sure there would be about half a dozen people at least who'd be willing to jump in and offer advice on how to fix it or just solve the problem themselves um yeah everyone everyone everyone who offered us hospitality was absolutely top-notch um i have lots of lots of thank you letters and so forth to be sending soon as soon as i've uh dealt with all the stress of unpacking etc deep blue dreams most one-sided true naval engagement i can't see much worse than when ira new jersey smashed paul katuri into many small pieces um yeah that's that's probably up there the only caveat i would say to that in terms of being one-sided is at least katori could see them coming so they knew what was going on and could run away um i think washington versus kirishima and the battle of cape matapan probably fall into even more one-sided engagements because it's just as much smashing um even if the targets in theory if they've known the opponent was there could have fought back somewhat better but the thing was they didn't because katori could at least see what was happening in invade the italian cruisers at matapan and kiroshima had no idea what was going on until until people started plugging battleship ap rounds into them um christian slot hulk asks how would world war two go differently in the mediterranean had the invasion of crete failed and britain gets air and naval bases on crete um well if the invasion of crete fails there's no evacuation if there's no evacuation then the reasonable number of royal navy ships still survive like gloucester for example and others that get damaged presumably either don't get damaged or get damaged somewhat less a naval base on crete is probably not tremendously useful except as a staging point for lighter vessels because it will be in range of enemy air power quite easily but air bases on crete well they'll they'll basically be fighting a slightly longer distance version of malta um trying to keep axis aircraft away from the naval base and other assets whilst gradually being whittled down but by securing the northern flank of the eastern mediterranean it will well best case scenario it forces the axis efforts back and results in overall fewer lost allied ships because they're able to extend anti-sub efforts over a wider area etc worst case scenario the fact they managed to hold on to crete and its relative proximity to greece might mean the church or might order everybody to go and have another go trying to retake greece or something equally silly [Music] so [Music] yeah it could go either way thomas 1918 asks what was the blue light what was the blue light on german submarines for um as far as i'm aware um as i think as far as i'm aware that basically a version of the red lights that were used on allied submarines basically a single continuous uh frequency of light to make sure that you don't lose your um your night vision and so forth when you're having to look through periscope and so forth it's just a different i guess a different way of doing it that's as far as i understand and at least i think in the in das boot they use it to signify silent running um as well which may or may not be a thing in reality but as far as i'm aware that the general use of the blue light on the german subs is basically well they decided to use that instead of or in addition to a red light for eyesight purposes um well there were there are a lot of super chat questions um galdar galdia iona asks officers are literally going mad i know of coronel in the second pacific squadron's ill-fated voyage but are there any more high-profile cases officers going mad um it happened at a semi-infrequent rate in the age of sale but in terms of 20th century um actually can't recall off hand in terms of high profile major cases there are a reasonable number of you know wartime stress and shock getting to people and people having to be relieved or just let go at the end of the voyage i have read a fair number of accounts about those um or people just losing it in the middle of combat but whilst that's again a not infrequent occurrence um the kind of thing on the level of a chief engineer losing it for a significant period of time or the kind of somewhat disturbingly widespread mania that gripped parts of the second pacific squadron those i'm not aware i'm personally at the moment not aware of any other high profile cases in certainly world war one world war ii um james mckenzie asks as improbable as it is what if bismarck had been ready in time for the norwegian campaign without the british shipbuilding changing from historical um well they had rodney around um hood was off doing her own thing i mean what would bismarck do in the norwegian campaign probably sail around with scharnhorst and geneza now as a covering distraction force at which point the british well they'll probably pair up their capital ships assuming they realize that the germans are out there in the first place renown's not going to fight lofton if bismarck's involved as well um but yeah i suspect their first their first response would be to get rodney out there probably drag nelson up there as well and make sure everybody's paired off um but again it depends on one the british realizing that the bismarck is out there with the scharnhorst and gennady now and also on them actually running into anything [Music] james mckenzie asks i remember reading the battle of crete was the single costliest in terms of most killed naval battle for the royal navy during the war during world war two yeah i was gonna say not the most costliest naval battle for the whole navy period but maybe during world war ii um i'd have to look up the exact casualty figures but anyway why would the air attack so effective basically um two things one the navy was tied to fixed po to a century tied to fixed points i tied to the evacuation so unlike any other normal naval battle they didn't have the freedom of action to evade they had to be in certain locations at certain times which the germans knew and if they're in the actual evacuation part of the of the operation or covering closely that they also are somewhat restricted in speed so they're restricting speed respect restricting the location they're at known points that makes it a lot easier to organize an air attack against them um and even if they're on the more distant covering force you're still in a position where you're you know going to be looking around and going well we know there's somewhere in the area and we know they can't go tremendously far and that couples with the other thing which is just the sheer persistence of the attacks this is something that perhaps is under appreciated about the mediterranean campaign when compared to carrier battles a carrier can launch its big strike and then that's it that carrier has to wait until the aircraft come back and then it's quite an extensive process to recover all your damaged aircraft and your regular aircraft as well get them all down refuel rearm replace if necessary your air group is going to be somewhat diminished most likely and then eventually maybe you can pull off again um whereas with air bases land-based air bases in the mediterranean these aircraft could fly around fly in drop their bombs go back much more safe predictable way of getting home and it was much quicker to turn them around refuel and re-arm them on a big air base and is in their relatively cramped confines of a carrier you can land them a lot more quickly and then you can turn around and head off again the same day quite easily um and if you don't want to do that well you probably again with air bases with so many aircraft you can just send off the next wave and if aircraft come back damaged well swapping out for new aircraft you've got sitting around there's just so much more utility to having multiple large land-based air bases and so the royal navy is just subjected to attack after attack after attack after attack for days on end to the point that some of the ships are like gloucester are flat out run out of anti-aircraft ammunition which is not something you tend to find happening in any of the carrier battles because they just don't last long enough for that to happen and you know once they've run out of ammunition ships make some more easier targets animal 16365 had the japanese navy gotten the same tonnage as the royal navy and us navy what effect on their building dash design of their future what effects would there be on their ships under construction and the designs of their future ships prior to world war ii well there'll be a lot more of them um if if they let me just check something okay so the tosa class is still going to fall outside of the realm of the washington treaty restrictions so they're going to have to dial those back in a bit but if they're given the same tonnage then well that that actually leaves them in a very enviable position because if they suddenly have the same tonnage as the royal navy in the us navy that effectively gives them obviously they can complete nagato and mutsu but they can effectively then complete at least another five or six 16-inch capital ships to fill out their tonnage um so they're going to end up with seven or eight 16-inch arm ships i more 16-inch arm ships than the us and the uk have put together which is not going to please the royal navy or the u.s navy but paradoxically is probably also the best outcome because at least that means that going into the 1930s and world war ii the japanese are on the same replacement schedule as everybody else whereas if they build in some kind of thing this is okay we're giving you the tonnage but we're only going to let you build up slowly um then obviously that means the japanese will be perfectly legally building 35 000 time battleships in say around about the time the italians and the french would be legally allowed to do so as well as when everyone starts building up so they actually have lots of modern um fast battle ships going around which would be uh not the best thing for the allies in world war ii so it depends i think which way around the the allies let that happen um if they're thinking short term it'll end up bad long term if they actually think ahead and work out what it's going to mean they might actually end up with just a bunch of extra nagatos or slightly improved nagatos floating around um of course if the japanese are treated as an equal that the washington treaty they might not be quite salty about the washington treaty and you might not have quite the same breakdown of relations that you get in the 1930s you might still have that who knows i mean the us navy is not going to be happy at all about having two potential rivals that are both the same times as it clever clothing thank you very much thank you very very much indeed um so yeah that's that's the the ijn with 15 theoretical capital ships sherman117 asks welcome back thank you very much um here's a crazy question if the u.s somehow started to build a tillman class battleship but it's not ready by the washington treaty and the us decides to complete it as a carrier um how crazy is that going to be so i mean it depends on the tillman which gentleman they built i'm just going to check the various specs so you want the maximum battleships the main problem with any of the tillmans apart from tillman 3 is that they're slow so they're going to make even even cargo won't look fast by comparison so they'll be big i mean you've got 70 to 80 000 ton displacements but 25 to 26 knots um yeah lots of flight deck space lots of beam i mean by the time they've been given flight decks that probably would be about a thousand foot flight deck so kind of incomparable size but the speed is going to be a bit of a pain um the best option would be if they build a tillman 3 obviously using a little bit of future site there because that's a 30 knot design again with a thousand foot flight deck um but i don't think they're going to be allowed to complete that because even the tillman 3 is well over 63 000 tons um there's no way you're getting that down into any kind of reasonable restriction of tonnage um yeah so it would be a crazy ship it and you kind of see some of my thoughts previously on an incomparable class carrier for is pretty much the roughly the same size and capability but there's absolutely no way that you're getting that through the washington treaty powers not unless everybody gets one supership to convert so you know unless again there's some kind of special clause everyone gets one mega carrier so the us gets a tillman carrier the british get an incomparable carrier i don't know the japanese would have to magic something up out of nowhere um jeff barney asks how would you rate the 15-inch refitted ganaiser now i imagine with one less turret and a thinner turtleback she's still a bit inferior to tirpitz but far more capable and of taking an on an old r-class on her own perhaps yeah 15-inch scharnhorst classes is more than capable of throwing down with an old r class or even malaya and as i've said before i think it represent a better cost value because yes in some ways fractionally worse i'm in some ways for actually better than a bismarck class yes one less turret but probably doesn't make a huge amount of difference because um you know for their size and their displacement you're actually getting a decent amount of firepower are you relatively relatively speaking efficient design engineering wise in terms of firepower per ton as compared to you know the best parts which add an awful lot of weight and don't offer all that much more in terms of capability um so yeah i would rate them pretty highly because you know i have a soft spot for renown and when you compare a 15-inch scharnhorst organizer now with a renown their guns are more powerful they've got similar speed and they've got better protection so what's not to like especially on a ship that i don't know refitted um refitted gunners now might might just about start reaching treaty battleship levels of displacement but who knows are we so glad when this uh legacy pollen attack from the states ends daniel silverthorne whatever became of the 1920s battlecruiser fast battleship spring shop design competition as far as i'm aware still stuck in judging hell um i should probably press to wrap that up at some point this summer um yeah that's a bit of a blast from the past but yeah i'll try and get that sorted over the summer sarah lowe asks how was there in drakken it was excellent did you get to eat proper tacos and barbecue tacos no actually bizarrely there were a couple of places um that we actually had targeted like um in and out burger proper tacos which somehow we never got around to i also wanted to see if they had the kfc double down at one of the kfc's but somehow never got around to actually visiting a kfc although we got a chance to visit almost every other us fast food place including the ones that that you guys have and we don't um any other food you really enjoyed yeah well the southern barbecue absolutely top-notch i'm on a hunt for cornbread now as well because that was a surprisingly delicious um delicious uh thing to discover uh what else was really oh yeah i mean as i said to a lot of a lot of guys who showed up on the various ships you can get good steak in the uk you can get good burgers in the uk the same as you can get good steak and good burgers in the us but something that the uk seems almost impossible it seems almost impossible to get in the uk that the us really really does well and apparently seems to do consistently well is chicken um you guys really know how to make your chicken um and in a way that's actually tasty and not you know well here is a unidentifiable protein mass to which we have added some exterior taste another the chicken in the us actually tastes of something at least at the places we were at um also the i think the other thing biscuits and gravy um not something i expected to like in a million years um but i tried it just because i was there and actually did find that was pretty good um but in a fight between briskets engraving cornbread difficult as it may be if i could get one of them reliably in the uk it would be cornbread because i i just balloon yeah chipper corgi we apparently there are one or two very odd niche places in the uk that sell cornbread and there's a bunch more that sell cornbread mix to make at home which might well be something i'm going to be doing but it's not nowhere near as readily available as it is in the states um but on the same time proper u.s barbecue oh my goodness that's where you that's where that's where i'm just like um food silence now inhaling and uh sarah also asks did anthas really man handle you into a picture if i'd wanted before saying hello um yeah kind of that was quite funny actually because i was so that was on yorktown i was so locked into answering questions i was basically in in drag live drive mode pretty much as we are in now i clocked some part of my brain clocked there is a large man with an excellent beard here and then my brain just cut off as like that's cool anyway moving on and some part in the back of my brain i'm just going to know there's something more significant going on here what's going on what's going on but because i was fielding live questions all the time it kind of ran on the background process and then athias was like hello and then i was and yeah it took me a few seconds for my brain to go changing changing ah right that's that's why okay sorry brain no function properly at the moment it was it was a little embarrassing for me to be to say the least it's just like yes i'm i know exactly who this guy is and somehow my brain just completely blanked on an actual id until after he'd actually you know basically poked me and said remember remember yeah oh yes oh dear um oh yeah william kirchner that was the other the other really good food experience of weirdly of all things the little hot dog van sat on the back of uss iowa did possibly the single best hot dog i've ever eaten i mean la is a long long way to fly for a hot dog might consider driving up from san diego next year though um oh yeah and of course there was the philly cheese steak in philadelphia did definitely um did definitely enjoy that you're reminding me of all these good foods uh melanie 1604 oh 40. um yeah basically i took a massive dose of um virginia and maryland tree pollen on what the thursday and friday last week and it took me like a week just to stop looking like a gas attack victim and even now it's still clogging up a little bit um i had chipper corgi saying i've heard from several friends who from the uk that they find american food unpleasantly sweet well i'm not going to be one of those um i've at one point when i drank coffee on on a regular basis i was described as drinking weaponized caramel and my recipe for making tea or coffee is you've made the tea and the coffee this is good now add sugar till it stops dissolving um yeah to say i have a sweet tooth i mean i once drank concentrate fruit juice without i think it was just a slightly sweeter version of my normal mix um sweetness you'd have to really really push the boat out on sweetness to get me to start going ah okay oh and sure as i did eventually get someone gave me some really nice churros in boston of all places and then i found even better well not better because those chills were filled they were really nice but i did find some really nice cinnamon churros as i went further south as well um anyway that was an interesting one um sap ninja now i know that that's how it's pronounced um asks just for fun daring versus daring 19 type 90 uh sorry type 45 versus 1945. um projectile weapons only 1b1 and 5v5 um projectile weapons only the the den there in 1945 has the advantages it has six times the guns and if through most of its career radar directed firepower that okay the type 45 has technically a slightly longer range but i think that 1945 daring can probably outpace it and close the range um and their weapon ranges aren't too dissimilar last time i checked so actually yeah in a gunfight only the the old school daring's probably going to come out on top um grab another superchat question and add it to the list yeah io2 it's it is basically uh i am occasionally known to have traces of blood in my liquid sugar system so laserpig very generously asks i was told by tour guide that one of the major problems with bismarck was some of her equipment like generators batteries etc were built to factory standards not naval standards thus built to be on concrete floors and not steel decks and weren't waterproof is there any truth in this um that's not one i've heard before to be honest i'd have to look into that in a lot more detail and i will because i am planning a video at some point on bismarck and [Music] various things related to bismarck those of you who met me on some of the ships will know kind of where i'm going with that let's just say it'll make a lot of people very angry but with that said just thinking over the stuff i have read about this monk some of her equipment was very finicky and prone to breaking down a lot more than it should have done so there may be an element of truth in that respect as far as specifics like generators and batteries well those kind of things even if they're built to enable standards don't tend to do too well when they're immersed in water and or set on fire um but so i'm not sure on the specifics but i do know that some of her equipment yes was should we say somewhat problematic when exposed to salt a saltwater environment which it probably shouldn't have been um there were a number of changes made both to what was installed on terpenes and also what components were used to build the things installed on terpets part of that was technological advancement but i suspect part of that might also be related to what you're talking about there i'm actually going to move that question where am i going to put you i'm going to pop that question down here i'm going to look into this further and hopefully by the time the next live stream i'll be able to offer you some additional in uh additional information on that i'm going to look very specifically into the areas that you have um identified there because it is it's something where i think my my existing reading is circling on being able to possibly confirm or deny but i wouldn't want to confirm or deny right this instant without a bit more digging which is one of those really annoying little places to be where you like you think you're just on the verge of being able to say something um cj knoll asks had the u.s learned of the yamato's true size in say lake 39 would the iowas have been quickly reordered as 30 knot plus montanas and if so how would they fare a natural service no no the work that would have been required to redesign the iowas to maintain their speed and grab an extra turret which would be the absolute minimum um or even dropping down to 30 knots and adding an extra turret that would take far too long given the pressures of war to do the redesign for and that's not even accounted for obviously the montanas were going to be more heavily armored than the iowas and that that would have to change as well what you might see is the last two iowa's which were obviously historically to be built as i was you might see those reordered as montana's and made priority so you might see you might see them rolling down the slip ways maybe six months ahead of time compared to when their historical holes kind of were almost ready and they wouldn't be suspended well they wouldn't be sus work suspended either so actually probably end service a lot sooner um albeit right towards the end of the war given you know that the historical iowas weren't incept for too long in world war ii um so yeah an adapted sort of montana or straight up montana bearing the uh the name kentucky actually that's gonna be an interesting one because without that where are they gonna get the spare bow when wisconsin ram something hmm questions for the ages um in terms of how they'd fare an actual service well like with the iowa's they're not going to see a tremendous amount of service and even less so obviously in world war ii itself um although as big 30 knot vessels um they might actually they might still be around museum ships these days because their speed would allow them to be kept along and their extra size would make them even better for reactivation for short moments they got hot they've got three more guns and more space for more missiles um whether that means six battleships i two i was before i was two montana-ish ships or whether they moth ball or even scrap two of the iowas and have two iowas and two montana types who knows but most of their service would lie post 1950. and people yes for a montana you could have additional essexes but in late 39 no one's quite sure that um building carrots to counter battleships is 100 sure bet nightharen productions asks all the royal navy carriers laid down by 1947 in real life are still built all the war survivors are still about but the royal navy also gets the four maltas what does the royal navy scrap keep scrap or sell to the commonwealth um now i think i vaguely remembered answering a question similar to this before so they'll keep eagle and ark royal the two audaciouses and [Music] the i think it's the centaurs which include hermes pretty much everything else is going to get sold off so um the majestics the colossus's and majestics i mean they got sold off quite a lot anyway they'll probably get sold off even faster the illustrious is an implacable i think so the illustrious and implacables will go pretty quick most of the colossus's and majestics will also go pretty quick the bulwarks and centaurs will stick around for a little bit before most of them will be sold on as well and i suspect what you'll probably then have is a fleet that will be the four maltas um then you'll have arc royal and eagle and two probably hermes hermes and center or something like that um where in ark royal and eagle are probably acting as your kind of spares and repairs backup carriers and the hermes and her sister ship will probably be acting as uh amphibious assault helicopter ships or possibly the other way around maybe they'll be acting as the flight backup ships and arc royal and eagle will be the assault vessels but i i doubt it because archwall and eagle be able to operate aircraft that the hermes and her sister ship wouldn't be able to so yeah i suspect you'll probably have your full malta's supported by um audacious and eagle acting as repair and support vessels with two helicopter carriers and so you'd have an eight carrier royal navy fleet which will probably eventually get cut down but the royal navy will probably trade off one probably trust they'd probably start off by trading off whichever one is more worn of arc royal and eagle then trade off hermes and her sister then trade off the other audacious class and try and ring fence the maltese for as long as possible william kiefer asks my voice is going this is annoying um william key versus the asteroid that ended the mesozoic strikes in the same place during 1942 um how do you think the world navies would respond to the disaster automatically pretend that some of them survived um that would be a a mess to say the least um so basically talking about the shiksha lube i think that's how it's pronounced asteroid well the u.s is on fire everyone's on fire the u.s is especially on fire but also underwater um [Music] i'm trying to think who on earth would survive i mean nothing in the atlantic is going to be still around maybe some of the ships in the more sheltered parts of the mediterranean would still be around so elements of the royal navy in the italian navy maybe some stuff in the north sea might be able to use the uk as a giant shield um a lot of the stuff in the pacific is probably toast a lot of it literally um maybe stuff over in the western pacific hiding over amongst the islands might survive so there'd be a few elements of the us navy in the western pacific still around um a bit of the japanese navy the bits of the royal navy that are in the indian ocean and the mediterranean and some of the north sea would still be around weirdly enough the russians would probably suffer the least um the germans possibly in the italians as well they're in there they've got most of their navy's concentrating areas that are marginally possibly survivable although probably not probably everybody just dies um but obviously hopefully the war would stop but if a if an asteroid impact of that scale happened um how would they respond there's not a lot they can do um sail around looking for survivors hopefully hope that at least one oil refinery isn't on fire i mean they'd probably be in one of the better places the crews will be some of the best places to survive at least for a little while but eventually they'd just have to moor up and probably become their own little kingdoms thomas 1918 asks how common was it for german u-boats to dive to the seabed to undertake repairs not that common um ideally you didn't want to operate in an area with a seabed that was shallow enough that you could actually dive down to it if you could avoid it because that meant you lacked operational depth and maneuvering and this meant the sea was probably fairly shallow anyway which made it much more easy for you to be spotted plus of course you don't necessarily know what's below you when you go to the seabed it could just be nice flat silt it could be quicksand it could be rocks it could be a single rock that would punch through it could be a shipwreck it could be an angled plane that you slide down or ends up what you end up on your side um but it's also a certainly decent hiding place occasionally so yeah not very common but they they did do it a few times um where they could guarantee that it would give them a stable place to sit jason roth asks the battle of jutland has changed slightly the germans have more ships they are the first two mackinsons hindenburg and all four bayerns how does this affect the battle um the bayerns probably don't affect the battle all that much um the german fleet was strung out quite significantly the high seas fleet when the battle turn away happened the helgelands the nassau's and the deutsches were all hopelessly behind which partly explained she's decision to turn around because he had basically what was left of her scouting group the kaisers and the kernigs to face the entire grand fleet adding in the four bayerns to that equation doesn't really change all that much the royal navy the grand fleet still has a massive preponderance of firepower so that element the battle turn away pretty much is probably as written in the history books if you've got hindenburg and two mackinsons however there's probably not much left of bt's command by the time the queen elizabeth show up um probably princess royal in new zealand are all that's left the flip side is that the queen elizabeth are still more powerful than even the mackinsons so it would all depend on timing um and who's done what damage to who by the time the qe show up but you know bt loses the battle cruiser flight even more decisively and then it's kind of a coin toss between to the qes come in just quickly enough to rescue the situation and drive off the scouting group and it will be more of an organized retreat than a full-length retreat which is what was historically the case with when the qe's got involved um or do they show up at the point which there's basically none of the battle cruiser fleet left worth saving at which point the qes are significantly outnumbered and outgunned by the bulk of a scouting group at which point they can do an awful lot of horrible damage but will have to turn away pretty sharpish if they want to live [Music] and of course first scouting group overall are faster than the kiwis so if the hues do turn away they may try and pursue um lars peter simonson asks why did sailing ships have such bluff bows was it for extra buoyancy to counteract the press of sales and how could clipper ships do without them um a good chunk of it was structural naval architecture basically meant that they had to have fairly bluff bells the way the framing and the ribbing and the planking worked um if you had a thin cutting profile belt like the clipper ships did for the majority of the age of sale that would mean you just had a very very weak bowel that would start work open you'd get a lot of flooding probably get your bowel knocked off fairly quickly and then you'd drown clipper ships came about after the seppings and simmons reforms which i know mentioned quite a lot where you were then able to use diagonal cross bracing and various other advances enable architecture which allowed you to have finer more hydrodynamically shaped profiles for your ships at which point something like the clipper bow was possible because it was now strong enough to withstand the forces being exerted on it and thus often other clipper ships i mean there is also a certain degree of the fact that yes you've got sales particularly your foremast pressing down on the ship and uh lots of sales higher up that there is a bit of a need for buoyancy and wet and such like there but it's not as much as the architectural concerns surrounding ship design at the time excuse me um gail dear eonai naval history's most embarrassing fender bender um if we put that in the context of you know just brushing in and you know causing some damage but neither but both sides get to walk away to live another day given the tone of some of the court martial documents probably either the collision between i think it was washington in indiana south dakota and indiana uh in world war ii or the interwar collision between i think it was renowned and hood might have been repulsing hood i think it was renowned because in both of those cases it was um you know two large fast capital ships maneuvering had been maneuvering perfectly well in company and someone just really dropped the ball on both realizing what was going on and responding to orders and ended up with basically literally a slow-motion train wreck which then ended up with one or both ships having to end having to go back to port for an entirely avoidable smash up whiskey delta golf if four hoods were built would the displacement limit of washington have still been set at 35 000 tons and would other the other powers have built responses uh it depends on the sit in the situation if four hoods were built in addition to all the other royal navy stuff then um i suspect the displacement limit might still have been set at 35 000 tons but i also suspect that the add the four hoods or the admirals would have been grouped into their own little unit and kind of given an exception clause but then the other powers would have had also been allowed to build responses to that whether they're in the same numbers or not i don't know that would be subject to a lot of um negotiation and horse trading at the table um there was really a feeling that they wanted the 35 000 ton limit and most people felt that most of hud's additional displacement had gone into her speed rather than her firepower and durability even though she was a top-of-the-line ship in those as well for the time so i suspect you would have seen us a clause vaguely similar to the one that allowed the u.s to convert lexington and saratoga into carriers i.e you know the u.s got excuse me the u.s gets to convert guests have two carriers that are a bit bigger than the standard displacement for carriers but the standard displacement is still the standard displacement it'll be a similar thing the uk gets a bunch of battle cruisers that are above the stand displacement but this is the still sound displacement but maybe with four of them maybe each other power gets two of their own ships allowed through so maybe the japanese get um tusa and kaga built as actual battleships don't know what would happen with the americans though whether they'd want a south dakota or two or whether they'd maybe complete the second two lexingtons as battle cruisers who know something like that thomas 1918 and during the blockade of germany how many ships were at sea at the same time and where did they patrol um how many ships were at sea yes so the blockade of germany consisted of effectively two major operational areas so you had um the channel fleet well the channel for stover patrol which basically the channel operational area so you've got the harris force the dover patrol and various associated ships patrolling up and down the english channel um the thames estuary guard force when it was eventually um brought up strength also helped out there so that was a combination of patrols to try and make sure to make sure the germans didn't try and break out that way um guard vessels to guard the constant flow back and forth of transports to and from the uk and france because obviously you know there's a land hall going on as well as anti-sub efforts to lay mines nets etc hunt down the occasional sub so there's several dozen ships at sea at any one time in that area and then you have the northern barrage which is better mixture of our merchant crew usually in a mixture of our merchant cruisers trawlers and regular cruisers um basically monitoring mostly for merchant shipping and keeping a a weather eye out for any major german movements but mostly involved with the anti-shipping stuff and then the high seas fleet the battle cruise if we kind of operate within the environment set by those two lines for the most part to actually fight german warships but there might be anything from a dozen to several dozen ships out on the northern blockade at any one time as well depending on the time period the weather etc so blockade duty of germany in world war one you probably a minimum number of ships at c associated with at any given time was probably about three dozen and it could be well over 100 um at certain times and that's it that's only if you count the stuff that's specifically you know this is here for the blockade and nothing else because of course there are patrols and sweeps by the grand fleet that are in support of the blockade but not directly tied to it which of course that involves several hundred ships in the novel itself um pedan harley asks at the moment of her commissioning in 1878 hms ganet and her crew are sent to 1778 how useful a combatant is she in 1778 and how possible is it for the royal navy dockyards to keep her operational well as a composite um composite vessel keeping her operational will to a degree should be fairly easy because she has sales they know how to maintain and uh maintain those she's got a most pretty much you know a whole that they also understand how to maintain so that part's not too bad her engines might be a bit more problematic and they'll last until they break down the technology to manufacture replacement parts is there whether the expertise to identify which parts need to be manufactured and how to install them is another matter if she's got particularly skilled engineer on board who understands her engines front to back he can probably keep the engines going by commissioning specific uh replacement parts but if not then her engine will probably give up the ghost at some point whilst her engine is in operation she'll be a very useful scout vessel especially off the enemy coast during blockades um in terms of being a useful combatant she's not going to be tremendously useful in a straight up gun battle yes she has guns that are very big and very powerful compared to the regular 32 32-pounder cannon but she doesn't have a tremendous number of them um which could lead very end she's not particularly large either which would lead her being overwhelmed by short-range gunfire pretty quickly obviously you know she is still fighting within visual range she's got some nordenfeldt's quad barrel nordenfeldt's those would be very useful for boarding action so i suspect she would probably be used as initially a scouting vessel off the french coast because she can basically go wherever she likes until the steam engine stops working and later on and either later on generally or possibly after her steam engine stopped working they may well then stick her out on raiding duty particularly going after specific key targets because if she's going after things like the spanish manila galleon various you know other high value vessels she can probably chase most of them down especially obviously if the engine's working in country wind conditions and she's got the firepower to easily take on merchant ships and if she is attacked by frigates well she's got these big guns a couple of hits to a three will probably do fairly nasty things and if the frigate tries to get in close those nordenfeldts will make a fair mess of her of her opponent's debt cruise but yeah she should probably end up with a as a good raiding frigate for the longest time melanie 16040 hms ganet is a preserved victorian composite sloop in chatham dockyard she's from the late latter part of the 1800s cj knoll asks could the bismarks have been fitted with triple 15-inch turrets only if krupp abandons the idea of the horizontal sliding breach which was one of the bigger reasons for why the bismarck's turrets were so large theoretically her size would allow for a triple 15-inch turret to be fitted but it would have to be of an interrupted screw breech design i.e crop would have to get with the modern times i mean if they i mean look at the length and beam of bismarck compared to like to be rich earlier richelieu could fit quad 15s so yeah there's space for triple 15s as long as your gun design allows you to fit them somewhat reasonably close together which the crop guns don't allow for chassex asks the admiralty after reading war of the worlds would they order a torpedo ram design in 1939 uh okay i think he says after reading war of the worlds the admiral t orders a torpedo ram design in 1939. what do you think it would look like and would have been built um torpedo ram no they wouldn't have built in 1939 the ramming concept was long dead um but if they were gonna do a torpedo something as early as a son of thunderchild in 1939. um if i was going to go for all the torpedoes all the time using and adapting an existing royal navy design i would probably take the the fast mine layers so that's you know manxman welshman abdeal so the abdul glass fast mine layers take them as a basis and then instead of that massive mind laying deck that they were fitted with put as many quad or quintuple torpedo launchers as i could so something to make kitakami envious and said that because if they go steaming along at night low profile 40 knots i'm pretty sure they could get up close and personal to a bunch of stuff and then send out send out a massive wave of torpedoes and then turn around and lag it before anyone knows what's going on um the man formerly known as commenting is what i do asks would the side breach work if the germans had turned it sideways like the british did the fireflies tank gun if it was basically if they'd gone with a vertical sliding breech could be done um might need to lead to some interesting and restricted loading angles but yeah it could be done um turret height would become a bit of an issue i suspect though excuse me um right yeah that's uh a bit of a bit of a thing to be struggling with at the moment sorry um well amos when was hms belfast last dry dock and is it to you soon um i think it was the last dry dock in the late 90s early 2000s um has it hasn't been it hasn't been dried up for a while is it too soon not as far as i'm aware i think if i remember the last time i was on belfast it's not due for another dry docking until at least the latter part of this decade possibly beginning of next um so yeah box ghost 102 nassau versus corby take it off versus gangut so as built the nassau has an advantage over the korbay in the despite the fact they're both relatively limited on range um nassau can outrange korbe i mean anything any general can outrange korbay but nassau can do so and in the in the slap fight of the sl of the bottom feeders yeah nassau does also have the option of just you know rotating 180 degrees to present a near undamaged broadside if the going gets a little bit too too bad um i mean it'll be a close it'll be close fight but i'd say nassau has a slight edge over core bay um take it off versus gengar as built um with the quality all the quality control issues that inherent the jango has the advantage purely by paper specs if both built by the same shipyard i think they that tiggerhoff might might have an edge but with the historical build quality um at least in the early part of the war the gangut would have the advantage theoretically once the issues are resolved after the the bombardment of ancona the ticket hops would move back into having an advantage but then the takeoffs suffer from the neglect that is the last part of the war for the austro-hungarian navy not that some of the russian ships were put in particularly good shape at the end either um so yeah that that's a very difficult one to to cut to a to pull together but um they're both fairly close fights but i'd say nassau has more of an advantage in the first fight then in the second then there is an advantage in the second one but i'd be tempted in in a real world fight to kind of maybe edge it just a little bit in ganga's favor martin sandal asks is there a chance you could do a video or maybe visit hms h dms gerland or maybe a video about some other danish age of sailship i do want to visit the gerland at some point and then i will do a video on her because you know she's there so there's no point in doing a video about her without visiting that would just be silly um prince of tonga asks if diesel engine tech had advanced faster would the royal navy look at it seriously for post-world war one capital ships as the efficiency improvements could be useful with a worldwide empire to guard um maybe it would have to advance an awful lot though because whilst the advances that saw some diesel engines deployed in ships in the second world war were obviously relatively considerable um steam turbines still had a number of advantages uh in terms of responsiveness total power output energy density in terms of horsepower per ton and horsepower per cubic meter so it would have to be a lot of advances i mean obviously diesel took over from steam turbines in a lot of cases in the cold war for a reason but it would have to be made if you're looking at it for post-world war one capital ships then no i don't think the tech could plausibly advance fast enough to overcome all of the major concerns the royal navy would have um maybe if you were looking at advancing mid 1930s diesel technology to let's say mid 1950s early 1960s diesel tech that might be an argument but advancing early 1920s diesel tech say late 30s early 40s diesel tech i don't think there's enough of an improvement there and tevildo asks where can we find good illustrations of ship based torpedo tubes they're significant but i can never envisage how they work so there is a book um [Music] which helpfully is called torpedo um yeah they go torpedo so there's torpedo the complete history of the world's most revolutionary naval weapon um and there's also usefully also called torpedo by catherine c epstein they're the two kind of main go-to books for references on torpedoes beyond that there are various plans and diagrams of individual ships torpedo tubes i i think a lot of it would depend on whether you're looking for the torpedo tubes of destroyers i i or cruiser the you know the rotating top mounted deck mounted torpedo launchers or the torpedo launchers installed in capital ships the underwater ones that are or even above water ones that are built into the hull um because they're both ship-based torpedo tubes for whole mounted torpedoes torpedo tubes there's um apart from those books there's also some reasonably good plans and illustrations for latter part 19th century early 20th century ships equipped so with such um equipment there's some plans available online for the deck mounted stuff that probably us navy operational manuals for theirs are probably one of the better places to go um yeah if you if you want to drop me a email or discord message then at some point next week i will try and send you some of the plans and so forth i've got access to uh that i've got sitting around on my hard drive or at least pictures from books if if those aren't the ones you're looking for so i think that is all caught up um as i said i need to get back on charles fit and doctor of relevance questions which i'll come back to in the live stream in the mid month and laser pig i'm going to look into the your question about generators batteries etc on bismarck in more detail and again come back to that then um let me close that let me then move that slightly keaton alexander um what's your opinion thoughts on books by osprey publishing and how and how do you like your gaming chair versus other chairs well i can sit in this chair for you know eight ten hours at a time if necessary on on a long day working on the channel um without feeling like my back's gonna seize up and kill me so there's that i mean i have installed cheap skins on it so i guess it's not 100 perfect um i'm thinking of maybe getting a little bit more cushioning because the sheep skin that i've been sitting on is beginning to look a little bit flat and sad um yeah so compared to other chairs it's very very good um there is a reason i have it books by osprey publishing they can be good they can be not so good depends quite a lot on the author um where they are um yeah i think we're with the osprey series some of them are very very useful um some of them you do have to be a little bit careful of but they can be useful as more general histories i would say probably your first stop would be to if you're thinking about um which our spray books do we do you want to have a look at look at who the authors are look up the authors see what else they published first and then make a decision based on that i do use them for references occasionally the ones that are by the better authors they are obviously quite small they're quite short they don't contain a massive amount of information but they're good little primers where the when that they are are good and there's more good excuse me there's more good than bad all right now with that i have half a glass of iron brew flip sake i live in a cul-de-sac and some people just think that motorcycles running up and down a cul-de-sac are the best things since sliced bread um right where are we [Music] okay i'm going to start taking questions basically from the chat starting with from keaton alexander's question so if you if you have a question you'd like me to answer basically i guess type it in now i'll work my way through them as quickly as i can as best i can as i said i do have this pollen lingering pollen attack which is not helping um so we will probably wrap up a little bit earlier than normal it's also half past nine and i'm still a little bit jet-lagged believe it or not um anyway [ __ ] have you ever visited plymouth southwest england yes very briefly i've been past it a lot of times but i've only ever popped into it once and as i very briefly um monkey of the smack 419 if brazil hadn't imploded in the early 20th century do you think they would have become an actual player on the world scene during either world war um not by world war one um there's just not enough time and they're still ordering everything in if for whatever reason their economy didn't implode and they worked on and built on it got their own industry and infrastructure going being able to build and maintain their own capital ships etc um then by world war ii they've got the potential maybe to become a strong regional power they wouldn't be a us uk japan level power um but they would have their own battle fleet and you know both sides would be courting them because of the amount of control that they um can exert over the south atlantic so yeah they'd be very they'd be a strong regional power i don't think they would have quite send it to global power state just by that point you'd probably be looking at them with a navy maybe a little bit smaller than but a beginning to approach the capabilities of the french navy maybe sort of 70 80 the size so definitely someone you want on your side but not individually somebody that the big powers fear um io2 perhaps a bit outside the channel's timeframe but what would the butterflies be of the royal maybe choosing to build three minotaur class cruisers instead of the tigers i mean they'd be better suited for conversion to that horrific box structure they stuck on the back of the tiger and blake um they'd be a lot more capable ships but they'd also be a lot more expensive to run because they're larger so i suspect you probably see them you might see them decommissioned actually one of them decommissioned a bit quickly leaving two but with their sizing capabilities they do make excellent um sverglov killers and such like so they may well be kept around for that that's probably gonna mean fewer towns and um crown colonies kept around see at their size you could actually be them being just a little bit bigger you could actually legitimately make them decent helicopter carriers by converting their aft sections as opposed to the tigers where it didn't never really quite work and they still retain a lot of decent forward firepower of course at least the inevitable question of would they have been around for the falklands maybe um their size also means they could take missile conversions a bit easier so you might see them converted into kind of a helicopter missile cruiser hybrid with a gun maybe a couple of guns left somewhat similar to what the us did to some of its cruisers in the 50s and 60s and then used as escorts for arc royal and eagle which means they'd probably go out of service around with the same time as arc royal or thereabouts or they might keep one along to escort the invincibles so there's maybe a fractionally larger chance of a single minotaur getting down to the falklands but maybe maybe not sean riley asks how would uss washington fare in her famous battle if yamato was there instead of hiroshima um well at the 9 000 yards washington can still punch shells into yamato unless is an odd angle so yamato is still going to take a huge amount of damage um south dakota is in a lot of trouble because you know well an 18.1 inch shells are gonna do real real mess even if they're hg and obviously um kirishima switched between the two during her assault on south dakota so i think south dakota is going to come off a lot lot worse the number of hits that washington put into kirishima though yamato will still be there she'll still be in somewhat fighting order but she'll be grievously grievously wounded um with something that size though i think lee won't check fire after 27 rounds he'll keep pumping rounds in any better because basically he needs to hit yamato hard and keep hitting her hard in such a way that she never gets a chance to fight back because you know if if south dakota is going to have problems dealing with incoming fire from yamato washington is going to have even more problems because he's even less well protected um and yamato has some pretty nice fire control even for night fighting so that's gonna be yeah i think he's gonna turn on basically can lee keep hitting yamato enough to keep her off balance either long enough to do completely fatal damage or long enough for washington to slip away i don't think yamato would survive particularly long afterwards but it would be more like a he a style and then limps away and is eventually sunk the next day rather than kiroshima's sort of rolling over after a few after a few extra hits oh wow that's a big jump in questions um say no more asks do you have any experience with the danish coastal battleship designs of 1936-39 and if so how would you imagine their performance ignoring the political situation in denmark in the 30s i do have a couple of reference books that go over go over the proposals but off the top of my head i couldn't tell you all that much about them i would have to read up on them a bit more [Music] thank you william potts i have seen laser picks one it is actually just at the bottom of my screen now um [Music] fidges ricker rickon ricks asks opinion on salt sticks i don't know i don't think i've ever had some um spencer madsen did american battleships use common dash semi armor piercing shells in world war ii uh no i don't think anybody did um the uh cpc shells the british battleships had in world war one seem to have been mostly unique to them um common can mean he in certain definitions so in that sense yes they had hg shells um but in the sense of comet as in basic armor-piercing semi-auto piercing no um [Music] do you have any plans for the 500th year anniversary of the swedish navy next month not particularly unless someone with expertise in that area wants to reach out i do have a relatively full schedule of video production for this month and next month because obviously while i was in the states i wasn't able to produce the two videos a month that patreon normally voted on so i had to produce everything um of my own initiative which means that one video that they would have selected last month gets published this month and the other video gets published next month so i have three videos patreon selected each month on one video of my own and the one video of my own for next month that i've already chosen um laserpig asks since i'm still here i'm doing a video on this and i can briefly use you to check my facts is there any truth to the idea that when the cap trafalgar fought uh the cambria in 1914 both ships were disguised as each other um i actually did a video on this let me pull it up oh i did a video that mentioned this um yeah so uh copy copy copy copy copy link so i'm just going to put that link in chat sorry it's got a time stamp on it i don't know why um but yes there's armed merchant cruisers and raiders bearing deadly cargo that's a video i did a couple of years ago i actually go over their cap trafalgar engagement in a fair amount of detail and there should be let me just double check before i speak out of turn okay for some reason though didn't list the sources in there um but yeah so that goes into the engagement in a lot more depth than i'd be able to go in just a live dry dock but that will address the issue um cap trafalgar was disguised um if i if i recall correctly off the top of my head the british ship wasn't wasn't disguised as capture falger but did resemble her to a certain degree um i'm just checking this china where's the script gone that's the ship um yeah so it's um so basically carmania resembled cap trafalgar in her disguise uh because obviously uh capture falgot was disguised as carmania but carmania wasn't disguised as as cap trafalgar because um basically carmania was a two funnel ship and um [Music] capri had to take some fairly extensive modifications to more closely resemble carmania um carmena had no reason to disguise herself as a german ocean liner so they very closely resembled each other but that was because of capture falger's disguise not carmenas uh not carbine also doing a disguise but yeah say that the video i've linked in the chat that should give you a little bit more detail about the battle um and obviously um feel free to drop me a line at some point you know email discord etc um if you'd like to check any further facts or get sources etc i'm perfectly happy to help out with that um so i just had to quickly check the script unfortunately most of my scripts are stored in the same file um chuck marble says hey drake many of your subs have listened to you for countless hours to the point we actually think of you as a good friend even those that never met you uh does that seem weird to you not particularly um to be honest um i've come across many weird things in my life that are a lot weirder than that and [Music] i mean yeah it's obviously a little bit of a one-way street but hopefully as people found when i was on on their ships i'm hopefully relatively approachable and friendly generally um uh so [Music] yeah it seems fine to me i mean i unders i also understand where you're coming from because um way back in the day i used to watch an awful lot of total biscuits channel may he rest in peace um to the point that when he eventually um came over to the uk for a number of conventions i met him a couple of times along with the rest of the optional podcast crew as it then was um and yeah you get the feeling that if you've listened to someone speak for hours and hours and hours and hours on end on something they're very passionate about you do kind of get an inkling of what they might be like in person um and i mean of course you then also have to take that and run with it and like okay well i'm now going to adapt how i interact with them on this basis and obviously be polite and respectful but i'm happy to report that when i did meet them the whole crew especially total biscuit at the various conventions they were fairly friendly and we got on fairly well um i was one of a few that managed to get invited to hang around after one of the conventions i got a fairly nice um poster of my own design which got everybody's signature on so yeah they're generally nice people so hopefully following in those footsteps and i mean the fact that i managed to help people with the countless hours of work well that's a big plus for me um christopher abernathy favorite rifle and rifle caliber um if i had to be perfectly honest the martini henry in 577-45 it's just a hilariously fun gun um admittedly yeah there is a little bit of uh the the whole lake victorian desire for reenacting empire go probably in there somewhere but no seriously one i really like the lever action i really like the winchester as well um the winchester lever action in 45. um it just it works really well for and i i think i know this sounds like a crime but i think i always prefer lever action over bolt action um that may also be the fact that i'm left-handed so most libra most bolt actions usually involve trying to desperately avoid punching myself in the face um whereas lever actions are somewhat more forgiving on that ground um the only thing i'd say is the martin henry in five seven seven by four five kicks like a beast um so caliber i'm not so sure about i've had the most accuracy with seven millimeter mauser but i think that's more the gun than the ammunition so i don't think i have a particularly favorite caliber but definitely the martini henry is my favorite rifle so far um i wonder if they yeah i know they do martin yes they know what we're saying of course they they do martini henry's in three or three so maybe that'll be my next ambition who knows um excuse me white house oh yeah i have my phone on silent and the silent only lasts two hours and since we've been going for two hours 33 minutes um it's worn off again let me put it back on there we go nothing immediately urgent [Music] where are we io2 the year is 1935 and somehow the turrets and guns of the invincibles and interpretables are found in good condition in a royal navy warehouse what ships do you choose to build okay so got twin twelves hmm in 1935 the treaty systems collapsed and got a bunch of twin twelves to be honest the realistic royal navy is probably gonna stick them on a bunch of monitors um they are somewhat old um with the supply of guns in place i can see somebody coming up with some kind of super cruiser idea because i mean they were looking at various 12-inch gunned uh mini battleships and supercruisers in the 1930s so if they've got a ton of twin twelves i can see them maybe sticking sticking together uh maybe a six gun 18 to 20 000 on the supercruiser or two um i'll just grab that question over there yeah if i have my choice i'll probably build like basically mini renowns um six 12 inch guns probably about 20 to 22 000 tons running around at high speed good cruiser killers good for dealing with things like the well hippers and deutschlands etc um yes they're never going to tangle with the scharnhorst or whatever but let's face it that's what you have the proper capital ships for um oh yeah king alexander the other thing i would say with a secret lab chair is if you can have them have it backing onto [Music] open space now due to space and location constraints over here in this particular area obviously this backs onto shelves um but they are actually ridiculously comfortable to just lie down and vegetate in because they can basically lean back fully um i just can't do it here which is a little bit annoying maybe maybe someday i'll reorganize everything so that i can william kirchmeier asks what was the worst naval boiler casualty of knowledge of oh that's that's a matter of some debate um thunderous boiler explosion back in the 1880s was not pleasant at all 1870s 1880s somewhere around that time um but i mean technically speaking there's a decent argument to be made in a number of ship sinkings that the boilers cooked off then which would obviously be the worst there is a theory which i'm somewhat subscribed to um i need to look at it in more detail before i 100 commit myself to but there is a there is a theory i've seen going around that barham's magazine explosion was kicked off by water going down the funnels and exploding the boilers which then exploded the magazines and so there is a degree of circumstantial evidence in the video of her destruction that might support that but um yeah i say i need to do a bit more but if so that would be the worst naval boiler casualty technically i mean she's already sinking but there's sinking and then there's exploding the man formerly known as commenting is what i do says if the high seas fleet wasn't scuttled at scapa flow but the washington treaty goes through relatively unchanged warships with the german navy jews for modernization what would they do well they get pretty much what they got historically because the separate to the washington treaty the versailles treaty restricted the germans navy the the washington treaty didn't even have germany at the table because they weren't a serious naval power by uh the early 1920s so the germans would be stuck with basically the same ships they had historically because they're not allowed anything bigger unfortunately where the high seas fleet scaffold flow would just be divvied up to scrap merchants and various other fleets for war prizes you'd have to completely change the washington treaty and the versailles treaty to allow the germans to have anything more modern than what they historically got apart from maybe the odd cruiser here and there um um let's see um jake miller asks uh if not for admiral nelson who will we remember and name streets after there's a fair number of other animals i mean there's plenty of hawks and hansons and howls and um so forth scattered around vernon as well um there there's a fair number of royal navy admirals who have stuff named after them it's just that nelson's going to put them all in the shade a little bit um ian i'm probably gonna have to wrap this up soon because my nose has been to play up majorly i don't think the talking helps um ian winter could they have fitted triple 15-inch turrets on the qes as part of their rebuilds and that would have made as that would have made them very powerful not really um the british 15-inch turrets were already pretty compact um as part of their rebuilds you see as designed you probably could have fitted triple 15s but you would have needed a larger barbette i think the whole could probably about just about accommodate it um so yeah you could have got it into the qes as part of their original build maybe but no once in their rebuilds the bar bets fixed the shell handling arrangements are fixed um basically without completely ripping apart the ship and effectively building a new one from scratch you're not going to get that in um all right thomas 1918 why will lion princess royal and queen mary call the splendid cats well you kind of have to append tiger to that as well um it's basically because well because of lion initially and the fact is lion class battle cruisers they kind of got running with a cat theme even though as you point out until tiger came in actually two of the three didn't carry cat related names at all um but with lion and tiger in there they're like oh yeah we'll go with this we'll go with this kind of moniker um [Music] daniel taylor any chance for an ultimate admiral dreadnought's build guide of some sort on a fun friday um i did do some live streams covering ultimate admiral dreadnoughts way back in the day when it was in a much earlier form maybe at some point i i'll get back to that yeah i mean i do i am still keeping up with ultimate animal dreadlocks i do find it quite fun um i've developed a few little timeline design sets of design on there as well so yeah maybe at some point i'll revisit that probably in the summer though because having worked worked my backside off in march to generate basically two months worth of content in one month so that could go to america i've now still got to generate like an additional two weeks of content this month um and we're already a week into it um so that i can go to canada in june which is going to be fun um [Music] samuel john asks i'm trying to develop the naval law of my fantasy setting what sources would you recommend for the design theory of history for each major year of shipping military and economic um economic i'm afraid i'm i'm not an economic historian um so they wouldn't i'm i'm not unless you're looking specifically for naval economics um design theory though i'd say drop me a disc or dm or an email because that's a very complicated question and i would have to go through my library and check specifically which both check which particular books i would recommend and also check exactly what you're looking for in terms of design theory uh rather than just listing off this is one of the disadvantages of moving a lot of almost all my books up to my library before i had at least two bookshelves so i could just look left and like okay this is my quick reference if i can at least pull something off of there now it's all up in the library unless you want me to disappear for five minutes uh that's not going to happen um maybe we should have like a little camera system there jerome birth when are you visiting the missouri i don't know where that went but i think someone was asking did i get when am i going to visit missouri in pearl harbor in theory next year when i do dractor mark 2 probably around the same time but um yeah i mean i definitely will be visiting pearl harbor on that particular tour i don't know exactly what the rest of the tour is going to look right look like just yet um miles mccaskill asks did you get a chance to ride pirates of the caribbean while you're at disneyland uh no it was shot it was very sad i did get have a lightsaber fight with mrs drake up and down the uh the lanes though which uh disney security were not very impressed with chuck marble drake will you be adding more of it or use surplus naval history books for sale on your website and would you be willing to sign them for your buyers yes and yes that will probably happen towards the end of next week i will make a community post announcement about it um it'll be the either the end of next week or beginning of the week after i have like if i put them all together like an eight foot stack of spares um to to dispose of and yeah if someone wanted a signature anything then just leave a message with the with the purchase and as with the first two test ones i'll be doing a reasonably decent discount compared to a current market value there's some pretty nice ones in there as well i don't know how i've wound up with with um some of those in duplicate but i guess i did somehow um [Music] of course i know who you are laser pig with a name like that how could i not uh it's not it's not a name that that leaves the mind easily and i approve greatly i'm gonna say mrs drak are you able to be mobile in theory could you retrieve the blade the one we got in disney it's in the hallway plasma burn death saying what kind of travel tourist gifts did you buy from the us well if you were here at the beginning i don't know if you saw the hats there's a good chunk more hats where that came from on their way in another box um for those of you who are keeping track on twitter and on the youtube community post um i stole the declaration of independence whilst disguised as nick cage so of course nobody knew who i was um if any story for that i'll have to tell it during the post america debrief anyway um other travel tourist scripts i mean i was mostly obviously on ships so i got mostly that that's those that stuff thank you um and people were giving me a lot of stuff very kindly as well i need to put together i'm putting together a little board and collection of the stuff that people have given me some pins and coins and stuff so they're properly preserved but of course there was also this thing because yes i went to disneyland so of course i spent pretty much the entirety of my time in disneyland in the star wars section because of course i did um so yeah custom-built lightsabers they're fun um that's my one this is drac has her own and uh my little camera crew which some of you may have met also got their own so that was quite fun i've got a few decent books as well um i also learned it costs an absolute fortune to ship stuff home and you're actually much better off just buying a suitcase and taking in hold luggage um all right 21 56 we're coming up to three hours there's a few more super chats i need to get to um so i'm going to do those and [Music] just make sure i didn't miss any of the super chats jeff bonnie says favorite ship you visited in america in case it wasn't already asked it's not a question i told people on the ships as well there's not a question i can specifically answer um each ship was unique in its own way each ship displayed certain things in certain ways you know of course on new jersey i got the complete run of the places absolutely fantastic running around the ship with ryan's like can we go there yes we can um and i got a little bit of vertigo trying to climb into a funnel stack in the middle of a high wind and my camera crew nearly got drowned by a storm so it was a very memorable visit but you know i'm in the uss salem for example i got to climb down through the uh the gun turret system system and loading system all the way from the turrets down through the loading mechanisms all the way down into the into the shell handling rooms which is a very unique experience in and of itself um alabama's covered in 20mm and 40 mil guns um and you know and the people on board to be honest the people on board the ships make the experience because a ship is a ship as a ship there's a certain amount you can learn from the physical reality of it but the people who come to see me and the people aboard the ship the staff the docents the curators they make each they made each and every experience on board all of the ships absolutely unique and [Music] i mean yeah there'll be things that i personally preferred but i think to say well i this was my favorite i think we'll probably do a disservice to all the other people on all the other ships who made my stays so wonderful i mean it's possibly one of the most um one of the most enjoyable holidays i've ever taken even though i was running my feet most of the time aluminium fence i'm not necessarily disagreeing with you um i mean as we all know you know star wars has only had seven major films um and then you've got rogue one and solo but you know we'll never know what the eighth and ninth episodes of star wars would have been like after everybody tragically died at the conclusion of episode seven and yes i do actually have proper dueling spec lightsabers as well i think these ones can be used for light sparring but i have actual proper spec ones that you could use to hammer into each other full of hema style um right let's go um william kiefer would be in would you be interested in one day visiting uss requiem in pittsburgh uh as it's the carnegie science center it's the last of a particular kind of summary sure at some point when i can get there to vildo the holiday special isn't a part of the episode continuity um okay i'm just gonna do the uh the super chat questions and then wrap up with a few uh last questions from um from the chat jack ray says i heard of this is telling of how he he met you with the aircraft crew it sounded quite funny yes it was absolutely freaking hilarious and i thought i said athas and crew are absolutely fantastic great people as well um again absolutely wonderful day and hey i got introduced to the uh the realm of the real firearm which you know was not necessarily a bad thing especially when uh at least no one was yelling at me telling me i was the worst shot ever which was it's always a plus um right so the other super chats miles mccaskill asks examples of massive internal corruption that resulted in paper tiger navies for example a government allocating funds for salaries but those funds were skimmed and no sailors were ever hired um the royal navy at points um between the kind of the founding is founding in the tudor period all the way through to probably as late as the middle late part of the 18th century it had had serious problems of every so often slipping into a mass of horrific internal corruption i mean there was still a lot of internal corruption when the napoleonic wars broke out but it was a lot more under control than it had been even 30 40 years before i mean it's one of the uncomfortable truths about the spanish armada conflict that the english fleet was held off of the coast even though illness was spreading through the fleet after the armada disappeared around scotland and [Music] the admirals and the captains were begging to have their crews put ashore so that they could recover and the official excuse given by the crown was that no no they need to stay out there just in case the spanish come back unofficially the more sailors who died the fewer that had to be paid which is horrific but also true uh unfortunately um i mean like people like admirals hawk and vernon had to deal with being given ships and all right you need to go and do this and being fine finding that the ships were basically barely afloat and barely manned and not supplied even though on paper they were so yeah the royal navy has its fair share of that through history um more close to the present day the chinese navy at the end of the 19th century um the ottoman navy um the brazilian navy after a certain point in um the late 1900s early 1910s um the russian navy in the 20s and 30s yeah it comes and goes across all sorts of different um different navies um frank spizzato for an alt history how would the doolittle rate have gone if the u.s navy had used a lexington class instead why didn't they and should they have done so um they didn't use one because lexington had gone boom um and hang on no timeline's wrong on that sorry no uh lexington hadn't gone boom lexington went boom around the time of the doolittle raid because you had coral sea being fought by lexington and yorktown saratoga had been damaged i believe and hornet and enterprise was left to do the doolittle raid um how would do little rows have gone if they'd use lexington class not much different i mean the launch point would have been the same the success rate in launch would have been the same it would have been slightly easier probably to launch but you know they got the planes off anyway um maybe with the lexington class they could have afforded to leave a little bit more fuel in there so maybe more of the bombers would have gotten to somewhere close to their target point to land but i kind of doubt it a bit um in terms of why didn't they well considering the size and capabilities of a lexington apart from anything they're quite valuable in theater it's also a matter of what's available you know lexington and saratoga were out in the pacific fighting um for saratoga's casing repairs um hornet which of course was the care that actually launched it was completing on the east coast so it was in a position to swing by and pick up the bombers as it headed out into the pacific whereas um for any of the other carriers you would have had to pull them off duty bring them back to the us load them up and take them back out again um in terms of should they have done so i don't think it would have made an awful lot of difference to be perfectly honest um as i said that there's a there's an outside chance that if they've done it with the slightly larger lexingtons in mind um they might been able to get a bit more fuel aboard but at the same time they might have then also decided maybe to leave some of the more defensive equipment in place instead and still have the same amount of fuel so yeah um mr flintlock um what's your favorite act of valor or greatest feat of daring at sea um hmm that's a good question i think it probably has to be the last stand of the revenge which i have done a video on um that's in the age of sale in the elizabethan era it takes a special kind of someone i mean admittedly he had grenville had screwed up massively to be in that situation in the first place but it does take a special kind of someone to look at 50 strong enemy fleet most of which are bigger than you and go yep we're going to fight these guys and we're going to keep fighting them until it's basically physically impossible to continue fighting um that would probably be my but that's got to be my top one just in terms of sheer insanity of defying the odds um jeff barney have you seen the immunity zone chart thread using the oakland program on the nav webs for excuse me um it's a wealth of information i think i have if they're the one if i if i'm thinking of the right one that's the chart basically shows the um top down profile of a ship like this and then it shows kind of something that looks a little bit like a bell curve running along um underneath it's obviously it's not quite a bell curve but it's basically the uh range range at which a given projectile can successfully penetrate and the reason for the change is that the angle of the ship so basically if the ship is turned like 80 degrees then gradually coming through to perfectly broad side and then going back again if that's the one you mean then yes i have seen elements of that thread um i think possibly on the forum maybe elsewhere i'm not an active member of that forum though so um i have i yeah i don't think i may have seen the thread years ago when i used to be on there under a random username but who knows um but yeah i have seen elements of that if that's what we're talking about now you're saying for deck versus belt penetration okay yeah i think we're on the same page yeah yeah i have i have seen that i do i do quite like that it's a very useful it is a very very useful resource as you mentioned because it shows not just the you know as you can get in most tables which just either assume broadside or assume a specific angle most of the time it's been brought inside um in a specific range something that someone with more programming skills than me needs to do at some point is contact obviously contact nathan oaken and get permission from in the first place but take face hard and transliterate it into a modern programming format because obviously at the moment you have to use dosbox to run it um but if it could be translated into a modern co program format maybe given a some basic 3d animation as well then you could basically live generate um views of different ships immunity full immunity sounds good modern computer power could easily run all the calculations pretty much like that um i'm pretty sure and then you could like import basic even if it's just a silhouette or 2d plan of an io a yamato a bismarck et cetera you just go right this ship these guns this range generate and it give you a beautiful little deck and belt penetration profile or even as a full profile dependent on range that would be really really good it would probably take a while um to program and it would require an understanding of the program itself which is probably you know understanding of naval penetration data and understanding modern computer programming is very very small overlap of people but have been absolutely a wonderful thing to do incidentally if anyone does have those particular skills and thinks they could have a fair crack at it then drop me a line and then i'll try and drop a line to mr oaken and try and get something sorted out permissions wise but we just have to see how it goes um because it'll be so so so useful i suspect there's like a non-animated version of that running in the background of some games like world of warships or war thunder or maybe not using those exact equations but something close too frank spazzata says can you please make a video that explains what we were seeing in each frame of barham's sinking feels a little bit voyeuristic to me maybe um i can certainly add it to the list for consideration i do want to do a video on barham sinking at some point whether i'll do a frame by frame through of the of the sinking and the explosion i'm not entirely sure but something about barham sinking will come in at some point in the future for certain um x shadow shadow1904 asks will there be a longer video on the sms emden anytime soon again it is on the list of wednesday videos exactly when that's going to be produced i'm not entirely sure i do have my work cut out for me with um [Music] trying to gradually shuffle things in with the nelson part 3.1 part 3.2 the trafalgar campaign and trafalgar raid because i've got to get that done by october and boy is the work stacking up on that um jake miller asks would it have been better for the us navy and the u.s in general to not do the doolittle raid and have four carriers available for coral sea i mean on paper yes in theory but then on the other hand given that lexington got plastered a yorktown um got badly hit and there's also a possible case that having four carriers at coral sea means four sunk and or damage carriers i mean not all sunk but sunk and damaged which may not actually be a negative for midway um but conversely you might have done a lot more damage to the japanese carrier air group so who knows it is something that would have to be war gamed out um quite extensively there's also the fact you know the doolittle raid wealth in and of itself obviously didn't accomplish tremendous amount it did prompt the japanese to pull resources inwards to a fair degree so you'd have to also compare you know without those resources being pulled inwards and a slightly more cautious approach to things with what those resources if the japanese had those available in 42 be able to do so it's all over the place on that one there's probably a decent paper in there [Music] and sebastian staltz asking a similar question any way to make the doolittle raids more impactful in terms of damage done to japan not tremendously you're limited on bomb load you're limited on the type of aircraft i mean short of identifying something particularly important in karma causing into it which isn't really a usaf thing um yeah there's not a tremendous amount that they could actually do more i suppose maybe refitting them as torpedo bombers and going after something in harbor but you'd be relying very much on luck at that point to catch something in harbor and hitting it correctly with a relatively limited number of aircraft uh william kiefer have you ever met the mighty jingles before yes multiple times um monkey of the smack 419 when are we getting lord nelson's third video october the 5th or closest release date there to actually what is october this year october the 5th is a wednesday so yeah well done you're getting it on october the 5th brandon judge when you will you be coming to see uss the sullivans possibly early june on my canada trip because it's just literally just across the border but that's a maybe i have to see how logistics etc works out um andrew cruz using the hindsight of us battleships are mostly used for shore bombardment would you modify their armor layout and what would you do with the extra displacement that may afford you um not really i wouldn't no i wouldn't modify the armor that because just because they mostly were used for short bombardment i mean south dakota's armor was there to protect her against kirishima and there were a lot of circumstances where you know the tiniest butterfly could have ended up with us battleships facing a full-on straight-up battle line engagement obviously surrogate straight that's more of an execution than a battle line um so yeah um yeah the problem is you know so many of those engagements turn or non-engagements turned on such small probabilities that the simple act of having a different armor layout and therefore different capabilities the us ships might be enough to change it so they actually end up in a straight up fight and that therefore is not going to go so well um their armor is pretty solid what would i do with any extra displacement i mean the thing is it it's also useful for standing up to shore based guns and they were pretty covered in aaa guns as it was so yeah i don't think although it's tempting i don't think i'd do all that much in terms of modifying their armor layout because they're doing shore bombing if i could use hindsight i could go back and modify the armor layout in other ways to make it slightly more efficient because there were a few flaws in some of the design schemes but i wouldn't yeah i wouldn't be lessening it um uh boat boy uh asking has there been an update on the uss sullivan's condition while you've been away um well yes as you know i released a video with ryan shortly after she sank and as far as i'm aware she was relatively recently back up sitting on the water patched up so hopefully she stays afloat for the minute um yes as far as i'm aware she spent some time underwater she's now been refloated and i think they're assessing the condition internally like what what internal damage is it done to exit exhibits artifacts the ship itself etc etc um okay so i think i'm probably gonna start wrapping things up there um because i'm getting okay you're just annoying um sorry someone's just trolling i'm can just get rid of them there we go that makes things much better right uh i'll do like two or three more questions and then we're going to wrap up um so i can get some sleep and continue to recover from a vicious assault of mideast us east coast pollen um uh gaudy iona we're going to get a video on those interwar pacific pirates anytime soon that might take a while the broad outlines of how they operated are there and i know them but to turn it into an interesting wednesday video might might take a little bit of a stretch i think i'll probably have to go and dig up eagle and hermes's um into war logs if they're still around in the national archives and then i could incorporate some of the details from their counter piracy operations they'll probably enliven it a little bit um the man formerly known as commenting is what i do says are you scuba trained or do you wish to be in the future i used to be um but i think any certification i have has long since lapsed i was going to do a renewal course weirdly enough i was going to do a renewal course in [Music] i was well i was supposed to do a renewal course in april 2020 um i put that off because of course i thought it was gonna be traveling to the u.s so i re i had that rebooked for [Music] i think late may early june 2020 then of course the pandemic happened now that was possible so yeah i basically i think i think i pretty much have to start from scratch especially because when i originally was scuba trained it was all on higher equipment um so hey i'd need to get my own equipment or at least my own wetsuit and dry suit because i want to do the advanced open water stuff so i can go down to i think it's 40 meters but yeah i i want to get that all back back in again at some point um obviously i've got to find somewhere in the uk that will that is now open and training scuba divers which will be quite fun craig giovanovich have you done much research on the chinese navy um i've done as much as i can um i've got i've done a fair bit of digging into the chinese steam navy i.e the imperial chinese navy such as it was the one that fought at yalu river etc there's not a tremendous amount to learn at least to my eyes about war junks um and the kind of stuff that got blown up in the opium wars but the latter 19th century chinese warfare is actually quite interesting right up until the point it basically ceases to be um william beckman generally during world war ii how close would allied forces operate to the coast of per se france how much did coastal naval defense proliferate on the coast um if we're assuming france while france is occupied they could operate pretty pretty up close and personally within sight of the coastline but it depends on the time of day at night they could operate very very close uh during the day obviously while fronts still occupy their own the closer to the coastal france they are the more at risk of attack from the luftwaffe they are and also the fewer options they have if they come under u-boat attack and coastal u-boats are definitely a thing um so yeah they would but the allied forces would run in and out of the coast they'd stand off at a distance during the day and then they dash in um usually at night with radar and just you know do what they need to do whether that was go after blockade runners coastal forces special forces operations etc um but yeah the coastal defenses or much as hitler wanted he had equal to be impregnable they're a huge they were huge sections of the coast of france that basically didn't have any direct coastal defenses that could reach out and hurt a ship they might have had like a machine gun bunker somewhere or other but you know you're not gonna do anything to a cruiser that's two miles offshore with that the man formerly known as commenting is what i do i says scuba certification doesn't expire so you should be good to go diving yeah it's more of a personal thing um because i got i got the scuba qualifications years and years and years ago basically because i felt like it um but i haven't done regular scuba diving so i wouldn't feel safe i wouldn't feel i'd feel i would feel i would be putting myself at risk and others at risk if i was just to throw myself back into the sea what six seven years after i last scuba dived and just go motoring on down to the bottom i'd want to build up again from the from the bot from starting from scratch to make sure everything is absolutely spot on pl um plus obviously i'd want to get my some of my own equipment to get and get used to it so you know if there's one thing there's a naval historian you learn to respect is do be very very very very very careful when you're under the ocean otherwise it will kill you assuming the local wildlife doesn't get you so yeah um i i'm definitely gonna research by from scratch yeah people getting hold of actual original chinese records is pretty difficult um right so i think last two questions then now being waved at off-screen um joseph nielsen says drag i since we in the u.s have an inflated view of the powered and invincibility of the iowas do you think this may be true of the uk and hms hood well since hood exploded i think most people in the uk do have some idea of the limits of the power and invincibility of hood um with the us and the i was yeah some people do have a slightly overblown idea of their capabilities um but to be fair there's also a lot of people who are much more realistic about it um certainly none of the curators and docents and staff on the ships that i went on were you know massively over ambitious about what their ship's capabilities were they were perfectly aware of what they could do and what they couldn't do it's just that there's an awful lot they could do and they were rightfully proud of that um so yeah i i think yeah there's probably a pop culture pop history perception of the hours that's a bit over inflated um but that's kind of the thing with with most um ships that are subject of a fair degree of national pride um and also you know there's also degrees of of over inflation because you know like say take one of the other ships obviously the uss constitution you know she's got an excellent track record and some of the other uhs of the six frigates also have excellent track records so you know someone who says well constitution could beat any other frigate afloat i'd argue that but i can also see where they're coming from and certainly i would give constitution good odds against any contemporary frigate afloat that she thought i just wouldn't necessarily say because guaranteed she could be any of them um [Music] but she certainly would have a good good fighting chance um against them obviously that's the kind of thing over inflation where it's like well you know if we talked about it we'd probably come to pretty much the same conclusion but you know as a a general rule of thumb it's not wrong even if it's not completely correct and then there's you know the kind of oh you know uss constitution could be hms victory kind of people which one's like no that's not how this thing these things work um so and yeah i say hopefully hopefully the people who are so badly misinformed or blanket that they have the kind of really over inflated sense of how things go well they probably haven't opened a book in many years so i'm not too fussed about them like they can go over there and have their opinions right let's go to one last question do which one shall it be okay i'll go with this one because i've seen this one percolating its way through um br class 47 nice locomotive somehow the dutch 1920 naval commission recommended getting battleships mixed with the 1047 plan and the dutch what the the dutch get the toaster bb47 hms target 1913 second hand and the dutch put 13.5 inch guns on it how does the dutch navy do in world war ii horribly confused if they've got a a toast but i'm guessing what that means a toaster with 13.5 inch guns bb 47 with 13 more five inch guns and hms tiger i mean that's three very different ships with three very different speeds different levels of armor different levels of protection um the dutch probably spent most of the inter-war period crying into their cornflakes about the horrific levels of non-interoperability um and i mean to be brutally honest the japanese probably just saturate them with aircraft on day one of the war um but if they're lucky some of them might escape then you've got abda command um but then what do the japanese throw against them you know it's kind of like with prince of wales and repulsed in theory they massively strengthened the pda command in practice the japanese probably just put their own battleships on face off against them i suspect given the record of dutch shipping generally in the second world war that maybe one of them would survive one would be very badly damaged and one would be sunk i suspect of those that had the 13.5 inch derivative fitted tosa might be the one that lives because of the combination of speed and durability um yeah so yeah i think that is probably going to be it for tonight um uh thank you very much everyone for being here um thank you for you know listening in and thank you very much to those of you who i came who came out to see me while i was on the us tour um and say we'll be doing another live stream all things being equal hopefully on the 21st which will be questioned straight from the chat um [Music] rather than oh because after we've gone through all the patreon questions etc um so there'll be those questions and also it'll be a more general wider reflection on the us trips if you've got lots of questions about the us trip that's a very good time to ask them so that is that i'm going to go and find some sleep and i will see you again at some point in another video bye you
Channel: Drachinifel
Views: 42,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 50sec (12230 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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