The Doors - Riders On The Storm | Vkgoeswild piano cover
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Channel: vkgoeswild
Views: 2,296,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vkgoeswild, Piano Cover, Original Arrangement, Vika Yermolyeva, Vika, Yermolyeva, Vk, Music Cover, Music, Cover, Piano, Digital piano, Roland, Roland RD, Patreon, Flowkey, Youtube Musician, Sheet Music, The Doors, Riders On The Storm, RockMusic, Rock, Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek
Id: 4fGE07dATvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2013
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Her covers are fucking incredible.
She's the reason I learned/learning piano. Just purchased 7 arrangements from her just last.
Her style is perfect to me.
This is such a great cover of the song. By far the best. I purchased her transcription recently but haven't looked at it yet. Obviously it is not easy :)
Oh my love for this woman, especially as someone who listens to a fair bit of metal.
I just learned her transcription of this song! It's a fun one to play, but I can't do justice to Vika's playing.