The Door is Closed | As in the Days of Noah Session 4

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Oh yesterday pastor Steve prophesied about me that it would be an intense message so because we don't want him to be stoned as a false prophet I'll try to accommodate okay father we come before you now on the precious a wonderful name of Jesus you know us you know us Jesus you know every one of us you know those that are here in the chapel and in the cafeteria this morning and those who are watching you know us God and Holy Spirit we ask that you would come and search us we invite your presence to search us O God or that you might change us and conform us your image that you might save Oh God those who are lost that you might bring backsliders home Lord we just ask for your intervention your mercy to be poured out in the power of the Holy Ghost to touch lives and to change people you precious a wonderful name I'm going to share with you the love of God but you may not understand this as a love of God it may not have been preached to you as a love of God before you may not even heard it preached but I guarantee you what I'm going to be sharing is the love of God and another thing I can guarantee is I'm not ticked I'm not angry okay I may get passionate but I I am crying out I have been crying out for it to be the love of God revealed to my words today so as the other speakers open so I will do the same to keep the tradition going and it doesn't have to go beyond this of course so but Luke 17 verses 26 to 30 just as it was in the days of Noah so will it be in the days of the Son of Man people were eating drinking marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the Ark then the flood came and destroyed them all it was the same in the days of lot people were eating and drinking buying and selling planting and building but the day lot left Sodom fire and sulfur rain down from heaven and destroyed them all it will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed just as it was in the days of Noah what define the days of Noah well we're told in Genesis chapter 6 verse 5 that every inclination of the heart of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time that means that all of humanity to the point of where the the ark was lifted up in the waters to that point all of humanity their thoughts were evil all the time their heart was evil and I think it's important that we understand what this is because it doesn't get in the aspect in this verse and what Jesus says of concentrating upon their violence and when he brings out the situation of of lot what did he say about them it would be the same as in the days of lot but he said they were doing what eating and drinking marrying marriage the same identical thing of what was going on in the days of Noah what is the evil that Jesus is speaking about what was the evil that was going on because was Sodom and Gomorrah he didn't mention the sexual sins and all the other perversions what it comes down to be as an evil that is greater than we understand it because it's so much a part of this fallen world we don't understand how evil it is it takes God breaking into our world to help us understand it what is that evil that we can do life without God it doesn't matter the name of the sin a person practices doesn't matter if it's a some kid in La that's gang banging or some gram of this different shooters smoke their life the sin that damns people to hell is the sin of anarchy the sin that makes people refuse to bow to the rule of God that there's no room for God in their life no room for God in their in their thoughts no room for God they may be religious they may go to church they will have religious thoughts on Sunday morning and go home and from the moment on the rest of the week is just filled with self and all the things that they want that's what it will be before Jesus comes back the mass of humanity will be consumed with self the mass of humanity will not be concerned about who this God is or what he does they may be religious they may meditate they may be in this turn mysticism they may be and even a good Bible believing Church but life is still all about them no room for God in their life and the Lord called this evil he called this evil and ultimately this is why he destroyed the world in Noah's day why he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and why he will bring an end to the world as we know it not that far off yet in the midst of all this the heart of God is revealed Genesis 6 6 it says the Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth and his heart was filled with pain you know what happens we think of God is this in personal being that he is infinite all-powerful and and this great God has no emotions and even as pastors Steve brought up earlier it's just not the way it is God is a person he is the person of God there's no other like him he alone is God but he is a person and we were made in His image and he has given us personhood he has given us the ability to have emotions and God has emotions his / his emotions are perfect without fault there is no air there's no extreme to any of them they are full complete infinite and beautiful in every expression we were given an expression of his emotions but ours are twisted from the fall and perverted they are distorted and so we don't know how to have right emotions but God's emotions are perfect he was grieved he was grieved and you know what that word means it's this idea that his heart was filled with pain why because he loves humanity he was filled with pain because he created mankind to be one thing and they rebelled against them now in the wisdom of God and I don't understand how all this stuff works but for for there to be the ability to love there must be freewill and it began with angels he gave 'angels of freewill and don't ask me how it works because God deals with angels different than he does with people but they had a freewill and we know that Satan Lucifer rebelled and took a certain amount of angels with him that are now Devils a free will they chose not to love God chose not to submit and then Satan took that rebellion that he began and he brought it to Adam and Eve and spread it through them - each of us he's grieved he created us to be in fellowship with him and we fight against it humanity fights against the very reason they were created they fight against this commandment to love him isn't that insane this beautiful wonderful love Risa's love me with all of your heart mind soul and strength and we say no I want to love myself no I want to love my own ways my own sin no I refuse to do that and yet this idea of grieving is not an Old Testament thought alone it's in the New Testament as well Paul told us in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption don't grieve you know what that tells me right there that the Holy Spirit's as much God as a father and son divinity is revealed in the person of the Holy Spirit and he grieves over our sin don't think that you can practice sin when no one's watching and not have somebody watching that is grieved over the actions that you do and over the heart condition don't think that there's such a thing that you can do all by yourself and not bother anybody because if it even it didn't even if your sin did not touch another person it does though but even if it didn't it touches God and it grieves the heart of God it breaks the heart of God we never think like that do we we don't think about it when we give ourselves over to sin when we have evil thoughts within us or whatever's we don't realize we don't think about the aspect of a gob that's right there sees what we do but not just sees what we do knows what we do because he knows what's inside here and what's in here he knows he knows and those actions our actions literally break the heart of God but sin is so selfish makes us so so selfish that we don't care who we hurt when we are in sin we don't care that we heard family and friends we don't care then that we heard the heart of God turns me to Luke chapter 13 we're gonna begin in verse 22 and as you're turning there i'll just read verse 22 that's the setting of what's going to go on here then Jesus went through the towns and villages teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem what's going on here is this is the final time of Jesus teaching he's heading to Jerusalem to die in the cross and as he's going along he's teaching that's what he did he taught he did miracles he loved humanity the love of the Father revealed through God incarnate through God incarnate love he was loving the people it was going along teaching them the truth there was nobody more loving than Jesus the perfect love of God revealed in flesh and blood and as we begin to look at what goes on here in this setting we are going to see the love of God and the love of God spoken as is not even spoken in the majority of churches because too many pastors are cowards and afraid to preach the truth to their people and so they don't show the love of God to them they keep the true love and the full love of God from them by giving watered down messages the primary focus of this chapter of this entire chapter the primary focus is repentance the most beautiful gift that God has given us outside of Christ because we have repentance because of Jesus the devil has been so aggressive so absolutely aggressive of getting the message of repentance out of the church because he knows that when that message is in the church the church repents and gets right with God and when they get right with God then they begin to reach a perishing world he has effectively gotten that message out of the church where it is not preached from pulpits all across this nation few pastors preach that anymore few pastors they're afraid to do it because they'll have rebellion rise up in their church I can say that because I pastored for 17 years so I understand the dynamics of pastoring so here's Jesus going from town to town it doesn't tell us where this happened it just tolls us tells us that when he's on his journey that someone comes up to and this is in verse 23 he asked him a question Lord are only a few going to be saved it's a good question mmm kinda sorta I mean you know we oughta we all want to know it as many people gonna be saved or just a few well I would venture to say because of who Jesus was probably speaking to here this was probably a religious Jew and so is it just us Jews that are gonna be saved us who have been circumcised are we the only ones are gonna be saved I mean is it can it go anywhere else type the thing and he asks the wrong question he should have went and says am I gonna be saved you see we can go and say is other people gonna be saying how many people are gonna be saved and as long as we make it with other people we don't have to deal with ourselves that's why some of you that are fighting against your counselors you are resisting what God is doing you're on the verge of being kicked out because you refuse to look at yourself you tried to blame shift and take everything off of you and go and blame your counselor blame this person everybody else and there's results your sin remains your sin remains because you are too stubborn too proud too rebellious and you don't want to humble yourselves before God and obtain mercy you need to ask the Lord am I going to be saved that's the question you need to be asking am I going to be saved God and if you don't ask that question it doesn't matter what else you do you are wrong then you're outside of what you need to be and what you are to be doing and the Sermon on the Mount Jesus went and told us in Matthew 7 verses 13 and 14 enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads destruction and many enter through it but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it is this God's heart he wants all people to be saved he wants all people to be saved Jesus and I in the cross just for a couple he made the way that all of humanity could come to salvation he does not want to dam a single person to hell that is the choice of individuals and he honors their choice but this road is wide I mean it's an eight Lane a 20 Lane expressway I mean just moving fast everybody just rushing rushing to hell the oblivious to the reality of what they're doing oblivious at this road ends that just drops right off my wife and I were ministering in Montana and we had a day off we went driving around we found this road that there had been an earthquake in the 70s and the earthquake had had made part of the mountain collapse and and dammed up the river and made a lake that was there and and there was a whole campground that was totally buried so a bunch of people died in it and the road has you can travel a part of the road Nelson Graham it's gone I mean you keep driving you're off into into the water just right there people rushing a hundred miles an hour here and there there's the cliff and they refuse to realize what they had and they don't want to take their eyes off of where they're heading to realize there is an exit and it's a narrow exit and you get off that exit and guess what you got to get out of your fast car and then you got to walk a hard road and people might get off and look at that go in there another message out there some other preacher they'll tell me what I want to hear let me find a church that will accommodate that we can agree with each other and you can find anybody he'll tell you out there what you want to hear but if you want the truth that's a whole different thing narrows the road you can't make it one inch wider he will not alter what the road is he will not change salvation for anyone not anyone he has established what it is and it will not be chained and if you want salvation it's either his way or its no way you understand is that serious you're not talking about a man you're not talking about somebody that's flawed you're not talking about somebody that doesn't know everything we're talking about God who knows absolutely everything and he said this is the way walk in it it is a narrow road and if you won't take that narrow road you will not make heaven your home it's just that simple and the choice is yours that you refuse to do it that you want this fast road to hell that you want to continue in your sin you want to do what you want to do because you think it's your right to do what you want to do and you can do what you want to do just be willing to accept the consequences because you'll have no choice over that returning back to Luke 13 at the beginning of Luke 13 he does a little bit of teaching here and what happens is Jesus uses the news the the Daily News in essence they didn't move the news didn't move as fast so this is common news of the day so he was using it as a platform in the preach and it says now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices jesus answered do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way I tell you no but unless you repent you too will perish or those eighteen who died when the Tower of Siloam fell on them do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem I tell you no but unless you repent you too will perish who is he speaking to the religious Jews unless you repent you will perish you're not gonna get to heaven because you are Jewish because you you hold to the Mosaic law you will only work you will only make heaven your home if you'll take the path of repentance it's the only way it comes there's no other way we want to categorize things we like to as people do this all the time I'm not as bad as them so I must be a good person I a church I give ties I'm a good person the problem is you need to take this up with God and ask him if you're a good person and I think you might get an answer that's slightly different you know I mean if you're if you're not convinced about it read Romans chapters 1 2 and 3 and tell me what you think at the end okay I mean if that there doesn't tear you to pieces and show you that every single person is a willful rebel against God that all their sin is absolutely evil evil to the core that there's nothing good inside of anybody when left to themselves if you're not convinced of that and you read need to read it until you are until you finally let the truth of God's Word begin to define your life and you begin to agree with him rather than the lusts of your own flesh what is repentance it's not I'm sorry all kinds of people go to God and say I'm sorry but if I walked up to you and punched you in the face and said I'm sorry what would you think oh okay alright I forgive you I punch you get in the face sorry do you think after the hundredth time I don't mean what I'm saying I mean you get the picture here you can go to God and punch him in the face again and again and again and again and say every single time I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry and still go to hell because you never repented until repentance comes in your life you are a hell deserving sinner and so repentance must come in your life so what is it well it's put in a very wonderful wonderful way in Acts chapter 11 verse 18 and I don't want to take the time to go on this story but what's happening here is that speak spoken of as repentance unto life you see that's what repentance is you want life there's only one way to get it through Jesus through the gift of repentance that he offers no other way if you'll not take the path or pentas not live a life of repentance then you'll move yourself outside of salvation away from the gift of God and all he wants to give you in Romans 2:4 it tells us that the goodness or kindness of God leads us to penton's not a crew god not an angry God not a bitter god not a vengeful god but a kind loving good caring benevolent God that would break into our world and we don't understand how radical that is that God would break into the lives of us rebels people that were God haters people that that fought against everything he was everything he stood for that we lived in absolute rebellion against him and worse even worse than that is how many of you thought you were Christian in the madness and insanity of the evil you practiced and yet he came to you and his loving-kindness and his tenderness in his patience patience as could be thankful of for God I'll tell you what that's a really good thing to be thankful thank you for being patient Oh God and that is not that he justifies our sins but that he's actively working in our life to bring us to repentance if we would but have ears to hear so repentance is sorrow for sin it's grief for having committed sin and it's a passionate turning away from sin with abhorrence do you understand what I just said there it's not an I'm sorry it's that you begin to see how evil your sin is the evil you perpetrated that you did against God and His commandments that you did against people that you don't see it as a small thing anymore a mistake what a shame when that is what the church preaches that we made a mistake we didn't make mistakes we were rebels deliberate rebels against God fighting against everything he stood for absolutely evil and yet he broken up world to come to us individually to point out the reality of our sin and he might give us opportunity to repent repentance produces a holy aggression to right the wrongs that we did Charles Finney the great evangelist of the 1800s preached repentance an expression of repentance and I thoroughly believe what he he taught an expression of repentance is making restitution whenever possible that you write the wrongs that you can write there was an account of revival that he was having God was just pouring his power out and this young girl got saved and and she was what might be classified by some as a kleptomaniac she was a sinner that practiced the sin of stealing okay that's what it was take the label off her okay she gets truly saved and she starts giving back everything she stole this girl's father hunts down finis and says finis you got to come you got to talk to my daughter she's going insane she's she's going crazy since I don't know what's wrong with her and so he comes to the house and here's this girl just in agony absolute agony and he says what's going on she says I have given back everything I stole from people but there's one thing I haven't returned and I don't know who owns and it was a Bible she had stolen as I stole this Bible I don't know who it belongs to and I don't know how to take care of it and Connie and Finney went and showed her that repentance does what it can do that it makes restitution when possible and so he says God has forgiven because you don't remember who that is it doesn't mean he won't forgive you but you have tried to right the wrongs how many people today do that how many people strive to right the wrongs they're like I rob from people I'll pay him back I stole from not paying my rent I'll pay him back I didn't pay my bills I'll pay him back I heard people I've coached to them and repent it then cry out for mercy from them how many times does that happen anymore and you wonder why it doesn't because we are still so proud that we are not willing to humble ourselves in such a way stories I know so many stories sad stories the sins that people practice the beating of a wife the man refusing to acknowledge the evil inside of him you understand there's no repentance there's no Christianity their Christianity comes through repentance and making restitution reconciling ourselves to God first and then to others repentance is always accompanied by a reliance upon God it's grace we are saved it's grace that we stand is Grace that we walk it's grace that we make heaven our home it's grace that were in heaven forever all Grace and we become dependent upon the grace of God not dependent upon ourselves but dependent upon grace repentance always produces a humble holy and loving obedience to God where obedience becomes a joy a joy because we find that place of loving him sweeter better more fulfilling than anything that could ever come from this world and I'm not even saying there's a the ability to make a comparison because this world is as dung as as fill as junk and then you taste the beauty of his holiness and cleanness and purity and it is so attractive now Jesus answers this question that was asked will many be saved how many will be saved and so he made it very personal that's what Jesus did he always brought it to the Burstyn and I'll tell you what he made people uncomfortable there was nobody more loving than Jesus nobody more disturbing I guarantee you he disturbed you I guarantee you when he taught you were wiggling in your seat and you were getting angry at times because he's confronting things it dealt with the reality he went after the heart issue not the head as you yes he dealt with the head and taught truth but he went after the heart because that's where the problem really is and until the heart is dealt with the mind will not want to change and so Jesus answers the question with a warning verse 24 he said make every effort to enter through the narrow door because many I tell you will try to enter and will not be able to know I don't want to pick anything about doctrine here I just want to try and say what's being said here okay just what's being said here the King James says strive to enter through the narrow gate the word therefore strive is actually a very strong word it's a strong word it's this it's this idea of great desire so it's something you want and you're striving everything within you you want this you want eternal life so you are going to strive with every bit of strength and knowledge to make heaven your home to walk right with Jesus to let no place for sin of the world or compromise in you strive to enter in but Jesus says many will strive some will only try and those who try won't make it go to peep about there's maggiore ask do you want to go to hell how many people are gonna tell you they want to go to hell and those who do it are just gonna do it to be antagonists people don't want to go to hell at least how they think of it but they don't want heaven they really don't have if they understood what evidence heaven would be so appalling to them because they are God haters and by being God haters everything about heaven is about God and they would hate heaven and so here you have casual Christianity the difference between biblical Christianity is those who are striving to enter and lukewarm Christianity those who try just wanted a hope oh I'll go to church Sunday I'll put a little money in the offering now y'all do what I mean I'll do some of the basic things and you know I'll appease him you can't appease God there's no appeasing them either you bow to his rule or you're a bell there's no in-between he can't be bribed he can't be bought he can't be conned he can't be manipulated so either we come in honesty and bow before him or we rebelled against him I think it is very healthy for us to make a decision there you know to wave with the obscurities I mean just here it's black and white either you sir Jesus or you don't if you walk with Him or you don't if you love him with all of your heart or you don't either you are serving them with everything that's within you or you or not there's no gray area it's not there that is the creation of men not the creation of God that's what we do so we can live compromised lives of sin in rebellion against God and still think we're okay now what Jesus does next he gives parable and this is really where I'm trying to go and how this will tie in to the days of Noah in verse 25 he says once the owner of a house gets up and closes the door you will stand outside knocking and pleading sir open the door for us but he will answer I don't know you or where you come from so once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door what is going on here you see the door was open to the Masters house the door was open wide open and it was wide open all day long all day long people could come in and they could spend time with the master they could eat at his table they could enjoy his presence the door was wide open a welcome of friendship a commodity that was there between those would come and sit at his table but the time came the night fell and the door was closed and no more welcome you see that's the seriousness of this that there's a day the door will be closed and when his closed you can't open it you can't kick it down you can't force it open when the doors closed is closed and there's nothing that will change and you will not if you stay in that condition you will not even want it opened because your life will be so set and rebellion against God that it would be more hateful to you to be in heaven than to be in hell forever hell will be a mercy for those who are God haters so that they won't have to dwell in the presence of a holy God that they have hated in this world you understand and so the door is open we can know the excellency of Christ's love know the tenderness of his brace know this fellowship with God and this absolutely boggles my mind why in the world did he open that door to me what do I have to offer from what what is there in fellowship that I can can give and yet that's what he wants and so the doors opened and the call was there come in all you who are simple come in leave the insanity of your life come in the greatest privilege the greatest treasure given to the human race is the gift of unbroken fellowship with God it's what heaven is all about it's what we are to taste of right now right now like David shared Friday night that it's the kingdom of God within us God comes so close that he dwells in a real and tangible way inside of us he tells them says you will stand outside the door knocking and pleading they will they the doors close with them and now they're gonna beat on the door they're gonna beat on the door pleading to get in thinking that they have a right that they have a right to get in but yet they refuse to acknowledge the master they refuse to enter in to the door the way that he said they wanted the wide road of destruction to lead to heaven but it never will and they're outside knocking and pleading open up to me open did you say if I knock you'll open there's a whole different thing the knocking is for those who really want salvation for those who are in salvation and he opens them but they're knocking to those who are rebels who do not want him do not want his salvation they will stand outside knocking and pleading jesus said in Luke 17 as it was in the days of Noah we've read this and heard this again and again and so it will be now in Genesis chapter 7 verse 1 the Lord said to Noah go into the ark you and your whole family because I have found you righteous in this generation I told you to build this Ark I told you to stock it with all the goods needed for the animals I brought you the animals then you brought them onto the ark now you get in because this was all about you finding my Ark of salvation you enter in you go in the you have found my favor because you walked in righteousness before me what does it mean that he walked in righteousness well in the fifth worst of Genesis 7 it says and Noah did all that the LORD commanded him now there's something very important here we got to understand he was obeying God but where does obedience begin love the Lord your God with all of your heart mind soul and strength right that hadn't been given to mankind yet but I guarantee you that no one knew what that meant obedience can only be obedience when love is the motive behind it you can go to a child and tell the child to take the trash out and the child can fuss and argue and make all kinds of excuses and rant rave and then finally take the trash out that child was not obedient that child was a rebel from beginning to end it just was that you had the authority to force that child to obey you there was no willful loving obedience because for obedience to be obedience it must be love and so no one loved God and because he loved the Lord with all of his heart mind soul and strength he obeyed the Lord as what we were told yesterday afternoon with radical obedience radical obedience which it's really not radical it's only radical in this world because we're so so much rebels it is normal Christianity it is the biblical faith to obey Him in everything and so you have the situation where the door of the ark is open it's an open door in the parable Jesus gives there's an open door the open door is an invitation a divine invitation come in come into the ark come into my presence come into this place to know me to know my love to know my protection flee from the wrath of God and there's only one place to flee from the wrath of God and that isn't into the loving arms of Jesus it's the only place there's refuge from the from the wrath that is going to be poured out there is no other place of protection and so the door is open the godly are rescued in one of two ways in the days of Noah when you look at the history of Noah it goes way back to Adam to Seth and then it goes you can travel it from Seth eventually coming to Enoch Enoch the man that walked with God and the first expression of rapture we haven't in the book in the Word of God take it out of here because he was so pleasing to the to the Father he says Enoch come on home and he gave birth to Methuselah Methuselah to Lamech and Lamech to know a godly legacy a family of righteous holy people passing on from one generation to the next and so what do you have here you have a man that grew up in a righteous godly home and there was only two ways that they could be rescued they either had to die or they had to go on that ark Methuselah and Lamech died shortly before the flood we're not told about anybody else the rest of the family we have no idea but I would venture to say that all those that were righteous that didn't end upon the ark died and were taken home you see it that door is an open door of invitation to each of us to come and to enter in to know our God to know him not just intellectually but relationally that's what he really wants is that relational fellowship that relational knowledge and so an open door it was also open not just for the righteous to enter but for the wicked to enter think of that an open door the wicked come in come into this ark and I just imagine in my mind's eye as Noah's building this Ark democritus going on and all the other stuff that the harassment that he's having but as the thing is finished it's all finished it's done now they're standing around it and the and they're gazing and they're mocking at him and he's standing in the door and he's preaching to them and then all of a sudden the animals start coming because God brought the animals supernaturally is they're coming and no one the family bring them onto the ark and put him in their proper places and the people are scratching their heads is what's going on why are these animals coming what's happening and they still mocked and mocked and mocked and I can just imagine that after they were on the ark all the animals and Noah's on the ark were told seven days that door was open seven days an invitation for the world to come to enter into the ark seven days and I can imagine Noah standing in the door of the ark pleading with the people that were throwing stones at him and mocking him appealing to them calm there's a refuge just imagine just think of this on that seven day when he is pleading with them once again and all sudden supernaturally the hand of God closes the door and the people there just with mouths gaping open stunned by it and then they start going since well yeah what kind of trick is this yeah just a trick he's trying to freak us out that's all and then the first drop started to fall it's too late the door was closed too late too late as it was in the days of no one lasso will it be the days of the second coming there will be a time when the door is closed it's done it's finished and if you don't live to the point to see that you will personally have a day where your doors closed and it's going to come in one of two ways it's either gonna be that you die in your sin and the moment you breathe your last that door is closed slammed in your face no hope of repentance no hope of turning your religion isn't going to save you the other way is that you become so persistent in sin where God says my spirit will not always strive with man and he says it's done and imagine I want to I want it i want to terrify you imagine you leave pure life you leave because you refuse to repent of your sin and imagine that you end up in some church and maybe you're a nice guy for the rest of your life or whatever but be terrified if the door is closed never to be called again never to be given another opportunity you don't know when that will happen we are told that that it's the father that draws and no man can come to the son except he be drawn what if that is withheld from you you think you can practice sin you think you can practice it and go on and on and on and never think that there's the closing of the door just like it wasn't days of Noah just like it was in the days of lot terrible situation you know saddest of all the saddest of all just imagine that there are some people that went onto the ark walked onto the ark at the pleading of Noah they walk on know they are in the ark they enter in that place of salvation they cry out to God and God forgives them but then instead of going in deeper they look at out the door and they see the mocking and they see that the the perversion they see the evil that they're doing and is and their heart becomes like Lot's wife that longs and looks back and the leave the safety of the Ark to go back into the world pastor Steve ret a verse exactly on them when he was up here exactly on that you could have all the doctrines you want it's a matter of what the word teaches if you are gonna have fear in your life have the fear the day that door slammed in your face that you are outside of salvation that there's no hope that it is done that's why we are told today is a day of salvation today is it what's the response of the wicked to what Jesus is saying he ends up he ends up giving their response he says then you will say we ate and drunk with you and talked in your streets we have a right to heaven we're religious aren't we we're of the right denomination I was baptized as a baby I was baptized as an adult all the rights of didn't I do this good look at how much money I gave I have a right to heaven but that's not how people get into heaven you see it's that gift of repentance it's that gift of repentance this beautiful wonderful gift of repentance that the mercy of God brings to us and invites us to turn from our sin and we don't understand how great that gift is how great is the gift that he would take our sins and remove them from us as far as the East is from the West how great is that so then in verse 27 but the man inside the master will reply I don't know you or where you come from away from me you evildoers there will be weeping there and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God but you yourselves thrown out people will come from east and west and north and south and will take their places at the feasts and the kingdom of God I mean this here had to get so many people angry there's so much air enough time to get into but he's saying okay you're gonna see Abraham and them in there and your Castile you're gonna be weeping and gnashing of teeth that is not pain you got to understand that's not pain the weeping and gnashing of teeth is about rage about anger they're angry why are they in there and I'm not I deserve to be in heaven anger forever at God in hell rage and never yet willing to look at themselves just like people won't do today those who get themselves in in the character trait of focus upon themselves that they're good that they're okay and only looking at the false of everybody else they will do that throughout eternity blame God forever gnash their teeth at him and rage and anger because they didn't want to receive the gift of repentance to stop looking at everybody else and begin to look in the mirror and see how ugly and evil the sin is that we have practice he made the statement in verse 27 I don't know you were where you come from and he made that already prior in verse 25 so he brings the start out twice I don't know you I don't know you you know the common thing that people end up saying they're saying well these people were never saved in the first place well there's no biblical basis for that though you know what Jesus is doing he's quoting the Book of Ezekiel this comes out in Ezekiel chapter 3 chapter 18 in chapter 33 it comes out strong it comes out bold it comes out clear I'll read to you one verse out of chapter 18 but if a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits sin and does the same detestable things the wicked man does will he live none of the righteous things he has done will be because of the unfaithfulness he is guilty of and because the sins he has committed he will die you can't rely upon the sinner's prayer to get you to heaven you can't rely on what you once were it's a matter of when the flood comes in essence whether you're on the ark you're not on it that's how serious it is that's what it's all about it's not about what you once were it's about what you are that the kingdom of God is inside of you that this relationship with God this unbroken fellowship there's the gale is the goal of your life and you are pressing towards s it's a desire of your heart and you want to see it fulfilled finally completely and absolutely when you are with Jesus now unbroken fellowship forever and ever and ever and ever and the joy of that fellowship the wonder the bliss the beauty of it we can't even imagine it because we're told in Ephesians that his love surpasses the knowledge of human understanding the wonder of this god of what he offers us and then we heard him again and again and again and again there's that season of an open door the Welcome of God the pleading just as it was in the days of Noah so will it also be in the days of the Son of Man the pleading the pleading heart of God pleading with us and you know what he doesn't have to do that but it's the nature of God I'm glad that's his nature but it's his nature he wants us he wants us enough that he will plead with us Isaiah chapter 61 verses 1 and 2 is a and that that portion of Scripture is a prophecy about the New Testament church and this is specifically about Jesus and the New Testament church so it has this prophecy contained contains both the prophecy of Christ and a prophecy of the church but the Spirit of the sovereign Lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach good news of the poor he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from Darkness the prisoners to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and a day of vengeance of our God Jesus read this in Luke chapter four and says I'm the fulfillment of it but the churches of fulfillment of it as well as secondary fulfillment of this prophecy the year of the Lord's favor sees in a favor the door is open the invitation is out come come any of you that are watching this the invitations out come come come the doors open come enter in now is the day of salvation now's the time I will forgive your sins I will wash them away I will give you a new heart and a new mind I will give you a new beginning come the doors open why do you worry why do you hold back why do you stay awake why do you resist why do you fight such love but if we reject the year of the Lord's favor there is a day of vengeance a day with the doors closed when that day is close when that door is closed when that day comes it is final there is no port no such thing as post-mortem conversion with their salvation out of death there is no such thing as purgatory it's not in the Bible you can't burn off your sins it is forever and is the Justice of God to do that and we need to understand a little bit of what sin is all about God is holy he is absolutely holy the essential nature of God is not love John says that God is love and it's an aspect of a quality a character trait of God but the essential nature of God is holiness because he is holy what he created was good and holy and after he created everything he's went and says it is good or the Hebrew stove it is good I'm well pleased with what I did and then he created man then he says I am very well pleased made creation holy a place where he would walk with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day and then Satan rebelled and Adam need rebelled and a spiritual covet 19 came into the world you see sin is a choice but this evil disease has gotten into God's creation and God must do something about this corruption of his good creation he must to not do something would be totally contrary to who he is as God and who he is as Holy he must steal with sin he must confront it and there will be one day where sin will be dealt with it will be destroyed hell it will be cast a lake of fire in the lake of fire cast away forever in an eternal quarantine and then a new heaven and new earth well and where and dwells righteousness sin fully eradicated out of his new creation you see sin Oni has a little bit of time here that's all it's only has a little bit of time it is going to be fully dealt with it will be dealt with there's no way that God cannot deal with it he is dealing with it now and he will deal with it and he will give it a final blow it will be finally cured from his creation and so the door is open for you now what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you're gonna run home to Jesus you're gonna run into his arms you're gonna see the door open and run as fast as you can into that door then it comes sliding at his feet weeping in agony over your sin taking true repentance the cry for deliverance in your life to never go back to the filth of what you were whatever names may be behind it because you want him you want him and that's really where he wants to take us when I first came to Christ I was a young man strung out on drugs I was a hippie during the hippie movement and and I didn't come to Jesus out of noble reasons I can't even tell you why I know that that God tugged on one thing in my life and it was this thing that is in all of us and he uses it all the time it's loneliness this loneliness was inside of me no matter what parties I was in no matter was doing this a I couldn't put it to worse I didn't no I couldn't understand and yet here's this God pulling upon that pulling upon this egg until finally in a park where I used to party and deal drugs he broke in my world when I wasn't asking when I wasn't looking he wanted me and he's tugging on your heart to bring you home it was after salvation started working in my life that I found the joy of loving him you see you can't begin by loving him but if you will come you will love him if you know this Jesus and you want to know him more you will know him then and you will know that there's nobody more loving and beautiful and wonderful and kind and gentle than him you will taste so the wonder of that love and be moved and compelled and want to be fully completely defined by your life defined by your marriage defined by your children defined by you want to see it spread through this world because you see it is good it is contrary absolutely 100% hostile to this world and the evil and all it stands for and he wants to define us fully and completely by that but if you are not right with Jesus fear the day that that door is closed on you and you know what we need to do make sure that never happens going back to Ezekiel 3 and 18 and 33 you know one of the things why why God gave the Prophet that message three times part of it was he says I want you to go and I want you to warn the wicked that they would repent and I want you to I want you to warn the righteous so they repent he wanted the righteous to stay righteous so he called them he reproved them he corrected them because he wanted the righteous to stay in the Ark he wanted the righteous to be faithful to the end he won the righteous to get as far away from that door into the ark as possible not to be sitting in the door looking at the world longing for the world but to get so far in because you loved being with cheese and you want to be with him and your heart aches for him so you breasted more and more here approves the righteous of the righteous stay righteous because he knows we all have wandering hearts we all have wandering hearts terrible things terrible things they are but yet his love is greater and he can conquer those wandering hearts if we will be many Oh father we come before you now in the precious name of Jesus and Lord you know everyone that has heard this message the students Lord those who have been watching online and through their phones Lord you know you know them Oh God you know their spiritual condition God please I cried to you don't let them believe lies about themselves right now help them to see the truth of their spiritual condition those who are who are not right with you God let them come to grips with the reality of that that they might make a choice and I pray God it's the right choice to run home to you Lord I'm also asking for those who are righteous those who are walking with you to hear the message and say God I want to be so near to you these are dangerous times god these are dangerous times a great falling away is upon us O Lord now is the time for us as Christians are pressing deeper have a greater passion to strive with all that's within us to enter into the kingdom of God and to stay in their kingdom Lord you are worth the pursuit you are worth it all this world is just dung it's just dumb it's worse than that o God and the treasures you give of yourself to us is richer than we could ever fathom Oh Lord it's found in that place of pursuing you and the joy of the pursuit the wonder of the pursuit Oh God and I'm asking for people to truly come to salvation to truly come to repentance Oh God not worldly sorrow that just says I'm sorry but godly repentance that brings a radical transformation of the heart mine Lord that they leave the world and they enter into the Ark of yourself the Ark of your presence the ark where we know you and find you and find you more beautiful we could imagine where our eyes are opened up and we see things that the world can't even fathom Oh God Jesus
Channel: Pure Life Ministries
Views: 3,454
Rating: 4.7446809 out of 5
Keywords: purity, christianity, christianliving, bible, jesus, god, holyspirit, christian, truth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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