The Don'ts of Walmart RV Camping

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camping at Walmart it is a pastime for our viewers in America today we're sharing seven don'ts when it comes to camping at Walmart so stay tuned welcome back to the channel and thank you for being here today a huge shout out to RV master class it's a program where we are instructors teaching people how to better boondock how to buy an RV and transition in a full time RV life among many other things check out our bee master class if you want to dive really deep into the RV education but without any further ado let's get into today's topic which is the don'ts of Walmart camping we'll start with number 1 don't show up without researching this is probably the most important rule of all not every Walmart allows overnight parking and you don't want to arrive at one that doesn't allow it because you will get a knock on your door at two o'clock in the morning from a security guard or a police officer and they'll ask you to leave that's not a good situation there are apps like RV park II all stays overnight camping calm that really help you figure out what Walmart's have allowed it in the past and from that point you can read the reviews and then I would recommend calling the Walmart and just verifying with them that they will allow overnight parking once those steps are done shouldn't take longer than 5-10 minutes you'll know that you're set up to have a good overnight parking spot at Walmart and not have to stress whether it's allowed or not number two don't of Walmart camping is don't get comfy it can be very easy to get comfy at Walmart you could pull out a slide you get put the generator out pull out the lawn chairs maybe even the camping grill these are things not to do though remember it's a parking lot we don't want to show off to any of the patrons of Walmart that we are living in our RVs or traveling in our RVs because it just sends the wrong message to the local community we want to be as stealth and as discreet as possible sleeping in RVs and getting comfy inside for a good night's sleep but not bringing that comfort outside into the open world parking lot so don't get comfy at Walmart and hopping on the back of number two number three is don't extend your stay Walmart overnight parking should happen for about twelve hours max it should be a great place for you to pull over at nine o'clock in the night and get some Z's maybe leave at nine o'clock the next morning we recommend staying no longer than twelve hours it's not a place where you stay for two days explore the local area come and go and then treat it as though it's a campground number four is one of my favorites and that is don't skip a hot breakfast on the way out if you're camping at Walmart overnight you're probably next to a Burger King McDonald's Wendy's I hop Waffle House there are lots of breakfast places located within walking distance of a Walmart parking lot go ahead and take advantage of that fill up your bellies get ready for another long travel day you also won't create any dishes or mess inside your RV number five is don't let the lights disrupt your sleep if you have an RV that is very well shaded and you can block the outside light you don't have to worry about this but in our airstream and in many other just regular travel trailers or class C's there are places where light can seep in and if Walmart is anything it's well-lit so you're gonna have lights shining through your RV most likely and we would say don't come to that situation unprepared go ahead and get a sleep mask they probably cost five bucks and just travel with one it's good measure but especially at a Walmart parking lot it might help you get a much better night's sleep because those lights can be blinding and they can really disrupt the sleep patterns at nighttime so be prepared for that number six is don't hesitate to set up orange cones so these are small orange safety cones and they help make drivers aware of your RV if you place them around the corners of your RV or maybe or near your steps if you have steps to get up to your RV this will just help patrons of Walmart better visualize the boundary of your RV now we don't recommend setting them out to claim space always stay within your parking area but these cones will just help from someone side swiping you and that can be a problem if you know people will drive pretty quick in those Walmart parking lots especially if it's a 10 or 11 o'clock at night have those cones with a little reflective tape on them you'll just be a little bit better visible to these car drivers that might be driving a little too fast in Walmart all right we're about to get into number 7 but remember I link that article below you don't have to remember all these at the top of your head you can bookmark that article and be good to go but number 7 is don't rely on Walmart as good as Walmart is and as easy yet as it is to pull off the interstate and sleep overnight at 1:00 don't rely on it it's not necessary and it's not going to give you max enjoyment if you're looking to sleep overnight somewhere we recommend doing some more creative options sometimes like harvest hosts that is a program where you can camp at vineyards breweries museums we used it on our way to st. Augustine Florida and we camped at a museum it was such a peaceful night sleep and so much better than Walmart also Boone Dockers welcome is a great option if you're in more urban areas Boone doctors welcome is a community of household owners that offer up their driveways for driveway surfing and it's just a different way to camp overnight and get rest somewhere where it might be not as bright not as noisy a little more unique there are great options out there that aren't Walmart so we would say don't rely on Walmart please tell me if I missed any don'ts or what some of your Walmart don'ts are I would love to read those in the comments below it's a very let's call it a vibrant conversation about Walmart camping and some people love it some people hate it and everyone's got rules about it so I'd love to hear yours thank you for watching the video give it a thumbs up we'll see you next time later on
Channel: Drivin' and Vibin'
Views: 219,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walmart camping, walmart overnight parking, rv camping, rv overnight parking, rv life, rv living
Id: UQ_vU0avNbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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