The Donk is DONE! Hitting The Dyno, Street Session, and a Fiery Burnout at Tire Slayer Studios

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so [Music] wow so you know how for the past couple days i've been talking a lot about building a donk you're gonna make an offer right now all right 6500 click submit here we go bought this just a few days ago on ebay it's already here we were like you know what we're gonna do a magazine just about this the one issue we sold did so well that we're like okay we're gonna do a magazine just on this one thing and it was called doc fox and bubble which is probably the reason why people call everything a dog but it was really just about guys putting big rims on old cars that's the background and i was there from you know not day one but day two what we're gonna do this the whole header panel and this will chrome plate with a big motor coming through i'm a little rusty i haven't cut a fender in a long time does not matter what this thing looks like if that's what it's doing there used to be a wall there and a whole bunch of non-running cars do you think we got him running to get him to the new shop no let's not be silly right now well you know the dodo garage is still here because the land rover is still holding down that lift right right right right right on the street scott is going to drive at the tire slayer studios this thing so he says but look at this checklist that's a check that's about checklist but speaking of checklists we got to make a checklist of our own we still got a bit of work to do we got a bit of work but it's close it runs it's got most of the things dan's already getting started on what it needs to drive over there donk to doodle do and then did you just draw a boop there's a one [Laughter] i don't know we can't put a windshield in yeah that's that's like perfect service position right there second movie uh time the motor right timing we got to put in the front seat at least okay dan might have worse handwriting oh i have terrible hands i haven't really used to write for garage garage and welcome to garage garage i haven't physically written anything in like two years all right what else oh well you need coolant right yeah cool you're gonna have to fix whatever dance hurts gonna cause when you're playing a hammer near the car where the mirror is at probably somewhere on this table this is just actually drive it yeah we don't care about it yeah so this is a shifter this list that we're making right here is everything we need to be able to take this car from here to the new location can't drive without mirrors it's illegal that's [ __ ] illegal throttle cable throttle cable it needs to be hooked up to throttle it's we're all turning what else we gotta do one is that it isn't it it's not locked oh my god i almost found wheeler somebody commented on the last episode is this supposed to be a professional shop you gotta cut the fuel lines yeah we cut it off answer no all right all right cool someone pick a task someone get on this i can i don't trust you guys i'll do these too [Music] [Music] a little bit of explaining all the smoke is just from the header wrap and stuff and all of our hands being all over the parts so we're not just actively watching this thing burn to the ground [Music] all right so today's the day what are we doing today hurt bro dino dates oh man i can't wait to hear this thing go i can't wait to see this thing burn tire i don't know about you but that's what i'm most excited about no for sure i mean that was when we originally built it we never built it to be a drag car if we did we wouldn't put a system an interior in it maybe it's an all-around car it's an everything car it'll smoke you it'll outburn out you it'll chop you it'll outlook you is it a daily donkey you can only call it a daily if you're daily so you gotta start daily driving all right say the word if you don't do it i'll do it all right you know that's fine we can switch back and forth yeah anyway so today we're gonna hit the dyno here redline performance to remind you guys we got a 532 blueprint engine with a 871 blower on it but we've got the smaller pulley setup we're gonna see what this thing can do we're going to actually tune it for a smaller setup so maybe i don't know 700 horse to begin with and then hopefully get to a big pull today right this is better version of a brother so yeah it actually uh it makes sense because like this is new territory for us uh big block big blower looking a little tired but big tire i don't even know what to call this it's it's big it's a big tire and a little tire well you know the best way to like me i would just go hand and then i would never get the car to drive how i wanted it to right if we start low we could set it up get the grip in dial it up and then slowly turn it up that's the i think i'm growing up i think so it actually wasn't our idea mike finnegan came by to check out the car a week ago and he said do yourself a favor and do a low power tune to start to fix all the problems because he wishes he did that with last week so we figured we'd learn from someone who's learned it the hard way high five mike there you go [Music] what oh my god [Music] fire fire so i can't only imagine what it's going to be like and for the first pass to be 700 and he's over there be moving right now so you had to back out of it a little bit yeah well that was just a feeler pack just to see where we are in fueling because we have the fuel situation fixed so now that the fuel pressure maintains we can we can tune it i'm just going through some data and making some corrections number two [Music] [Music] um i think we just got kicked out of the dino room something about the thing needs to cool down and make more power well that and it keeps catching on fire the dipstick keeps blowing oil out that's because us [ __ ] install the dipstick no let's be honest someone needs to invent a dipstick capture device like a screw on dipstick like how hard would that be what if it's a quick release i'm trying to all right so this is what you can consider what's a conservative poll yeah so this is what 26 uh degrees of timing forget what the pulley setup is but it's like not the biggest package and how many pounds of boost 17 pounds and that made 851 horse which ain't bad for the mile setup so but you think we can maybe get this to 900 i think so just a little bit what's the worst that happens whoa the motor it's a lot of power ladies and gentlemen the donk now makes power and is tuned and is ready to hit the streets the boys over at red line aka chan and the gang got this thing dialed to just under 900 horsepower and almost 854 pounds running smooth running clean and i mean we could drive it home if we wanted to right now so now i don't know we just it's going to be hard not to that's what i was going to say like do not just drive it let's give it a little i don't i mean it's good everybody else left so just like a little skirt all right back from the dyno we could have just brought it to the compton shop but we told you guys we were going to drive it from long beach to compton so we're going to do that because as you can see long beach is pretty much empty now it looks like when we first moved into this spot it does it kind of brings back those old memories oh my gosh anyway as you can tell the car is a runner and we're gonna prove it's a driver but it still needs a bunch left right like there's no trim yet still have to finish the top most of the interior is missing because of interior upholstery gel is second to painting yeah and one of the things that's in upholstery gel is actually our roll bar because we were getting it wrapped in the same leather which means that there's some nice stuff yeah it's really really nice some fancy stuff yes that's like remember spiker that car brand that's like the kind of thing spiker did anyway so that means that we can't install our race clips we did set up a black belt because it's a 71 in california all you need is a laptop yeah so is this part of scotto drives all of his cars this is not one of my cars so no this is 100 one of your cars okay building's burning down all the cars are inside you say go inside and get the green ones out which cars come outside brad the rabbit that's it the rest are blue the rest are blue he just admitted it was blue you know why because i switched sides for like two weeks just to confuse the internet i honestly forgot which because i can't believe this conversation i don't even remember what we're organizing anyway we're gonna drive this to compton hopefully it makes it you guys want to take some bets burnout burn out i think it'll make it and it'll do a burnout while we get there i'm not riding with you oh all right let's do it yo that is spicy oh my god well now i'm deaf [Music] all the fire alarms are going on i can't even tell my car is running all right [Music] it feels like it's at the edge [Music] [Music] made it it's here i think everyone lost the bet i was just sure something was going to go wrong frozen break caliper it's not even leaking anything not leaking anything yet so on a level of woo where are you at with this thing it's like as it sits right now yeah that's like a full like okay okay on the wu scale that's pretty pretty good pretty good i mean i'm over 40. my woo scale is like when you hit 40 boys and girls your woo just it just tapers down a little bit you got to take pills so quickly you know it's so hard not to talk about our dicks can we talk about dicks let's talk about dicks baby let's talk about dicks bro what are you talking about man all right back back back to it so it's a big whoo it's a big one it looks and sounds and feels because you could this is a car that when it drives by you not only see it it makes an impression you feel it in your soul it also has so much torque that i can't actually keep it at a standstill with the brakes so i had to keep putting it back in neutral because it just kept moving forward on the car in front of me and i was like i got to just keep popping this thing in here yeah i gotta say though it like it looks sick i would say like i didn't know anything about donks coming into this but like i think we like did the american car little aussie like inspiration the euro inspiration on the wheels we did a carbon fiber top for the jdm boys like it's pretty we did we tried to mix everything and you know i don't think we really touched on the wheels that whole thing obviously you know me vin we like mesh wheels hurt had to hurt maybe not as much we had to fight with hurt a little bit hurts boy but it's like a like the mesh wheel became popular in the 70s like that was like one of the first wheels right so i had to do a mesh wheel wrote it for him took some classic you know messy designs where they're there and i don't think i've ever seen a 26 inch mesh wheel like this like it looks sick it actually it could have gone so bad honestly but they killed it people will stop buying the 18s now that you see these seriously though we got a bunch to finish i think the hood actually showed up yesterday yeah the car would have a hood we got time to finish but that's the end of the show we built a dunk we got to finish details but we're moving into a new build next week so see this thing on when you get happy hour you know that's a show we do on fridays and this first thought although i'll tell you this thing i think it's terribly terrifying and unprepared shot not driving john chase where you at john chase he already drives a really sketchy buggy that's not the end of the show what oh yeah we gotta do burnouts yeah well we gotta christen it what else is there dan thank you [Music] [Music] redo redo the brakes weren't warm so it wasn't grabbing so [Music] wow king scumbag that wasn't that was supposed to do it was supposed to be the first burner oh another another fire was on fire yeah there's fire down there nice work you lit the car on fire in three places good job i'm doing today hurt today today new shop equals new build but why do we have cody walker here is that gonna make sense to us it's gonna make sense it makes it make sense in a minute this is
Channel: Hoonigan
Views: 711,507
Rating: 4.9530473 out of 5
Keywords: Donk, Box, Bubble, Donk magazine, RIDES Magazine, Caprice, Impala, big wheel car, 26 inch rims, swervin donks, v8 donk, swapped donk, 1000hp Donk, craziest donks, donk burnout, 71 Caprice, Chevy Caprice, Caprice LS, fastest donk, Hoonigan donk, donk cars, donk racing, 26, rims, Barona, Bardona Drags, Donkmaster, Donk master, Hoonigan Donk, Hoonigan Donk Build, Rotiform Donk, Donk Dyno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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