The Disturbing Story Of Zachariah Anderson

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there's a an awful lot of facial expression happening and it is clearly impacting a a 14 year old girl you're all being watched nothing that would be in my opinion an effort to influence the child in any way or make this more difficult will be tolerated and it will be addressed rapidly it's a legitimate concern Mr Gravely and it will continue to be scrutinized Sadie Beacham and Zachariah Anderson were together for over a decade and had three children in 2019 Sadie decided to end their relationship despite zechariah's difficulty in coming to terms with their breakup they maintained a peaceful co-parenting relationship for the sake of their children it didn't take long for Zachariah to start a new relationship in early 2020 Sadie found a new romantic partner as well 40 year old Rosalio Gutierrez Jr though it appeared that Zechariah had moved on he hadn't and he became jealous of Sadie's new relationship he began spying on the couple and it wasn't long before Sadie found out and confronted him but to no avail Sadie became increasingly anxious about zachariah's jealous Behavior but would never have suspected the horror that was about to unfold on March the 18th 2020 Sadie stopped by rosalio's apartment upon arrival she noticed his patio door had been left open she went inside and found both blood spanning from the ceiling down to the floor with all of the blood in the apartment and no trace of rosalia's location police suspected the worst what could have occurred inside rosalio's apartment to cause such a gruesome scene and did Zechariah have anything to do with it before we begin we would like to send our sincere condolences to the loved ones of Rosalio Gutierrez Jr who fell victim to the Abominable acts described in this case a mother of a missing Kenosha man has traveled over one thousand miles to find answers in her son's disappearance case Rosalia Gutierrez was last seen four months ago today his mother sat down with our Aaron maben to discuss her quest for closure today's four months 123 days not a day goes by he was very loving a jokester where Celia Patterson doesn't think about her son Rosalio Gutierrez Jr I go to bed every night hoping to dream with my son and he doesn't come to me in my dreams I pray every day that he's found the 40 year old father of two was last seen May 17th during the suspicious disappearance investigation authorities found a large amount of blood inside his apartment do you think he's alive today no no no I uh my son was assaulted and murdered on the evening of Sunday May 17 2020. there's no doubt in my mind that my son was taken from his apartment dead police have not revealed what they believe happened court records show Zachariah Anderson faces stalking charges in connection to The Disappearance case prosecutors say Anderson stalked his ex-girlfriend who was dating Gutierrez Patterson would not say if she thinks the 40 year old who denies involvement played a role I'm not going to answer that okay because it's an open investigation Patterson has temporarily left her home in Colorado to spend time in Kenosha I'm here to be close to my son to his investigation and to my grandchildren she hopes someone can soon share information to help crack the case there's a few individuals out there who know where my son is they know what was done with my boy every year nearly 13.5 million people in the United States are subjected to stalking this fact implies that one out of every three women and one out of every six men had a stalker at some point in their life in most cases the stalker is a previous intimate partner of the victim and intimate stalkers have a greater chance of becoming violent Rosalio Gutierrez Jr lived in an apartment complex in Kenosha Wisconsin like Sadie he had children from a previous relationship a young boy and a girl Rosalio was a real estate investor at the Tranquility Property Group he met Sadie through a dating page the relationship moved slowly with Sadie keeping her romantic life separate from her children they chatted online for a while and eventually began spending some time together in person the day before Sadie's daughter's 12th birthday party she invited Rosalio over to help decorate for the party and to have dinner it was late by the time they finished so they decided that Rosalio would spend the night on May 16th Sadie spent the evening with him and his children having a movie night she had no way of knowing that this would be the last time she would ever see Rosalio again 40 year old Zechariah Anderson lived in Mekong Wisconsin about an hour's drive from Kenosha he had a construction job working on residential homes and owned a tree farm in sockville Wisconsin about 25 minutes north of mekon Sadie ended her long-term relationship with Zechariah in early 2019 in Sadie's words their relationship had become tumultuous and was a relationship on its way out when zadie spoke with Zechariah about ending the relationship she felt uneasy about letting him inside her home instead she stood outside in her driveway and spoke with him together they worked out a custody agreement they believed was best for the kids unhappy with the overall situation Zachariah would spend the rest of the year are in and out of contact with Sadie it would become commonplace for him to fall off the face of the Earth for a couple of weeks and then pop back up again even though Zechariah was unhappy about losing his relationship with Sadie in a short period of time he began seeing someone new a woman named Christine remsberg it seemed as though Zechariah had finally moved on in February of 2020 Sadie began her relationship with Rosalio something she shared only with her close friends somehow Zechariah found out it quickly became apparent however that he had not moved on and he was not ready to let Sadie move on either he began trying to win back Sadie it started with constant text messages and phone calls about how they should have given their relationship more time Zachariah also sent her the occasional bouquet of flowers but that wasn't enough Zechariah made it his mission to discover everything he could about his competitor this included dragging his daughter out late one night to spy on on them the night before her 12th birthday Zachariah had all three children that night he brought Olivia with him and left the two boys at home alone once outside Sadie's living room window Zechariah and Olivia spied on the couple Olivia watched angry and confused as her mother sat close to a man that wasn't her father before the night was over Zechariah gave Olivia a cell phone instructing her to record her mother anytime she looked upset it was about 2 30 in the morning by the time Sadie and Rosalio finished decorating and eating dinner so they hit it off to bed after Sadie and Rosalio had gone to bed the front doorbell rang a very unusual time for someone to show up at their home the couple went to investigate but found no one at the door Sadie peered out of the blinds of their bedroom window and noticed a black car pass by although Sadie couldn't see the driver or make out the distinctive features of the car besides the color she couldn't help but wonder if that was the person who was just to her door and possibly it was Zechariah who happened to own a black car Sadie expressed her suspicions to Rosalio before going back to bed in the morning Rosalio went out to his truck and found the contents of his glove box on the center console immediately they concluded that Zack must have broken into their vehicle in a rush to make it to Olivia's Party at zachariah's House Sadie and Rosalio decided to discuss the situation further at a later time while at the party Sadie noticed Olivia was giving her the cold shoulder refusing to show Sadie any signs of affection and spending most of the time at the party avoiding her Sadie couldn't help but wonder if Olivia somehow knew she had spent the night with another man as the party was coming to an end and Sadie was preparing to take her children back to her house to have the party they had planned for Olivia her daughter asked an unexpected question Olivia asked if her dad and his family could come over to their house for the second party hesitantly Sadie agreed but under the condition that Zack's family stayed outside on the deck because she did not feel comfortable having him inside their home to accommodate Olivia's request Sadie moved the party out onto the deck where they opened presents and ate cake after the party Olivia requested to go back to her dad's house though confused Sadie gave her okay nearing the end of the party Zach tried to talk Sadie into letting him stay behind because he wanted to speak to her privately highly uncomfortable with the idea of being left alone with Zach she told him that if he wants to talk he was going to have to do it while his family was present everyone began to leave and Zack paused at the door he told Sadie that he had a premonition that she was with another man last night she was able to describe to Sadie what she was wearing and the song she was listening to then he began badgering her to confess that she had been with someone else not believing for a moment that Zack had all of this information from a premonition she flat out told him the the only way he could know any of those details would be if he was at her house last night which he of course denied they continued to stand in the doorway and argue about it until exasperated Zechariah began to walk away he then paused and with a look of remembrance he told Sadie the man that she was with was a Mexican named Rosalio Gutierrez Jr a name Sadie had never mentioned to him still in the doorway Sadie stood there startled and terrified as Zach continued to reveal details about her new boyfriend details which he could not have possibly known now there was no doubt in Sadie's mind that Zack was at her house spying on her the night before and she told him that it took him a moment but Zach finally walked back up to Sadie and admitted that he did go by their house saying that he just needed to know if she was seeing someone else Olivia had intended to do as Zechariah instructed and spy on her mom however her mother soon found on the cell phone Olivia confessed that she was asked to spy on her by her father on the phone Sadie found an app that showed Zechariah had purchased two GPS trackers with voice activated recording features a short time later Sadie found the cell phone hidden in the car underneath one of the kids boosters seats on May 17 2020 Sadie sent messages to Rosalio like she always did but despite her multiple attempts to contact him Rosalio remained unresponsive Sadie and Rosalia were good about contacting each other regularly so his silence made Sadie a little nervous she still had no luck contacting Rosalio by phone the following day as the time ticked by she became more and more anxious about Rosalio worrying that something may have happened to him and wondering if Zechariah had done something drastic on May the 19th Sadie went to rosalio's home to ensure that he was safe that was when she found his patio door open his apartment covered in blood immediately she called the police police found Blood spattered on the ceiling walls curtains Furniture floor and numerous household items with the amount of blood found throughout the Home Police did not believe that Rosalio made it out alive I remember being very afraid open the screen and I pushed the blinds aside and I just I immediately saw a red blood I've had concerns that possibly uh Zach had done something Furniture had also been moved around indicating signs of a struggle Sadie informed the investigators that an area rug was missing as well following the trail of blood investigators were able to piece together that the struggle began at the front door since there were no signs of forced entry Rosalio must have opened the door and the perpetrator attacked him soon after it was obvious that Rosa Leo had been struck numerous times but no murder weapon was found rosalio's vehicle was still sitting in the parking lot of the apartment building untouched continuing their investigation at the apartment police found rosalio's cell phone wallet and ID it had been stuffed in the back of his freezer Sadie told the investigators she discovered that her ex-boyfriend Zachariah had been stalking her ever since he found out about her relationship with Rosalio police now had a primary suspect on Tuesday May 19th investigators had enough evidence to arrest Zechariah and search his home Minivan and tree farm that evening Zechariah was home with his girlfriend at this point the two had been dating for about a year they were sitting in the living room watching a movie when they heard the knock at the door Zechariah opened it to find police standing outside with a warrant to search his property and another for his arrest records from zechariah's phone show that he was in Kenosha at 9 34 pm on May the 13th the day that Sadie was spending with Rosalio a folder labeled Rosalio Gutierrez Jr was discovered on zechariah's laptop it contained photographs of Rosalio a map indicating the location of his apartment complex where he worked and More in zechariah's yard a burn pit was found smoldering although there had been heavy rain for the past three days police returned the next day with a cadaver dog to search the yard all over again all they found were the remnants of a bleach bottle and bits of clothing that matched the clothes Zechariah was wearing the day he was arrested more devastating evidence was discovered inside zechariah's minivan inside the van there was the strong smell of bleach along with bleach stains Additionally the back seats were absent and a substantial portion of the carpet from the rear floor had been cut out investigators also came across a small spot of blood in the back of the minivan DNA samples were run and it turned out to be a match for Rosalio investigators continued their search at zachariah's Tree Farm where they found another burn pit containing more clothing remnants on December 11 2020 Zachariah Anderson was charged with felony counts of first-degree intentional homicide hiding a corpse and two counts of stalking after spending over three years in prison Zechariah entered the courtroom to begin his trial on February 28 2023 in the Kenosha County Circuit Court since Rosa Leo's body was never discovered the process execution had to work hard to provide enough solid evidence against Zachariah to prove his guilt the defense used it to their advantage and wasted no time creating a commotion in the courtroom by promoting their Theory during their opening statement which nearly led to a mistrial there will not be a mistrial in a Mequon man's homicide case after prosecutors and Zechariah Anderson's defense came to an agreement bill meston has the latest from Kenosha County that issue was an argument proposed by Anderson's defense during its opening statements that possibly someone else was responsible for The Disappearance of Rosalio Gutierrez he hasn't been seen or heard from since May 2020. what did I do in my life Barrett such ingenial attorneys the jury trial of Zechariah Anderson is back on we've we've come up with a joint proposed cautionary instruction for the jury to disregard what was said by the defense in its opening statement so there was kind of that Mutual understanding that it could be seen both ways so what did they ignore they ignored miss beechum the defense's theory is the police investigation was shoddy during its opening statement the defense said police never looked at Anderson's ex as a possible suspect pointing to a text sent by her friend days before Gutierrez disappeared the state wanted a mistrial as a third party defense Theory falls under the Denny rule that requires pre-trial hearings to show Motive opportunity and direct connection to be allowed in but just because it's a rule doesn't mean it's a good one UW law school Professor iron Mane says prosecutors don't have to show Motive to bring a case but defense has to show well that creates a bit of Disconnect between this sense of right to present your defense and then these kind of requirements that you don't even put on the state and call the move by the defense strategic and then the judge reinforcing that through the Curative instruction just in case you missed it jury disregard this important thing it's not important after the trial began prosecutors brought in one of the office officers from the crime scene to testify about the blood found across rosalio's apartment showing the jury photos of the large blood stains and spatter Kenosha Officer Jeff Van Wie who says he saw blood evidence in Rosalio gutierrez's apartment I walked inside the hallway and on apartment 1B I saw a dried red fluid stains on the door itself and around the door much of Monday's testimony focused on blood stains and spatter investigators captured Blood on the ceiling door and covering his living room what sort of object causes that sort of blood spatter it's either blunt force trauma or gunshots prosecutors believe Anderson drove to gutierrez's apartment killed him and destroyed the evidence in May 2020 at the time Gutierrez was dating Anderson's ex and the mother of his children nobody has found gutierrez's body on March 3rd the fourth day of the trial the prosecution brought in Christine remsberg the woman had been zachariah's girlfriend for a year prior to his arrest and who was with him the night he was arrested these questions were used in an attempt to create a timeline of the murder when the defendant was arrested did law enforcement then also speak to you yes the same night he was arrested okay Sunday so two days earlier two nights earlier yes they were kind of focused on that weren't they yes and what did you originally tell them that you believed was uh the whereabouts of the defendant on the evening of May 17th which would be that Sunday what'd you originally tell them what I originally told them is that he was over but like I told them when they look on my phone it says on my way he was over if it doesn't he wasn't there that day so originally you said you thought he was over there yes originally that's what I said yeah at some point did you share phone evidence with law enforcement yes okay did you receive a text from Zachariah Anderson's phone uh to you on your phone at 4 57 p.m on Sunday the 17th of May where he says cool yeah okay and then at six um 35 P.M do you text uh the defendant's phone and suggest to him you got a movie in mind yes and so does that uh text uh uh is that a text you sent him yes okay um and with that so you don't have to read it um because the tech is that right if I just read it as opposed to making her read it fine okay does the text add uh 6 35 pm to the defendant say from you Alice in Wonderland uh land 1933 gotta find it and watch it it's my new Mission imp do you see that yeah okay that's a movie that you're discussing yeah and are you expecting the defendant at that time to still show up at your house okay I mean you had plans with him did you not okay and so you are suggesting for our movie night here's what I'm thinking yes yes okay any response from him at that time okay now I'm at uh 9 20 P.M up to then have you received any texts from him or calls from him since you told him hey the movie's Alice in Wonderland has there been any has he been in touch with you in any way okay so now at 9 20 p.m you text him and you say get to keep kiddos tonight is that is that true did you text that yeah and you're at 9 20 p.m right when you send that 9 20 p.m okay uh still no response uh until the next time you text at 10 31 . okay at 10 31 PM or 10 30 31.09 do you text the defendant whatever going to bed okay um fair to say you're you're not happy at that point yes okay um and is the first time you hear from the defendant a text from him that says fell asleep sorry missed afternoon nap is that what he said yes okay what if anything can you say about later whether you got a call from him yes I don't remember the whole phone conversation what it was about but usually we just talk about our day or how we feel and what's going on all right and and did he ever arrive at your home that night that night and the next day so Monday morning were you again texting back and forth with the defendant yes okay and so I'll ask you if you recognize this text just for purposes of you not having to approach I'm going to read you the content of the text again it's going to be a long day still haven't got to work hit you up later babe is that a text you received from uh from the defendant's phone um uh it's my period that denoted is 8 54 a.m is that is that a time you received that check yes okay so when independent texted you and said I've been I've had a nap and so that's why I haven't answered any of your texts you don't know for sure if you had a nap did you know one way or another whether he was taking a nap when he texted you or happened how could I was at home okay and uh when you received the uh 52 text indicating that uh the defendant had not yet arrived at work you had no idea where he was did you absolutely on that Monday when uh after the text that said uh uh I'm not at work yet do you recall when the first time you saw the defendant was on the 18th like what time did you first meet up with him in any place your place his place on the 18th was that Tuesday was it Monday so what was a Tuesday it was a Monday only if you know I don't remember I just know on Tuesday is the movie night and I was over there around seven do you remember telling law enforcement that on uh May 18th you went to his home about 6 p.m so that would be the Monday did you also well I'm just confusing dates okay yeah Monday on Monday but were you also there on Tuesday the day he was arrested yeah once the prosecution had finished the defense asked their line of questioning to remsburg trying to disprove multiple factors in the case first they worked to undo the potential timeline prosecution had been trying to create so I want to go back a little bit the state had been talking to you about the first statement you gave law enforcement on the 19th and then the second time you talked to them two days later um you had told law enforcement on the 19th that you had memory problems and that's why it would probably be better to ask your sister right I didn't specifically say that I have memory problems no but considering me my sister lived together and I was going back to work and I do have [ __ ] drinks so no I'm not good at remembering dates but knowing my routine and that was what I told the authorities we're in 100 sure yeah because usually he was over there the only time that he wasn't over there either we were working or he was with his kids and so then on the 21st which was two days after you first spoke with law enforcement um you told them after seeing more information that he was not at the house on the 17th correct correct and when I got ass and I thought he was there I even had them look at my phone so for them to say that I lied or I was covering up and harassed me about it it's not right it's not okay because you weren't covering anything up correct no I was just going by memory I got hit that my boyfriend's in some kind trouble I asked the captain what's going on and he couldn't even tell me I didn't know until later on at all nothing and everybody feels like they're attacking me from authorities from this way and this is going on no one really cares about what I go through I didn't want to come back here because of the harassment I've been through and I'm here and it's because law enforcement never really wanted to hear your story right exactly you felt like they were pressuring you into what they wanted you to say I just felt they were thinking I was hiding something pulling something when there was nothing there to pull when you spoke with Mr you spoke with Mr Anderson on May 17 2019 correct yes I believe so and the text messages before that the state had read to you about Mr Anderson taking a nap um you remember receiving that text yes and you said you had been dating Mr Anderson for about a year yes and during that year um I'm assuming you've known Mr Anderson to to sleep yes and were there times where he would also nap yes so receiving a text that he was napping that wasn't anything out of the ordinary in from your experience no and it's true too that during your entire relationship there were times where perhaps you had planned on meeting up but then that didn't happen because something else came up yes like he had Mr ant sometimes Mr Anderson would have his kids yes the schedule would change with the kids often and sometimes he would be tired from work absolutely so it wasn't bizarre that he wasn't able to come over that evening judge again this is propensity evidence and it's an argument it's actually a follow-up of the state's questioning of her you can answer answer that question if you remember could you repeat it yeah of course I said that there was nothing bizarre then on the 17th about him not coming over because he had fallen asleep no it's not bizarre no the the phone call that you had with Mr Anderson the evening of May 17 2020 there was nothing suspicious about that phone call correct no I would have remembered something otherwise to me it was just a normal phone call I don't remember exactly what we talked about even then it's usually around the same thing as nothing I need to put on the schedule so why would I and then um you spoke with him and then the next morning he texted you that he was you texted him and then he texted you back that he was heading to work right yes and um that was was that normal from your observations of Mr Anderson that he would go to work in the mornings yes and you were aware that Mr Anderson was doing construction Contracting work at a home up in um Belgium Wisconsin yes and your understanding where was Mr Anderson going to work on that morning when he texts you I'm not really sure because the boys always did side work and that's the boys thing you know I had with Mr Anderson the evening of May 17 2020 there was nothing suspicious about that phone call correct no I would have remembered something otherwise to me it was just a normal phone call I don't remember exactly what we talked about even then it's usually around the same thing it was nothing I need to put on the schedule so why would I and then um you spoke with him and then the next morning he texted you that he was you texted him and then he texted you back that he was heading to work right yes and um that was was that normal from your observations of Mr Anderson that he would go to work in the mornings yes and you were aware that Mr Anderson was doing construction Contracting work at a home up in um Belgium Wisconsin yes and your understanding where was Mr Anderson going to work on that morning when he texts you I'm not really sure because the boys always did side work and that's the boys thing you know the defense tried to prove that Zechariah couldn't pick up and carry a body because he suffered from chronic back pain while you dated Mr Anderson for the year did you know him to have any sort of injuries um like what type of energies are you talking about like any sort of things that would prohibit him from moving around freely any back problems like problems anything of that sort he has back problems okay can you explain what you you know of those back problems sometimes he just can't move either has to lay there he has to stand up and just keep doing stuff it's just it's serious pain enough to where you hold it hold your back and you can't move frequently did Mr Anderson experience back pain and issues um it was daily sometimes it was worse Sometimes some days were better and do you remember if there were and there was anything that would cause him to have back pain heavy lifting that he would end up doing okay and to your knowledge was it hard for Mr Anderson to do heavy lifting because of his back issues yes so you had gone over to Mr Anderson's house from May 18th and on May 18th and May 19th May 18th of May 19th you said yeah yes and when you were there Mr Anderson was he with you yes and um you never saw Mr Anderson with bloody clothes correct no and did you ever see him getting rid of what appeared to be some sort of evidence no on March the 9th eight days into the trial prosecutors brought in zechariah's cellmate Marquan Washington who claimed that Zechariah had confessed to the murder the prosecution claimed that Washington and Zechariah bonded over their shared entrepreneurial Spirit both growing and selling marijuana a fact the prosecution used to bolster The credibility of their jailhouse informant Zechariah Anderson's former cellmate Marquan Washington described a night when Anderson had a nightmare I was laying there and I was reading my book and I heard him shout in his sleep Washington says he asked Anderson about his case he said die die die Anderson is accused of stalking and killing his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend Rosalio Gutierrez in May 2020. I'll tell him to look behind my eyes and tell me that you didn't do it and he jumped down from the bed and he looked in my eyes and he said yeah I did it he said that's the reason I have the nightmares Kenosha County district attorney Michael Gravely asked about a nickname Anderson was called in prison he said they called him Houdini because of his case basically because he made a body and disappeared they say and everybody caught him Houdini because of it gutierrez's body is still missing Washington testified that Anderson told him about the murder he had seen this person and he said he stabbed him and he blacked out and what happened to the body and he said he eventually wrapped the body up in garbage bags and got rid of the trash he threw the trash out and asked him what did he mean by that and he said I said what like dumpster or trash and he said once it's gone it's gone though the evidence proved that Zechariah was in the weed business the judge clearly stated this fact should not be held against his character or affect the trial still some believe that such a tactic will further tarnish the defendant and help the prosecution gain an upper hand there's so many different ways to use evidence there are a lot of tools and Pathways good creative lawyers such as the state are going to use to bring the state stuff in the state of course is hoping that associating this family with a marijuana grow operation that may have been illegal at the low under the law at that time is going to harm and throw some shade on the defendant but we've discussed it marijuana's changed so much over the last five 10 15 years especially in our Western States we don't believe that's going to be some sort of a stain on the character and my problem with is you know what the reason the prosecutor really wants this once a scumbag always a scumbag come on that's the reason you do and then what you get is the judge saying by the way you can't talk about character you can't think about character don't think about character make sure you're not thinking character what are you thinking about character yeah I'm shocked oh yeah and that's the problem is it's disingenuous and the question is whether the defense is going to be able to show the states being disingenuous throw in the shade on the defendant y'all know that that's not what this case is about this is the state trying to bully use all their tools and some of them are off putting people jurors don't like seeing the state take undue advantage on March the 14th 10 days into the trial the prosecution brought in video recordings of Zechariah making a peculiar purchase at Walmart the day after the suspected murder of Rosalio in a case that cuts across counties Tuesdays centered around this Ozaukee County store it is a receipt for a several purchases from a sockville area Walmart it was pouring rain the morning of May 18 2020 when Zachariah Anderson walked in picked out some items and paid in cash what items were purchased per this transaction there were a few items Q-tips Old Spice and a shaver there was also garbage bags there was some Playtex gloves how many uh containers or how many of those boxes two packages of large gloves there were three three containers of sardines and there was two containers of Clorox wipes this prosecutors say was what Anderson used to clean up evidence of the crime the prosecution also called Sadie's best friend of 30 years Rebecca Jacob to testify about a highly uncomfortable confrontation she had with Zachariah on March the 5th of 2020. on this day she was babysitting the kids for Sadie who was on vacation in Mexico I know that my other friends of hers had been looking at going on a trip down to Mexico and that she had the opportunity to go and that she was thinking about going and and what month would that have been in if you can recall um she had the trip was at the beginning of March 2020. and what if any role were you going to be playing in her ability to go on this trip in March of 2020. um she had asked me if I would be able to possibly help out with the kids for a couple of nights while she was gone and what was the plan concerning you watching the children um well they were in daycare at the time I think the boys were and I think their daughter I don't it was covid so I don't know where they were during the day but I was at work and then I would be there for the kids in the evening for dinner bedtime and then get them off to where they needed to be in the morning before I went to work and it was a Wednesday Thursday and then Friday I was going to have the kids go with her stepmom and Dad and what was the plan to your knowledge of whether or not the defendant was supposed to be present for any of that it was not going to be he was actually out of state it was my understanding so I'm going to direct your attention to the early morning hours of March 5th of 2020 um do you recall something that caused you concern on that morning yeah and what was that um I had fallen asleep in the living room on the couch and when I had woke up there was the lights were off I think the TV was in sleep mode and I saw a dark figure at the end of the couch um and then when I I don't know if I moved or made a sound or whatnot but where my feet were there was I'm going to object on the grounds of relevance and other acts um and if if this needs to be argued further I'd like it to be outside the presence of the jury the defendant was standing at that end of the couch just smiling at me and said hey there um and I didn't really even know what to say and so then he said where the [ __ ] are my kids and their [ __ ] mother um anyone upstairs and woke up the kids and you recall roughly what time of mourning This was um it was about quarter to four in the morning and where were you staying that night that the defendant was in the living room in Sadie's home and to your knowledge did the defendant live there no he did not to your knowledge was he supposed to be there no after the defendant went upstairs to wake up the children what do you recall happening next well he came back down with the kids and stood there and started asking me he's actually and told me that he was surprised I was there because he thought I was be down in Mexico whoring with her when he saw my Jeep in the driveway um and then he asked me again who she was with and I told him the people who he also knows um and he told me not to lie and that he knows she's [ __ ] somebody whose name starts with an L now at this point giving your friendship with Miss Beacham are you aware of anyone in her life at that point whose name or nickname started with an L yeah and who is that Rosalio we actually call them Leo because when she first told me his name I'm kind of hard of hearing and so I was like I didn't understand what she said so we started like made a joke that we would call him Leo and that's for a while that's how she referred to him whenever she would speak to me about him Sadie and 9-1-1 was called um and he was in the kitchen making breakfast and telling them to hurry up and eat because um auntie Becky says I'm a bad man and the cops are coming and was this still roughly around 4 a.m yeah I mean when I looked up the clock it was about for the first time that I remember looking it was about 3 45 in the morning according to the clock in the living room and who had been the one to call 9-1-1 Sadie did and why and your understanding was that done because I contacted her and I let her object as far as speculation as to why Miss Beacham called 911 which I believe she will then represent is why she believes 9-1-1 was called it's all about her statements to miss Beacham um so I had contacted her and I just said what the hell Zach is here like what is he doing here and I didn't know what to do um I was terrified I didn't know why he was there my understanding he wasn't supposed to be there and she proceeded to call 9-1-1 because if she hadn't I told her I would at first it sounds like a case of breaking and entering however during cross-examination we learned that that was not the case was there some sort of protective order that you were aware of that Mr Anderson could not see his children no you had mentioned on direct examination that there were times where Mr Anderson would go radio silent yes can you explain what you meant by that it's a term that like he literally would just completely not speak to her not contact her and then out of nowhere the prosecution also questioned Jacob regarding her knowledge of Sadie and zechariah's relationship and any allegations Sadie had made about Zachariah stalking her um she was just the text messages and constant text messages and emails showing up in places or just kind of sometimes he would go radio silent and then out of nowhere just send her really random messages and just very I don't even know how to explain it it was just a lot of instances that she had told me about of weird things happening and then him kind of confirming it to her when she would call him out on it and at any point in April and May of 2020 did Miss beecham indicate to you any interest in rekindling her relationship with the defendant no and how would you describe the trajectory of Miss beecham's relationship with Leo during those same months were they still seeing each other how is that going they were still talking um she seemed very happy excited seemingly he's making you emotional why are you emotional over that sediment that you just shared with us objection relevance Runner goes directly it's commenting on her emotional state on the witness stand the uh objection is a little why does that make you emotional because she deserved it um I wanted to see her happy I wanted to see her in something that was good for her you know she's my best friend and and it was nice to see her truly genuinely smile about someone who was treating her well had it been a while since you'd seen her that happy I'm sorry what had it been a while since you'd seen her that happy it had been we don't object to relevance um staying at some point during May April May of 2020 did Miss beecham share fears with you that she was being tracked by the defendant she did and what in general do you remember regarding those conversations with Miss vitro um there were a couple instances where she had let me know about a time that she had found a phone in her vehicle um after she had taken the kids over to Zach's house to drop them off for the night um she'd let me know about there was a time that he was sending her messages about where she was headed and what she was doing um there was instances where he was sending her messages and she had told me that it was basically word for word of something that her and Leo were talking about while in his living room and then she had gotten a message from him almost immediately after word for word on what Leo had said to her um and so I'm going to show you what's been marked as States exhibit 283 tapping into my phone or something Liv just told me he hacked into her school Chromebook and then she says I can't prove it is the problem is that accurate yes and you respond with well this is where Olivia needs to stand up and tell the police these things and they can look into it is that for you yes is there a text from you that says phone call has been placed and then a text all I was told is it will be again and you will not know when where or how call me in one week and then a minute later it will begin yeah what is that texturing from you about regarding phone call has been placed who did you call my son 20 how old was your son 18. and why did you call your son at that moment um because he's he was 18 and he knows a lot about different applications and telephones and things like that and I asked him if there was anything we could put on her phone that would show that maybe that he had put something on her phone so it but a way that he wouldn't know it was on her phone in order to prove that he was doing the things he was doing to her and um why did you think perhaps your son would be able to assist with this because like I said he's you know very he was young and he's they're very privy and a good friend of his also um you know was they're big into the video games and the software and things like that and just had asked if they knew of anything that they could do to prove what was happening and ultimately after calling your son and making that request of him was anything able to be done regards to helping up this feature regarding software on her phone no because he had told me that a friend of his I'm going to object to hearsay as to what her son said the prosecution goes on to ask Jacob about the text conversations she had with Sadie the day Rosalia was discovered to be missing Sadie happened to be speaking with Jacob the very moment that she discovered the horrifying scene in rosalia's apartment was it unusual that there'd be large periods of time where Leo would not be in contact with her I'm sorry can you ask that again in knowing Miss beetram as you do uh in her relationship with Leo was it unusual that Leo would not be in contact with her for a large period of time it was unusual for him to not contact her says that scares me have you let Leo know that you just want him to check in and then you also responded 337 I wonder if he got his mail yet is that accurate yes when you respond with I wonder if he got his mail yet what are you referring to I don't even remember okay so moving on to the next message at 3 37 uh yep and no word and you respond back with has he been active on Facebook at all and she says back don't know I'm a little sick Leo usually checks in or I guess on on me and nope not since yesterday he texts saying he just dropped off his kid and was going to his buddy's house and then she says thinking maybe he forgot his phone there or something I don't know kind of weird though and you then respond with uh okay so hopefully we he just forgot his phone do you think Zach would do some [ __ ] she says Dino he's capable of anything and you said right that is just it did you mail that [ __ ] and he's and she said yes it was expected to arrive today do you know what she had mailed I don't know but I I know at that time she was talking about mailing um I'm going to objective speculation she just said she didn't know the objection is sustained in contact with me even just a high if I text you through the night all accurate yes and that was in concerns to not hearing from Leo that day yes to voicemail respond with Leo question mark all accurate yes she then says yep and then you ask was he upset with you when you asked was he upset with you who did were you referring to Leo and then you ask what about nutcase hear from him at all when you say what about nutcase who are you referring to back and does she respond back with Zach sent me a text about an hour ago of a license plate that said got twins weird and then Leo didn't seem upset about anything is that all accurate yes and then you respond with um yeah very maybe he just left his phone and it died through day you know if you have received from certified letter you can see if they attempted or made delivery and um would you stop for just a moment please I'm going to ask the jurors to step out for just two minutes just with the fact that she thought he was um freezing or whatever had something on her phone to be able to tell what her conversations were and because of the fact that there had been an incident a few weeks earlier that took place at our house that director that was directly affecting Leo [Music] got him Twisted that your brain has to even go there what did you mean by that judge I'm sorry I'm going to object to relevance that there's not a charge with Miss um jakeel here her why she felt a certain way about Mr Anderson is completely irrelevant my anxiety is soaring right now and do you respond with maybe you should drive there and I IDK I don't know have you called again not all accurate yes and did she then say I did call and I really want to and you asked did it ring or go straight to voicemail is that accurate yes and she says VM Packard yes and you say ah she then responds he would have gotten another phone if it was broken or lost and then she says I think Zach has something to do with this somehow I'm sorry I'm going to object at this point on the grounds that none of these text messages were covered with Miss beecham um why a text message string now with hearsay components with this particular witness is relevant to the case is a stretch does she text you at 7 58 a.m I'm so [ __ ] sick right now wanna go for a ride should I text you that she did and in terms of your guys's conversation as it looks like then you have a phone call right after that um she wanted to drive down to Leo's house because she hadn't heard from him at that point and were you able to ride down with her to Kenosha to check in on Leo I was not and why not I had a meeting at work that afternoon around here but as the morning progresses do you stay in phone contact with Miss beecham yeah and while you're in phone contact with her what is she doing um speculation as to what Miss beacham's doing so I guess the only way I can describe that I knew there was something wrong is I heard the most guttural sound I've ever heard come from a human being I was talking to her and um she had said both his Vehicles were in the parking lot and she said she was going to go to the door and see if he was there and then I I heard her make a sound that I've never heard come from a human before and she said there's blood all over her and I told her to hang up the phone and call 9-1-1 and get in her [ __ ] car and those were my words and ultimately did she do that to your knowledge did you hang up we hung up and then I heard back from her again after but I I don't really recall the sequence whether it was text message phone calls whatever it was a whirlwind March the 15th marked the 11th day of the trial and it turned out to be a rather eventful day in the courtroom on this day Olivia now 15 testified against her father Olivia admitted that her dad had provided her with a cell phone and asked her to spy on Sadie who later discovered the phone Olivia also recounted the night before her birthday when her dad drove them over to her mom's house where they stood outside spying on Sadie and Rosalio arrived at the house and we pulled into the parking our driveway of course and he said to me no we're not going to park here and he backed out and then he went into the bar parking lot and there's like there's ones that are in the back and they're closest to the house and he gets out when you say he who do you mean Zechariah Anderson then what happened um he jumps onto the porch and looked through my mom's window with a camera let me stop you when you said jumps onto the porch of what location my mom's and when you said he who did you mean jumped on the porch Zechariah Anderson then what happened and then he is looking through the window recording with not a camera like a phone recorder but a handheld recorder what happened next comes down eventually after a little bit puts another phone into the air conditioner okay stop let me stop you the air conditioner is located where um on the side of the house that I was on hey why would so so the air conditioner is connected to what room of the house if you know um my mom's room okay and when you say puts it in the air conditioner tell me more what but what you mean by that there was like an opening so coming out from looking on the outside of the house there was the air conditioner coming out and there was like a space around it and it had insulation in there like cushioning insulation and it was the phone was put back far enough to see if there could be a recording of something and could you see that from where you were located um yes okay and where were you located when that was happening when your dad was placing a a phone recording device in the in the ventilation there um I was sitting in the car then what happened next see and I said yeah okay who's he my dad okay I'm gonna refer to that individual as the defendant just for purposes of our discussion sure so okay so when the defendant came and and back to the car did you what what happened next I said sure okay I went up with him and we went to the window we walked around the balcony this time and we went up the stairs and we went to the window and he looked at me and he says before you do anything go like this with your shirt to make sure that you don't get the breath marks on the window I'd just like to have the record reflect that the witness you're on or pulled their shirt up blocking their ability to sort of breathe on objects covering their nose and mouth her uh yes okay so um then um after you were advised of that by the defendant what's the next thing that happened um I saw the I don't know how to refer to him whatever you're comfortable um Mr Gutierrez I guess okay um and I saw him sitting on the couch with my mother coming out of the bathroom um and wow I don't think that is gonna be this hard um they're listening to music and uh laying there together and doing what together oh just laying there on the couch okay this is so what room are you looking into from where your Vantage Point is um the living room there was a space in between the curtains okay and what what window of your mom's place are you looking through to be able to see in into the living room what do you mean by that well you're on the outside correct correct so which window is it the is it a window that goes into the kitchen is it a window that looks directly in the living room so what it's a window that looks directly in the living room okay and where is your where is the defendant during that period of time standing next to me okay and um after you look in and see that what is the next thing that uh happens um okay we leave what you leave you got back in the car and we were on our way out and he didn't grab the voice recorder at first until he pulled out and pulled onto the road and he stopped he stopped right at the second entryway to our driveway and got out tookish took his sandals off and went to the house so let me stop you what what footwear then was your he didn't have shoes on okay cool keep going um he he went into Mr gutierrez's car and took his registration and took a picture of his license plate okay and I'm sorry you saw that from your from where you were in the car yes I personally saw that then what happened and I saw him run ring the doorbell and then run back to the car and drive away whose doorbell did he ring um my mother's but he also had grabbed the phone while he was if somewhere in the time period from when he rang the doorbell the phone was grabbed and which phone are you referring to now I'm the one that was put placed in the air conditioner okay so after the defendant goes to Mr gutierrez's truck takes a picture and takes an item out of the vehicle or takes registration grabs back the phone and he rings the doorbell what does the defendant do next after he does those three things comes back to the car with the phone all right and then what happens places plays the phone okay of course the plays a recording on our way home okay and uh what if anything can you say about what you could hear on that phone recording nothing okay so where do you guys go next um back to my dad's house okay when you get back what happens next um I walk in he tells me to get some sleep um I then was sitting downstairs and thinking about what just happened because I was a little like did I really just see what I saw would I just witnessed and it was it was fine after that I guess and so let me ask you what did the defendant do next that you saw so after you guys got home what happened next if anything he dropped me off and then he left again okay um and you were not with him any at that time no I don't remember what time that was we got back around three though as the prosecution continues to question Olivia they finally get to Sunday May the 17th on this day Olivia found a few things in her father's basement that were rather odd did you have occasion to see any family playing with Legos in a location in the house yes and what location in the house was that it was close to like around my dad's house okay and where in your dad what area of your dad's house the downstairs okay so uh in the downstairs of your dad's house uh who was playing Legos my brother and when your brother was playing Legos did you end up in the same area as he was playing Legos yeah okay and what if anything did You observe that you then told law enforcement about later um well a Lego had dropped through the floorboards and so Magnum Matt asked if he could go down there and look for it and I said yeah that should be okay and then I went down and like with him obviously because it was I'm not gonna lie the basement was kind of creepy so he asked me if I could go with him I said yeah so I went down there there was a roller chair whatever and it had tape and rope on it and my brother had a flashlight we went down there whatever got his Lego and went back upstairs didn't think anything of it so when you say roller chair can you describe like where this kind of chair would be and like a black armchair okay like a desk chair kind of thing okay and then um other than the desk chair were there other items down there that you then eventually wanted to tell or did decide to tell law enforcement about what'd you see there what do you quite mean well uh in relation to the chair were there other items that you saw that were in the right by in the vicinity of the chair the tape and rope okay so uh what kind of tape are we talking about like duct tape just normal duct tape all right and what kind of rope really thin or thick or what do you remember about the Rope it's like heavy duty thick rope okay and do you remember what condition they were in were they old new what do you remember about it they weren't old it didn't seem like they were old all right and where were they located in relation to this chair that sounds like it's in it's in the basement yeah okay so where were they in relation to the chair the desk chair you mentioned on them like he was sitting on the seat okay um and those you and you last saw those supplies on May 17th on the Sunday uh before your mom picked you up yes multiple times Zechariah can be seen physically communicating with his daughter while she was on the stand but one particular moment between 11 30 and 11 32 am while the prosecution was questioning Olivia about insults Zechariah would use in reference to Rosalio caught the prosecutor's eye the gesture was also noticed on court TV's recording and brought to the prosecution's attention which was in turn brought to the Court's attention there's an awful lot of facial expression happening and it is clearly impacting a 14 year old girl I have been watching both the defendant and the child's mother and um and others everybody you're all being watched nothing that would be in my opinion a effort to influence the child in any way or make this more difficult will be tolerated and it will be addressed rapidly so Communications from Foster Anderson she is looking over and getting smiles from the defendant my client has not prompted any of that behavior she has been looking over here and has been looking at him and smiling and that's been unprompted I can't see her face and even if I turned down the TV I wouldn't be able to see your face I have noticed that she has looked both in the direction of her mother and her father which I think is quite normal I would encourage both uh the well anybody but particularly the parents to resist any effort of uh recognition it's a legitimate concern Mr Gravely and it will continue to be scrutinized the defense attempted to redirect the attention off of zechariah's inappropriate signal to Olivia with accusations of their own supposedly while Olivia was on the stand members of zachariah's family saw Sadie communicating with Olivia using sign language Miss Beacham is apparently a certified in ASL American Sign Language and Olivia knows the language and The Observers had reported to us said that she was signing to her I don't know what about one thing that was was mentioned was calm down what else was signed to her I don't know um you know and I don't I I have no idea if core TV would have picked any of that up they certainly wouldn't have picked it up on Olivia's end but I don't know if they picked any up um on on Sadie's end so maybe if we're looking at some of this footage we could look at that too unlike Zechariah no footage was caught of Sadie attempting to influence her daughter's testimony since there was no video evidence for them to fall back on the judge allowed the defense attorneys to cross-examine either Sadie or Olivia on the issue they chose Sadie but you know American Sign Language I do okay and you're fluent in it uh fairly fluent yes okay and you taught your daughter as a young child and as she grew up how to do it right um until up until about Olivia was oh book two um she knew animals her numbers and her letters so the answer is yes you did teach her I did and in fact on your LinkedIn page you list languages where they have a category for languages and one of them is ASL American Sign Language were you communicating with her in any other way without your hands either facial expressions or whatever there was a moment where she got a little sassy up here and my initial mom response was to go so if I did that that would have been the only thing that I can recall I did okay and so to your recollection your hands were below the the level of the benches the whole time she was up here correct okay on March the 16th now day 12 of the trial the prosecution brought in a police officer who investigated the crime scene at rosalio's apartment and participated in the investigation of zechariah's Home accusations made by Mrs Beacham that she felt as though Mr Anderson was listening in on her conversations and tracking them as well police went to Zechariah Anderson's Mequon home and obtained a search warrant and later subpoenaed Amazon purchase records um it was for two GPS tracker devices purchased in the weeks before Gutierrez disappeared next left on the 12th Street Summers Road police recovered turn-by-turn directions to Kenosha from Anderson's phone days before Gutierrez disappeared well they appear to be directions that would be possibly coming from I guess the north coming into the Kenosha area when police did show up at that apartment on May 19th there was no immediate signs of forced entry was consistent with the appearance of blood that was on the wall the door if the person from inside had opened that door to to the outside later that day at Anderson's home in Mequon police found a number of items they believed were of Interest how much cash was paid to the customer associated with this bank account fifty thousand dollars taken out two days before Gutierrez disappeared and in a still smoldering fire pit Gene buttons underwear and what's believed to be remnants of steel-toed boots suspected of being worn by Anderson there were no web searches on how to clean up a crime scene I don't recall at all seeing how to clean up a crime scene though the prosecution rested their case on March the 17th the 13th day of the trial and the defense began bringing in their Witnesses the first created a significant stir for the prosecutors the defense brought back Washington zechariah's previous cellmate the defense attempted to prove that Washington chose to testify to help get himself out of prison sooner like the video of Zechariah signaling his daughter the defense accused the prosecution of doing something similar with this witness Obama in this Kenosha County courtroom boiled down to one piece of video this is the trial for the man accused of killing his ex's boyfriend Bill mistin shows us the argument over whether the district attorney was trying to influence a witness die die die that's the testimony Marquan Washington gave last week he says that's what he heard Zechariah Anderson say in his sleep while they were housed in the Kenosha County Jail video of that exchange became part of the defense's case accusing D.A Michael Gravely of witness coaching by mouthing the words during direct examination it seems fertile grounds for cross-examinations it's compelling and that's why people sent it to us this kind of accusation is is you know is poisonous to this proceeding Washington was allowed to review the video outside of the jury before resuming his testimony the video appears to show Gravely mouthing the words shortly after Washington said them what Gravely argued though Schrader said it appeared to show Gravely said the words simultaneously and that's where you took your cue no when I was asking you questions uh did you have an independent memory yes and did you uh get any uh assistance for me in either remembering that or testifying about that at all no upon Washington's statement that he does not recall seeing the prosecution mouthing a phrase to him for him to repeat the defense stated that they had a recording of the trial from Court TV that showed otherwise needless to say the prosecution was not thrilled and argued to the best of their ability to prevent the video from being played in court but to no avail any fashion it's not been discussed the question was whether it would refresh his recollection which would ordinarily not be would just be for the the Witness to observe well whether it would refresh his recollection in the context of asking they explained what it was to I I assume the purpose of that was to let the jury know what the item was uh if I would object to the phrasing of it and again we've had no notice of this this is not an item that's ever been disclosed well yeah I hate to do this please don't talk about the case during the break but the question actually is what it refreshes recollection which would ordinarily not be something that would be seen by the jury anyway and uh I didn't know whether there had been an answer or not from the witness the quiet huh no answer he so he hasn't answered uh as far as there being no notice I mean how much notice can you have had it just has come up has it just come up well they haven't told us that they did they have taken the time to do a subpoena well when would they have gotten the video well this was last Thursday judge we are now this that is eight days ago right so so if if this occurred last Thursday Council has not provided you any information about when that subpoena was done or what this is we have a right to have notice of things that would ever be utilized as an exhibitor actually used for demonstrative purposes in court well it's you're not that point well okay just for the record the refreshes recollection for the record The subpoena was yesterday and so um so I can well probably he would answer the question I don't I mean I'm just proposing to that the question is if you saw a video of what he claims uh occurred would that refresh your recollection um the question previous does that make any sense I'm not sure how I would refresh I don't remember right so it's not he doesn't offered for refresh it or not so let's try because because it might he ended his remark by saying I don't remember he's already said I didn't see that so how how do you refresh the whole Council just for a second how do you refresh someone's memory when they have said I didn't see that and I don't remember well actually the law on refreshment of recollection is that anything can refresh or recollection uh whether the witness is familiar with it or not um I I don't I don't see the harm I'm I am going to look on too while he looks on it and uh in case we get further into this oh yeah just so that the record is clear I've just now been handed a copy of this rather than being handed a copy at some prior time I've just at this moment been handed a copy of this item after the video the prosecution cross-examined Washington to disprove the accusation that the defense was trying to make did you and I go through uh the items that you had previously told myself in law enforcement at that previous meeting in January yes and uh were there multiple people present for that meeting as well uh yes and during that time period the second meeting uh did I ever use any phrase like that I would go to bat for you did I ever say anything any any even approaching that no um in fact you are a person who has a federal prosecutor involved in your case correct correct are you aware of any ability I would have to to directly impact your case no um is it your understanding that the way this would work is if you are honest in your testimony that your attorney would let the federal prosecutor know and they would make a decision on your case correct do you think that I am in any way a decision maker on what happens next in your case no now you um you were asked if something refreshed your memory correct correct okay and what was your perception of what you saw uh sound like it was repeating what you already knew I was pretty much gonna say after I had to start seeing it so you were saying something I was Sam's after I heard you uh correct you were asked several jail have you ever been a person who informed on individuals previous to this time no and uh have you informed on anyone else in this Federal prosecution case other than Mr Anderson what's the possible relevance of this this is exactly what he was seeking to keep out and and and was go ahead shame on me for not interrupting sooner um rephrase your question you testified in Racine on a case you were an eyewitness too correct correct and other than that have you provided any information to law enforcement about any other cases uh no no no were you uh housed with individuals charged with first degree homicide named renon Brownlee was he somebody you were housed with at some time oh yes did you ever inform on him no Jackson same object same objection judge after Washington stepped down from the witness stand the defense brought their next witness another inmate who claimed to know Zechariah and Washington Nicholas Ryan mcatee the defense hoped mcatee's testimony would also disprove Washington's testimony housed in the segregation unit where was he in relation to you I was upstairs in the far Corner in cell 22. he was directly across me essentially he was giving me advice because one of the things that we talked about with our federal cases that we're facing so much time one of the ways he said that you want to get out of your case the easy thing to do is to just jump on someone else's case and I had heard the term before but he clarified and and told me more about how to go about doing that and did you ask him about like to explain that more to you about how he did it or how was his thinking process I didn't ask him he was volunteering his method I guess you could call it and he told me what he did and you know he found out information about people's cases and whether it was going through their Discovery or just asking them or seeing stuff in the news or newspaper and and using that to put himself into it by informing detectives that he had information and did he say what he would do if he didn't know something about the case he would make something up he said as far as he was concerned it was his life or someone else's and he said you know he would do that to save himself so returning to the topic of you there was some potential mention of you testifying for the prosecution um however the prosecution was quick to show that mcatee's testimony had zero value to the case because of his dishonest Behavior while in prison which included falsifying legal documents to receive drugs through the mail and did you go to the computer in the area where inmates can do legal work and put together some legal documents and a legal envelope that was uh created so that it could be sent back to the jail for a local Kenosha attorney to be the individual who sent the drugs yes I did okay and so you created what you knew was not a critical piece of mail right yes and there was an actual lawyer's name on it correct yes and the idea was to utilize that document that that legal document to bring additional drugs uh into the jail yes okay um and did you um recruit uh a individual who was a cellmate of yours uh to be a part of that yes and uh did that in and then um and and so were you detected in doing that after the other incident had already occurred yes for the records that was three minutes let's wrap it up and that's let me that's directed to all five of you you haven't said a word or if I'm going to wrap it up wrap up cross-examination pool is that what you mean no I mean let's move along back and forth the case dragged on for 15 days which spanned into a nearly four week long trial it finally came to an end on March the 21st with both parties giving their closing arguments it is betrayed by that Speck of blood of Rosalio Gutierrez it's betrayed by the electronics and it's portrayed by the defendant's own lies prosecutors focused on DNA pictures folders phone records showing Zachariah Anderson was tracking and even going to Rosalio gutierrez's Kenosha apartment before he disappeared in denials to law enforcement when police came knocking Days Later here is his opportunity by telling the whole and total truth to clear himself the state highlighted missing carpet from the van and remains of a bleach bottle and burned clothing in a fire pit tens of thousands and recently withdrawn cash for a supposed Escape fund and no activity on Anderson's phone when police believe Gutierrez was killed what are the chances that in this exact square foot on the planet Earth a man who's innocent and falsely accused would have the blood of the man who died on May 17th how could that happen in their opinions that this was blood and despite all the searches no bodies been found with all of that effort focused on one person and the fact that they didn't find any of that should tell you they've got the wrong guy the defense says investigators put on blinders and ignored other possibilities he's making the absence of evidence seem like something significant so State countered Gutierrez didn't have a chance in the quote Blitz attack why Anderson's ex was moving on Sadie Beacham was done and the defendant wasn't and he was losing control and jealous the jury deliberated for almost 10 hours mulling over the vast amount of information they had received over the past four weeks they had to decide whether there was enough evidence that had been presented to convict Zachariah of rosalio's death and therefore spend the rest of his life in prison or to have his name cleared and walk out of the courtroom a free man on Wednesday March the 22nd everyone returned to the courtroom to hear the jury's decision National homicide was the first degree as charged as to the fourth count of the information we the jury find the defendant Zechariah Anderson guilty of hiding a horse as charge it was an emotional moment in the courtroom as everyone heard the verdict except for Zechariah who kept a stone-faced expression as he learned his fate was handcuffed and escorted out of the courtroom Zechariah is currently set to receive his sentence on March the 16th of 2023 to this day no traces of Rosalio Gutierrez Jr's remains have ever been recovered rosalio's loved ones may have to console themselves with the knowledge that even though they may never be able to put rosalio's body to rest his killer is behind bars if you found this case compelling please like the video comment down below with your take on it and please subscribe to the channel and don't forget we have a second Channel called the beyond evil podcast where we present video versions of our podcast it's all news stories with new information it's well worth checking out just look under the channels tab also hit the notification Bell before you leave to stay up to date each time we reveal a new shocking case until next time stay safe and keep your eyes peeled you never know what's lurking in the shadows
Channel: Beyond Evil
Views: 965,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rosalio Gutierrez Jr Sadie Beacham Kenosha, Wisconsin true crime documentary murder documentary crime scene JCS inspired
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 22sec (5422 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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