The DISTURBING Postmortem Of Queen Victoria's Husband Prince Albert

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[Music] within the Blue Room of Windsor Castle on the 14th of December 1861 Prince Albert the Beloved husband of Queen Victoria succumbed to his death at the age of 42 he was a man who had experienced a lot of issues with his health throughout his life and he worked very hard for the royal family and ultimately for his wife he believed he had a strong sense of Duty to the queen and across England in the years before his death Albert had a rather mixed reputation some believed he may have even been a foreign spy inside of the royal family and they were suspicious of him but following his death the opinion of the Queen's husband changed and they saw how much his death affected Victoria she spent the rest of her life wearing black and in mourning but Albert had been ill for a very long time and the doctors when he arrived in Britain even claimed that a slight fever or cold could send him to the Grave despite a postmortem not being performed on his body and an autopsy was also not performed the doctors and his symptoms gave a very good opinion as to what killed him and it could have been something that the doctors got very wrong but were at the time powerless to treat so let's have a look at the death of Prince Albert and reach a conclusion as to what led to his tragic death Prince Albert was a man who was not always in the best of health and he believed towards the end that his body was very worn down and that the years of poor health could contribute to his very early death and he was not wrong Albert suffered from a severe gastric condition and problem that continued to haunt him and he spent a lot of time working long into the night for the queen and he would have been considered today a workaholic he did not cope with stress well at all and his wife Queen Victoria was not very sympathetic towards him either and she believed his issues were just hypochondria and that he was complaining for no reason about his health he was very stressed and he suffered with this as he worried about many different things but his health issues went back decades before his death when he was just a child he used to contract different ill NES and colds which he could not easily shake off like most could and they would affect his lungs and also his speech the doctors who treated him also noted how he was very unfit and that during exercise Albert tired very easily and would appear on the verge of collapse after just a light workout meaning there was a possible problem with his lungs or even his heart but the prominent problem for Albert that caused him the most issues was his his stomach complaint and Prince Albert when he was a teenager was clearly suffering with chronic tiredness something that affected his strength when he visited Queen Victoria for the first time in 1836 Albert even fell asleep at the dinner table in front of many other guests and he did not make the best first impression because of this and he could not hold a coherent conversation due to his tiredness he suffered as a teenager Al o with toothache and dental complaints as well as inflamed guns and sore throats but also with dizziness and fainting even when he was on water he got seasick quickly and Albert was considered a very weak man the Royal doctors even believed that he would die at no age at all and he could not keep away illness and also fight it well and they thought that it would be something that most could defeat which would kill Albert they claimed that if Albert Ever Fall sick from a low fever then you will lose him and the doctors were clearly not wrong and they knew their patient very well he could not even walk as well as he allegedly had rheumatism which makes you consider why he was matched up with Queen Victoria early on but the environment that Albert was working in was also not ideal as inside of the Palaces Queen Victoria could not feel the cold and she ordered that constant cold air would flow through the Palaces to keep them Airy but her husband could not take this and he moaned about being cold and the temperature of the rooms when he was doing his work and he was often found at his desk in the morning wrapped in a blanket doing his work with his teeth chattering but his wife would not listen and he knew these conditions were not good for him but he continued to then also have stomach issues Albert did not help himself however at times and he would eat his food incredibly quickly which would cause him to bloat and suffer with indigestion and he also put on a lot of weight in his 30s he also suffered with depression brought on by the position he was in and despite devoting his whole life to his wife and the queen he knew that he wasn't his own man and that he could have very little Freedom he even at one point in a letter claimed he was the donkey within carisbrook Castle whose purpose was to constantly turned the water wheel and that he had no purpose but he continued to live in different houses and he would not relax or switch off and he never consulted his wife about how he felt and he internalized all of it he also began to Shield how ill he was from his wife and he did not want the queen to see him suffering greatly as he believed that she would continue to believe he was a hypochondriac she also was very sharp with him and when she suffered postnatal depression it was Albert who got the brunt of the onslaught from his wife's sharpness however Albert continued to worry and Whittle about many things and he also in the last years suffered with a lack of sleep and in 1853 he then caught measles from his children he was very ill and this condition may have led to him suffering with an inflammation on his brain and he also became very stressed about many across Britain as they believed he was a foreign spy the nation was gripped in the Crimean War and this had upset Albert a lot and the accusation greatly troubled him as he was someone who had devoted his life for his wife the queen and subsequently the people of Britain but he continued to work and work but Victoria told him to also continue despite his complaints about extreme tiredness in 1861 one Albert was depressed and he was suffering with stomach cramps and further problems and he knew that his death was coming doctors claimed that he contracted at some point typhoid fever this condition develops after someone becomes infected with Salmonella tyi bacteria and the symptoms of this are headaches aches and pains tiredness coughs of very high temperature that gets worse as well as stomach issues such as aches and diarrhea as mentioned doctors said albertt had suffered with this and that this eventually killed him and this did match the symptoms that led to his death on the 9th of December 1861 he was diagnosed with typhoid fever by Royal Physician William Jenner but within the next 5 days he would be dead he was resting inside the Blue Room at Windsor Castle where he then died when he was accompanied by his wife the queen and five of their children he was just 42 years old and in the final moments of his life his fever got much worse and his hands and face turned a darker color there were also spots on his abdomen region that emerged in his final days and he was very sick and also delirious and he regularly struggled to catch his breath the queen didn't believe that he was sick and she thought that he would recover but what's interesting is to take a modern-day approach to Prince Albert's death and with this we can reach a different conclusion to what the Royal doctors diagnosed him with Albert clearly suffered his whole life with stomach issues and some believed that he was suffering with tuberculosis however today he would probably have been diagnosed with crohn's disease the symptoms of this match up to what plagued Albert for many years but also with what happened in his final moments and days his skin even swelled and went red and this can occur with crohn's but the symptoms of this condition can get much worse when someone is stressed and Albert obviously was someone who carried a huge burden of stress Victoria's mother had recently died and his wife was very upset and also at the time there was a lot of gossip about his son who was out having a number of high-profile Affairs but Crohn's disease was something that wasn't able to be diagnosed at the time and also the doctors had no idea about it or what would have caused this they diagnosed mostly with typhoid fever when people were suffering with Crohns there was also no treatment or knowledge about how to make things better however following his death there were a lot of Sympathy for the Queen Victoria and many people saw how hard the death of her husband hit her she would every morning in her husband's Chambers order fresh towels to be brought in as well as hot water as if he were still alive the royal couple would be United gain in death as they were both buried inside of the royal melum in Frogmore but today Prince Albert would have been said to have been affected with crohn's disease a medical knowledge of this condition today is obviously much better thank you for watching and to support please subscribe to her remarkable history thank you
Channel: Her Remarkable History
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Keywords: queen victoria, victoria, queen victoria britain, britain queen victoria, queen victoria death, queen victoria reign, prince albert, prince albert queen victoria, death of prince albert, death of queen victoria's husband, death of prince albert victoria, prince albert victoria, albert and victoria, death albert queen victoria, prince arthur death queen victoria, queen victoria husband, husband of queen victoria, what killed prince albert, death prince albert, history, albert
Id: 0o19oGjMV8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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