The Horrific Death Of Anne Frank

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[Music] one of the most tragic and recognizable victims of the Third Reich during the second world war was Anne Frank a young 15-year-old girl who had the world at her feet before the war broke out she dreamed of much but all of this was taken from her during the German occupation of the Netherlands as she found herself along with her family living under immense persecution she lived inside of a series of concealed rooms known as the Secret Annex but this would not save them as they were betrayed and were informed upon to the Gusto the Nazi authorities tasked with hunting down those who were being persecuted an Frank ended up inside of the confines of Bergen bellson concentration camp along with her sister but both of them would not escape and Anne died as a result of the conditions of the terrible sight of balson and Frank was actually born inside of Germany inside of Frankfurt and Maine in 1929 at the time there was a great deal of uncertainty inside of the nation as there was a huge number of economic problems in the aftermath of the first world war but an and her family were Jewish Hitler when he rose to power blamed the Jews for the loss of the first world war claiming that the nation had been stabbed in in the back and he also blamed them for the number of problems Across the Nation as anti-Semitism rose with the increasing popularity of the Nazi party a huge amount of persecution occurred towards the Jewish people they could not attend the same events as non-jewish people and many decided to leave Otto an's father decided to move his family and left Germany and they moved to Amsterdam an Otto founded a company inside of the Dutch capital an Frank and her family enjoyed life in the Netherlands and Anne made a number of new friends and went to a Dutch school close by to her home but on the 1st of September 1939 the Nazi invasion of Poland began the second world war in Europe and the Nazis would then Target many other countries to take them and then occupy on the 10th of May 1940 the Nazis invaded the Netherlands and it took less than a week for the Dutch Army to surrender to the German forces but under the Nazi occupation the Dutch people were placed under the same persecuting laws that made the lives of many a misery in Germany and the Franks now found themselves living under practically the same restrictions that they experienced inside of Germany Oto Frank lost control of his company as he was banned from running a business but then the persecution ramped up up as Jews were being rounded up to be sent to concentration and extermination camps to avoid this the Frank family went into hiding in the annex of Otto Frank's business premises found at 263 princ Andra he was helped to hide out with his family by some Close Associates but then the annex became populated and cramped as four more people began to hide out there an had to be very quiet throughout the day and the family were afraid of every single noise they lived in Terror but Anne recorded her feelings and experiences in her notebook which later became her diary on the 4th of August 1944 the Frank Family were discovered hiding inside of the Secret Annex the police arrested two helpers but the nais seized many documents but they did leave the diary which was then smuggled out of the Secret Annex following this the Franks were then sent to a prison inside of Amsterdam before they were then moved onto the westerbork transit camp this was a site which processed Jewish people captured inside of the Netherlands and they were then sent on to other camps it was here where many prisoners were split up from their families before they were sent on to other places but on the 3rd of September 1944 the Franks were transported from Wester Brook to to aitz and they got there after an ardous 3-day Journey when they got to aitz the SS guards during the selection separated the men from the women and children and Otto Frank was separated from his family those who were said to have been fit to complete hard labor were admitted into the camp but those unfit to do so were sent straight to the gas Chambers with SS guards and officials deciding who lived and who died over half of the transport was sent to the gas Chambers but an Frank was spared as she was just 15 she learned of the gassings of the others but she thought that her father due to his age had been killed immediately following the separation But Otto Frank was the only Survivor when Anne was admitted into the camp she was forced to strip naked and be disinfected and she had her head shaved and was given a painful tattoo with a number on her arm the women were used for slave labor and Anne had to drag rocks and dig heavy material and then sleep in very overcrowded Barracks she became very quiet and she contracted scabies she was inside of aitz with her mother and sister but Edith Frank would stop eating to give food to her daughters as the end of the war was coming for German forces plans were drawn up to move prisoners from aitz to other sites and this included ber and bson on the 28th of October 1944 selections began for those women to be moved to bson thousands of prisoners found themselves being sent there as the second world war entered its final months and because of this conditions of the camp became incredibly stretched and deteriorated to a huge extent there was little to know food available and the barracks were overcrowded and disease rampaged throughout the camp claiming the lives of thousands at its deadliest thousands were dying every single week inside of the camp and when it was liberated by the British over 10,000 unburied corpses lay all around Bergen bellson the SS guards of the site were also ruthless in their treatment of the inmates and women such as Irma graer and Elizabeth Vulcan wrath were brought to bson to oversee female prisoners and for their murderous actions they later were sent to The Hangman's Gallows for their crimes but inside of Bergen bellet Anne Frank was described as bold emaciated and shivering and a former friend was shocked at her State she still inside of the concentration camps dreamed of her release and that she would be able to write about her experiences but Margo Frank her sister became very ill inside of the camp Margot was just 19 and she became very weak and she died from typhus having contracted the disease inside of bson one witness to Margo's death claimed that first Margot had fallen out of bed onto the stone floor she couldn't get up anymore an died a day later 3 days before her death from typhus was when she had thrown away all of her clothes during Dreadful hallucinations that happened just before the Liberation the conditions of bson were truly horrific and they were summed up by a reporter when the camp was liberated it was this that an Frank had put up with on a daily basis and the reporter stated here over an acre of ground lay dead and dying people you could not see which was which the living lay with their heads against the corpses and around around them moved the awful ghostly procession of emaciated aimless people with nothing to do and with no hope of Life unable to move out of the way unable to look at the terrible sights around them babies had been born here tiny weason things that could not live a mother driven mad screamed at a British senty to give her milk for her child and thrust the Tiny Might in his arms then ran off cry crying terribly he opened the bundle and found the baby had been dead for days this day at bellson was the most horrible of my life Anne Frank died inside of ber and bellson around February or March 1945 and it suggested that she died from the typhus epidemic that claimed the lives of 17,000 prisoners at the camp it was claimed by a Survivor that an's bed was around the corner from me she was delirious terrible burning up it's believed that Anne died a day after Margot as mentioned and their deaths occurred weeks before the camp was liberated by the British they began to show tith for symptoms by the 7th of February 1945 and most died within 2 weeks of their first symptom appearing following her death it's not known if her body was left in a pile which was discovered by the British along with thousands of other corpses her remains were buried inside of a mass grave along with that of her family members and still remain under the soil of Bergen bellson today the only member of the Frank Family to survive the second world war was Otto Frank who later published her diary and it became one of the best selling books of all time today there is a memorial for Margot and Anne Frank found inside of the former site of Bergen bson concentration camp and this does not Mark the sight of their burial but acts as a memorial stone for the Frank sisters she was only 15 when she died and an became one of millions of victims of the Nazis during the second world war Bergen bellson where she died was described by the British as hell on Earth and they later forced the former Gods who were discovered in the site to clean up the bodies there are disturbing images of the guards having to clean up the thousands of bodies stood amongst the mass Graves and there is a possibility that one of these victims inside of these pits is Anne Frank her story is a tragic one and she's remembered today as one of the most recognizable victims of the Nazis during the second world war thank you for watching and support please subscribe to her remarkable history thank you [Music]
Channel: Her Remarkable History
Views: 82,507
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Keywords: execution auschwitz, world war 2, the holocaust, auschwitz, auschwitz ss, second world war, ww2, holocaust ww2, execution ww2, executions world war 2, history, bergen-belsen, anne frank, anne frank death, otto frank, anne frank history, death of anne frank, anne frank's diary, diary of a young girl, death of the frank family, execution of the frank family, frank family ww2, margot frank death, edith frank death, anne franks family, what happened to anne franks family, belsen
Id: IEe2sOHxoEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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