The Disneyland Map of Lost Rides

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to all who come to this happy place [Music] welcome now I like Disneyland I don't know if you were able to guess that based on my you know upload history but I do and I've had something in my collection for a good number of years that may or may not end up changing the way that you view the park today now where did I put it is it uh it might be oh it's it's right here it's been in the background this entire time none of you have noticed it this is a 1958 map of the entirety of the Disneyland Resort now it may just look like Disneyland park but if you look real closely right here in the corner you can see there's the hotel District right there and then holiday land what a what a time this was 1958 the future was full of possibilities back then okay here we have a high res image of it so you know you can actually see it for this video and the closer you look at it the the weirder thing things get yeah that's Disneyland from above obviously there's the castle there's Main Street there's Liberty Street okay hold on this my friends is a 1958 map of Disneyland drawn up by Sam McKim given away as souvenirs to guests who visited the park during that year known sometimes as Mouse Maps there are three different variants 1958a 1958b and 1958 C this variant right here that I have hanging on my wall is a you can tell because it doesn't feature Cascade Peak anywhere near frontierland and the jungle cruise water is not blue but green this is 1958a and let me tell you it contains a lot a lot of lost attractions that we never ended up getting at Disneyland and today I figured why not do a little tour why not take a small adventure around the Disneyland that never was the Disneyland of Walt's imagination in the year 1958 this was only 3 years after Park opening keep that in mind Walt was dreaming big at this point of his career and as we may come to find out throughout the course of the rest of this video maybe a bit too big if that's even possible for WT I actually I take that back it's not just for reference here is the earliest known map of Disneyland from 1955 you can see it down there in the bottom this is what it originally looked like you know with all of the lands and attractions here is the 1958 McKim map there is a lot more going on here than there was in the 1955 map and that's like I said just 3 years and of course here is a actual 19 1958 guide map that only features attractions that are open and operating not ones that are conceptualized at that point in time so no imagination here just cold hard reality our first stop takes us back to where I began this dang video over at Liberty Street now if you are a fan of Walt Disney World in the Magic Kingdom you may have some familiarity with a liberty themed land but over at Disneyland alas it was not meant to be now originally pitched as International Street a sort of miniature version of the world showcase oddly enough although over time enthusiasm from Disney imagineers for this tiny World's Fair waned and so instead of the international exhibition in 1958 it was announced that Liberty Street would be taking its place instead the whole area was to be themed after the American colonies in the late 1700s you know during the Battle of Independence and shortly thereafter they even put a dang sign up in Town Square announcing that this new expansion was coming to Main Street USA and to get excited everyone Liberty Street it's happening hooray it never happened a cobblestone Street would have led you down Liberty Street to the main Hub Liberty Square wait a second Liberty Square where you could then enter Liberty Hall and view a show called The Hall of President wait the Hall of Presidents okay obviously they took heavy heavy inspiration if not outright copied Liberty Street from Disneyland for Liberty Square for the Magic Kingdom when it eventually opened in 1971 and honestly I am kind of glad they did I love Liberty Square and that's not just because it has the Haunted Mansion okay even though that's a big reason it also has the Liberty Bell so why did poor little Liberty Street never end up seeing the light of day well that my friends is because back in those days the early days of Disneyland Walt Disney and the Disney imagineers at large knew how to manage their money and knew that Tomorrowland over here needed a bit more help than Main Street USA at the time so they went ahead and invested in tomorrow land no people mover yet though but we did get a Montreal we got a matter horn and we got some submarines so I mean it's a win-win honestly three new attractions for Tomorrowland Fantasy Land a little bit better than you know just a hall of presidential animatronics standing there talking to you about freedom and liberty I want to see a Yeti dang it so we never did get Liberty Street instead now we have a meet and greet area and an area where the the characters come out to greet everyone on Main Street USA so I'd say we trade it up in in that case and of course Walt would revisit the Hall of Presidents idea except for in this case it wouldn't be the Hall of Presidents it would be the Hall of President just one old all called Honest Abe back to the map you may have noticed that I've been sort of skirting around a certain area and that area is right above Liberty Street known as Edison Square now this is something that we never got in the parks in a way let me explain Edison Square was meant to be built around the late 50s or the early 60s similar to International Street SL Liberty Street and was planned to be a Thomas Edison themed miniland or neighborhood as we would know them today who wouldn't want to go to Thomas Edison land to learn about Thomas Edison various home along the square would showcase different technological innovations around the time of Thomas Edison culminating in a show called harnessing the lightning which was sort of a precursor to the modern-day Carousel of Progress if I had a nickel for every time an early Disneyland concept for an expansion to Main Street USA was retooled into an attraction for the 1964 World's Fair I would have two nickels should have called it Tesla Square although then it may send the wrong impression and then people would be doing donuts in there very sharp very pointy dangerous weird looking trucks I feel like at this point we've overstate our welcome on Main Street USA what do you say we venture further into the lands of Disneyland how about uh we go to the left hand side that's usually what I do I go right into adventur land slf frontierland when I arrive at Disneyland what's different about this version of Frontier adventur land oh it's got a mineral hall now interestingly Adventure Land is very similar in layout at least today as it was when it opened in 1955 the jungle cruise is where the jungle Cru es the Indiana Jones queue and facade took up a bit of the original opening day Jungle Cruise River and then also added later on you had the tiki room as you came in from Main Street USA and The Treehouse as you left into frontierland slne Orleans Square it was frontierland when it was built it's New Orleans Square now that's not important what is important is what's on this map now Adventure Land was and still kind of is at this point in time a very small land but zooming in here you may notice that one of the areas nowadays occupied by the tiki room and tropical Hideaway is just labeled Hawaii Haan music now while an attraction or restaurant just called Hawaiian music sounds actually really cool this was just the back patio of the plaza in or should I say the Red Wagon in as it was known at the time I got to say Plaza is a much better name but before the tropical Hideaway or Aladdin's Oasis or even the tahan Terrace it was just a back patio for the Red Wagon kind of themed to Main Street also kind of themed to Adventure Land it seemed like a very unique place in the Parks to just sit back relax and enjoy the atmosphere which I do appreciate it and since it really didn't have a name I guess Hawaiian music is sort of the attraction for the back patio of the Red Wagon but things really start getting different and interesting as we make our way from Adventure Land to the frontier Land That Never Was specifically to this little corner right here that has three different attractions that are all crucial to the history of Disneyland we'll start at the top with the Thieves Market and the wax museum and if you know anything about Disneyland history you know what I'm building up to now the Thieves Market and the wax Museum attraction were planned for the not yet existent New Orleans Square land which looked a little different from what we ended up getting and what we have now you can see here in the top right hand corner that the wax museum and Thieves Market were originally meant to be indoors that's why you can't really you know see them they're inside although after some careful consideration the Thieves Market instead of being one contained building was just going to be a bunch of different shops sort of the way that we have them today the back Streets of New Orleans Square how they wind around and sort of give off this impression that you're lost in the back streets of New Orleans stumbling into these shops exploring their Wares meanwhile the wax museum would show off obviously wax figures of criminals and pirates from the 19th century eventually all of those criminals also uh became Pirates and it just became the Pirates walkth through wax museum now this may sound familiar back when we were talking about Edison Street but enter the 1964 New York Worlds Fair and it's a small world and great moments with Mr Lincoln after seeing how much of a resounding success Great Moments with Mr Lincoln was over in New York and the way it's a small world was able to carry a very large amount of guests each hour the idea for the Pirates wax museum was converted to a slow-moving boat ride like small world and instead of wax figures of pirates acting out different scenes as you walked through the attraction now audio animatronic Pirates would act out various scenes as you sailed throughout the attraction and thus the wax museum became Pirates of the Caribbean and so this little tiny corner of a mini land within Frontier land called New Orleans Square gave us one of the best dark rides of all time but what about this down here now some Disney afficianados may have noticed me skipping around New Orleans square a little bit we have up here the thieves Museum and the wax Market but further south we have what's labeled as the haunted house now obviously what could this haunted house attraction be alluding to what is this mysterious abandoned house in the south of New Orleans Square weirdly bordering the jungle cruise my friends obviously it's the precursor to the Haunted Mansion here once again is a view of it on the map itself now we've talked at nauseum about the history of the Haunted Mansion the different incarnations it took at Mickey Mouse Park and then further on at the end of Main Street and then being a church obviously here we are further along into the development it's a haunted house in New Orleans Square not yet a mansion although it does look very big now this thought never occurred to me in any of my past videoos so I am going to share it here but this house backed up to the Jungle Cruise right could we have been seeing Maybe sort of a almost protom Mystic manner with this where the house owner you know was investing in say the jungle cruise but also lived in New Orland somehow would it be connected to Adventure Land at all I would like to think that it would be but you know maybe not say just you know for an example Main Street USA doesn't really have any thematic ties to the Jungle Cruise even if the roof of the Jolly Holiday says something else there's not really a story connection there and then an honorable mention of course to chicken Plantation which you can find north of the haunted house it's gone it doesn't exist anymore but the facade of the restaurant can be found inside of the Blue Bayou It's very very similar here's a picture of the chicken Plantation here's a picture of the Blue Bayou so I mean it's it's pretty close moving from the Le hand side of the park over to the right hand side of the park now you may notice something a little bit different about fantasy land yes you have the Skyway you have Dumbo you have the Carousel and the chicken of the sea pirate ship all of that is great and dandy but what uh is is this what what that's not a matter horn that's just a weird spiky Hill if you notice on this map there's actually a key down here let me show you the future developments are marked with an orange x so if we go over here to say the the Thieves Market New Orleans Square Haunted Mansion all of those are marked with those orange X's because they're future attractions but this weird Proto matter horn over here isn't marked with anything it's just blank it's left blank it's left up to our imaginations I I I guess let's get to the bottom of this if you know how construction works you know that they have to dig foundations for buildings that are going to be uh uh built and so during the construction of Sleeping Beauty castle for Disneyland they had a bunch of excess dirt from the digging of that foundation and what did they do with it well they just set it to the side you know near the castle off to the side of fantasy land and when the park opened in 1955 they said oh that that giant pile of dirt and rocks over there that's um that's Holiday Hill yes you can go over to Holiday Hill and I have a picnic you can have a picnic over there that's Holiday Hill where you can have picnics everyone enjoy and you know what I got to give them all props okay cuz the people did enjoy people enjoyed Holiday Hill so much they renamed it Lookout Hill so teenagers could go up there and dance and and do the twist and smooch or whatever it was they did in the ' 50s I don't know so at this point in 1958 it was known as Lookout Mountain but they knew they wanted to do something different to it they knew they wanted to have an actual Mountain there and not just a weird looking Hill enter the world's first steel tubular roller coaster and the reason why I still wake up with neck pain even though I hop on the single Rider line and try my best to stay stable the Disneyland classic the matter horn Bob sleds now panning a bit to the right you may notice a submarine ride that is also marked with that orange symbol we'll get to that in a second but just know in advance that these two attractions were very closely connected in terms of Development and Construction and also I guess a spoiler alert here for any of those following the story where they're located in the park just know that long story short Walt wanted to put actual snow on the mountain and have guests race down it into boggin and when reminded that hey uh Walt I don't know if you remember this or not uh just a little uh detail uh the Disneyland is in Southern California that idea was scrapped after deciding to replicate the new and emerging popular wild mouse type coaster think goofy Sky school over a California Adventure it was decided that Disneyland needed a new Thrill Ride a roller coaster and while filming a movie called Third Man On The Mountain in zermat Switzerland Walt was captivated by the beauty of the the mountain and sent a postcard of it back to imagineering to a man named Vic green with a very special message written on it Vic build this now is this the real story behind the development of the matter horn honestly I maybe it could be Third Man On The Mountain began shooting in June of 1958 and the matter horn opened in June of 1959 just one year later that's very very fast although to be fair the entirety of Disneyland Park was built in just about a year so you know they could do it back then although the story could be true because in mid1 1958 Bob G began drafting up plans for the track and the bob sled ride Vehicles so the question of does this map actually include an early concept for the matter horn or is this just a sort of representation of Holiday Hill SL Lookout Mountain SL that weird tobogan ride that Walt wanted to build with real snow what why what were you it's Southern California Walt Mr Disney and although the mountain isn't labeled the submarine ride is the Lagoon is all mapped out however this map does doesn't feature any sort of monreal depiction it's nowhere there's a tram bringing guests to the Disneyland Hotel the monreal also opened on the same day as the matter horn and the submarine Voyage spoiler alert the ride was called the submarine Voyage I'm not going to call it the submarine ride anymore and I suppose like the matter horn that serves as a good transition between fantasy land and Tomorrowland cuz Tomorrowland on this map has a lot to look at as mentioned before there is no monreal to be seen anywhere I I dare you to find the monreal on this map it's not on there but the view liner however is now the view liner isn't really a canceled Disneyland attraction we had it for just over a year before it was removed in favor of the monreal that would soon come to replace it it was essentially just a futuristic looking railroad with one station tomorrow land but we can find a reference or an homage or a picture I guess of this extinct Disneyland attraction on the sign for the gift shop after Mickey and Minnie's runaway Railway that's just a little fun fact just a little extra one I'm throwing in there just for you now I want to shift your attention we're going to talk about the submarine ride in a moment but I want to go a little bit South past this Proto Astro Orbiter the Astro Jets to this pink Banner right here adventures in science now if you notice it has that orange little symbol upcoming attraction a planned attraction what is adventures and Science and why is it Space Mountain nowadays and why wasn't it Space Mountain back then we have the concept art it looks great what's adventures and science why this let's figure this out what we know and love today as Space Mountain was once called adventures in science except it wasn't that attraction was never built in a similar vein to Liberty Street International Street and Edison Square adventures in science was meant to be a brand new attraction in Tomorrowland toward the end of the 50s if you've watched my two most recent videos about Epcot you know about my disdain for their sponsorship program how every future world Pavilion had to be sponsored by a company obviously when those sponsors stopped giving Disney money those Pavilion would fall into disrepair and often times either close or be re themed Epcot or more specifically f future world over at Walt Disney World was meant to be a sort of spiritual successor it was meant to carry on the legacy of the opening day tomorrow land at Disneyland where it was more so about educating and entertaining rather than just straight up entertainment or edutainment as they wanted to do back with the early days of Epcot and even toward the end of the 50s in 1958 when this map came out Disney was sort of trying to decide whether they wanted to entertain first and foremost or educate first and foremost which is why science land or adventures in science was going to be Main Attraction in Tomorrowland was never ended up happening now by the looks of it on the map adventures in science was meant to be all indoors and it would contain four different attractions actually not just the one according to DHI there would be a power Cade which would display Motors and gears sponsored by GM sounds like a a great time a time travel attraction that would take guests back to the time of dinosaurs probably showing how their bones became the fuel that we ran our cars off of that would probably actually later go on to inspire Ford's magic Skyway at the World's Fair which would then go on to be recycled into the Primeval World diarama on the Disneyland railroad an outer space attraction which would take everything established from flight to the moon and just plus it double it make it way cooler I don't know if this is nearly like mission space caliber or Space Mountain but it's a space themed attraction and lastly microw world where guests would take a journey through a microscope into a small droplet of water and if that sounds familiar yes yes it does because it went on to directly Inspire Adventure through inner space a Disneyland classic omnimover attraction that has never been repeated anywhere else in the world I I Miss You Adventure through interner space even though I never got to experience you now unfortunately nobody really knows what ended up happening to adventures in science why it ended up being canceled but if you were to ask me if you can't tell from my whining about the sponsorship program for Epcot back at the beginning of this Tomorrowland segment I think that's what happened I think the sponsors GM Monsanto all of those sponsors weren't really thrilled with what Disney was putting forward to them for this adventures in science Pavilion so they decided to delay it further down the road to do something else fortunately that means we did end up getting Adventure through in space later on down the line but we never ended up getting that space themed attraction I mean we have a space themed attraction but not that space themed attraction look at that que dang so unfortunately we never did get adventures in science but you know what we did get instead uh the flying saucers of tomorrow land it's okay though because nowadays we have Space Mountain with the non-operable blue light speed tunnel listen it's it's Tomorrowland okay we got to take a win where we can find them now to end our grand circle tour of the Disneyland That Never Was we're going to head back to Fantasy Land proper right behind the castle to visit a few of my favorite dark rids we have snow whites enchant I mean uh Snow Whites scary I mean Snow Whites Adventures Pinocchio is D no right 1958 The Mickey Mouse Club theater Mr Toad's Wild Ride and Peter Pan's flight Peter Pan just just Peter Pan I guess huh huh and who could forget the classic the iconic Alice in Wonderland ride that's the name that's the name of the ride it's called the Alice in Wonderland ride ride what's interesting here is they don't mention the Sleeping Beauty Castle walkthrough which was open in 1958 I don't know why there's no mention of it on this map it's in there Welch grape juice listen only in early Disneyland would you be able to find a grape juice stand as a featured attraction it like Disneyland's own personal Club cool except you couldn't get different kinds of sodas from around the world it was just grape Ju but still sounds neat one last lost Disneyland attraction that I think it's fun to reminisce about is right up here in the corner of fantasy land right next to frontierland the Skyway because while the Skyway closed forever in 1994 the Chalet or station just sat up there abandoned exposed to the elements for 22 years until finally the construction of Galaxy's Edge forced Disney to tear it down forever but fear not there are actually still remnants of that old Skyway fantasy land station that exists today this footage was taken very recently October of this year and you can still see the old remnants of the steps that now lead to Nowhere that used to lead up to the Skyway Chalet I believe the steps that I'm filming right now are featured in this Photograph where you can see them plainly leading up to that old station and I also believe this is one of two sets of steps that still exist so if you're at Disneyland there is another set that looks similar to this one that also led up to the Skyway Chalet we do not talk about the tomorrow land station though because of what tracks it's tied to and we definitely don't talk about the Walt Disney World tomorrow line Skyway station that one's just crappy go ahead you could laugh now now this video has been just me covering the sort of Big Ticket objects on this map you know the matter horn adventures in science Edison Square Liberty Street these are the big attention grabbing things that never ended up happening or ended up changing a little bit in the case of the matter horn on this map there are so many other nooks and crannies you can look at so many other things like the tram the Disneyland Hotel is down here in the corner you you can sort of like plan your day at this Disneyland That Never Was it's very interesting also why is this Main Street ribbon cut all the rest of them are one piece this one split in half why why' they do that and I mean come on don't even get me started on the no man's land that was holiday land outside the BM of Disneyland you could have you could have alcohol there but I feel like I want to save holiday land for a future video so that may actually wrap up our little trip around the Disneyland that never was from 1958 and overall I I think think it looks actually really good there's just one note that I have and that is there is a a railroad which is fine but no monil we have the Mark Twain we have the Colombia that's all fine that's all well and good but I feel like there could be another way to move people about the park specifically in tomorrowand and I feel like I'll just let Disney of 1958 Ponder upon that statement for a while and then if some new CEO had an idea for some sort of Rocket Rod style attraction they could just not act upon that and we could allow future Generations to enjoy the Majesty that is the people movie hello everybody thank you so much for watching this video remake of one of my very first uploads ever uh the Disneyland map of lost attractions I hope you enjoyed it and honestly if you want more videos like this sort of revisiting older videos but expanding upon them the older video by the way was 8 minutes long so I feel like I expanded a good amount on that one if you enjoyed this video please be sure to hit the like button and if you're new around here you want more videos like this where I just carefully scrutinize old pieces of Disney concept art and maps please be sure to hit the Subscribe button and if you really liked and I mean really liked this video please consider heading over to the link in the description down below to my patreon page where even just $1 a month that's right $1 will get you early access to videos that way you can leave all those early comments I see people saying like hey this video just went live how are there comments that are 2 days old on it already that's how it's the patreon supporters so if you want early access to videos like I said just $1 a month there there's a link down there in the description thank you all of course to all of my existing patreon members you can also follow me on my other social medias I am @ offhand Disney on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok so that make it makes it a lot easier to find me if you do want to find me and I have a lot of Tik toks actually over there on my Tik Tok of course that I do not upload to Youtube shorts or anywhere else so that's exclusive content right it's exclusive if you haven't already I'll put another card there in the corner to the original video go check that out compare the two see how I have grown or see how worse I've gotten over the years it's it's really down to your opinion everybody thank you all so much for watching I look forward to seeing you all next week hopefully in the Christmas special the Christmas video goodbye
Channel: Offhand Disney
Views: 126,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2mFTQY7jdL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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