The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

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[Music] welcome back so we're talking about the Fourier series Fourier transforms and now I'm going to tell you about how you compute these in a computer using the discrete Fourier transform okay so this is really really important the discrete fourier transform and I think this is actually I always joke with my students that this is kind of a terrible name really this should be called a discrete Fourier series because what we're actually doing is we're approximating that Fourier series approximation on a finite interval where your function is periodic that's what we're actually approximating is the finite series and not the infinite Fourier transform integral but through some joke of history it is now called the discrete Fourier transform or the DFT and this is an extremely important concept which will eventually lead to the fast Fourier transform the FFT which is probably the most powerful algorithm of the last century maybe of all time it's one of the most important algorithms today it's used for image compression audio compression signal processing high-performance scientific computing you name it fast Fourier transform is probably at the heart of some of these computations and what I want to get across right now is that the discrete Fourier transform is a mathematical transformation that can be written in terms of a big matrix multiplication the fast Fourier transform is a computationally efficient way of computing the DFT that scales to very very large datasets so in some sense these are kind of synonymous the FFT is how we compute the DFT okay but today I'm going to tell you about the DFT the discrete Fourier transform and soon I'll show you how to actually can numerically implement this via the FFT okay so we talked about approximating functions that are periodic using infinite sums of sines and cosines let me show that this is this is possible but in many many cases most of the time I don't have an analytic function I have measurement data from an experiment or from a simulation okay so what I what I often have is some F defined at discrete locations x1 x2 x3 all the way up to some X n so I have a discrete vector of data some function and maybe we believe that there's a continuous function underlying this data but I'm only sampling it at these discrete locations x1 and x2 x3 and so on and so forth up to X n okay so what I have is a vector of data in fact I'm just gonna literally write this out I have a vector of data f1 f2 f3 dot dot dot all the way down to F and okay this is gonna be my I'm just gonna call this you know some some vector of data and what I'm gonna want to do is Fourier transform compute the discrete Fourier series of that data vector okay so I also want to break this data up into a sum of sines and cosines and this can be very useful you can figure out if this is audio data you can figure out what are kind of the the tones that add up to make that audio data I always tell my students you know what I want to do is build an iPhone app so you put it on the roof of your car or the hood of your car and it listens to the audio signal it computes the Fourier transform and based on the frequency content maybe it can diagnose if something's wrong with your car like you have a belt slipping or some kind of vibration that shouldn't be there okay so so turning a data vector into its sine and cosine components through this discrete Fourier transform can be very very useful it's also nice to compute derivatives to approximate derivatives of of data using using these Fourier transform derivative properties okay so I'm gonna walk you through what the Fourier transform the discrete Fourier transform is how you can write it as a big matrix multiplication but remember it's basically just a Fourier series on data instead of on contingent on functions analytic functions okay so let's just get started so I'm just gonna write down what the the 48 discrete Fourier transform is and then I'm going to show you some ways of interpreting this okay so for each of these data points FK what we're going to be able to do is compute a as you might imagine what we're going to try to get out of this is some vector of Fourier coefficients f1 hat f2 hat f3 hats all the way down to F and hat so just like we took our function f and we turned it into these coefficients that multiplied our cosine and sines that's what we're doing here we're taking our data F and we're going to obtain this Fourier transform vector F hat of frequency components so f1 hat will tell me how much of that first low frequency is in the data f2 hat will tell me how much of that next higher frequency is in the data and so on and so forth where FN hat is the highest frequency possible with n data points if it was going you know as fast as possible oscillating over n data points and so the way that we get that F hat vector we say that F hat K maybe I'll write it up here F hat K the caithe Fourier coefficient is a sum over all of my all of my data to n minus 1 of my data F J the J element of my data times e to the minus I 2 pi J K over N this is kind of a pain I'll walk you through all of these terms here ok so the case Fourier coefficient is obtained by taking the sum over all J data points at the jet frequency times the caithe frequency divided by N and I'll tell you what this kind of e to the I 2 pi JK over n means in a minute ok but this is how you compute all of those case Fourier coefficients and similarly just like an ax for you transform or a Fourier series if I have my data I can get my Fourier transform but if I have my Fourier transform I should be able to go back and reconstruct my data it's all write down what that is and it's again it's pretty similar so FK once I had all of these blue hats the FK is again a sum over all frequencies now of J equals 0 to n minus 1 of my F J hat ok my J Fourier coefficient times now e to the positive I 2 pi JK over N so this is very very similar to the Fourier transform pair where this is a negative exponent and this is a positive exponent and this whole thing is times 1 over N remember just like in the Fourier transform this had a 1 over I think pi or 2 pi this also has to a slightly different normalization ok and so what this means is that if I have if I have my data kind of F 1 F 2 dot dot to F n I can run it through this Fourier transform this DFT this discrete Fourier transform here this is my DFT and I can get my Fourier frequencies f1 hat f2 hat dot dot F and hat ok and these literally are the f1 f2 F and hats are literally telling me how much of each each frequency I need to add up to reconstruct this data in in F ok and there will be some subtleties I'll tell you about but to compute this thing this is kind of interesting is that notice that all of these these these terms in this series are multiplying these Exponential's which are some integer multiple of e to the I to PI over N ok so we have this kind of e to the minus 2 pi I over N I is the the complex the imaginary i square root of one I'll just write I equals square root of negative one okay this is I and this defines a fundamental frequency that's defined some Omega n okay which is some fundamental frequency that is related to two what kinds of sines and cosines I can approximate with n discreet values in a domain X okay so this is kind of the fundamental frequency we get to work with if I have an interval with n data points and all of these Fourier transforms are adding up integer multiples of that fundamental frequency times my data and the same thing with my inverse Fourier transform okay so we're gonna be able to use this fundamental frequency Omega n to compute a matrix that would multiply my data and give me my Fourier transform so that's really really important and I'm gonna write this out here okay okay good so so we have this this sum over the data to compute the Fourier transform and the inverse Fourier transform but I don't want to go you know for K 1 for K 2 for K 3 4 K 4 and compute this whole sum this seems very tedious this would be kind of too big for loops if I wanted to actually code that up and I don't want to do that so instead what we're going to do is we're going to try to write what this sum would be for each of these k's in terms of a matrix operation where i take my data vector and i multiply it by a matrix to get my Fourier transform vector and I'm gonna write it in terms of these fundamental frequencies Omega ends okay and I'll point out you can absolutely go back to your definition of the Fourier series the complex Fourier series where you had it written in terms of the complex exponential and you can show that this is exactly what you would get if you took your your Fourier series and approximated it with N and discrete values in the middle this is exactly analogous to the cosines and sines of those discrete frequencies in the Fourier series okay good so we have this fundamental frequency and we're going to walk through and sometimes what I like to do is just think if K was one what would this series look like okay so if K was one I would take all of my f J's and multiply them by some the first row vector and that would tell me the coefficient on each of those f JS okay now if K was yeah I probably should have k zero yeah sorry I'm being pretty sloppy here let's say that I actually have a 0th index here let's say I have an x0 and that this is f0 f1 f2 all the way up to FN and this is f0 f1 f2 all the way up to FN this will make a lot more sense if J my data has to be indexed from 0 to n minus 1 okay so the 0th this is the 0th frequency kind of the constant value if I had K equals 0 here then all of my exponents would be e to the I times 0 because K is 0 and e to the 0 is 1 no matter what J is if K is 0 this whole exponent is 1 is that is this whole exponent is 0 so e to the 0 is 1 and so the coefficient on every single data point here is 1 and I'm adding up F 0 plus F 1 plus F 2 plus F 3 all the way to F n that will give me the first the zeroth F hat so this row is 1 maybe I'll make it in yellow this is is 1 1 1 dot dot dot 1 okay this entire first row is just ones now for the second row now let's figure out what happens for F 1 hat okay so in K equals 1 now all of these coefficients multiplying my data F for J equals 0 I get e to the 0 is 1 ok for J equals 1 I get e to the minus 2 pi divided by n remember K is 1 so that's just Omega when J equals 2 I get basically Omega squared I get e to the minus 2 pi I times 2 divided by n this is Omega N squared dot dot dot and eventually at the very end I'll have Omega n to the power n minus 1 ok and I can keep going down if K was 2 then I would have everything you know multiplying 2 in the exponent so I would still have for J equals 0 a 1 here I would have an Omega N squared because my K is 2 I'd have Omega N to the 4th dot dot dot Omega and to the 2 n minus 1 and so on and so forth you can just go down the list I'll always have ones on the first row and the first column down here I'm gonna have something like Omega N to the N minus 1 Omega n to the 2 n minus 1 dot dot dot and eventually this last entry is going to be Omega n to the N minus 1 squared ok so this is something you can you can readily kind of convince yourself that every row of this is one value of K here and you can figure out what the coefficients are of the data that will be the row of this matrix DFT here okay so long story short what I'm trying to convince you of is that if you have a data vector instead of an analytic function so you just have data in these these pink dots here you can still compute something like a fourier series like a fourier transform but it's the discrete Fourier transform okay and the form of the the discrete Fourier transform pair to go from data to Fourier coefficients or to go from Fourier coefficients back to your data looks very much like a Fourier series but because this is defined on discrete data I can write it as a big matrix operation okay so this here is the DFT matrix this is the DFT the discrete Fourier transform matrix and if you had your your vector of data you multiply it by this matrix you get your Fourier transform out very very useful okay and these Fourier coefficients you'll notice that this is a complex number okay this is e to the this has a cosine plus an I sine part this is a complex number so this is a complex matrix and these Fourier coefficients these blue Fourier coefficients are complex valued and so these somehow tell you how much of that 0th mode cosine and sine mode there are but it also tells you the phase okay so the magnitude of this complex number tells you how much magnitude of that first mode you have and then the cut the the phase angle of that complex number tells you you know how much cosine or how much sine or what phase in between your your sine and cosine is okay so every single one of these values is a complex number and the magnitude tells you how much of that set that that second frequency sine and cosine you have and the phase tells you what is the the phase between cosine and sine and it gives you exactly the sines and cosines you need to add up to approximate your data perfectly okay so this is the discrete Fourier transform this is pretty expensive to actually compute this matrix and multiply your data to compute this Fourier transform and so what I'm going to show you in the next few lectures is how you compute this efficiently using the fast Fourier transform so you never actually have to build this matrix and do this multiplication this is how its mathematically defined but computationally we're always going to compute the DFT using the fast Fourier transform algorithm okay that's all coming up soon thank you
Channel: Steve Brunton
Views: 127,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discrete Fourier Transform, Fourier transform, Fourier Series, DFT, FFT, Fourier analysis, Hilbert Space, Complex analysis, Wavelets, Machine Learning, Data science, Linear algebra, Applied mathematics, Compression, Python, Matlab
Id: nl9TZanwbBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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