Shannon Nyquist Sampling Theorem

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welcome back so i'm really excited today to tell  you about the shannon nyquist sampling theorem   which is one of the most important  results in all of information theory   you're going to see it everywhere now  that i'm going to tell you about it   and it's really important especially when we  think about signal processing control systems   especially compress sensing and sparsity and kind  of the recent trends in applied mathematics so   i'm going to jump in and i'm going to tell you  all about this shannon nyquist sampling theorem   which basically tells you if you have some signal  you're measuring some let's say it's some signal   that's oscillating and doing something how fast  you have to measure it to perfectly represent   and reconstruct that signal okay and there's  really interesting connections to code breaking   and other kinds of information theory so um  i i find this a really fascinating topic and   i hope i hope you do too so there are two seminal  papers uh by by claude shannon and harry ninequist   nyquist was a little bit earlier in 1928  shannon in 1949 both of them worked at bell labs   so shannon was an american mathematician  nyquist is a swedish american mathematician   and both of them developed a lot of their best  work working at bell labs okay which is kind of   this famous think tank where a lot of great ideas  came out of um shannon in particular did a lot of   wartime research during world war ii in encryption  and code breaking and just kind of you can kind of   think of him as america's counterpart of alan  turing and in fact they were contemporaries   and claude shannon loved turing's work because  it complemented his his so well so i think that's   that's really interesting uh as well okay  good so they wrote these two classic papers   uh communication in the presence of noise and  certain topics in telegraph transmission theory   and there was this idea of kind of how much  can you compress information if you want to   send it over a long distance and then be able to  decompress it and get the full high resolution   uh signal kind of out at the end okay so a really  important problem of their time based on uh on on   communication and signal processing over long  distances how much can you compress information   and expect to get a faithful decompression  uh kind of downstream on the other end and   of course we already had lots of knowledge  about this there was already morse code and   some kind of redundancy built into communications  in telegraphing but this really put this on a   firm mathematical footing uh claude shannon in  particular uh is many times oftentimes called the   father or the the father of kind of information  theory and a lot a lot a lot of what we have in   information theory came from claude shannon so  he also took ideas from thermodynamics entropy   and introduced that into information theory  so he introduced you know information entropy   when you're sending signals over the ocean okay  across the atlantic nyquist was really pivotal in   control theory so a lot of our classical control  theory comes from nyquist and a lot of things are   named after nyquist so these are two titans that  kind of came together in this idea of of sampling   uh for the the sampling theorem okay good um  and i'll just also point out that that shannon   you know also was very deeply interested in kind  of this theory of secrecy and the way he said it   is that uh kind of communication and cryptography  are inseparable you can't study one without   inherently analyzing the other you can't talk  about communication theory without the theory of   uh of kind of encoding and coding and cryptography  okay so that's a really interesting perspective   uh as well and so i want to kind of just walk  you through what they say the the shannon   nyquist sampling theorem is and then how we can  interpret it uh today kind of practically so in   in words the sampling theorem says that a function  containing no frequency higher than omega measured   in hertz is completely determined by sampling  that function at two omega again measured in hertz   so if you have a function and i'm actually  going to say this another way i want to flip   it also if you have a function and you want to  perfectly represent that function you want to   perfectly resolve all of its frequency content  perfectly then you have to sample that function   at twice its highest frequency okay so i'll say  this a couple ways and when we're used to thinking   about functions uh like an audio signal you can  take its fourier transform and it's got a power   spectrum that tells you where in that signal kind  of what frequencies are active in that signal and   if you want to perfectly reconstruct that signal  in fourier remember we can compress that signal   and send that information and decompress it if  you want to perfectly represent that information   and you have a highest frequency you care about  you have to sample at twice that highest frequency   okay and so that establishes what's known now as  the nyquist rate which is two omega measured in   hertz or alternatively it says if you care about  a frequency omega if that's the highest frequency   you care about you have to sample at least as fast  as a delta t of one over two omega in seconds okay   and actually this is really interesting this  is why if you've ever noticed that your audio   sampling like your mp3 is encoded at 44 kilohertz  that's because humans can hear up to about 20   kilohertz so you take that highest frequency  humans would ever care about which is about 22   kilohertz and you have to double that uh to get  perfect uh fidelity reconstruction when you uh   when you decompress okay so that's that's  why audio signals are at 44 kilohertz.   Good, so i'm going to walk you through  pictorially how this sampling works and   then we'll talk a little bit more about  applications and where you see this   every day. So the idea is that you might have  some signal, and this is a little hard to   draw so I'm gonna do my best. Let's say you have  some signal that has a high frequency in it. And   by common sense, if you wanted to resolve this  frequency, you might say that you need to pick   at least two measurements per period to get the  high and the low. Maybe I'll just draw, to get   the highs and the lows of this signal, maybe let  me make sure that this ah that's much better. So you have this signal, and to get the  highs and the lows of the signal you   would need to measure at least two points  per period. That's kind of common sense.   But I'm going to do the thought experiment:  what if you down-sampled, so you didn't measure   fast enough? If you didn't  measure fast enough, so let's say   I measure less frequently than I need  to, so I measure maybe now and then   now and now. I'm not doing a great job here, but  you would essentially get a signal that could   equally well be described by a lower frequency  sine wave. So if you don't sample at this   Shannon Nyquist sampling rate, this two times the  highest frequency that you care about, then you're   potentially going to miss information, and it  could get even worse than that. Imagine I measure   at exactly the frequency of the highest frequency  so instead of at measuring two omega I measure at   omega, so I measure just the peak and the peak  and the peak. Then I have no information in this   signal, and as far as I'm concerned the signal  might as well be that straight line. And so you   can see that there's all this information that's  lost if I don't measure at at least the Nyquist   sampling frequency of two omega so that two omega  is critical because otherwise you'll get this   phenomenon that is called aliasing. And i'm  going to write that up here. So you'll get this   aliasing phenomenon, which basically says  that as far as your sampling is concerned   these curves are aliases of one another.  They might as well be the same thing as far   as this blue sampling is concerned. So if you  sample below the Nyquist rate you're going to   get aliasing and you're going to lose the high  frequency components that you might care about.   Now there's a really cool plot that you can  make that kind of shows this idea of aliasing   and sometimes this is called frequency folding.  If you look at the power spectral density   versus frequency and remember that omega is the  frequency I care about, that's where all of my   frequency content... actually I'm going to say  this a little differently. Let's say here omega   is what I'm actually sampling at, so I sample  at omega. This is all that I'm able to sample,   but let's say that my signal has  frequency content up here at 1.5 omega.   If my signal has frequency content  at 1.5 omega, but I sample at omega,   what I measure, my measurement at this  frequency is going to look like this.   So it's going to look like an aliased version  that's folded over in the frequency domain. I'm going to say this again because this is  a little tricky and a little subtle okay so   if i'm measuring at omega at a frequency omega  now based on the sam the the shannon nyquist   sampling theorem that says i could only resolve  frequencies that are at half of that sampling rate   because i need to sample twice the highest  frequency in my signal so if i sample at omega   i can only resolve signals that are half of that  rate but if my actual true data so this is my true   data over here had a frequency that was higher  than omega based on this aliasing what's going   to happen is it's going to look like i measured  a system that was half of that frequency or 0.5   omega this is going to be kind of the aliased  measurement so from my measurements at frequency   omega i couldn't tell the difference between  these two signals and when i fourier transform   i'm going to get this erroneous low frequency  behavior so that's exactly what i drew here   this high frequency signal was kind of this signal  here but because i didn't measure it fast enough   at the nyquist rate because i measured it too  slowly i'm getting this blue erroneous frequency   that looks like it's at a lower frequency than it  actually is okay so that's this idea of aliasing   you'll see it everywhere in signal processing um  actually if i wore a shirt with like a checker   pattern you might get like a really fine like  a dress shirt with a really fine mesh pattern   then this camera might actually cause  there to be aliasing so as i walk around   from pixel to pixel you'd almost see it  like sparkling that's a weird camera effect   that you get sometimes and it's because of  this idea of aliasing so you also see this   this is a picture of a curtain i believe this  is at um heathrow airport i think and you can   see these kind of these kind of moire patterns  that you see sometimes in optics so this is kind   of an artistic and artistic rendition of these  aliasing patterns that you get we also saw this   when we looked at the discrete fourier transform  matrix so this is literally a visualization of the   1024 by 1024 dft matrix but when i down sampled  it when i when i just shrunk that image on my   computer screen because because i used less  than 1024x1024 pixels you actually see some   really interesting aliasing features here i  don't know if you can see it i hope you can   it looks like there are almost four periodic roles  in x and three periodic roles in y that's not in   the high resolution dft this is purely because of  aliasing because i'm taking this information and   i'm not measuring it uh finally enough so that's  another application uh kind of of aliasing okay um   so that's really what i wanted to tell you about  is kind of this really interesting uh idea of um   of aliasing and and the shannon nyquist sampling  rate it tells you how fast you have to measure   a signal to get faithful reconstruction  of the frequency content of that signal   uh and so i'm just gonna i should probably write  it out to be completely clear so if you want   omega you need to sample at two omega it's  really simple really easy to to remember   now what's interesting about this and  i'm gonna kind of close the lecture   on where we're at now now fast forward you know  70 80 90 years past shannon and nyquist to today   advances in applied math and optimization and  statistics are starting to change how we think   about the shannon nyquist sampling theorem so  technically speaking all of the results from   shannon and nyquist are for broadband signals  so that means signals that are full jam-packed   with frequency content from low frequencies all  the way up to that highest frequency that you   care about broadband dense signals that you've  already kind of compressed down so think about   signals you've zipped up that is definitely then  the shannon nyquist sampling theorem absolutely   applies to those dense broadband signals you can't  beat uh the nyquist sampling theorem and have full   perfect signal reconstruction but if your signal  is not broadband or dense if it is only a couple   of frequencies that are high frequencies you  technically can in fact sometimes under some   conditions beat the the nyquist sampling frequency  on average and i'm going to talk about this more   in the context of compressed sensing  and reconstructing audio signals   but for now i'm just going to walk you through  at a very high level what we expect to see   so here we have a signal f which is the sum  of two sine waves at 73 hertz and 531 hertz   and so what the shannon nyquist sampling theorem  would say is that to fully resolve this f i would   have to sample twice the highest frequency or  twice 531 which is uh 1062 samples per second   that's how fast i'd have to sample to perfectly  reconstruct this signal okay and here's the power   spectrum here's the signal now that is technically  only true for broadband signals but this is not a   broadband signal this signal is very sparse uh in  the frequency domain there's only two frequency   peaks only two tones making up this function and  so you can get away i'm going to zoom in here   if i measured uniformly below the  shannon nyquist sampling theorem   or shannon nyquist limit if i if i uniformly  sampled below the nyquist sampling rate i   would get a terrible signal reconstruction and i  would get this aliasing but if i measure randomly   but on average at 128 samples per second  so well below the shannon nyquist sampling   rate but if i do it randomly not regularly or  uniformly then results in compressed sensing   say that you can actually faithfully reconstruct  the sparse vector in the fourier domain the sparse   power spectrum and then you can inverse fourier  transform and reconstruct your full signal   essentially with no aliasing so this is a really  cool result in the field of compressed sensing i   don't know why this is comped this is  spelled wrong it should be compressed   sensing or compressive sampling and the basic  idea is that if i sample randomly in time i can   get away with a much lower average sampling rate  than predicted by shannon nyquist if my signal is   sparse so i'm going to tell you a lot more about  this you're going to learn about this in kind   of this lecture series on compressed sensing so  there's you know there's going to be more about   this for you to dig into but the basic idea just  to recap is that if you have a signal f and you   care about frequencies up to frequency omega then  you have to sample at two omega or else you're   going to get aliasing and you're going to get this  frequency folding phenomenon all right thank you
Channel: Steve Brunton
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Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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