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hey guys it's Bella and welcome back to another episode of mystery Monday or welcome to what mystery Monday's if you guys have never seen one before I do every Monday upload a video about unsolved mysteries whether they are metas or missing people I have an entire playlist of them which I have a link below if you do want to see any more I also want to mention two things before you enter the video because I know I will get asked because I always do the first thing is I do have a tutorial for the makeup look that I am wearing right now so I will link that down below but it should just be my last video because I'm planning on uploading this tutorial tomorrow which is Sunday and then this is mystery Monday which will be going up on a Monday so even though it is linked down below it should just be my previous video if you go to my channel and second thing is that my earrings are from the brand a form star I will put a link for them in the description as well this is not sponsored at all but I just uploaded a selfie on to my Instagram stories and got a million comments about my earrings so I thought that I probably would too here and just decided to mention it before we get started so now that that is out of the way let's go ahead and get into this week's mystery so today we are going to talk about the disappearance of Laura Bible and Ashley Freeman her disappeared on December 30th in 1999 from Welch Oklahoma and this case is really a really weird and really really interesting us so let's go ahead and get into it so on the 29th of December Ashley was celebrating her 16th birthday at home and with her mom Kathy her dad Danny her best friend Laura Bible and her boyfriend Jeremy Hearst so Jeremy Ashley's boyfriend ended up leaving at about 9:30 p.m. that night and then sometime between a when Jeremy left and earlier the next morning on the 30th the mobile home of the Freeman's went up in flames at 5:30 a.m. on the 30th of December and neighbor a concerned neighbor ended up calling via Fire Department after the fire was put out the police arrived at the scene to canvass the area and in doing so they found the body of a Cathy Freeman she had been a shot in the head in a close-range with a shotgun before the fire start none of the bodies of Danny Laura actually were found and so the police began to theorize that Danny had shot his wife and then kidnapped the two girls police then went ahead and just focused all of their efforts within like before 24 hours was even up literally as soon as they got to the crime scene probably within 30 minutes of getting to the crime scene they decided to focus all of their energy on this theory investigating this theory and investigating and Danny okay now get this follow along pretty closely because I don't want anyone to get confused at the time of these murders and disappearances Danny the Freeman's what actually in kind of like a feud or a dispute with the police department now this is because Danny son Shane had been shot by one of the Craig County Sheriff's Department police because he stole a car and then just before the disappearance murders took place Danny was actually planning on filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the Craig County Sheriff's Office Danny even told his brother Dwayne that if anything were to happen to Danny that he should look into the sheriff's office because they were trying to intimidate him and he thought that they would likely be the ones to have something to do with it according to Dwayne the Sheriff's Department told Danny that they could do anything they wanted with him and he couldn't do anything about it now the reason that this is relevant is because the next morning literally like 24 hours after the crime took place after police got there and investigated they opened the crime scene to the public Laura Bible's parents ended up showing up after hearing the news of course they decided to have a look around and within five minutes of arriving and they found Danny's body who had also been shot in the head with a shotgun in close range before the fire began investigators are then decided that they should probably do a better job of investigating the crime scene if some people could just come up and within five minutes find this body so they had a bit more of a look they found Laura's purse with her identical and a $200 worth of cash inside the past despite finding her purse Laura and Ashley yes still at one no what he found now it is insane to me that the police came searched fan Cathy's body somehow did not find Danny's body despite the fact that he was there they then decided to investigate into Danny focused all their efforts into the fact that Danny is definitely the one who did this kill his wife kidnapped his two daughters and then within 24 hours opened the crime scene to the public that is crazy to me I don't think like in another animal realistic crime scene that they would have opened up the crime scene so quickly especially considering they still needed evidence as to what happened to Cathy I heard it just I just feel like that was really suss and really stupid and what makes us even worse is the officers from the Craig County Sheriff's Office were completely dismissed as suspects they weren't even looked into his suspects they did a polygraph test and then they handed the investigation over to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations and basically wiped the hands clean a bit that was it they didn't really question them they didn't really investigate into them nothing they just did a polygraph and that was it not even the guy who shot Shane was looked into or hardly questioned and other than that there were literally nurse suspects in this case Ashley's boyfriend Jeremy was not a suspect Laura's parents were not suspects even though I didn't expect them to the edge I think they had anything to do with this there were no other suspects and that is kind of basically the first theory that I just mentioned is that the Sheriff's Department had something to do with this whether they covered it up or whether they actually had something to do with it themselves as Danny's brother said they were actually trying to intimidate him and they told him that he could do that they could do whatever they wanted with him and his family and he couldn't do anything about it Danny just days before he was murdered was planning on filing a lawsuit against the Sheriff's Department for the death of son they shot his son and they didn't even find his body in their searches when Jay Bible within 5 minutes of arriving at the scene could find his body and they didn't even bother to look into any other leads besides the fact that Danny had done this that's the only thing they looked into it was like tunnel vision all I could see was just Danny crime scene was opened a way too soon after the investigations and there was little to no investigations into the Sheriff's Department at all now I would be the first to admit that I think the Sheriff's Department did an absolutely terrible job I think that they should all free and go to jail for not even bothering with this case it just seemed like they didn't care at all but I don't actually think that they had anything to do with it because I just feel like some things don't really add up with this theory I mean first why would they take Ashley and Laura they had nothing to do with it their beef was with Danny and it just makes no sense for them to kidnap these girls like why on earth would they just take these girls it makes no sense not to mention if the Sheriff's Department did have anything to do with this why would they open up the crime scene knowing that they killed Danny and didn't dispose of the body like someone literally found his body within five minutes and I feel like that is something that the Sheriff's Department would try and cover up before opening a crime scene like that seems really a really low effort even for the Sheriff's Department I honestly think the reason that they did such a shitty job is because of that feud with Danny they were just focusing on him and they wanted to pin him because they didn't like him and they didn't bother listening or looking to any of the other evidence because they were just like this dude did it we hate him let's find him let's pin it on him so they didn't bother you know looking for his body properly because they just assumed she was dead and that was that Danny did it so I honestly don't think that they set this up or that they killed him because there's too many inconsistencies I do think they did a horrible job and that they just didn't care and that they just wanted to focus on pinning Danny as this horrible guy because they didn't like him and possibly didn't want him to file this lawsuit and he wouldn't have much credibility in filing the lawsuit if he killed his wife and kidnapped his two daughters now another possible theory that was brought up is that Danny was a small-time drug dealer and that this was basically a drug deal gone wrong but again this theory does not make sense as Jim Hyman from the Sheriff's Department said the last thing someone who came to murder people based on a drug deal gone wrong would want to do is take these two girls it doesn't make sense why they would want to kidnap them unless you know an even bigger theory is they decided to take these girls and traffic them or you know I just feel like if they were gonna do that they were just murder the two girls if anything because they didn't want them to speak about it I feel like they wouldn't take the two girls and nothing really fits with this theory there was no real evidence to point to this theory and nothing nothing fits no one thinks that this is what happened nor do I the thing that could make sense about this whole drug thing is that nobody ever found a gun which I feel like you know drug dealers are pretty smart when it comes to like their murders and stuff like they know how to commit crimes and no one found the gun no one found these two girls they burnt the house to get rid of any evidence I mean when they found Danny's body apparently it was almost hard to recognize him sir I mean I mean it's possible it's probably the most likely theory out of old theories that I will tell you which brings us to the next theory which is that Ashley Freeman actually did this murdered her own two parents and then fled alongside Laura Bible apparently at the time of the murders and the disappearances Ashley and her father did not get along at all and they hadn't for a while apparently caused a lot of conflict in the family but again this theory doesn't make sense first Laura left behind her purse with her cash in it which you think if you were fleeing you would want to take your cash second of all how would these girls have survived with literally nothing and no no money no money to buy food where to stay how could they have fled the country without cars without their license to be able to I don't know how they couldn't drive they didn't have anything to be able to flee they didn't have any money they had nowhere to stay it just doesn't make any sense at all just seems like an extremely difficult task for these two sixteen-year-old girls to just disappear of the face of the planet try and hide all the evidence of killing that killing Ashley's parents with making a fire hiding this gun how would they get the gun I mean it just kind of seems unrealistic okay so in the last theory well this is not really a theory this is more of like a someone literally confessed this guy named Jeremy Jones he said that he murdered both Cathy and Danny over a drug debt that his friend earned and he just did it I was kind of like a favor he says he then took the two girls to Kansas shot them both once in the head and then dropped them down an abandoned mine but when investigators went to go see the mine that he said they were at there was nobody's found there so they think that this guy was lying because he actually did end up recanting his theory and saying that he didn't kill them and that he only said this so that he could get better food and more phone privileges so I don't believe this guy's confession at all which I know whenever I mentioned that someone confess I get so many comments being like well someone confessed so it was obviously them there are a lot of reasons that people confess when they did not actually do something whether it was coerced or whether it was for their own personal gains or like I said he literally confessed so that he could get more phone privileges and better food and that that's all there is to it I don't think that his confession was and that is it for this case I know this is a really short one I'm sorry but I just found it way too interesting not to include this in a mystery Monday even though it was short next week I promise I will bring you guys a better one that would be like 20 minutes long because I know how much you love them but do you let me know in the comments what theory you believe or if you have any theories that I didn't mention let me know in the comments of what you thought what you think of this case any evidence that I may have missed out make sure to give this video a thumbs up if you do enjoy Mystery Mondays and want me to do more and hopefully I will see you in at my next video bye
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 1,204,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery monday, unsolved mystery, disappearance
Id: ifwDfu81g_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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