The Dirty Side of Sawmilling- Cleaning up, and Setting a LT35 WoodMizer Sawmill in Travel Mode.

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] welcome back to the meal today's video is going to be about the messy side of sawmiller if you see here I just walked over a pile of bark wood chips just various stuff that falls off logs there's dirt gravel everything mixed in with it even though our meal has a vacuum system on it all this falls off your logs especially older logs where the barks coming away from the log it's going to hit the ground every couple weeks we have to fold the mill up pull it out clean all this mess up off the floor and get back to a clean work environment uh the way we move our meal here since it's coming in out of the building I like to use our tractor with a ball hook and let me show you what we've modified here oh my God it's a two inch ball instead of hooking it to the truck or four-wheeler or whatever got a hole in our horse to where we can just hook it to the Tractor a little modification makes it real simple for getting the meal in and out of the building yeah you're not gonna pull it far but we're not going to want it tomorrow foreign [Music] okay guys before we can get this Sawmill out of here we gotta get it folded up put this put a wood visor in travel mode you got to raise the lift arms all right for those are raised you raise the logos all the way up to your claw fully extends okay Matthew's gonna hook the chain to the claw and I'm going to lift the support and legs [Music] okay now we got to lift up all the standards and put the saw head back on its travel pin and it'll be ready to move [Music] Matthew's got one up [Music] okay now we need to set this set the saw head back down on that little pin and be safe to travel foreign [Music] especially one hand just holding the camera turn the mail back off this it is currently in what we call its uh travel configuration the rear legs are up the loading the arms are up the mill is sitting down on its travel pan Matthew's got uh three more two more legs to lift and we'll we'll slide it out here thank you so I have to be leaving here too long just covered up [Music] I got away okay took the ball to it on the tractor and move it out there you go now you got it foreign [Music] okay guys now comes the fun part of uh the messy side of salmon we get to take these big old shovels and shovel all this mess into the bin and put it over burn file reason it's bad today is we saw a lot a lot of white pine over the last few weeks and white Pine's the worst once it's down a month or two if you put it on the meal the market just starts falling off of it and it don't go out with a slab it's laying here on the floor and we do what we're doing today pick it up so here we go yeah never know what you find in your trap pile that's a drive belt that uh blades helped off and got in the drive belt and just chewed it up all right [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] okay guys that's the first load normally I don't have more to load but we had a mess there's still a mess later here Matthew's gonna take this load I'm gonna hook the chains to our little mobile trash can here so he can turn it up there we go [Music] if you're running a sawmill you're going to have to have somewhere to deal with you you buy products slabs and trimming all your waste comes off the wheel up here on top of the hill we got a burnt hole nice rainy day we'll take care of it [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay Matthew's back with the trash container for load number two here we go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] now granted we're not going for 100 here okay the first thing we're going to do we're going to make a massive foot but you got to stop clean up uh one little Tech tip for you here you guys are running a sawmill we're not sponsored by Milwaukee but I'd highly recommend their leaf blower and any of their other tools it's handy to have around keeping the build blowed off while you're solid because Matthew back that's going to do it today uh thanks for watching our Channel if you would uh we'd appreciate if you subscribe and like and comment on our videos and we'll keep them coming to you this is the the messy side of Sawmill have a good day guys
Channel: Bearded Lumber
Views: 8,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawing, WoodMizer, sawmill, EG100, caterpillar, Husqvarna, milwaukee
Id: _-RaAu5lTus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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